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South Korea to officially blame North Korea for March torpedo attack on warship



From The Washington Post:

South Korea will formally blame North Korea on Thursday for launching a torpedo at one of its warships in March, causing an explosion that killed 46 sailors and heightened tensions in one of the world's most perilous regions, U.S. and East Asian officials said.

South Korea concluded that North Korea was responsible for the attack after investigators from Australia, Britain, Sweden and the United States pieced together portions of the ship at the port of Pyeongtaek, 40 miles southwest of Seoul. The Cheonan sank on March 26 after an explosion rocked the 1,200-ton vessel as it sailed on the Yellow Sea off South Korea's west coast.

You can bet if this escalates the US will be getting involved. China is probably doing everything it can to diffuse the situation between its two neighbors, the last thing it will want is war knocking on its doorstep, they are too busy focusing on their new found economic power and world influence. Though China has supported some sanctions against North Korea recently, I do not believe they are ready to actually fight against their old allies. Hopefully the situation will not result in military action either way, the US has its hands full dealing with the recent increase in attacks by the Taliban in the Middle East.


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This will end badly. North Korea(NK) has say any form of punshment will restart the Korean War. But NK has no shot at winning with out the support of Mainland China and they dont want to start a war with US or South Korea. South Korea has a much better military all around the only card NK has is the nuclear weapons with as many as 10, if this goes nuclear US will lunch their nukes at the north. Yes that worse case but if this becomes a shooting war it will go nuclear fast.

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North Korea only has about 20,000 NS if I am correct, and USA is around 100,000, and South Korea 50,000. I'm sure America would send North Korea into Anarchy and steal all its tech. They might even ZI them. O:


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North Korea only has about 20,000 NS if I am correct, and USA is around 100,000, and South Korea 50,000. I'm sure America would send North Korea into Anarchy and steal all its tech. They might even ZI them. O:


Then it seems that North Korea has ensured its peace by deliberately stunting its growth so that everyone is too big to attack it.

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North Korea only has about 20,000 NS if I am correct, and USA is around 100,000, and South Korea 50,000. I'm sure America would send North Korea into Anarchy and steal all its tech. They might even ZI them. O:


Make it about 1,000 NS vs 200,000 NS. The US wouldn't even have to use any GA's to ZI North Korea.

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As for 'restarting' the Korean war technically the war never ended as they signed a truce without an actual peace agreement. That said what we'll end up seeing here is some posturing by NK, the US and some others followed by nothing being done.

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The real issue here for China is not of military intervention and U.S. troops at its border, as it may have been in the Korean War, but that China's rustbelt resides upon the area just west of the N.K. border. It's basically a giant zone of land that looks like Detroit. The problem lies in that the Chinese government is propped up only through its ability to maintain order. If an influx of refugees flood that region, pandemonium will ensue and China will have a serious, serious crisis on its hands. The region is arleady pretty destabilized due to poverty but a refugee situation could make it spread, causing a pandemic.

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While the US does have its hands full with Taliban and AQ its only in a limited scope. Should the US and all of NATO/Australia and others go into full war mode they could snuff out any threat including China, Russia, AQ & the Taliban in a heart beat. What we see at the moment is a confined, sporadically dangerous small conflict that does little to no damage to the major powers. North Korea wouldn’t last 3 months in a full scale war against the west and China would have to watch on or face destruction. 2 million men are powerless against 21st century western power and troops that are war hardened & better trained than at any time in history with a decade of preparation in the form of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ive been saying for over a year that the conditions for a large international war are right. Socially, economically and politically things are all in place. Was this the spark?

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Ive been saying for over a year that the conditions for a large international war are right. Socially, economically and politically things are all in place. Was this the spark?

I would tend to agree with the first part. All the ingredients are certainly there. However, this has been the state of the world for as long as I can remember.

With regard to the two Koreas, the DPRK has done many equally-aggressive things in the past. The result each time has been a flurry of threats back and forth, sometimes for several months, followed by no action whatsoever by either side.

When I lived in Korea, one of my older students (who was a university professor) once remarked that few (south) Koreans take any of these incidents seriously. This was not long after a DPRK submarine ran aground in the ROK and its 26-man crew went on a killing spree. The month I arrived in Seoul, there was a half-hour long exchange of fire at the DMZ.

Really, this is different from previous events, but is not particularly "new."

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This isn't anything new. The Korean War never ended and the cease-fire ended some time ago. The two states (S. and N. Korea respectively) are still at war, as is NATO with N. Korea. So we could feasibly jump in there at any time.

EDIT: A word to the wise: I'm assuming the cease-fire ended some time ago because if I remember correctly, there have been similar incidents such as this in the past, though on a smaller scale. Regardless, this ends the cease-fire nonetheless.

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Should the US and all of NATO/Australia and others go into full war mode they could snuff out any threat including China, Russia, AQ & the Taliban in a heart beat. What we see at the moment is a confined, sporadically dangerous small conflict that does little to no damage to the major powers. North Korea wouldn’t last 3 months in a full scale war against the west and China would have to watch on or face destruction. 2 million men are powerless against 21st century western power and troops that are war hardened & better trained than at any time in history with a decade of preparation in the form of Iraq and Afghanistan.

1st of all, WTF did Russia and China do to NATO?

2nd, how the %&$& would a conflict involving ALL OF NATO, RUSSIA, AND CHINA be a small conflict?

3rd, NK has a lot of weapons, oh and btw, they have in fact, lasted 3 months against 'the west' in a full scale war. It was called the Korean War, you may have heard of it?

4th, China actually HAS 21st century technology and although some western nations' military technology may still be better, you can beat they would give some of those nations a run for our money.

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1st of all, WTF did Russia and China do to NATO?
Nothing. He was just using that example to make a point
2nd, how the %&$& would a conflict involving ALL OF NATO, RUSSIA, AND CHINA be a small conflict?
He never said it would be
3rd, NK has a lot of weapons, oh and btw, they have in fact, lasted 3 months against 'the west' in a full scale war. It was called the Korean War, you may have heard of it?
That was also almost 60 years. The Western dominance in weapons tech has only increased since then and weapons tech has become even more important since then. The US could have absolute air superiority over the peninsula in less than a week, probably less than two days. At that point, NK cannot win. Air superiority is far too important in modern combat. If you can't win the skies, you can't win a war.
4th, China actually HAS 21st century technology and although some western nations' military technology may still be better, you can beat they would give some of those nations a run for our money.
China has no power projection ability. Without that, they are stuck in China. Their military would be unable to leave Asia, and at that point you're easy picking. I'll also note that their military is only about 5% larger than the United State's military and their tech isn't nearly on level with ours, nor do their troops actually have any sort of combat experience.
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Mmm, I think this is a just a pressure move by SK to wring some sort of concession out of NK. I'm pretty sure they already determined it was a stray mine that exploded. But, who knows, it's all cloak and dagger. I wouldn't count on the mainstream media to portray an accurate picture of events.

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1st of all, WTF did Russia and China do to NATO?

2nd, how the %&$& would a conflict involving ALL OF NATO, RUSSIA, AND CHINA be a small conflict?

3rd, NK has a lot of weapons, oh and btw, they have in fact, lasted 3 months against 'the west' in a full scale war. It was called the Korean War, you may have heard of it?

4th, China actually HAS 21st century technology and although some western nations' military technology may still be better, you can beat they would give some of those nations a run for our money.

Flak covered most of it but regarding the technology level of china you are way off the reality. China are far behind the west in all areas of military technology, troop quality and force projection and as yet dont have a single AC carrier. In a straight sea battle Italy or France would most likely defeat the chinese navy. Air and land forces (troops, tanks, artillery)would be similarly outmatched by both their European and American counterparts.

NATO military spending: $825,134,000,000

Japan military spending:$42,751,000,000

Austrailia military spending:$15,321,000,000

China military spending:$63,643,000,000

Russia military spending:$38,238,000,000

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Flak covered most of it but regarding the technology level of china you are way off the reality. China are far behind the west in all areas of military technology, troop quality and force projection and as yet dont have a single AC carrier. In a straight sea battle Italy or France would most likely defeat the chinese navy. Air and land forces (troops, tanks, artillery)would be similarly outmatched by both their European and American counterparts.

NATO military spending: $825,134,000,000

Japan military spending:$42,751,000,000

Austrailia military spending:$15,321,000,000

China military spending:$63,643,000,000

Russia military spending:$38,238,000,000

AC are not as important as they once were due to aircraft being faster and able to fly further then before. Some nations of the world view them as a waste of money that could be better spent on smaller ships that could serve multiple roles. Much like how the Battleships are viewed. Also the fact that China ain't looking to land troops in the US or to fight in a huge sea slug fest I believe they would hold their own quite well in a war. We can all believe our troops are the best in the world but in reality anything could happen no matter how well trained. We also tend to forget that the Americans(just an example but other NATO nation apply too) people are not willing to send their men off to fight a war that do not effect them. Look at Vietnam, Iraq, WW2 and WW1. (I believe there was massive amounts of people that was against entering WW2 before Pearl Harbor and there were riots during WW1.)

North and South Korea will do nothing. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Think about it, who in their right mind will give up total power without fear of intervention?

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North Korea only has about 20,000 NS if I am correct, and USA is around 100,000, and South Korea 50,000. I'm sure America would send North Korea into Anarchy and steal all its tech. They might even ZI them. O:


In that case, neither nation could declare war on NK.

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Omg you people are idiots. Any major war will cripple every country economically in our current era, stop watching so much News from the USA.


No, Jack, it's a street fight!

You bring your friends I bring mine and we talk about hypotheticals.

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Omg you people are idiots. Any major war will cripple every country economically in our current era, stop watching so much News from the USA.


We aren't talking about the economics of a war but the what if and chances of a war breaking out are. Sure a major conflict would throw our economies into a giant pit for awhile but a major conflict is possible in this day and age none the less. People also assume an economic collapse during a war would create massive amounts of unemployment and other normals that would come with one during peacetime but that is not necessary the case since in order to maintain a war a nation must have arms and the production output to counter any arms lost during a battle and do it before its opponent. (That's how the allies won the WW1 and 2 because we got lucky and were able to out build them)

Also a crippling effect would be caused by a long dragged out war and it would likely mean that people like you and myself would find it really hard to buy the new CoD game since the material would be needed elsewhere.

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KimJongIl is an idiot and if I could change my name without rerolling I would do it. I never thought I would put as much effort into this game when I picked my ruler name nor did I think my name would be marred by the name of ruler so bad at strategy. US and SK should take him out.

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