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Hey there, R&R.



Once upon a time, you guys signed a treaty with IRON.

The relevant sections follow.


We, the alliances of R&R and the Independent Republic of Orange Nations (hereby referred to as IRON), sign this pact in essence of orange unification, friendship, and stronger bonds of faith through security, defense, intelligence, and finance.

Article I: Mutual Defense

A declaration on one signatory through military means is considered an attack on both signatories. A 24 hour notice will be given to the other signatory alliance to respond to the aid of the defending alliance. This does not chain to outside MDPs which are only linked to one signatory and not the other.

Grämlins attacked one signatory, not citing any outside MDPs. Your treaty is activated, and you have no conflicting obligations to any other parties. Going to do something about it?


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What goes on between R&R and IRON is between us. We've offered our help, and will help IRON once their war is over.

Halfinger, if you'd like to discuss this on IRC, please find me any night, I'm usually on. Go Troll Elsewhere.

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Gremlins attacked IRON in defense of MK (an alliance which IRON hit without a treaty to do so either so don't start that). R&R was on the other side of the war. IRON knew this when they purposely sided against R&R and her allies. It's not R&R's fault that IRON joined the side aiming to destroy or bloody R&R and CnG.

You know as well as anyone else that sometimes alliances have to choose between sides. R&R chose the side their bloc and friends were in. IRON joined the side opposite of that. R&R doesn't have to bail IRON out because their side lost.

Now please, go away Invicta.

Let me illustrate this in a different way for you so that maybe you understand, Haflinger.

*IRON declares their intent to help bloody/destroy SF (R&R), ignoring their treaty with R&R to go a treaty-less route against them

*IRON loses

*IRON wants R&R's help achieving nicer peace terms than they're currently getting.

And quite frankly, it's not our fault that your side abandoned one on the field. Stop trying to throw the blame for your cowardy actions onto us.

And IRON attacked the SF side instead of what they were obligated to do (defend it). So why should R&R bail them out when their "friends" left them on the battlefield?

You and Halflinger are the same person on different sides. Save it.

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Heh. I could go on about points already covered by others, but that'd be a little redundant.

I'll just say this: These attempts at public callouts isn't helping IRON in the slightest. All it's doing is ruining your already hilariously low public image. If you're still so interested in R&R's stance on all of this, possibly, I don't know.. talk with their gov in private.

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He's right on the point that IRON should have declared on SF signatories Fark or GOD who attacked NSO. They didn't really have any obligations to defend SF at all. Not attacking SF or using one of the other numerous available treaty lines is one of the reasons why IRON is where it is today.

Ah. NSO treaty. Forgot about that one. That may have obligated them to defend NSO before R&R. My mistake.

You and Halflinger are the same person on different sides. Save it.

So you truly believe R&R is obligated to defend an alliance who declared war on its side, again, with the stated intention of taking their bloc down?

Seriously here... step back and think about that.

Besides, my understanding is that R&R is helping. Just because they don't go in guns blazing doesn't mean they're not helping IRON...

And I'm nothing like Haflinger.

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So you truly believe R&R is obligated to defend an alliance who declared war on its side, again, with the stated intention of taking their bloc down?

Seriously here... step back and think about that.

Besides, my understanding is that R&R is helping. Just because they don't go in guns blazing doesn't mean they're not helping IRON...

I haven't said a damn thing other than that IRON and R&R's relationship is their own business only. My point was...

And I'm nothing like Haflinger.

You absolutely are...note that you had to throw in your own "informed" party lines.

For the record, I feel pretty safe in assuming that Haflinger does not speak for IRON here, so those saying they aren't doing themselves much of a favor can also save it.

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Does Invicta have a treaty with IRON or DAWN?


We don't know DAWN at all actually, and relations with IRON can be described as varying from very poor to mild indifference, depending on the time.

The fact that I've been defending IRON at all should be a bit of an eyeopener. It's not quite as bad as if Penchuk was, but it's close.

Ohhhh I can't wait until I go rogue, Haflinger :)

I hope you manage a better warchest than my first rogue had. (Jeez. 10K infra, 200 million. What's the point?)

Halfinger, if you'd like to discuss this on IRC, please find me any night, I'm usually on.


No, I wouldn't. I've grown extremely tired of the backroom conversations. I've been in plenty of them.

I would rather see a world where alliances honoured their treaties, instead of just picking whatever war they felt like fighting based on a few queries with One Of The Respected People.

Or, put another way - R&R entering this war would end it very quickly. This wouldn't really improve my position at all, nor Invicta's, but the fact is, it's an unjust war and it should be over.

I don't ever remember the CoaLUEtion being this whiny.

They probably weren't. :P

(Hint: I don't remember the CoaLUEtion.)

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For the record, I feel pretty safe in assuming that Haflinger does not speak for IRON here, so those saying they aren't doing themselves much of a favor can also save it.


If you check my posting record, I'm sure you can find some things that indicate I don't really hold IRON near and dear to my heart either.

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If you check my posting record, I'm sure you can find some things that indicate I don't really hold IRON near and dear to my heart either.

Well that would explain this blog entry, certainly.

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Wrong. They declared with TOP, and TOP said their intention was to bloody CnG AND SF.

Edit: Ohhhh I can't wait until I go rogue, Haflinger :)

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79441 (TOP's DoW)

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79442 (IRON's/DAWN's DoW)

nuff said. nothing about SF in either DoW and those IRC logs were from TOP only mentioned CnG and not SF. nice try to rewrite history to get SF included in either one of those. TOP=/=IRON just so you know. much like CnG, despite having a MADP, states that if a CnG member DoWs another alliance, they do not have to get involved.

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Somehow I imagine the relationship between IRON and R&R is the business of...IRON and R&R.

How do you dare imply that common sense has any place in CN? :awesome:

Anyway, I admit that for a moment I had the temptation to go throw an easy jab to Haf, but I actually kinda like and respect the guy and I'll go with the assumption that his apparently silly blog entry derives from something not completely unclever that just failed to show when he put it down in words.

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I wonder why you didn't point out the R&R-IRON mdp when R&R got attacked by Invicta, UPN and other purple alliances. Hypocrisy at its finest <_<

Trust me, had R&R activated their IRON treaty, wanting IRON to defend them against UPN, Invicta and Hydra, I wouldn't have minded. Yes, it would have no doubt led to some pain in our NS department, but we got that anyway, and it would have helped show some people how things really work.

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R&R entering this war would end it very quickly. This wouldn't really improve my position at all, nor Invicta's, but the fact is, it's an unjust war and it should be over.

Invicta could join the war too yaknow

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Invicta could join the war too yaknow

And this would end the war right away?

No, even you don't believe that.

We'd be there if there was a treaty requirement, as we have in the past. But the pursuit of futile causes without any reason is not really our thing.

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I'm pretty sure that anyone who entered against Gramlins to help IRON would just bring more alliances in on the Gramlins side. As things stand, IRON isn't able to build as well as they would be able to otherwise, but they are slowly winning the war.

Even if RnR or whoever were telling IRON "Hey, we'll join in if you want", I'm not sure IRON would want it.

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Baldr, R&R is the clear exception to that. They've got Superfriends behind them. There's no way that Grämlins' backers - whoever they might be - would take that risk.

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And this would end the war right away?

No, even you don't believe that.

We'd be there if there was a treaty requirement, as we have in the past. But the pursuit of futile causes without any reason is not really our thing.

So wait, invicta joining in wouldn't really help, but R&R joining in would end this right away?

Thanks for the credit, it's appreciated. Sounds like we're pretty badass.

But for the rest, your post made me laugh, we have helped out IRON since the start some things went well others didn't turn out great but at least we've been trying. What have you done so far? If you are so concerned for IRON's well being you might want to consider talking to our gov like grown-ups do instead of trying to call us out on here.

Or at least talk to IRON gov, because then you would have known they haven't even asked us to join in. And I think them asking us would work a lot better then you posting this :rolleyes:

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I would argue that alliances should be allowed to declare war for their own reasons
Respecting the sovereignty of alliances to determine their own values is a step towards both making the game more interesting (as the politics will become more complex, and the treaty-web probably a bit easier to decipher) and more realistic.(emphasis added)

Now, I wonder who wrote the above words of wisdom?

And, before you start: Yeah, the quotes are taken from a blog entry of yours about bandwagoning. So, go ahead and say it's "out of context". (Oh, the irony!)

Still, I find it just this side of hypocrisy that the person who wrote those words, would somehow feel justified in telling two sovereign alliances how to interpret and/or implement a treaty that precludes his even being in CN.


Once upon a time, you guys signed a treaty with IRON.

The relevant sections follow.


We, the alliances of R&R and the Independent Republic of Orange Nations (hereby referred to as IRON), sign this pact in essence of orange unification, friendship, and stronger bonds of faith through security, defense, intelligence, and finance.

Article I: Mutual Defense

A declaration on one signatory through military means is considered an attack on both signatories. A 24 hour notice will be given to the other signatory alliance to respond to the aid of the defending alliance. This does not chain to outside MDPs which are only linked to one signatory and not the other.

Well, at least you were in the neighborhood... The actual relevant part is

A 24 hour notice will be given to the other signatory alliance to respond to the aid of the defending alliance.

Just for the hell of it, and the fact that I can't get to sleep,I not only checked our forums, and our archives, but every log of our gov channels I could find and, dang it, I just couldn't seem to find any such notice.

Have a nice day, Haflinger.

P.S. (way OOC) I'm curious as to why you named yourself after a semi-obscure breed of horse.

Did you have one as a child or something?

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