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Who's better? NSO or iFOK




388 members have voted

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I always have liked polls, so I'll be trying to give you a poll every few days from today onwards.

Today's poll is about who is better, the New Sith Order or iFOK. NSO seems to think they are better than almost anyone. In any regard! And since iFOK is better than almost anyone in any regard, this could be a fun match-up.

To make this poll a bit more interesting, I'll wear a NSO signature if iFOK loses. I invite the friendly Sith to wear an iFOK signature if they lose in this poll.

This poll will run for 48 hours.


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No... making you surrender to us is a cause for celebration.

You make this "Us" sound as if you were at it alone. Lets not forget "Us" included the sum of on avg 450-500. Sorry i dont feel bad for yelling out surrender from the bottom of a dog pile. So Congratulations King Crap of turd mountain, you succeeded in proving....... What?

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No... making you surrender to us is a cause for celebration. Outmaneuvering you politically... that, too, is a cause for celebration. Celebrating 10-15% of an alliance's NS taken off due to nukes? That's... a stretch.

This is by far my favorite argument of yours, Penkala, that you have some sort of bragging rights because we were on IRON's side of the war. First of all, if we had cared to cause ore damage to CSN we well could have, but rather we decided to focus our efforts ore on Fark to better assist our embattled allies. Besides, your effect on us in the war was so close to zero it makes me chuckle to see you post your chest out just because SuperFriends are there to fight your battles for you. Second of all, the fact that you consider your politics to be "maneuvering" just shows how true of a yellow-bellied cowardly bandwagoner you truly are. You think we couldn't have "maneuvered" to save our infrastructure? Hell, we could've pulled out the old "An MDP shouldn't defend an aggressive war" thing (which alliances on any side of any war can use), or claim some sort of protection due to our treaties' non-chaining clauses, but we're not you, Penkala. You "maneuver," we fight. So please, continue to act as if our loss of infrastructure, which is more significant to you than to us, makes you somehow superior, for the only regrettable thing to us is that we'll ever see you leading a charge onto the battlefield against us, but rather wait for your masters to do all the dirty work for you.

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One correction to your argument, Stonewall. We were not on IRON's side of the war. We were on NpO's side of the war and that's the war we fought from day 1 to the day we surrendered. As for military planning/prowess/strategy, we cannot be blamed for losing the war. If you argue anything resembling said argument, you're silly (or you're Penkala). NpO and TOP lost the war.

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You make this "Us" sound as if you were at it alone. Lets not forget "Us" included the sum of on avg 450-500. Sorry i dont feel bad for yelling out surrender from the bottom of a dog pile. So Congratulations King Crap of turd mountain, you succeeded in proving....... What?

We were all involved with many other alliances too.

First of all, if we had cared to cause ore damage to CSN we well could have, but rather we decided to focus our efforts ore on Fark to better assist our embattled allies. Besides, your effect on us in the war was so close to zero it makes me chuckle to see you post your chest out just because SuperFriends are there to fight your battles for you. Second of all, the fact that you consider your politics to be "maneuvering" just shows how true of a yellow-bellied cowardly bandwagoner you truly are. You think we couldn't have "maneuvered" to save our infrastructure? Hell, we could've pulled out the old "An MDP shouldn't defend an aggressive war" thing (which alliances on any side of any war can use), or claim some sort of protection due to our treaties' non-chaining clauses, but we're not you, Penkala. You "maneuver," we fight. So please, continue to act as if our loss of infrastructure, which is more significant to you than to us, makes you somehow superior, for the only regrettable thing to us is that we'll ever see you leading a charge onto the battlefield against us, but rather wait for your masters to do all the dirty work for you.

You hardly hurt Fark either from what I hear. So....

And I don't see how SuperFriends "fought our war" for us... CSN and Fark fought you. What's the issue here? I know it's pretty embarrassing to surrender to someone you were threatening just a month before, but there were plenty of wars declared on you by both CSN and Fark. And if you want to give credit to Fark for 100% of your damages that's fine with me too. Because it's still us (SuperFriends) that defeated you, after you threatened us.

We're not 'bandwagonners'. You're really really stretching for anything now and reaching back to your NPO-esque 'debate' tactics: calling people names. YOU declared war on US. Seriously, do you even know the basic fundamentals of what happened this war? How can we bandwagon on when you attacked us? You're so incredibly wrong it's hilarious. Don't bother lying about what happened. I'm going to call you on your !@#$%^&*.

We also didn't 'maneuver' to save our infrastructure. Once again, this is a standardized NSO one-liner that I debunk time and time again. Listen and try to fit this one in your head: Just because we're on the winning side doesn't mean we maneuvered to avoid losing. YOU attacked US. That is why we're on the side we are on. Not to try to run and hide.

Now I'm going to just come out and say it: put up or shut up. I'm tired of NSO's slippery methods of 'debate'. I'm tired of showing how you're wrong on something and you forgetting about it and moving on, only to bring it up a few days later. I'm tired of you taking my answers debunking your assertions and trying to use them as stand-alone lines out of context for one purpose or another. Debate the issue or go away. Demonstrate that we are bandwagonners even though you declared on us. Prove that we somehow moved from one side to another to avoid war, slipping out of losing our infra. These are the issues. Address them, or leave.

As for military planning/prowess/strategy, we cannot be blamed for losing the war.

Yeah, this is true. NpO screwed you over. Bad. And you really had no chance against us. It's not like it was an even fight where our superior skills won the day.

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We also didn't 'maneuver' to save our infrastructure. Once again, this is a standardized NSO one-liner that I debunk time and time again. Listen and try to fit this one in your head: Just because we're on the winning side doesn't mean we maneuvered to avoid losing. YOU attacked US. That is why we're on the side we are on. Not to try to run and hide.

You bragged about your "political maneuvering," not me. To say your line from this thread is a "standardized NSO one-liner" is as hilarious as it is outrageous. I mean, when I'm quoting you on it, how can you possibly attribute it to us?

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I laughed pretty hard at this part.

Doesn't mean we aren't the superior fighters... it just means that in this one, it wasn't an even contest, so we don't really know.

You bragged about your "political maneuvering," not me. To say your line from this thread is a "standardized NSO one-liner" is as hilarious as it is outrageous. I mean, when I'm quoting you on it, how can you possibly attribute it to us?

No, the one-liner is that we are cowardly and trying to avoid damage to our infra. Sorry for the misunderstanding, and thank you for noting my correctness on all of your other points and conceding them :)

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Let that be a lesson to you: NSO does not make empty threats


You declared on us and then surrendered to us. Let this be a lesson to you: if NSO threatens you, embrace it.

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You declared on us and then surrendered to us. Let this be a lesson to you: if NSO threatens you, embrace it.

Who says we went in with the intent of winning? Maybe we just felt like our personal sense of honor would not allow us to make meaningless threats? Or maybe we just felt like knocking out some of your precious infrastructure and watching you moan and bawwww. Either way, it's still fun to watch you.

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"During our existence, we have never lost a war;" a direct quote from a NSO recruitment msg i received after re-rolling. Does NSO make a habit of manipulating newbies?

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"During our existence, we have never lost a war;" a direct quote from a NSO recruitment msg i received after re-rolling. Does NSO make a habit of manipulating newbies?

Cry more plox.

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Who says we went in with the intent of winning? Maybe we just felt like our personal sense of honor would not allow us to make meaningless threats? Or maybe we just felt like knocking out some of your precious infrastructure and watching you moan and bawwww. Either way, it's still fun to watch you.

Thank you for embracing defeat. Somebody had to do it.

Please point out where I (or ANY other current CSN nation (yes we removed a few)) bawwed about infra loss from NSO. I do remember thanking Admin when you attacked us, and then attacking 3 of your members for a long time. I also remember that, after the war had ended and I had lost more infra than I started with, I joined in to help Fark and continue to lose infra as we speak.

Now please address this point: where have we bawwed about infra loss NSO (or others) inflicted?

Boy, this is fun. Force NSO to stand still, stop squirming and address your points and it becomes clear every other word out of an NSO member's mouth is trash. What would you expect from such a trashy alliance, though? Intelligence?


Exhibit B: a response from NSO to an issue raised: "Cry more plox."

What a terrible alliance. I'm so happy we rolled you.

Edit: For what it's worth I do like iFOK quite a lot, but my body WOULD NOT allow me to vote for a purple alliance for some reason.

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"During our existence, we have never lost a war;" a direct quote from a NSO recruitment msg i received after re-rolling. Does NSO make a habit of manipulating newbies?

NSO entered into the war against the odds, fought on and accomplished all it sought to, and in the process gained the respect and admiration of many and forged new political ties. Call me crazy, but that sounds like a win to me.

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