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Good afternoon, I'm Schattenmann, your humble fact-checker for this mini-presentation of Os's World, your number one source for news from that land beyond the clouds, that happy land somewhere over the rainbow where the sky is green, the sun is purple, and trees grow down.

Today, we visit that wonderful land again, beckoned by the claims of His Backwardness that:

I oppose certain things in bob. Reparations. Eternal wars. A few others. I oppose them whether my allies do them or whether enemies do them. Ive certainly shown over the years ill take unpopular stances because its what I agree with. So yeah.

To do homage to the man, I say : :::::::chortle:::::: :

Opposition is Action
Let us first channel that biggest jerkwad of philosophy, the man who gave us pedantry, Socrates, and ask first: what is it to "oppose"? This is a word which implies action, oppose is a verb, it is not a passive state, but affirmative. We understand that to oppose something means to stand in its way. If a man opposes something, he acts to stop it. If a man is opposed to something, he moves to separate himself from it.
We can greater understand this concept of opposition by considering its opposite, support. Support, too, is an action. Support enables things. A treaty is support, war is support, diplomatic pressure is support.
Opposition is powerful. If rulers and alliances took stock of their ideals, and stood upon them, the world would shudder.

Truth is Found in Action
Now, let us examine OsRavan's record of opposition to reparations, eternal wars, etc. For it is in a man's action that we find the truth.
  • In his perverted part in a perverted play, he directed the forces of ODN in enforcement of peace terms in the DH-NPO War which included $2.427 Billion in reparations ($1B from Legion alone), and a month long extended war against the top tier of Pacifica.
  • In the Dave War, ODN itself demanded an extended war of top-tier MCXA nations.
  • In the TOP-C&G War, ODN stood shoulder-to-shoulder with its allies and coalition in demands for reps totaling over $1 Billion and tens-of-thousands of tech (most of it blood money to GOONS), and 40,000 tech from Legion.

It is most often the case that when we discuss the historical sins of an alliance, we must be careful to remember that their sins have been across multiple administrations, and that distance makes for penance.
Not so with ODN and OsRavan.
OsRavan himself led the Network in each of these wars and always unfalteringly waved the banner of his bloodthirsty allies.

OsRavan Found False
Os's World is a weird place, indeed. It is a world where a man finds it perfectly sane to decry every kind of injustice who has himself committed his personal influence, and the military might of his alliance to the extraction of outrageous reps; who has himself accepted reps; who has put the weight of his alliance behind the acts he himself decries over and over again, enthusiastically.

Why must we continue to examine OsRavan?



I think your obsession with Os is bordering on alarming.
With that I'm going to recuse myself from the impending NpO circlejerk itt.


How many of these nine illustrious years have been spent nursing your unhealthy obsession with OsRavan? I wanna say six but that number seems kinda low...

OsRavan breathes rarefied air as one of very few men whose person came to define an AA and in many ways an era. His person is political, to discuss the person of OsRavan is to discuss ODN. Where OsRavan lies, the truth must be brought forth.
This is no petty personal squabble, but a question of the state of things. As long as twisted manipulators such as OsRavan are allowed to spew their backwards histories, alliances will continue to emulate them.

History is the sum of actions of men, OsRavan's opposition could have meant an entirely different world, but despite his repetitive cries that his principles give no regard to politics, we see that he has no principles, and he perpetuated a world without principle.

So, my dear reader, on this, the 1,752nd day since OsRavan forced reparations from Cult of Justitia, and the 1,751st day since he began denying it, I'm your host Schattenmann bidding you good day from all of us in Os's World.

Os's World 1
Os's World 2

Source: A Valentine from TPF


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no schat you really are obsessed with me.

In the thread I said very clearly I oppose eternal wars and reparations. That is it. Not wars in general. So lets look at your BS claims none of which show odn trying to get reps or eternal wars:

  • In his perverted part in a perverted play, he directed the forces of ODN in enforcement of peace terms in the DH-NPO War which included $2.427 Billion in reparations ($1B from Legion alone), and a month long extended war against the top tier of Pacifica.

Uhh yeah. Hate to break it to you, but that wasnt ODN. In fact I said at the time getting reps was a mistake. So not sure what you are smoking. I can't control soverign alliances. All I can do is control my own actions and opinions.

Uhh yeah. We demanded a week of war iirc in an even duel of ten nations versus ten nations. Thats hardly eternal war. Ohh the horrors clutch your pearls.

  • In the TOP-C&G War, ODN stood shoulder-to-shoulder with its allies and coalition in demands for reps totaling over $1 Billion and tens-of-thousands of tech (most of it blood money to GOONS), and 40,000 tech from Legion.

Wasnt in charge of ODN then. ::;considers::. a lot of odners felt justified in that due ot the pre-empt. But what the hey. Before my time.

So.... should I take your post to mean you are impressed with how consistent I am in never demanding reps or eternal war?

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Also. I almost forgot. ::amused::. The root of all schatt's angst and hate that he refers to in his post. YEARS ago, ODN made CoJ apologize for threatening our protectorate in the war. He's been butt hurt ever since. I suspect he didnt want to do it, but his coalition twisted his arm. Who knows. But yeah the irony is thats the root of all this heh.

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You can normally tell when someone has hit the truth (Schat), by how hard someone tries to prove them wrong (OsRavan).

We all know ODN has demanded huge reps, and other things, we all know ODN have supported their "allies" in actions that OsRavan claim he opposes, if he truly opposed eternal wars and huge reps or reps of any kind, he would cancel most of the treaties ODN has but he wont be able to as ofc like most he puts his pixels above his so called "unpopular stance"

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Os is of course correct when he states that he was "not in charge" of ODN when ODN supported $625,000,000 in reps from NATO to GOONS. But like any good liar, with years of practice in nimble-tonguery, he neglected to say he was in charge of the military that enforced those reps. And he was so not bothered by leading ODN's military in those efforts that he accepted re-appointment to the position mid-war.

His years-long run as Secretary General began that May, where he continued ODN's practice of enforcing reps demands from allies and confederates like GOONS and MK, which was at that time actively attempting to destroy alliances by overwhelming curbstomps and reps demands—a strategy they named "Creative Annihilation" as self-styled gods and guardians of the course of the game.

OsRavan truly is a foul fiend, a central figure in the power politics that defined the sadistic destruction of thousands of nations across years. He is a phony with a sickly-sweet grin, a pretender who speaks in public of "what is best" for the world, and his so-called principles who in fact gleefully supported and created the conditions for the opposite of every stance he claims to hold.

Also. I almost forgot. ::amused::. The root of all schatt's angst and hate that he refers to in his post. YEARS ago, ODN made CoJ apologize for threatening our protectorate in the war. He's been butt hurt ever since. I suspect he didnt want to do it, but his coalition twisted his arm. Who knows. But yeah the irony is thats the root of all this heh.

In fact, I had so much fun apologizing for spying on ODN and threatening your protectorates and applicants that I did it over and over again.

The problem was the $200,000,000 in reps that you demanded we pay to GOONS in return for peace, because far from being opposed to anything, you were eager to enforce GOONS's demands upon us just as you were throughout your career and will be again in the future, given the chance.

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You can normally tell when someone has hit the truth (Schat), by how hard someone tries to prove them wrong (OsRavan).

We all know ODN has demanded huge reps, and other things, we all know ODN have supported their "allies" in actions that OsRavan claim he opposes, if he truly opposed eternal wars and huge reps or reps of any kind, he would cancel most of the treaties ODN has but he wont be able to as ofc like most he puts his pixels above his so called "unpopular stance"

In reality it's just some spin both ways, and I doubt either is going to be very persuasive to those who hold differing opinions to themselves either way. In reality the truth is somewhere in the middle, but hey then again I'm in the alliance that even up until a couple of wars ago was still being held responsible for actions our forebears took well over half a decade ago (pre-Karma) so who am I to point out spin when I see it? I'm just a puppet of the ebil NPO afterall.

At least with the points each of these two are making they're staying close to within half a decade of our present time right now.

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Os is of course correct when he states that he was "not in charge" of ODN when ODN supported $625,000,000 in reps from NATO to GOONS. But like any good liar, with years of practice in nimble-tonguery, he neglected to say he was in charge of the military that enforced those reps. And he was so not bothered by leading ODN's military in those efforts that he accepted re-appointment to the position mid-war.

This is how you can tell Schattenman has never been in an alliance of any real size in a position of any real importance. No military man gives two !@#$% about the FA situation at the time - they just want to $%&@ !@#$ up.

OsRavan truly is a foul fiend, a central figure in the power politics that defined the sadistic destruction of thousands of nations across years. He is a phony with a sickly-sweet grin, a pretender who speaks in public of "what is best" for the world, and his so-called principles who in fact gleefully supported and created the conditions for the opposite of every stance he claims to hold.

In fact, I had so much fun apologizing for spying on ODN and threatening your protectorates and applicants that I did it over and over again.

The problem was the $200,000,000 in reps that you demanded we pay to GOONS in return for peace, because far from being opposed to anything, you were eager to enforce GOONS's demands upon us just as you were throughout your career and will be again in the future, given the chance.

tl;dr "I was a !@#$, and they treated me like one!" Dastardly deeds indeed, Os.
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Is anyone honestly surprised that Schattenmann conveniently conflates people with the alliances they are in, and alliances with their allies, all the while accusing others of being slippery?

The pretence that this is anything but a petty personal grudge looking for whatever excuse it can find to perpetuate itself is growing really thin, mate.

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As someone who was in ODN gov for a lot of those situations, oh god you are wrong Schattycat.

If I were younger, I'd run a[nother] manchurian candidate for ODN Senate and post the convos.

If you mean to imply that OsRavan was reluctant about supporting allies' reps demands, I'm happy to report that I sat through peace talks of a few wars with ODN, you weren't there, Os was, and he was a very eager beaver to negotiate for reps on your allies' behalf.

This reporter has also demonstrated that OsRavan was more hawkish than the Senate, refusing the majority's calls to simply accept surrender when offered, instead insisting on lulz terms and fake apologies.

Is anyone honestly surprised that Schattenmann conveniently conflates people with the alliances they are in, and alliances with their allies, all the while accusing others of being slippery?

This is what's funny about detractors who simply must reduce this to an ad hom battle between me and Os.

There is no conflation between OsRavan and ODN; OsRavan was SecGen for 3 yrs 8 mos between May 2010- Jan 2014, an additional 6 months May-Jul 2014 and Jul-Oct 2015. No one has led ODN longer, and I don't think anyone has even led any other alliance longer.

There is no conflation, there is the reality that OsRavan was ODN's head of state for over 4 years, with voter participation under 15% and generally no serious opponents for the position, backed by a Senate that abdicated its role in within the ODN system.

I would make comparisons like Emperor Charles and NADC, but the fact is that OsRavan is singular in the modern context; I'd have to go back so far to make comparisons that no one would know who I was talking about. And that's the point. There is no separating ODN's actions from OsRavan's personage.

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Well it's hardly a surprise to me but thanks for collating the information.

It seems unlikely I will come into conflict with ODN, given my own peaceful nature, and their trajectory of rotting into nonexistence quickly, but the facts here are noted and should they be foolish and active enough to start something they will be taken into account before any quarter is offered.

Also good to see you posting!

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Well it's hardly a surprise to me but thanks for collating the information.

It seems unlikely I will come into conflict with ODN, given my own peaceful nature, and their trajectory of rotting into nonexistence quickly, but the facts here are noted and should they be foolish and active enough to start something they will be taken into account before any quarter is offered.

Also good to see you posting!


Is this !@#$%^& for real?

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>OsRavan himself led the Network in each of these wars and always unfalteringly waved the banner of his bloodthirsty allies.

alright but he just said he wasn't and you called him a liar while admitting he was right

be careful not to become the target of your own ridicule -_-

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These are always entertaining to read, thank you for continuing. Your writings on OsRavan have been amusing reads for years. I do wonder if you care enough to once again infiltrate ODN with a candidate gain.

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These are always entertaining to read, thank you for continuing. Your writings on OsRavan have been amusing reads for years. I do wonder if you care enough to once again infiltrate ODN with a candidate gain.

The ultimate twist will be that Os is Schatt's Manchurian candidate.*

*Note for the easily bewildered: this is in no way a serious suggestion.

Note for everyone else: No treaty signed by Schattenmann ever stipulated the withdrawal of agents.

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You can normally tell when someone has hit the truth (Schat), by how hard someone tries to prove them wrong (OsRavan).

Ohh I meant to comment earlier too. This quote is in a nutshell exactly whats wrong with this place ((OWF and all its attached places).

Someone posts some BS, such as schatt does. If you DONT respond, the talking heads will go 'ohh you agree with him you were scared to contradict.' If you point out the blatant BS nature of the comments, you are "trying too hard" and must be lying.

In other words, in this particular venue no one actually cares what you say or don't say, its just propaganda circling propaganda. And people wonder why theres a lack of intelligent conversation in this venue heh.

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OsRavan has never liked the disinfectant effect of the sunlight of the OWF. He finds his rot shrinks in the open air, so he insults all OWF readers and participants as idiots and charlatans incapable of telling truth from lie or of having minds open or intelligent enough to be changed. I'd do the same thing, too, if I were such a skulking conspirator.

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