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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300415861' post='2668640']
No, see, what I'm pointing out for everyone reading is that you're losing those wars. Badly. You're turtling up and dropping the occasional nuke, the same thing every single NPO does in war because they don't know how to fight.
*GOONS and allies and FAN outnumber Pacifica massively*


I'm truly speechless.

Edit: Actually, I'm not. Turtling is by far the best strategy in this situation, and you're rather stupid if you think that they are dumb because they won't let you just walk in and slaughter their nations. Admin almighty. !@#$, I just don't know. I thought I had something more to say, but I'm still trying to comprehend what you just said.

Edited by HeroofTime55
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300416117' post='2668646']
*GOONS and allies and FAN outnumber Pacifica massively*


I'm truly speechless.

We outnumber them like 900 to 700, and it only seems bad because over half of them are trying to hide the war out. At this point if Pacifica ordered their nations into war, they likely won't even comply for fear of losing their nations.

Also, you haven't been relevant the entire war. You're not really part of this discussion.

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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300415861' post='2668640']
No, see, what I'm pointing out for everyone reading is that you're losing those wars. Badly. You're turtling up and dropping the occasional nuke, the same thing every single NPO does in war because they don't know how to fight.

[quote]To: East Westovia From: Williambonney Date: 3/17/2011 12:02:40 AM

Subject: Battle Report
Message: You have been attacked by Williambonney. You lost 290 soldiers and 0 tanks. You killed 459 soldiers and 29 tanks. Their forces razed 1.658 miles of your land, destroyed 5.903 technology, and destroyed 23.612 infrastructure. Their forces destroyed $1,000,000.00 of your money and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.[/quote]

To: East Westovia From: Williambonney Date: 3/17/2011 12:02:29 AM
Subject: Battle Report
Message: You have been attacked by Williambonney. You lost 429 soldiers and 2 tanks. You killed 810 soldiers and 6 tanks. Their forces razed 1.741 miles of your land, destroyed 5.903 technology, and destroyed 23.612 infrastructure. Their forces destroyed $1,000,000.00 of your money and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.[/quote]

[quote]To: Morothol von Lir From: Williambonney Date: 3/17/2011 12:02:14 AM

Subject: Battle Report
Message: You have been attacked by Williambonney. You lost 386 soldiers and 0 tanks. You killed 1,137 soldiers and 179 tanks. Their forces razed 4.601 miles of your land, destroyed 5.903 technology, and destroyed 23.612 infrastructure. Their forces destroyed $1,000,000.00 of your money and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.[/quote]

[quote]To: Morothol von Lir From: Williambonney Date: 3/17/2011 12:02:08 AM

Subject: Battle Report
Message: You have been attacked by Williambonney. You lost 716 soldiers and 0 tanks. You killed 2,070 soldiers and 329 tanks. Their forces razed 4.829 miles of your land, destroyed 5.903 technology, and destroyed 23.612 infrastructure. Their forces destroyed $1,000,000.00 of your money and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.[/quote]

[quote]To: Morothol von Lir From: Williambonney Date: 3/16/2011 11:27:43 PM

Subject: Battle Report
Message: You have been attacked by Williambonney. You lost 798 soldiers and 0 tanks. You killed 228 soldiers and 20 tanks. Their forces razed 5.065 miles of your land, destroyed 5.899 technology, and destroyed 23.597 infrastructure. Their forces destroyed $1,000,000.00 of your money and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.[/quote]

[quote]To: East Westovia From: Williambonney Date: 3/16/2011 11:27:05 PM

Subject: Battle Report
Message: You have been attacked by Williambonney. You lost 2,337 soldiers and 81 tanks. You killed 1,671 soldiers and 89 tanks. Their forces razed 1.826 miles of your land, destroyed 5.899 technology, and destroyed 23.597 infrastructure. Their forces destroyed $1,000,000.00 of your money and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.[/quote]

If by losing you mean that I am not looting them well I guess that's just luck then is it not? And by occasional nuke do you mean the many I launched every day since this war broke out, and the ones I am launching every day now that your side let me restock while I was sitting in defcon five and not in peace mode? :lol1:

Edited by William Bonney
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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300416291' post='2668649']
We outnumber them like 900 to 700, and it only seems bad because over half of them are trying to hide the war out. At this point if Pacifica ordered their nations into war, they likely won't even comply for fear of losing their nations.

Also, you haven't been relevant the entire war. You're not really part of this discussion.
I'm sorry, child, but who are you again?

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[quote name='Henry' timestamp='1300404921' post='2668431']
How about you try sending another offer and then see what happens?

Hey, it worked for FAN. If you want to end the war, you could try offering white peace too.
We've left Bob and landed in Crazyland where the losers make the terms. Got it.

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1300407944' post='2668508']
Just curious, I wasn't around at the time, but isn't that exactly what NPO did?

i was around at that time and yes that is what NPO did and why NPO was attacked during Karma. now it appears MK wants to try and fit into NPO's large britches.

[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1300409954' post='2668534']
This is where you are wrong.

In VietFAN NPO told FAN there would be no terms, they had their one chance and they "blew it".[b]-- except if FAN came out and fought for two weeks, peace talks would occur... how is that no terms?[/b]

The difference here is that in the OP we offered NPO white peace if they would come out and meet us on the field of battle for a defined period of time. Upon the expiration of the defined time period we go our separate ways, white peace.

Terms like these are very fair, and quite honestly less than every single term the NPO has ever handed out upon being victorious in war, ever.[b]--except for the fact that NPO would be utterly smashed by MK and Umbrella alone without either of those alliances suffering too much damage. add in FAN and NoR and you basically have ya'll taking little damage over a month while NPO has their upper tier nations devastated. so not that fair and neither is it honestly less than every single term NPO ever handed out. in fact, even with reps, the damage done by NPO was recoverable rather quickly, hence why there were 3 GWs not that far apart. if NPO did what you wanted, it would take them far longer than a year to fully recover from. i mean say we take the amount of tech destroyed per day as an average of 300. that is 9k for this 30 days. now to regain that tech would take 10 months with using all slots to take in tech (i.e. 900 tech per month), 15 months at the normal 600 tech per month, and 30 months for the slow 300 tech per month. so NPO spent a year under reps (not sure if it was exactly 12 months or not) and you basically want to have their upper tier spend upwards of 15+ months rebuilding? yep, way better terms....[/b]

See, NPO told GATO to come out of peace mode or those peace mode nations would never be able to set food outside of peace mode without perma war from NPO and allies, and would be forced to pay reps after fighting.[b]-- except GATO got peace though i will admit, i do not recall if they actually did come out of PM. [/b]

NPO told FAN to come out of peace mode and fight so they could get smashed and ...well, continue to get smashed since peace was not an option at that time.[b]-- except NPO said that they war for 2 weeks and then discuss peace....[/b]

We are saying "NPO come out of peace mode, fight us for a set period of time, then we all peace out, white peace all around".[b]sounds similar to what NPO said. only difference is the terms are declared ahead of time. length of time though is twice as long. [/b]

Surely you can see the difference? [b]--fixed all your mistakes, though you may have me on the GATO issue as i don't know if GATO came out of PM or not but either way, GATO did get peace so there was no perma-war.[/b]

edit-ooc: dang tags.

Edited by Dochartaigh
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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300417823' post='2668672']
Nice negative citizen count.
Only because I've overloaded on troops. Everything is going according to plan, my invasion of the Minus World is going to catch MK off guard.

You never answered my question boy. Who are you?

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300416117' post='2668646']
Turtling is by far the best strategy in this situation
You must've just recently learned this, because the first time I fought you you were rebuying troops to have like 4-5k defending against people who had 50k+ easy, letting us do 10 or more GAs a day.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300418067' post='2668675']
Only because I've overloaded on troops. Everything is going according to plan, my invasion of the Minus World is going to catch MK off guard.

You never answered my question boy. Who are you?

I can handle the 'who are you you're irrelevant' argument from the founder of all three Orders, but not from a blithering moron of a leader of a laughing stock of an alliance.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300418067' post='2668675']
Only because I've overloaded on troops. Everything is going according to plan, my invasion of the Minus World is going to catch MK off guard.

You never answered my question boy. Who are you?
Moldavi does it better. Just sayin'

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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300415861' post='2668640']
No, see, what I'm pointing out for everyone reading is that you're losing those wars. Badly. You're turtling up and dropping the occasional nuke, the same thing every single NPO does in war because they don't know how to fight.

Tell me you are joking. Please?

Edit: nvm saw your nation creation date. Carry on.

Edited by silentkiller
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I may be jumping in this thread a little late, but thats neither here nor there.

It pains me to see my former alliance at least seem to be backtracking from their roots as a military alliance. I'm pretty sure most sane individuals from NPO and co realize that doomhouse values slot efficiency over reps. To that end, I really don't see why the leaders of the said coalition aren't considering this plan (they might be seriously considering it in private, who knows, but most public statements have been against). There is really only one term, fight us for a month. If doomhouse were to renege on this promise, it would be one of the biggest PR blunders of CN history.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300418194' post='2668679']
You must've just recently learned this, because the first time I fought you you were rebuying troops to have like 4-5k defending against people who had 50k+ easy, letting us do 10 or more GAs a day.
I wanted the casualties. What's the matter if you take me to ZI a week or so earlier? I used to have 2,000,000+ casualties, back when that number was a big deal. I have much work to do.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1300418353' post='2668684']
Tell me you are joking. Please?

Edit: nvm saw your nation creation date. Carry on.

The greatest selling point we have for getting newcomers to venture to digiterra and join our alliance is that their nations, in their infancy, get to grind ancient nations into dust.

It's what brought me, and I got delivered what I was promised.

Edited by Kyaris
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300418620' post='2668689']
I wanted the casualties. What's the matter if you take me to ZI a week or so earlier? I used to have 2,000,000+ casualties, back when that number was a big deal. I have much work to do.

Normally nations with high casualty counts are trying to get high *attacking* counts, not defending counts.

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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300418661' post='2668691']
The greatest selling point we have for getting newcomers to venture to digiterra and join our alliance is that their nations, in their infancy, get to grind ancient nations into dust.

It's what brought me, and I got delivered what I was promised.

I really have no idea why you think GOONS attractiveness to new recruits has anything to do with viability of turtling as a war tactic. In any case I am sure I'll be seeing you in a week or two. Keep a slot open :P

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300418847' post='2668694']
True, but the fact that when I do it, it pisses off members of Doomhut, is only going to encourage me to do it more.

You're basically that family relative that shows up to reunions drunk and embarrasses everyone, except on a digiterra global scale.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1300419033' post='2668696']
I really have no idea why you think GOONS attractiveness to new recruits has anything to do with viability of turtling as a war tactic. In any case I am sure I'll be seeing you in a week or two. Keep a slot open :P

Two days. Minimum cycle time for PM. See you soon.

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[quote name='Kyaris' timestamp='1300418717' post='2668692']
Normally nations with high casualty counts are trying to get high *attacking* counts, not defending counts.
Look at this cute little guy, making up stuff as he goes along.

People mostly only care about the total. If you have high attacking casualties it means you're doing rather terrible in your offensive GA. Unless things have changed, I'll admit I'm still a bit rusty.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1300419340' post='2668700']
As soon as I figure out how to get in range. :ph34r:

First you come out of peace mode...

I wager after a day or two you'll be in range of me.

Edited by Kyaris
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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1300415682' post='2668630']
All wars last until both sides agree on terms to end it. You are acting as if this is something new, and as if us not giving you white peace right now is proof we mean to keep you in perma war. This is false.

The reality of the situation is that we will keep you at war until our alliances can agree on terms to end this war. Our offer has been come out and fight for X many days (1 month) and then we give you white peace.

The difference here is that unlike what NPO did to GATO, we are not threatening perma war, we are not threatening perma zi for peace mode nations, and we are not threatening reparations. In fact is has been stated quite clearly and plainly that we [b]do not want reparations[/b].

Now the way a peace process works is both sides fight it out until they both agree on terms to end the war. Since you have so far as I can tell refused these terms, then the war continues until such a time comes when both our sides agree on terms to end it. Simply put, you had an oppurtunity to take actions and be on the countdown to the end of this war the other day. You refused those terms, so we continue to fight.

This is hardly a perma war situation, just come out so we can smash you a bit then we all go home, white peace. Surely you can see how this greatly differs from what your then emporer told GATO about peace mode?

Actually, it's not like this in every war. In every other war there are negotiations, your leaders have already said these are the only terms NPO will get (it's actually kinda like the Gremlins thing in that sense). So the options are much more limited than in previous wars, where you could go back and forth and get better terms down the line (or worse terms sometimes). You left them with "take "the majority" out of PM and fight for a month now" or "take "the majority" out of PM and fight for a month later".

Also, I was never in Pacifica (at most, I was in an alliance that had a PIAT with them for a month or so), so that was never my emperor who said a similar thing to GATO.

Edited by William Blake
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