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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1302059171' post='2685224']
Actually they were offensive victories.

Your leader won and somehow left behind diamonds. Which is funny because it was avoidable. If mistakes like that are made when defending ones particular stretch of scratch, what type of mistakes will happen within the larger scheme?

I guess one can attribute it to war weariness but that then begs the question if a war weary leadership is making the best decision for their body politic.

I suppose the whole scenario is akin to leaving ones house without pants but mixed with war and death. Simple mistakes often indicate larger mistakes.

Also, judging a nations success by number of casualties is pretty funny. Throwing meat into a grinder doesn't make you a capable leader or competent strategist.
lol you really think cn leadership should be based upon a few ground attacks? :lol1: Ever heard of politics? Forum skills? A persons character? I can see your not going to go very far in pb.

Edit: oh and I thought you said earlier that Mary wasn't our leader? Which one is it already? Sheesh. Oh hey look at that, a slinky! Fun! :smug:

Edited by William Bonney
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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302059380' post='2685230']
lol you really think cn leadership should be based upon a few ground attacks? :lol1: Ever heard of politics? Forum skills? A persons character? I can see your not going to go very far in pb.

I think 'a few ground attacks' can in part be indicative of errors in thought. Those errors, in turn, often befall other errors simply due to their irritating and emotionally grating nature.

Granted, time will tell, I may not even be around once whatever form of peace between DH and NPO is reached.

I anticipate recieving a wrapped nuclear gift soon and my nation stands ready to embrace it.

[quote]Edit: oh and I thought you said earlier that Mary wasn't our leader? Which one is it already? Sheesh. Oh hey look at that, a slinky! Fun![/quote]

I beleive the argument was that leadership is a title, whilst the actual ideas come down from the top tiers in good corporatist kingdom form.

Edited by speakerwire
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[quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1302059932' post='2685240']
I think 'a few ground attacks' can in part be indicative of errors in thought. Those errors, in turn, often befall other errors simply due to their irritating and emotionally grating nature.
Yes, those errors based on cn's battle system show me that Mary is incompetent. I will call for a rebellion immediately based upon this information. I'm sure I'll wind up tarred and feathered by every single person on cn, but your reasoning is so astounding.
Granted, time will tell, I may not even be around once whatever form of peace between DH and NPO is reached.
I doubt many people will shed a tear over this terrible loss. I know I won't.

I anticipate recieving a wrapped nuclear gift soon and my nation stands ready to embrace it.
I beleive the argument was that leadership is a title, whilst the actual ideas come down from the top tiers in good corporatist kingdom form.

Wow so you really have no clue what your talking about then, do you?

Edited by William Bonney
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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302060654' post='2685247']
Yes, those errors based on cn's battle system show me that Mary is incompetent. I will call for a rebellion immediately based upon this information. I'm sure I'll wind up tarred and feathered by every single[/quote]

Mission Accomplished.

[quote]Wow so you really have no clue what your talking about then, do you?

Please, clarifiy my errors por favor.

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[quote name='speakerwire' timestamp='1302060761' post='2685248']
Mission Accomplished.

Please, clarifiy my errors por favor.
I beleive the argument was that leadership is a title, whilst the actual ideas come down from the top tiers in good corporatist kingdom form.

[quote]The New Pacific Order (NPO) has been one of the premier alliances in Cyber Nations since its founding in January 2006. Rooted in the teachings of Francoism, the New Pacific Order made significant advances in all aspects of alliance organization, including economics, diplomacy, internal organization, propaganda and communications and defense.[/quote]

[quote]Corporatism: Corporatism, also known as corporativism, is a system of economic, political, or social organization that views a community as a body based upon organic social solidarity and functional distinction and roles among individuals.

I've never been in the top tiers. Highest mark I made was in the 90's.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1302058237' post='2685208']
This would work I suppose except one major flaw. MK demanded reps for the pre-emptive strike against them. That makes it go beyond just simply opposing it. Also, MK members have already stated that the complaining done then was all political, thus already validating that it was something of convenience versus actually opposing it. Despite all that, they still demanded reps.
Welp, I'll concede this point then.
Actually this is pretty much wrong. If someone of action were to become inactive for a long period, most would note that that is a major behavioral change. The same thing occurs with alliances. If we were to rely on clout, then NPO would never regain the clout they once had. Even with them being the victim in this war, they still have not regained much in the way of clout.
Basically what my point is, is that people behave differently when they can get away with stuff. Take a criminal for example. In the Land of Tricks dealing certain drugs will land a person in prison. Now while they are incarcerated they are monitored much closer. If they don't do anything, are they really reformed? It's essentially impossible to tell. The only true test is what happens when they are released into the public.

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[quote name='Felix von Agnu' timestamp='1302061477' post='2685257']
Welp, I'll concede this point then.

Basically what my point is, is that people behave differently when they can get away with stuff. Take a criminal for example. In the Land of Tricks dealing certain drugs will land a person in prison. Now while they are incarcerated they are monitored much closer. If they don't do anything, are they really reformed? It's essentially impossible to tell. The only true test is what happens when they are released into the public.

Oh I get it which is why I had stated before that the other part of change would be to see what happens if NPO wins a war. But to state they have not changed when at least half of what they did (starting curbstomp style wars) has not been done for a couple of years now is basically stating that no alliance ever changes. With your version, even if NPO happened to win a war and give white peace to all involved, then we could state that this may just be a fluke or a ploy. There would never be a chance for any alliance to state they have truly changed. There needs to be a much broader look at what has actually happened before the decision has been made.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1302062079' post='2685263']
Oh I get it which is why I had stated before that the other part of change would be to see what happens if NPO wins a war. But to state they have not changed when at least half of what they did (starting curbstomp style wars) has not been done for a couple of years now is basically stating that no alliance ever changes. With your version, even if NPO happened to win a war and give white peace to all involved, then we could state that this may just be a fluke or a ploy. There would never be a chance for any alliance to state they have truly changed. There needs to be a much broader look at what has actually happened before the decision has been made.
There is plenty chance for an alliance to change. They just need the actual chance to demonstrate it, this is the trap that NPO has kind of fell into. To anyone outside their immediate diplomatic circle, their something of a leper. An alliance to be avoided and hated. They don't have the political capital or position to really make any bold moves, or many moves at all. Thus, you have lots of people saying that they haven't changed.

Curbstomp wars fit perfectly in this. Saying they haven't done them is proof they have changed is ignorant of the context the original beatdowns took place in, when NPO was in a position of dominance. If they tried to start a war now (well, before this war), they'd have a lot of guns pointed at them, and I think they realize this. This would be included in your broader view.

In the end, I don't know if NPO has changed. Are they starting wars stomping people, no. They would be absolutely stupid to do so, which makes that particular point of saying they have changed irrelevant. They could very well be like a scheming drug dealer biding his time until he gets released. Only time will tell. *shrug*

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302057967' post='2685203']
Anyone who can convince someone that dh have honour in this would have to be a Jedi...or a Sith?
In my experience it's always the losing alliances that talk about honor.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1302064277' post='2685273']
In my experience it's always the losing alliances that talk about honor.

i dont believe OBR has ever lost a war ;)

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[quote name='Felix von Agnu' timestamp='1302062711' post='2685268']
There is plenty chance for an alliance to change. They just need the actual chance to demonstrate it, this is the trap that NPO has kind of fell into. To anyone outside their immediate diplomatic circle, their something of a leper. An alliance to be avoided and hated. They don't have the political capital or position to really make any bold moves, or many moves at all. Thus, you have lots of people saying that they haven't changed.

Curbstomp wars fit perfectly in this. Saying they haven't done them is proof they have changed is ignorant of the context the original beatdowns took place in, when NPO was in a position of dominance. If they tried to start a war now (well, before this war), they'd have a lot of guns pointed at them, and I think they realize this. This would be included in your broader view.

In the end, I don't know if NPO has changed. Are they starting wars stomping people, no. They would be absolutely stupid to do so, which makes that particular point of saying they have changed irrelevant. They could very well be like a scheming drug dealer biding his time until he gets released. Only time will tell. *shrug*

I have to agree with you. Fact is, they have done nothing really and have only reached out to a handful of alliances outside of their immediate allies. This by no means they warrant a stomping though. Also, I would argue though that given their previous attitude towards others, that the fact they most likely realized they were actually greatly weakened both militarily and politically enough that they had to lay low at all is at least partial proof of change. The NPO of yore would not have done that. Look at the time after GPW/GW1 when NPO was soundly beaten and then proceeded to create WUT.

But yes, only time will truly tell if NPO has changed or not, but if everyone simply states they have not changed then it will most likely become a self-fulfilling prophecy as NPO would be forced to do as they did before in order to simply survive.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1302066584' post='2685295']
I'm here now to cover the late shift in this awesomely helpful thread of discussion and demeanor.

Any questions on the table this evening?

GOONz: Threat or menace?

We will also accept terrorists, but only if accompanied by a hate-filled rant.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1302066584' post='2685295']
I'm here now to cover the late shift in this awesomely helpful thread of discussion and demeanor.

Any questions on the table this evening?
Yes, one that is extremely urgent, and of the upmost serious in nature that [b]must[/b] be answered immediately.

Ninja's or pirates? Explain why.

Edit: do send Hiro my regards :wub:

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302068399' post='2685312']
Yes, one that is extremely urgent, and of the upmost serious in nature that [b]must[/b] be answered immediately.

Ninja's or pirates? Explain why.

Edit: do send Hiro my regards :wub:

Piranjas, because I said so and might makes right.

Who is Hiro?

[quote name='CEverettKoop' timestamp='1302068159' post='2685308']
GOONz: Threat or menace?

We will also accept terrorists, but only if accompanied by a hate-filled rant.
Threat loving menaces.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1302069683' post='2685325']
Piranjas, because I said so and might makes right.

Who is Hiro?

Threat loving menaces.
I'm sorry but Piranjas weren't an option, and because I said so. My nation does have more ns than yours doesn't it? And [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=237284"]Hiro[/url] is the goon that the great leader of Lincoln County will sadly have to turn the key for his awesome nuclear arsenal to strike down upon soon. We are very torn at his decision (not as much as Hiro's nation will be I bet) but we feel confident in his decision to lay waste to Tora Tora Tora's preciousness.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1302069989' post='2685331']
I'm sorry but Piranjas weren't an option, and because I said so. My nation does have more ns than yours doesn't it? And [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=237284"]Hiro[/url] is the goon that the great leader of Lincoln County will sadly have to turn the key for his awesome nuclear arsenal to strike down upon soon. We are very torn at his decision (not as much as Hiro's nation will be I bet) but we feel confident in his decision to lay waste to Tora Tora Tora's preciousness.

More threats from NPO to the innocent members of my AA, will you murderers ever cease?

Also pirates, because we have jacked your oil tanker and are holding it ransom. It fits better.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1302071274' post='2685341']
More threats from NPO to the innocent members of my AA, will you murderers ever cease?

Also pirates, because we have jacked your oil tanker and are holding it ransom. It fits better.
We warned you, we are baby eaters. It's not fair to taunt us like that, walking around in diapers and sucking on a pacifier when not throwing a hissy fit, that's just provocation! :awesome:
And you can consider that to not be a threat but a promise. :ehm:

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You heard it here first, NPO has stated they are the aggressors because of our young looks.

No one saw this twist coming but because I happen to be the best detective around I have detectivated it out of them.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1302072610' post='2685358']
You heard it here first, NPO has stated they are the aggressors because of our young looks.

No one saw this twist coming but because I happen to be the best detective around I have detectivated it out of them.
And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids. :mad:

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1302073236' post='2685361']
And our talking dog.
Yes, he's the worst of you all isn't he? I think he should lay off the snacks. Its effecting his better judgement. Or he's just constantly trying to chase his tail maybe?

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1302069683' post='2685325']
Piranjas, because I said so and might makes right.

Who is Hiro?

Threat loving menaces.

How dare you!!!! You know when The Rebel was on here shouting odds about how no GOON will go near him and how he's awesome and all that jazz? Well that's like waving a red flag to a bull with me, so I preceded to smack him around for a week pretty much unchallenged. So much so he got his NPO buddy Moneyman to jump on me too. Again to which I smacked around for a week also, with them 2 failing to do any real damage they needed a third guy to help them. I'm honoured I'm deemed dangerous enough to throw guys with 500 million warchests at me. :smug:

The bonus of this week is I got to nuke that mouth breather The Rebel, and I will manage to slip a nuke through to the other mouth breather William boner

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='General Milienius' timestamp='1302052872' post='2685133']
My god shut up and get on with killing each other already lol. I just want to eat popcorn and cheer when some nation gets eviscerated but you people are ruining my fun :gag:

Seriously, stop arguing, no agreements will be made and this will prolly go on until everyone gets tired of it and starts ignoring it, and then maybe you will start fighting again...or make peace maybe....riggghhhttt :smug::nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke:

Well said.

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Who are these people?

the rebel I can only recall as a fail forum warrior, it's sad to think he is just bad all-around warrior. :(

That 500m warchesf will be gone on a week now that it's out of the bag that he still has it. Was pretty sure we had depleted the majority of the real NPO money.

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