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Really, Methrage?


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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1301202149' post='2677934']
Did ODN really let you in? And I thought they were stretching when they accepted Frans. Good lord.
Also, you see what I was talking about when you were having your one-on-one with me the other day? I mean not everyone is like this guy, but it's p difficult to be debonair when you're faced with this stuff.
Timeline: You are a bully for attacking small nations
Meth: Of course I'm attacking small nations, you declared war on me after I had been at war for a month
Timeline: Shut up or I am going to destroy you
Schatt: Wow what an idiot. ODN declared war on Methrage first.
Timeline: CoJ attacked MK what did you expect
Schatt: MK attacked CoJ first, actually
Timeline: An attack on GOONS is an attack on Doomhouse.
Everyone on the planet: . . .
Timeline: WINNING

You have to kill this kind of stupid with fire. I mean it is base to just call him stupid and leave it at that, but what am I supposed to do? He just jumps from subject to subject while shaking his fists and threatening to nuke people that are already at ZI. "All the techdeals in the world can't save youuuu!!!!!" As Methrage nukes Omnom again using his tech money.

PS: Schloss Eggenberg is now selling 150/3. Buyers should be in alliances secure enough to tell ODN to sit on it.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1301137640' post='2677054']
Keep talking, please keep talking.

I am really getting upset with you and if I have too, I will get rid of my technology and my infra and kick the hell out of you, your nothing more then a has been nation sitting in the low levels talking crap as you beat on smaller and much younger nations.

I have more wonders then you and a lot more cash on hand and trust me you will lose and all the technology deals in the world will not save you, so just watch your mouth.
Bring it, nobody is afraid of you. You're a joke and nothing more.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1301208030' post='2678070']

Are you honestly trying to break down and analyze a Methrage/Timeline argument? Good lord man. Watching these two argue is like slamming your junk in a door: painful, utterly pointless, and absolutely no one profits. I don't like you and I can soundly say you have better things to do.

As for Methy's nukes, the best part about them are the GA's he fails directly after them. Eat uranium like a man and knuckle back up once that battle is over.

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1301253103' post='2678396']
and yet so many say the very same thing about you ?
I'm not sure how relevant what others have said about me really is, but when you take the position that I'm bullying a sanctioned alliance who declared war on me by fighting back against them its hard to take what you say seriously. Reading your posts I can't be sure whether you're trying to insult me or ODN by implying that I'm bullying them.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1301199423' post='2677867']
1/28/2011 11:42:09 PM
"You did ask for this you know"

Ruler: Earogema
Cult of Justitia

Ruler: Dr Beefstupid
Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
War Expired

I'm not sure how I ended up involved in this discussion, but I'm happy to be a part of the chaos.

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1301137640' post='2677054']
Keep talking, please keep talking.

I am really getting upset with you and if I have too, I will get rid of my technology and my infra and kick the hell out of you, your nothing more then a has been nation sitting in the low levels talking crap as you beat on smaller and much younger nations.

I have more wonders then you and a lot more cash on hand and trust me you will lose and all the technology deals in the world will not save you, so just watch your mouth.
You're right, Methrage should stop bullying that poor little sanctioned alliance that attacked him!

Come on. What is he supposed to do? Delete his wonders to make it fair? Only GA once a day? Give me a break. It's war, all he's doing is using his nation's attributes to his advantage. Surely you cannot seriously expect someone to just stop fighting or delete their wonders once they get knocked down into the lower range.


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Proves how full of !@#$ you all are.

[quote]Methrage: going on your [color="#FF0000"]nation age[/color] (1,291 days old), and the [color="#FF0000"]age of the nations[/color] you are fighting (85 to 352 days old) you are nothing more then a [color="#FF0000"]bully[/color], you have lots of wonders and good for you but you are using them to pick on [color="#FF0000"]smaller nations[/color] that do not have a chance to beat you, yet you are begging for technology deals as you can not with stand the fighting even if you are winning (so you claim).

lets just hope come the next war you grow your nation to some sort of size and then i will come looking for you, and then make a topic on how bad you really are at war. [/quote]

let me point out a few things for the people like BamaBac who are incapable of reading at a level above five.

WHERE did I state he was been a bullying on ODN, I stated he was a bully picking on smaller nations.

I just hope to Admin the terms give to a sad person such as Methrage are the worst terms that can be given to him, 6 months OWF ban

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[quote]Keep talking, please keep talking.

I am really getting upset with you and if I have too, I will get rid of my technology and my infra and kick the hell out of you, your nothing more then a has been nation sitting in the low levels talking crap as you beat on smaller and much younger nations.

I have more wonders then you and a lot more cash on hand and trust me you will lose and all the technology deals in the world will not save you, so just watch your mouth. [/quote]

Timeline, you should definitely sell off all your infra to hit him. Show him who's boss.

Edited by Gibsonator21
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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1301271391' post='2678622']
Proves how full of !@#$ you all are.

let me point out a few things for the people like BamaBac who are incapable of reading at a level above five.

WHERE did I state he was been a bullying on ODN, I stated he was a bully picking on smaller nations.

I just hope to Admin the terms give to a sad person such as Methrage are the worst terms that can be given to him, 6 months OWF ban

Holy ****ing ****. Can you just shut up? Not for me but for ODN? I promised to give ODN a second look but, seeing you and Omnomnom !@#$%*ing about this really isn't showing ODN in good light.

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1301271391' post='2678622']
Proves how full of !@#$ you all are.

let me point out a few things for the people like BamaBac who are incapable of reading at a level above five.

WHERE did I state he was been a bullying on ODN, I stated he was a bully picking on smaller nations.

I just hope to Admin the terms give to a sad person such as Methrage are the worst terms that can be given to him, 6 months OWF ban
Congratulations on reading the first line of my post and ignoring the part where I explained the pure ridiculousness of your argument about "bullying smaller nations".


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[quote name='Hydro' timestamp='1301294879' post='2678931']
This thread delivers. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img]

If you want to buy some tech, $3m for 50 tech or $4.5m for 100 tech, I can throw in some free ODN tears as an extra bonus for my valued customers. :wub:

Edit: Here are some free ODN tears for all to see, as ODN feeling like I'm picking on them for fighting back is amusing enough to post I guess.

[quote]To: Methrage From: Overlord Shinnra Date: 3/28/2011 4:50:11 PM

Subject: Big guy

Message: Like picking on newbs do ya??[/quote]

[quote]To: Overlord Shinnra From: Methrage Date: 3/28/2011 5:26:50 PM

Subject: RE: Big guy

Message: Your alliance declared war on me, not the other way around. If your alliance wants peace, I'm open to white peace. If you want peace but your alliance doesn't, you can individually surrender. That I'm fighting back when a sanctioned alliance declared war on me isn't picking on anyone, I'm not sure why you think when ODN declares on an alliance they should be expected to just give up and not fight back. If you are a newb, then maybe you shouldn't be in an alliance that declares war on alliances with nations that don't only have newbs in them. I find it pathetic that you're accusing me of picking on newbs when you guys declared on me, not the other way around.[/quote]

ODN next time you're thinking about declaring war on anyone, don't. Your members obviously don't understand what declaring war on another alliance entails and these pathetic accusations of picking on you guys from members to try making me feel bad about fighting back are getting increasingly pathetic. If you guys don't want to fight, don't declare war, but don't whine when you do declare war on someone and they don't give up without fighting.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1301351772' post='2679399']
Watch out GOONS, Methrage is bringing some stiff competition in the pubbie tears department this month.

Dare we concede victory? This thread is amazing. :mellow:

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The most ironic part of this war is I'm not even trying to get a surrender out of ODN even though they declared on me, I'm willing to go with white peace even though they declared on me. Yet they would rather complain about me bullying them rather than agree to white peace when they were the ones to declare on me, I have no interest in hurting ODN, they are the ones who want this war. Although they were complaining about Legion not fighting back enough when they declared on 64Digits, CoJ, and Kerberos Nexus, now I guess I'm expected not to fight back against them or I'm bullying weaker nations? Stop embarrassing yourself with these accusations ODN, I was looking forward to a good fight, not an alliance who declares on me and then complains when I fight back...

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1301375703' post='2679711']
The most ironic part of this war is I'm not even trying to get a surrender out of ODN even though they declared on me, I'm willing to go with white peace even though they declared on me. Yet they would rather complain about me bullying them rather than agree to white peace when they were the ones to declare on me, I have no interest in hurting ODN, they are the ones who want this war. Although they were complaining about Legion not fighting back enough when they declared on 64Digits, CoJ, and Kerberos Nexus, now I guess I'm expected not to fight back against them or I'm bullying weaker nations? Stop embarrassing yourself with these accusations ODN, I was looking forward to a good fight, not an alliance who declares on me and then complains when I fight back...

just stop trying so hard to argue back. they make themselves look bad already but you arguing back like this brings you down to their level

the logic in these parts does make it well worth reading though lol. you gotta have help to be that dumb...

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[quote name='Roi Loup' timestamp='1301376168' post='2679715']
just stop trying so hard to argue back. they make themselves look bad already but you arguing back like this brings you down to their level

the logic in these parts does make it well worth reading though lol. you gotta have help to be that dumb...
I guess you're right, better I stop posting before I'm no longer able to post rather than after. Responding to nonsense arguments can be fun sometimes to point out how incompetent the opposition is to even bring up the points they do, but better for me to just focus on the war rather than back and forth. While some ODN nations are whiney, others are alright and understand that taking damage is part of war and they can't expect me to hold back my punches.

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I think that no matter what side of this conflict you are on, no matter what your personal beliefs are, you can smile at the OP and wonder how he hasn't hit self-anarchy out of sheer idiocy. Thank you ODN, thank you Methrage, keep on keeping on.

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