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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1296538995' post='2614174']
Sure as hell wasn't what you afforded those alliances that went up to bat for you last war when you oh so "respectfully" switches sides.

Tech raiders. <_<[/quote]
Get over it and war something

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[quote name='Taliburn' timestamp='1296593362' post='2614952']
Called Loyalty. You should try it sometime

You really don't deserve a response,but since you are an attention seeker i shall give you one. You see we came into this war knowing we were going to get pounded. Not for NpO like everyone keeps saying. We also knew we were going to get countered by ODN and company. We didn't expect as many alliances declare on us like they did. Our fault ? Absolutely! Part of war is always expect the unexpected. But you see we really weren't worried to much, because as an alliance we been in this spot the last time we were at war helping IRON. ODN by itself was a handful with 269 total active nations. That right there is more then our whole alliance with the inactive. And anyone who says that ODN can't fight, i wish you luck if you ever go up against them. These guys are ruthless,know how to attack together and show no mercy. But all the while they had class while doing it. I must say it was fun in that perspective. Now add the 2 alliances that we declared on, and the other 5 small alliances we were over whelmed. GDA helped us out tremendously with the wars they were fighting. And then lil ole UBD comes in against the ODDS like we did and helps us out with all they can. Now we still had or thought what we had help. It turned out to be another knife in the back and hopefully they will get there's when the time comes. (Karma's a beeeech) But there was nothing we could do no more. At first we were holding our own, but after days 7 We were getting our asses handed to us, but we were still willing to fight on. Sometimes you have to know when to say that we had enough, there is no sense in beating a deadhorse when he's not moving. So we talked to all who was involved and we declared peace,Surrendered quit, coward out,this, that and everything in between . How ever you want to put it. But when the next war breaks out and our friends and treaty partners are involved, we will be their too. No matter what you say,if it's for a day week two weeks for however long we can until we are that dead horse. so make your comments insult us say what you like, But MCXA will always be one who you can count on no matter what if you find yourself in trouble.

Was that good enough for you?

Good to know people can count on MCXA to come in flop around ineffectively and burn then surrender without making a real dent in its opposition. But hey all that matters is they came in to burn right?

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[quote name='The Corrupt Teacher' timestamp='1296636238' post='2615985']
Good to know people can count on MCXA to come in flop around ineffectively and burn then surrender without making a real dent in its opposition. But hey all that matters is they came in to burn right?

Lets see if I get this right, you declared on RIA and got countered by Sparta and right now a total 75 wars with 29 active wars (half your numbers) and 46 wars Expired (not taken in to account deleted wars)and lost 350k NS...... here you are talking about MCXA who had at one stage 367 active wars, and in total we had 213 aggressive wars and 372 defensive wars and lost 1.9m NS.

Well I guess we did flop about and we did peace out, but what is funny is if MCXA only faced RIA and Sparta we sure as hell would have a dam sight more wars and a lot more fight then you, but hell loads of people went to war with Sparta, who attacked ODN (who's bigger then Sparta) who attacked LOST that's right no one.

So before you run your mouth like a mindless fish just keep the following in mind, we went in and gave it all, we faced eight alliances and was simply out numbered, and due to ODN been dam effective with staggering we was unable to get people in to peace mode, something RIA and Sparta has failed to do it seems, with 1/3 of your nations in Anarchy been able to get in to peace mode.

Now you can insult me, you can call me names you can every shout out loud anything you want, the simple truth is we was fighting odds that was to great and your allinace is just not that much of a target for those you are fighting.

I wish MCXA was not a main target of six of the eight alliances we faced but we was and we dealt with it, but with the NpO side having a go and pointing fingers at those who has taken a lot in this war, your list of friends who will support you next time NpO doe's something god damn dumb, is getting very small. (We came in this war on a oDP, trust me we wont be making that mistake again when it comes to supporting alliances (by fighting on your side of the war)like yours who take very little damage but by god has a big mouth.

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1296651434' post='2616079']
I wish MCXA was not a main target of six of the eight alliances we faced but we was and we dealt with it, but with the NpO side having a go and pointing fingers at those who has taken a lot in this war, your list of friends who will support you next time NpO doe's something god damn dumb, is getting very small. (We came in this war on a oDP, trust me we wont be making that mistake again when it comes to supporting alliances (by fighting on your side of the war)like yours who take very little damage but by god has a big mouth.
If your only reason for fighting here was to support Polar than you are remarkably short-sighted. Similarly, I can't imagine that this surrender is going to be doing you any favors down the road.

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[quote name='Penguin' timestamp='1296601778' post='2615172']
Welcome to the world of recruiting/training alliances, Crymson. It's always going to be a mixed bag. Some rulers are only around weekly and some are inexperienced and need to be properly trained before they can contribute. You can laugh all you want, but I assure you it is the same story to varying degrees in any alliance that let's in the newbies. If I wanted to be in an alliance of the high and mighty, spend my days making fun of the inexperienced or chronically inactive while feeling oh so much better than them because I've learned the mechanics of growth and war, and draw from a player base that's grown tired of training new generations, I could be. So why am I not?

My alliance let me in when I was a nobody. They encouraged me when I made a fool of myself. They trained me from the beginning. Eventually they put their trust in me to give back. That's not the kind of friendship I could forget, and not the kind of loyalty that is easily broken.
I agree, but he was also talking about your Minister of Defense. That changes things. Also, to return on topic, I can understand why someone would be upset about a Polar Member claims that someone sucks in the current situation.

[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1296659598' post='2616187']
If your only reason for fighting here was to support Polar than you are remarkably short-sighted. Similarly, I can't imagine that this surrender is going to be doing you any favors down the road.
Care to outline? Very honestly, I don't think that our government considers the NSO or NpO for that matter as potential friends. In fact you seem to dislike us and disliked us before that. So honestly, why would we care when you burn?

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1296651434' post='2616079']
Lets see if I get this right, you declared on RIA and got countered by Sparta and right now a total 75 wars with 29 active wars (half your numbers) and 46 wars Expired (not taken in to account deleted wars)and lost 350k NS...... here you are talking about MCXA who had at one stage 367 active wars, and in total we had 213 aggressive wars and 372 defensive wars and lost 1.9m NS.

Well I guess we did flop about and we did peace out, but what is funny is if MCXA only faced RIA and Sparta we sure as hell would have a dam sight more wars and a lot more fight then you, but hell loads of people went to war with Sparta, who attacked ODN (who's bigger then Sparta) who attacked LOST that's right no one.

So before you run your mouth like a mindless fish just keep the following in mind, we went in and gave it all, we faced eight alliances and was simply out numbered, and due to ODN been dam effective with staggering we was unable to get people in to peace mode, something RIA and Sparta has failed to do it seems, with 1/3 of your nations in Anarchy been able to get in to peace mode.

Now you can insult me, you can call me names you can every shout out loud anything you want, the simple truth is we was fighting odds that was to great and your allinace is just not that much of a target for those you are fighting.

I wish MCXA was not a main target of six of the eight alliances we faced but we was and we dealt with it, but with the NpO side having a go and pointing fingers at those who has taken a lot in this war, your list of friends who will support you next time NpO doe's something god damn dumb, is getting very small. (We came in this war on a oDP, trust me we wont be making that mistake again when it comes to supporting alliances (by fighting on your side of the war)like yours who take very little damage but by god has a big mouth.

We had Sparta for about 5 days before they stupidly attacked NV and Aztec. At that time they only had IAA and us and we were attacking RIA. Also we're still in this and fighting. So while we hold out and fight you enjoy justifying a remarkably weak performance in this war.

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[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1296659598' post='2616187']
If your only reason for fighting here was to support Polar than you are remarkably short-sighted. Similarly, I can't imagine that this surrender is going to be doing you any favors down the road.

We joined this war in support of our allies, we have no treaty with NpO and did not join to support NpO, out treaties just so happened that we was on that side of the war, you are right the surrender did not do us any favours on the FA front, on the other hand it helped us see a lot of our failings internally that we are working hard to improve.

[quote name='The Corrupt Teacher' timestamp='1296678521' post='2616484']
We had Sparta for about 5 days before they stupidly attacked NV and Aztec. At that time they only had IAA and us and we were attacking RIA. Also we're still in this and fighting. So while we hold out and fight you enjoy justifying a remarkably weak performance in this war.

You judge weakness on the time someone spends at war or the damage they have done, I am sure we did a lot more damage then you have and will do over the course of this war, but that's ok, you can call us names and poke fun, at the end of the day what does it matter what you think of us, we know we made mistakes we admitted to those mistakes, but one thing is for sure, you would not have even lasted half the time we had, just think about it, you had 75 wars that's 1.97 wars pure member, we had 585 wars that's 2.8 wars pure member, you only need another 35 wars to catch up (almost one pure member)

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[quote name='Mark Ashton' timestamp='1296662595' post='2616230']
I agree, but he was also talking about your Minister of Defense. That changes things. Also, to return on topic, I can understand why someone would be upset about a Polar Member claims that someone sucks in the current situation.[/quote]

Alas poor Aaric I knew him well.

[quote]Care to outline? Very honestly, I don't think that our government considers the NSO or NpO for that matter as potential friends. In fact you seem to dislike us and disliked us before that. So honestly, why would we care when you burn?

I know I don't consider MCXA a friend or even of any interest. I seriously doubt whether MCXA should care if we burn, MCXA are a shell of the alliance they once were and are pretty much consigned to the scrap heap of former would have beens if they could have been.

MCXA being scared of war is nothing new, it is in their DNA, there is nothing you can do about it really. However, if huggling your pixels makes you happier, hug away.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1296710809' post='2617169']
Alas poor Aaric I knew him well.

I know I don't consider MCXA a friend or even of any interest. I seriously doubt whether MCXA should care if we burn, MCXA are a shell of the alliance they once were and are pretty much consigned to the scrap heap of former would have beens if they could have been.

MCXA being scared of war is nothing new, it is in their DNA, there is nothing you can do about it really. However, if huggling your pixels makes you happier, hug away.


I take it you agree with me that pulling out of a war for an alliance like yours was the the right decision. I'd like to point out again, that we joined due to an oDoAP, if we were scared of war, we certainly wouldn't have joined, and if you didn't fail to unify our side, we wouldn't have left.

It's pretty easy: We fight for friends - the Polar Order isn't one.
And reading the responses in this thread we can only hope that at the end of the day you'll be ready for the scrap heap.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1296710809' post='2617169']
Alas poor Aaric I knew him well.

I know I don't consider MCXA a friend or even of any interest. I seriously doubt whether MCXA should care if we burn, MCXA are a shell of the alliance they once were and are pretty much consigned to the scrap heap of former would have beens if they could have been.

MCXA being scared of war is nothing new, it is in their DNA, there is nothing you can do about it really. However, if huggling your pixels makes you happier, hug away.

I am sorry to see how misguided you are, but that's ok it is something we have come to know about the NpO and NPO, any alliance is only as good as their willingness to die for NpO or NPO, you still want your meat shields to be mindless drones with no feelings, well you have STA at least.............. call us infra huger's all you want, we just do not want to defend an alliance like NpO who lack class, you spied on VE even if it was a set-up you should have been smarter, and the only reason we was on your side was due to treaties.

It's funny how NpO is like the wind, anyone who support are seen as good friends, the second they stop supporting you its as if they just killed the penguin.

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[quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1296740187' post='2617682']
I am sorry to see how misguided you are, but that's ok it is something we have come to know about the NpO and NPO, any alliance is only as good as their willingness to die for NpO or NPO, you still want your meat shields to be mindless drones with no feelings, well you have STA at least.............. call us infra huger's all you want, we just do not want to defend an alliance like NpO who lack class, you spied on VE even if it was a set-up you should have been smarter, and the only reason we was on your side was due to treaties.

It's funny how NpO is like the wind, anyone who support are seen as good friends, the second they stop supporting you its as if they just killed the penguin.

The church of MCXA failed to guide him on the right path...now let's finally move on and excommunicate him. :)

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[quote name='Mark Ashton' timestamp='1296743248' post='2617724']
The church of MCXA failed to guide him on the right path...now let's finally move on and excommunicate him. :)

The thing with MCXA is I know you are too useless to do anything about anything. Keep on hugging

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1296766906' post='2618103']
The thing with MCXA is I know you are too useless to do anything about anything. Keep on hugging

Amen, Bruder.

If your definition of useless contains that our heads are not very very deep in your ass, we are useless, indeed. I am so happy to be useless. :hug: :hug:

I am sure you have understood why we left this war, and we have stated it multiple times. The longer you guys post in here, the more justified is our departure. I mean, NpO certainly has a history of fighting for people joining a war although they don't like them. They fought and defended TOP during Bi-Polar, because TOP supported their cause. I apologize we aren't that cool. [i]Oh wait.[/i] According to your very own logic we should attack you now. So you should be happy we have fought for nine days and now return hugging what's left of our infra.

Edited by Mark Ashton
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[quote name='Mark Ashton' timestamp='1296770013' post='2618212']
Amen, Bruder.

If your definition of useless contains that our heads are not very very deep in your ass, we are useless, indeed. I am so happy to be useless. :hug: :hug:

I am sure you have understood why we left this war, and we have stated it multiple times. The longer you guys post in here, the more justified is our departure. I mean, NpO certainly has a history of fighting for people joining a war although they don't like them. They fought and defended TOP during Bi-Polar, because TOP supported their cause. I apologize we aren't that cool. [i]Oh wait.[/i] According to your very own logic we should attack you now. So you should be happy we have fought for nine days and now return hugging what's left of our infra.

Comrade, you over rate yourself. I don't give a toss whether you fight, hug your infra, fight for the other side or cry in the corner. None of these actions will influence my opinion that your alliance is historically and fundamentally useless.

I am glad your have peace, your actions are of no consequence to anyone but yourself.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1296796756' post='2618924']
Comrade, you over rate yourself. I don't give a toss whether you fight, hug your infra, fight for the other side or cry in the corner. None of these actions will influence my opinion that your alliance is historically and fundamentally useless.

I am glad your have peace, your actions are of no consequence to anyone but yourself.

its funny your actions only get your allies out numbered and beat down ?

At least our actions are to protect our allies and not drag them down with us.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1296796756' post='2618924']
Comrade, you over rate yourself. I don't give a toss whether you fight, hug your infra, fight for the other side or cry in the corner. None of these actions will influence my opinion that your alliance is historically and fundamentally useless.

I am glad your have peace, your actions are of no consequence to anyone but yourself.

You should let Penguin do the posting.

edit, btw you obviously give a toss, you're posting here... quite a bit.

Edited by supercoolyellow
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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1296831465' post='2619263']
Don't use logic with him, he doesn't know what is that and you can blow his mind.

My mind was already blown. Logic and you are strangers in the night at best.

I didn't start this war. VE did. The assertion that our decisions had anything to do with what is truly the most transparent DoW ever are merely coincidental.

As the Pacifican nations found quickly, this was orchestrated, planned and executed in spite of anything that existed.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1296831290' post='2619261']
You should let Penguin do the posting.

edit, btw you obviously give a toss, you're posting here... quite a bit.

Posting is a sure sign that I care? I just tilt at windmills as amuses me, care has nothing to do with it.

Penguin is far too tolerant of #$%^kissers, I prefer a more direct approach.

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[quote name='Legend' timestamp='1296896460' post='2620309']
So Grub, thats how you treat people who defend allies who went in for you? Seriously, show some class and gratitude!

What Voytek said about logic & Grub can very well be adopted to class & Grub.

Edited by Mark Ashton
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