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Everything. Must. Die.


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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1295974662' post='2600356']
And come on people, what is so inherently wrong with this? Nearly every alliance in the planet falls into the category of people NPO tried to disband, arose from ashes of alliances forced to disband by them, or people NPO cronies tried to disband that their association with NPO enabled them to attempt.

Many people got some version of revenge on NPO by returning the favor in Karma. Here are four alliances who have every right to deserve revenge, and are now making NPO pay for their crimes of 2+ years disbanding alliances, imposing viceroys, and banning gov members.

There are no morals in this game other than what suits your side at that particular moment. This thread proves that completely.
[color="#0000FF"]MK and many others got their revenge already. NPO paid nearly a year of excessive reparations, to MK among others. MK itself said it was over, and that the NPO got a clean slate. But those of us who knew better never bought any of that rubbish, or at the very least saw through it rather quickly. I'm pleased that you cowards finally show your true faces.[/color]

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1295977908' post='2600477']
Realpolitik? read to me like fear and revenge part 2. NPO might be bad in the future, sure we have no proof they will be bad but we dont have any proof that they will not be bad. If not getting involved in a war is now an act of war the neutral alliances of the world need to attack Doomhouse right now because preemptive attacks are good amirite?

What on earth are you blathering about and what pertinence does it have to my post?

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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1295977837' post='2600475']
Yep. And they say that they're the "saviors" of the game, because it was getting boring. Something tells me that if they come out of this victorious, those that they defeated will be making tech and cash payments. Because, you know, that's what this is [i]really[/i] about. Once their enemies are defeated, I guarantee you that they won't be fighting each other to spare themselves boredom....

I think the whole age of "might makes right" or "because we can" is going to go extinct in this cyberverse - they're not challenging political practice. They're challenging morality itself. That has never ended well. Neither has forcing your own beliefs upon others. The negativity that they have brought upon themselves as a consequence of this war will result in their demise - regardless of who the victors turn out to be. The only ones that might have any kind of a positive future left are those that will call off their attacks, "because they can", or for perhaps the radical purpose, "it's wrong".

This game needed a powerful villain. Pacifica, now you are [i]truly[/i] free. In an effort to destroy you, they've done nothing more than empower you and rid you of that role, and in turn, placed themselves into it. And we all know how [i]that[/i] chapter reads.

Congratulations, guys. You certainly have made the cyberverse more interesting. But you've sacrificed yourselves in the process. And with time, you're going to pay dearly for it - you have demonstrated political instability - you are a walking, talking liability, armed with nukes. Nobody likes that in the world of politics. You speak negatively about those that don't want to "play the game", as in, "going to war". What you have failed to realize is that the best part of the game has little to do with nation pixels, and everything to do with politics within a world community. If you find yourselves amongst a large group of responsible people, who enjoy actually "[i]playing[/i] the game" as opposed to just launching nukes for the hell of it, then you're going to be the outcasts.

There is nothing that you can do to change that. This is Planet Bob. Not Planet of the Apes.
Well said. If they were actually "saving the game," they would have attacked NPO long before this, and not waited like opportunistic !@#$%^&* until NPO was weak and without much support.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295977384' post='2600460']
[color="#0000FF"]MK, seems they're bringing back the rhetoric. NPO going to come back and dominant, and do their old tricks. Rubbish I say. They've had the ability to be a major political actor for at least a year now due to their large side, but they've done nothing. They learned their lesson. The old atrocities they committed in the form of PZI, etc. would not be coming back. The most they might do is large reps, but I can't even say that with certainty. Even if, however, MK appears to take no issue with that. Again, rubbish rhetoric, trying to justify what they're doing.[/color]

RV, I am growing to like you more and more. You speak plain truth in a time where 'spin' rules.

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[quote name='Darth Andrew' timestamp='1295978429' post='2600491']
Well said. If they were actually "saving the game," they would have attacked NPO long before this, and not waited like opportunistic !@#$%^&* until NPO was weak and without much support.
Please never run for a MoD position.

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[quote name='Viking' timestamp='1295976949' post='2600449']
finally someone who gets it
[/quote] :huh:

Well OK, I guess if you were just cryptically agreeing with me.

[quote name='Darth Andrew' timestamp='1295978429' post='2600491']
Well said. If they were actually "saving the game," they would have attacked NPO long before this, and not waited like opportunistic !@#$%^&* until NPO was weak and without much support.
[/quote]NPO has been weak and without support for a long time.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1295976745' post='2600444']
I guess Archon publicly admitting to wanting to see BAPS burnt is thrown out the window.
Now that they are busy trying to kill their main target they would probably say anything. Who can believe them anymore? Today’s clean slate is tomorrows no CB DoW.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Dr.Gamer' timestamp='1295977196' post='2600453']
If everything must die, shouldn't doomhouse commit suicide? Unless they are less than nothing.
There's a real possibility this war will be the end of us. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but sooner or later everyone is held accountable for their actions and we will certainly not come out of this war stronger then we went in.

We believe controversial action is far preferable to eternal inaction (as should everyone else tbqh).

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[quote name='der_ko' timestamp='1295979243' post='2600516']
There's a real possibility this war will be the end of us. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but sooner or later everyone is held accountable for their actions and we will certainly not come out of this war stronger then we went in.

We believe controversial action is far preferable to eternal inaction (as should everyone else tbqh).
Oh, and here I thought you were "Bob's death rattle".

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1295979228' post='2600515']
She says we but only really speaks for I. Now that they are busy trying to kill their main target they would probably say anything. Who can believe them anymore? Today’s clean slate is tomorrows no CB DoW.
[color="#0000FF"]They've toned down there rhetoric in the last few days, and after this DoW. Interestingly enough they have no problem with BAPS or IRON or anyone else existing. I guess I may one of only a few who keeps up with the current attitudes of MK members. They don't ever stop hating alliances, and they will outright lie in public concerning certain feelings when convenient (their fake respect for Sparta, for example, despite the lack of they will often display in private). Do not buy into anything they say.[/color]

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[quote name='der_ko' timestamp='1295979243' post='2600516']
There's a real possibility this war will be the end of us. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but sooner or later everyone is held accountable for their actions and we will certainly not come out of this war stronger then we went in.

We believe controversial action is far preferable to eternal inaction (as should everyone else tbqh).

You could delete, and move on to greener pastures. Instead, you choose to start an unnecessary conflict just for personal enjoyment? Very classy.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1295978812' post='2600500']
Please never run for a MoD position.

I ran a fairly successful war department for two years and he's right. Shaking up the political landscape would have consisted of actually going to war against the current power brokers, not a weakened and isolated NPO.

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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1295975850' post='2600406']
Except that NPO already paid for those crimes.

I come from an alliance who suffered more than most under NPO. The fact that I, and many GATOans, think this is wrong should show you something.

It shows a lot more about you than it does NPO. That GATO never got to extract a drop of blood for that crime is a travesty.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295979415' post='2600522']
[color="#0000FF"]They've toned down there rhetoric in the last few days, and after this DoW. Interestingly enough they have no problem with BAPS or IRON or anyone else existing. I guess I may one of only a few who keeps up with the current attitudes of MK members. They don't ever stop hating alliances, and they will outright lie in public concerning certain feelings when convenient (their fake respect for Sparta, for example, despite the lack of they will often display in private). Do not buy into anything they say.[/color]
And should we buy into what you say? You've switched sides, personalities, and opinions so many times Im not even sure where you stand anymore.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295979208' post='2600514']
[color="#0000FF"]MK, collectively, must have the memory of a goldfish if it doesn't remember Archon's statements during Karma. The rest of us sure do.[/color]
[/quote]I think you might have inferred the "clean slate" by way of wishful thinking.

[quote name='Viking' timestamp='1295979486' post='2600526']
I ran a fairly successful war department for two years and he's right. Shaking up the political landscape would have consisted of actually going to war against the current power brokers, not a weakened and isolated NPO.
[/quote]We should attack...ourselves??

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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1295979549' post='2600530']
And should we buy into what you say? You've switched sides, personalities, and opinions so many times Im not even sure where you stand anymore.
[color="#0000FF"]I've been affiliated with different sides, yes, but only because my values and opinions have stayed constant over the last three years. I have always been against abuses of power. I have always been against tyrants. I have always been against injustice. I have never admitted to being a fan of the NPO or even the NpO since BiPolar, nor many of their allies, both of them. Yet since Karma, they have not been the ones demanding excessive reparations. They have not been the ones starting wars on shoddy CBs, or without entirely. Nor have they been the ones extorting and blackmailing in the private channels, to hide their true and ugly face from the light. I am not the one who has changed. It is you in fact whom has betrayed everything fought for in Karma, or so we believe fought for.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295979415' post='2600522']
[color="#0000FF"]They've toned down there rhetoric in the last few days, and after this DoW. Interestingly enough they have no problem with BAPS or IRON or anyone else existing. I guess I may one of only a few who keeps up with the current attitudes of MK members. They don't ever stop hating alliances, and they will outright lie in public concerning certain feelings when convenient (their fake respect for Sparta, for example, despite the lack of they will often display in private). Do not buy into anything they say.[/color]

This coming from the most bipolar and flippant inhabitant of Bob. Its hard to keep up with your personalities.

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If NPO had changed they'd have joined in the fight. They didnt enter so they can preserve their power and they can rise in influence over CN. Had they entered, they'd have gained respect from me and after that war, even if we would probably still have faced them, their gained respect would allow them to rise in influence. They decided to hide to preserve their nation strenght and so we'll destroy them.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295979774' post='2600542']
[color="#0000ff"]I have always been against abuses of power. I have always been against tyrants. I have always been against injustice.[/color]

Oh so that's why you had us collecting data on allies and foes in the NPO, and even manipulating that data to serve for a purpose (i.e. the redeclaration on FAN). Gotcha.

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