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VE Condones Spying

Rebel Virginia

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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1295586361' post='2588174']
Well yeah, and I do blame \m/ for not going through with that CB, but you said you had been "punished." I didn't get how.
We're being whined at by Caliph at every turn. Well, being whined at does not necessarily constitute an unbiased image of the nature of our torment, but still, you surely catch my drift. It's a matter of perception. And it's excruciating. Or funny. But it's a repercussion I live with every day, though I will not allow it to effect my everyday mood. I have overcome, and I am at peace, and accept my punishment with honor.

Edited by Solaris
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[quote name='Bryne Farrior' timestamp='1295588638' post='2588423']
Excellent method. Rehash until it sticks.

You downplay Impero's apology too much. It was not the proper way to handle the \m/ situation, and he admitted that.


It was on the 24th (not 27th) page of the topic, unless my forum settings are effed. Not that anyone will go to the trouble to find it and not that you might actually try to be misleading/tugging people with your passionate words.
The problem is Dajobo didn't have time to apologize at all for his actions and still got his alliance attacked. It's hardly a downplay, it's just stupid.
[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1295588744' post='2588429']
Not really the same thing but excellent try RV!
Yeah, one has in-game proof complete with logs showing that they didn't want a diplomatic resolution and admitting to wrong-doing, also having been sanctioned by the actual leader of the alliance with their alliance being well aware of the incident. The other was sanctioned by the second in command and only the second in command, can be debated, and is proven to have been done by a disgruntled member who wanted to set up an alliance, rather than by a well respected member.

Oh please come off it. Both are acceptable CBs. They have the same spirit: acquiring warchest information.

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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1295587826' post='2588322']
\m/ had done absolutely nothing since getting pounded by Polar. We took our licks, GOONS didn't take theirs.

It's quite hilarious how people still hate \m/ even though they haven't done anything to aggravate anyone in a loooooooooong time.

I didn't realise you were still in \m/, MegaAros. You're right that \m/ haven't been as publicly obnoxious as they used to be. But those logs are from '08. I don't really think I will ever like an alliance founded on the principles of freedom without consequences such as I view \m/ to be. I'm sure if they were in a position of prominence, as they used to be hiding behind the NPO, then they would be just like they used to be.

EDIT: In response to Caliph, yes I know, and yes, most definitely. A lot of it has to do with how often they are in public for the opportunity to arise to discuss the topic however.

EDIT 2: Ahem, the logs are from August not '08... Anyway, while I recognise that \m/ have not been in the spotlight in terms of raiding to a great degree recently, I hardly have much faith in them, and don't really wish to upbraid Impero, as much of a snake as he is, because he scorned types such as them.

Edited by Bordiga
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[quote name='Bordiga' timestamp='1295589322' post='2588510']
I didn't realise you were still in \m/, MegaAros. You're right that \m/ haven't been as publicly obnoxious as they used to be. But those logs are from '08. I don't really think I will ever like an alliance founded on the principles of freedom without consequences such as I view \m/ to be. I'm sure if they were in a position of prominence, as they used to be hiding behind the NPO, then they would be just like they used to be.

EDIT: In response to Caliph, yes I know, and yes, most definitely. A lot of it has to do with how often they are in public for the opportunity to arise to discuss the topic however.
Oh I'm not, but I was at the time, both back then and during BiPolar.

I do think they would be rather similar if they were part of the power structure though, but then, that's kinda how I view VE now.

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[quote name='Bordiga' timestamp='1295589322' post='2588510']
I didn't realise you were still in \m/, MegaAros. You're right that \m/ haven't been as publicly obnoxious as they used to be. But those logs are from '08. I don't really think I will ever like an alliance founded on the principles of freedom without consequences such as I view \m/ to be. I'm sure if they were in a position of prominence, as they used to be hiding behind the NPO, then they would be just like they used to be.
The current membership and leadership of \m/ is mostly composed of people who weren't in the original. Whether they'd be good or bad you can argue about, but the turnover is too extreme, you can't really base it on what the original was like.

And yeah, we all know that VE thinks spying is OK as long as it's done to unpopular alliances like \m/.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1295590114' post='2588558']
And yeah, we all know that VE thinks spying is OK as long as it's done to unpopular alliances like \m/.
It seriously is not ok, but one day you too might learn to forgive and show mercy.

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[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295585939' post='2588130']
Blame the judge for that.

We've learned our lesson. You won't see Janova spying on \m/ like that again.
[color="#0000FF"]Are you telling me that Bobby J didn't know he was supposed to be spying on established alliances? Wow.[/color]

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1295590114' post='2588558']
The current membership and leadership of \m/ is mostly composed of people who weren't in the original. Whether they'd be good or bad you can argue about, but the turnover is too extreme, you can't really base it on what the original was like.

And yeah, we all know that VE thinks spying is OK as long as it's done to unpopular alliances like \m/.
While the current \m/ gov was not gov in the old \m/, a few such as Marx, Merrie, and myself were in the old \m/, under different names.

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[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1295590884' post='2588610']
It seriously is not ok, but one day you too might learn to forgive and show mercy.

Solaris, I must congratulate you. You are, without a doubt, the most sanctimonious, self-absorbed poster I have seen on these forums in quite a long time. However, despite the fact that you most often spout seemingly endless, and basically meaningless, pseudo-psychological babble, in this case you have managed to concisely say something worthwhile. Not worthwhile in the context you in which were attempting to make your point, but rather as yet another example of the hypocrisy that has been continually in evidence by VE since the start of this entire episode. How can you plead for forgiveness and mercy for your own well-documented and undeniable transgressions, yet be so completely intransigent with regard to the minor lapse of someone else? Wouldn't you say that your behavior is a textbook example of hypocrisy?

Well, of course I know that [i]you[/i] wouldn't say so, but just about any objective third party would.

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[quote name='Joe Izuzu' timestamp='1295601272' post='2588919']
*a cool opinion*[/quote]
I believe our disagreement stems for differences in regards to source criticism, dominant functions, and simple biases. I respect your opinion that I'm full of itself, and myself, if I interpreted you correctly, but I don't see you eye to eye on this subject, as I am justified in both moral and practical sense. For too long have you harkened to the crows and snakes, who show one face here, and another one there, and costruct great lies as webs of irrelevant facts. Hopefully, when the flames of conflict eventually die down, and logic based functions gain more control, in comparison to feeling based ones, I am more receptive to your criticism, and we can both learn more about our fascinating universe, together!

One mistake you made in your analysis: I do not plead for justice, I dispense it. I simply encourage people to study the joys, of forgiveness, and thus be enlightened.

But now, have fun with this war, even if it inevitably progresses to a result you might consider undesireable. But when this war ends, it is not an end, but a new beginning, for all.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1295603133' post='2588934']
If \m/ didn't like it they could've just rallied support and attacked VE. Case closed. This is not hypocrisy.

hurrr .. It's not hypocrisy if they didn't try to punish VE for it :lol1:

So - it's a 'do as I say, not as I do' world under PB's watch.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1295603133' post='2588934']
If \m/ didn't like it they could've just rallied support and attacked VE. Case closed. This is not hypocrisy.
That's not how hypocrisy works. Hypocrisy and the ability to be a hypocrite is determined by one's own actions and beliefs working against themselves.

Nobody else can make you a hypocrite. :v: They can call you one, but if you have done something to suggest you are, then you might be.

Now if you said "Yeah, they are, but you'll just have to deal with it nerd :smug:" I guess I would have to concede the point.

Edited by Earogema
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[quote name='Bordiga' timestamp='1295589322' post='2588510']
You're right that VE has been more publicly obnoxious than they used to be. But those logs are from days ago. I don't really think I will ever like an alliance founded on the principles of freedom without consequences such as I view VE to be. I'm sure being in a position of prominence, as they are hiding behind PB, then they would be just like they are now.[/quote]


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