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The GM's Court

Executive Minister

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1300811948' post='2673178']
I have to ask because of the lasers rule.


Does this come under the banhammer?

No, this is not banned. This is permitted in CNRP.

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I need to say something on the mod issue. If the forum mods don't back our GMs, then this'll be a perfect chance to have the GM position become stronger. It's almost like instead of having a UK style monarchy, where the power is handed down from the higher authority, the GMs now get their power from the people. We can vote for GMs now, and the community can recognize and back the decisions of the GMs.

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[quote name='Vince Sixx' timestamp='1300911077' post='2673939']
I need to say something on the mod issue. If the forum mods don't back our GMs, then this'll be a perfect chance to have the GM position become stronger. It's almost like instead of having a UK style monarchy, where the power is handed down from the higher authority, the GMs now get their power from the people. We can vote for GMs now, and the community can recognize and back the decisions of the GMs.

The mods do not back the rules we establish however the gm position is still maintained by the mods.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1300915461' post='2673982']
Ask Lynneth, he has done the talking.

'Tis a thumbnail, click it.
The non-visible post with 'regards, lynneth' and all was my argument about lasers, which I told you guys about on IRC some time ago.

Edited by Lynneth
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I spot several issues with that, the foremost being that nowhere did they say "It has recently been brought to my attention that the by the moderation made rulings with the exception of GM selection are not going to be enforced by the moderation and as such have in essence lost their validity." What they said was that moderation wants us to use the GMs, not go to them. Nowhere is it implied that the existing rules, [b]which are enforced by GMs, not mods,[/b] regarding space-based weapons, etc., have lost their validity. All it states is a reaffirmation of what we already know.

In fact, the mod clearly states that we must request the GMs to have the ruling changed - again, reaffirming that the rules still exist and we as a community must use the existing power structure to change the rules.

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Sargun, there were portions of your post that I couldn't really follow, but ill simply say here what I interpreted Hecate's words to be.

The Moderators do not enforce ANY rulings (which I take to mean both GM made rulings as well as HK-47's and Stormcrow's, for example). More on this in a moment.

It then goes on to say that if Lynneth's wants the Moderator ban of lasers, rods from god, etc etc, that the GMs have the capability to lift it.

Now, the first (actually second) sentence I wrote above - I remember many people shrugging off such weapons solely because they were moderator banned - Hecate has now thrown this line of thinking out the window. Does this mean that all rules (especially Mod created) are also automatically out the window? No. What this does mean is that we can now have discussion on standing rules - discussion that previously, Lynneth wouldn't be able to have, since no one would dare go against what (even defunct) mods have said.

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That's all I'm saying as well, EM. Centurius posted that the rules had lost their validity but were only staying up by the grace of the GMs; I'm saying that no, the rules are still perfectly valid but we have to go through the proper way to change any of them. Centurius went on to say that

[quote]However, because of the nature of some of these rules we will keep them intact for now. We will most likely audit the community to find out which rules are going to be maintained specifically.[/quote]

The GMs never had the power to "keep them intact" because you have no power to unilaterally create or remove rules without community input. Centurius is correct in saying that you will need to "audit the community", but he is incorrect in saying that the rules are "in effect until further notice" - they are in effect until the community decides otherwise, not when you decide otherwise.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1300997160' post='2674926']
That's all I'm saying as well, EM. Centurius posted that the rules had lost their validity but were only staying up by the grace of the GMs; I'm saying that no, the rules are still perfectly valid but we have to go through the proper way to change any of them. Centurius went on to say that

The GMs never had the power to "keep them intact" because you have no power to unilaterally create or remove rules without community input. Centurius is correct in saying that you will need to "audit the community", but he is incorrect in saying that the rules are "in effect until further notice" - they are in effect until the community decides otherwise, not when you decide otherwise.

Whoops, I must have missed or forgotten about Cent's posting here. Bad Cent!:mad:

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1300997396' post='2674929']
The GMs however have the power to make a ruling, which is what I was meaning. The rules might no longer be enforcable by mods but they are by the GMs.
Then the way you worded it was confusing :P

[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1300997634' post='2674939']
Whoops, I must have missed or forgotten about Cent's posting here. Bad Cent!:mad:

I suppose you'll have to spank him :w:

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Can I ask a question/make a request?

Can we cut the inactivity date from 25 days to something more appropriate like 15 days.
My reasoning is simple, having large expanses of empire like Greater Pacifica or the GNED or others just sit for ages and not post except once every 24th day is a bunch of horsecrap, it prevents rerolls or new players from coming in to play the game. The counter argument to this is "simply reroll in Africa or in Antarctica" well I have news for you fellows and girls, Africa is almost full up(give or take pieces of the Sahara which is absolutely useless) and Antarctica is mostly protectorate of the HAE or others and its useless chunks of ice anyway.

Just my two cents as someone who just left and now feels the itch to get back in because I enjoy the bickering of it all...

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Pravus has stated that the Protectorate land he operates is generally for new rp'ers only, and what's further, so what if I or another RP'er wants to go after GNED or IAT's lands. they rarely post and it hardly seems fair that the land be held by them at such vast expanses when they don't have the activity levels which in my mind should warrant such vast expanses.

Edited by graniteknight
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I'm quite certain what Pravus means is that its for people without nations and not for existing nations which want to expand. Have you asked him about land? The only people I am aware you asking about land from are people who already have territory that you want some of. I'm all for some sort of much more modest reform of activity (maybe a three strikes and your out policy for only posting 3 or nearly that in 75 days) but just arbitrarily dropped it to two weeks could well kill a lot of nations every final examination period. It seems selfish and short sighted candidly.

Finally the idea that one person's personal views should dictate what warrants a large empire or does not warrant a large empire is frankly a bit ridiculous. So and so can say that they don't have the activity levels or they can say that they don't have the posting quality, or a number of different factors. We run into a slippery slope here.

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The way Pravus always explained his policy to me, and I can check to confirm his exact wording is that any protectorate he claims is available for New RP'ers alone. That and Pravus and I have conflicts of personality and I know for a fact we would not get along well together(we didn't as sovereign nations, why would we as Master/Vassal?)

Triyun- If I don't ask for land from people who already have it, it again begs my central question, with the giant empires in play as they are, Where do rerolls go? Africa is filling up/already filled. Antarctica is a useless wasteland of ice and is mostly the protectorate of the HAE anyway and he's rarely on IRC to ask questions to. The dropping it to 15 days or so is arbitrary as a number, the actual number would be devised by the GM's, but you do agree some reform needs doing. I am not asking for this because I want Hawaii or I want Poland or I want New Zealand. I am asking because I want fairness for rerolls and new RP'ers As to your point about the "It could kill a lot of nations around Final Exam times for colleges and things" That's why we have the system of locking ones nation, so that nation players say for example me as the UKIM can take a break and focus on the exams but then return lets say in a week or so to CNRP. There already is a safety net in there for players who have busy lives. Just use the lock system. But do not just post every 24th day and expect it to sit well because that's just land hording which is pointless. Let other players have a chance.

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