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The GM's Court

Executive Minister

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A spy ring in that country might be more likely if you were bribing British dissidents
That’s often how it works in real life

A spy ring in Britain might also be more likely if your countries weren’t already at war
It is easier to start that sort of thing in peace

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299103257' post='2649935']
If you wanna do that, it should go like this as your nations under seige.

Roll 1 - Get out of the Republique[/quote]Might not be necessary if there are Republique loyalists overseas – that could avert the first role.

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I am calling this !@#$%^&*

I demand a !@#$@#$ wipe of Rotaveles Nation.

Her inability to reply without godmodding, infact, her inability to reply PROPERLY is disabling to this entire roleplay and makes it impossible to roleplay.

Her god mods have been repeated over and over again, she cannot construct a real response to any attack, and continues to pull metagaming and godmodding !@#$%^&*.
How she changes her leader and hides HP rotavele after seen mine and timmys request for rolls to locate the !@#$.

Until she is either sorted the $%&@ out, I will no longer recognise a single !@#$@#$ action she !@#$@#$ takes and I will continue with this war on the standard 3 days auto advance protocols established by this community until she puts a proper !@#$@#$ response together.
I mean it, either she sorts her !@#$ out, OR, i wont recognise a !@#$@#$ thing she does, including the !@#$@#$ responses she is putting forward that are complete godmods and impossible.

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I must say, albiet in a much more calm matter I do find it aggrevating that Rota does not really RP military damages and makes a multiple number of threads rather than stick to a single thread making the flow of RPing a war difficult.

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I'm inclined to agree as multiple times Rotavele has blatantly refused to recognize my forces, as evidenced by posts [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99257&view=findpost&p=2648543"]here[/url] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99257&view=findpost&p=2649636"]here[/url] and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99257&view=findpost&p=2650024"]here.[/url]

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299109257' post='2650037']
I am calling this !@#$%^&*

I demand a !@#$@#$ wipe of Rotaveles Nation.

Her inability to reply without godmodding, infact, her inability to reply PROPERLY is disabling to this entire roleplay and makes it impossible to roleplay.

Her god mods have been repeated over and over again, she cannot construct a real response to any attack, and continues to pull metagaming and godmodding !@#$%^&*.
How she changes her leader and hides HP rotavele after seen mine and timmys request for rolls to locate the !@#$.

Until she is either sorted the $%&@ out, I will no longer recognise a single !@#$@#$ action she !@#$@#$ takes and I will continue with this war on the standard 3 days auto advance protocols established by this community until she puts a proper !@#$@#$ response together.
I mean it, either she sorts her !@#$ out, OR, i wont recognise a !@#$@#$ thing she does, including the !@#$@#$ responses she is putting forward that are complete godmods and impossible.

Umad? Also I gave you all casualties so I dont see why your whining? How is it Godmod? Your really boring me now. I thought war was supposed to be fun D: And you took it OOC. If it wasnt for the OOC disrespect we would be friends. When I declared war on you I even sent you a <3 in OOC. Now your just being a !@#$% and I have to be an ass back to you so it really makes it unfun.

Also I hid Rotavele so you could find him. He was in the government building and it wouldnt be fun if you were trying to find him other wise because I mean you knew where he was.

When will you finally realize that there is no way for me to win this war? Im giving you more casualties on my side then I see fit. I am RPing to lose and im destructing my own country to make you happy and in turn its just making you even more pissed. I dont get you at all. Im doing everything so you can RP and have a good time and your just being an ass hat.

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No, you are roleplaying !@#$@#$ nothing

You airfields and airforce has already been hit by other warring members, my own attack was largeley concentrated against your airbases and airbases.
How the $%&@ you pulled 800 fighters out of your ass I dont know.

I did not Target ground soldiers, I targetted faciltities,airbases and aircraft. I jammed your radar amungst other things, and you ignored it all.

Moreover, your !@#$%^&* AAA gun RP was wiped and was never recognised as canon due to the godmod post it was constructed in.

We dont want JUST casualties, we want DAMAGES against your military infrastructure.

That said.
I will not recognise ANYTHING you do or post until I think its good enough.
I will continue my war on you and unless you respond adequately, I will continue to not recognise your actions.

My demand for a wipe still stands.

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zoot, rotavele

[size="5"]CALM DOWN
there is absolutely no reason to be calling each other asshats or !@#$%*es or $%&@ers or !@#$%^&*
the GM court is a place for civility, not for insults.


I really don't want to have to PM Manwe again

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299110258' post='2650072']
No, you are roleplaying !@#$@#$ nothing

You airfields and airforce has already been hit by other warring members, my own attack was largeley concentrated against your airbases and airbases.
How the $%&@ you pulled 800 fighters out of your ass I dont know.

I did not Target ground soldiers, I targetted faciltities,airbases and aircraft. I jammed your radar amungst other things, and you ignored it all.

Moreover, your !@#$%^&* AAA gun RP was wiped and was never recognised as canon due to the godmod post it was constructed in.

We dont want JUST casualties, we want DAMAGES against your military infrastructure.

That said.
I will not recognise ANYTHING you do or post until I think its good enough.
I will continue my war on you and unless you respond adequately, I will continue to not recognise your actions.

My demand for a wipe still stands.

The Military damage was done, and all my Fighting Jets aren't in one place. They could have flown from Malanje or anywhere (Modern planes can travel at 1,500 MpH imagine First-World Planes fly faster). Anyways im done with you, Let the mods handle it, Your way too ticked of over a war your going to win anyway. Im letting you win just because its not where you can destroy everything in one blow doesn't mean you gotta whine about it. Your gonna win. Im giving a lot of unnecessary casualties to make it more fun. Now if you dont mind. Im playing CNRP for fun not to be harassed OOCly by another player.

Also Im having fun losing the war, as its my role. Now if you wouldn't mind I have a role-play to get back to, If you dont want to play anymore thats fine but your allies are having fun as well as I. Now good bye.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299110846' post='2650089']
I will continue to role-play this war.
But I will not recognise your actions.
Fine with me, Broski. Ill surrender to your allies as they are much more respectful OOCly and ICly.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299109987' post='2650067']
Umad? Also I gave you all casualties so I dont see why your whining? How is it Godmod? Your really boring me now. I thought war was supposed to be fun D: And you took it OOC. If it wasnt for the OOC disrespect we would be friends. When I declared war on you I even sent you a <3 in OOC. Now your just being a !@#$% and I have to be an ass back to you so it really makes it unfun.

Also I hid Rotavele so you could find him. He was in the government building and it wouldnt be fun if you were trying to find him other wise because I mean you knew where he was.

When will you finally realize that there is no way for me to win this war? Im giving you more casualties on my side then I see fit. I am RPing to lose and im destructing my own country to make you happy and in turn its just making you even more pissed. I dont get you at all. Im doing everything so you can RP and have a good time and your just being an ass hat.

It'd be infinitely preferable to stick to one thread. I am directing this at both you and Fizzy. There really is little reason to have more than Dem Redcoats for this war as far as thread goes. Atm there are like 4 threads going. Thats just bad form.

Edited by Triyun
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First of all, drop the insults. It's not making you look better, it's defeating any validity in your statements and it's just poor show in general.

This is an advice however I do recommend you all to take it.

The ooc attacks thrown around in this war have gone out of hand, both sides have made moves that could be considered godmodding and metagaming. Let's all agree to strictly abide by the rules and when there is an issue just pm a gm rather than starting a heated argument ooc'ly.

As for this specific case. Rotavele you need to rp the effects of attacks however to the coalition, give her some time. It isn't exactly a small amount of attacks that need to be dug through.

Edit: And yeah honestly keep it in 1 thread.

Edited by Centurius
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299111046' post='2650092']
Fine with me, Broski. Ill surrender to your allies as they are much more respectful OOCly and ICly.

Your recent responses to Markus are along the lines of what is expected.

If you write a proper response to my air war, then we might get along.
For the record, I'm not recognising 800 aircraft.
The scale if attacks from several people have near enough wiped out your ability to launch aircraft. Not completely, but pretty much.

You need to RP the damages to the specific things that have been targeted.

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From Rotavelle's post: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99257&view=findpost&p=2650024

I would direct attention to the 800 fighter number. Atm most of Rotavelle's country is under occupation by Moriarty's nation. The ability to scramble 800 planes in this context and engage the enemy is highly unlikely due to sheer numbers of runways that'd require. Further I would point out the ability to simply fit 800 fighter planes in the sky around the remaining territory is highly iffy, it'd be a stretch to fit 800 flying around in his normal airspace.

Further Timmy has already destroyed many air strips of Rotavelles, making it even harder.

Edited by Triyun
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299112625' post='2650142']
From Rotavelle's post: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99257&view=findpost&p=2650024

I would direct attention to the 800 fighter number. Atm most of Rotavelle's country is under occupation by Moriarty's nation. The ability to scramble 800 planes in this context and engage the enemy is highly unlikely due to sheer numbers of runways that'd require. Further I would point out the ability to simply fit 800 fighter planes in the sky around the remaining territory is highly iffy, it'd be a stretch to fit 800 flying around in his normal airspace.

Further Timmy has already destroyed many air strips of Rotavelles, making it even harder.

Changes to 80 due to Zoot's complaints.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299113534' post='2650166']
Just edit the post if you have not already.
The wipe request is put on hold.
Dont change your wipe request now. If its that big of a deal ill edit it back to 800.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299113941' post='2650184']
No, you changed your post to something resembling acceptable.
I can live with that. That's why my wipe request is on hold.

Still dont care. Also RP your casualties now that your nagging fest is over.

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Could a GM look at this. Rotavele tried to create fake DNA to trick Slavorussian examiners. From what I've heard that takes a long time to do, more time than I would have given him to turn over the body.

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Of for god sakes let it go. Now I'm just getting sick of all of you complaining. Something happened that makes you sad, and you report it to the GMs. Just go with the flow. Unless it is something terribly unrealistic, you should just have an average response. Anyway, let Rotavele have a new leader. If you need a reason to invade him or not recognize him, there are plenty.

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Need a GM to look over this.

The complaints are also inside.
In short, once again I'm accused of Godmodding because I'm Using the lack of serious, detailed response from rota to my advantage.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299117546' post='2650335']
Of for god sakes let it go. Now I'm just getting sick of all of you complaining. Something happened that makes you sad, and you report it to the GMs. Just go with the flow. Unless it is something terribly unrealistic, you should just have an average response. Anyway, let Rotavele have a new leader. If you need a reason to invade him or not recognize him, there are plenty.


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