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EE cracks down on the commies

Eggman Empire

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*excerpt from Eggman News Network article*

The Eggman Communist Party, or ECP, has landed itself in hot water this past week by calling for the resignation of Emperor Isaac Kintober and the repeal of dozens of laws they say oppress the "working class." The main ECP HQ in downtown Robotropolis was shut down. Also, the ECP party leader, one Eliot Radenpansk, has been arrested for sedition and attempting to instigate a rebellion. Before his arrest, Radenpansk told his supporters to "...Rise up against the bourgeoisie-run oligarchy that oppresses the masses! Strike down the Kintober government; the enemy of the people! The working man must revolt against his oppressive masters and free himself from the corrupt shackles of Capitalism!" Radenpansk urged his supporters to take to the streets and throw out their local civic leaders. ECP senate members have denounced Radenpansk's jailing, but at the moment their comment have no political weight behind them.

This is yet another strange chapter between the EE government and it's communist party. Usually minority party that never stretches beyond 10% of the total population, the communist party has been described as the "noisy minority." Ever since it's founding, the ECP has continually declared that the government allows companies operating inside Eggman Empire borders of oppressing workers, suppressing free speech, and being a general police state. This is not the first time the ECP has been in trouble with the government. There have been three other incidents of ranking ECP leaders being arrested in the past five years, along with dozens of violent protests between those events. One local ECP HQ near Isen has been shut down six times in the past two years.

When asked why the government tolerates such outrageous behavior, acting Minister of Internal Affairs Blyzar Dreth had this to say: "The Eggman Empire constitution states that any group may form a political party to have their voices heard. The majority of the ECP members are law-abiding citizens who have decided that the ECP is the best platform for having their complaints heard and it would be unfair to punish them. However, ECP leaders must take responsibility for their actions. If one of them advocates the toppling of the government, that goes too far."

Regardless of whether Radenpansk went to far, sympathetic ECP protests have sprung up around the nation. Most are small, attended only by local ECP members. However, larger protests have occurred in bigger cities, especially the nation's capital of Robotropolis. The protests have yet to become violent, but based on past history, the government has stationed a large police and military presence around them should things become to uncontrollable.

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Excerpt from Verdade Socialista:

"...considering the repression of workers taking place in the Eggman Empire, the Revolutionary Federation of Socialist Republics issues a condemnation, in the severest terms, of the Eggman Government for willfully conducting and otherwise undertaking a despotic repression of workers and their rights. So decided upon by the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Workers' Party..."

The Central Government, preoccupied with rebuilding the wartorn country and in consolidating Socialism in one country, did little otherwise than endorsing the article (Verdade Socialista WAS the official newspaper of the country and expressed the government's official stance in international affairs).

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The United Federation of the East's Chairman Jia, General Secretary of the United Zeonic Socialist Party of Asia and Vice Chairman Hu Guofeng General Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist Party of China jointly condemn this egregious violation of human rights against workers who seek merely freedom and justice.

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Procinctia stands by our longtime Eggman Empire friends in this decision.

Capitalism and Communism: whatÂ’s the big deal?
Every country is entitled to determine itÂ’s own internal economic policy.
How is a nationÂ’s internal economic policy anyone elseÂ’s business?
Procinctia has never understood how something mundane as economic systems could be so derisive.

Edited by Generalissimo
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[quote name='Ezequiel' timestamp='1294789415' post='2572383']
"España applauds this crack down on the communists. Nothing good ever comes from communists, they are a pest LONG over due for extermination."

[i]Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Ezequiel José.[/i]

"Your sentiment is noted"
-Press Secretary of the ruling Socialist Alliance.

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"The capitalist dogma displayed by the Eggman Empire should be worrisome to the free peoples of this world. In their attempt to 'safeguard' themselves from communism have taken one step closer to robbing their citizens of their freedom."

-Senior General Aung Suh Kong of the Burmese Republic

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While the arrest of this man on political grounds is not ideal, the Republic of Nigeria notes that the Eggman Empire is free to decide it's own laws. As long as there is no mistreatment, and on the assumption that a right wing politician would face similar charges for such actions, we find that it is not our place to make condemnations based on what appears to be flimsy evidence at best.

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"Excuse me, madam?"

A pert White Cross worker walked over to where the albino lass sat. A pale finger ran across a line of text, the name of Isaac Kintober pointed out amidst the many words. "Who is this man?"

"Emperor Isaac Kintober of the Eggman Empire," the worker replied. Her nose wrinkled at the mention of his name, and she was close enough for the Scot to see her disgust. "He's got a particularly grim country up north. The human rights record for that place is...smudged, to say the least. This anti-Communist sentiment could be considered a small part of it."

"Why?" asked Annan Rusby, pink-red eyes confused. In her head, the little pea under the mattress shifted, if only for a moment glancing and quick.

"Because his father was a madman," said the worker. "He was held on trial for crimes against humanity — kidnapping and smuggling citizens across the borders of several countries, using them for medical experiments."

The pea in her head gave a terrible jolt. Annan's stomach sank into a cold pit, although she could not say why. For this and something else she couldn't put a finger on, it distressed her. "Why though?"

"Nobody knows," said the woman, shrugging. "He's dead now, and that's all that matters. Look, I'm sorry, but I need to go attend to the other passengers. Call me if you need anything, all right?"

"Of course. Thank you, madam," said Annan, going back to the one of many newspapers she had piled beside her. The journey to the Athenian Federation had been delayed by a storm, so Annan felt it right to pass the time by educating herself on current events. The article from the Empire had been particularly enlightening; Annan's instincts were screaming "do not enter" like a klaxon for a natural disaster. She also couldn't deny the reaction of the worker and the words spoken about the Eggmen's leaders....

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Breaking news: Several weapons caches has been found the home of Mr. Radenpansk, as well as three other ECP leaders. The caches contain, among other things, RPGs, anti-tank rockets, AP MG rounds, and plastic explosives. Schematics for building chemical weapons and IEDs have also been found with the caches. The authorities are investigating where the weapons came from.

This discovery has led to the arrest of even more senior ECP leaders, as well as the shutting down of major ECP HQs around the country. The military and police have been placed on high alert and are ready to take on any possible militants that show up. ECP members are still being allowed to protest, but and group larger then 50 people will be dispersed.

Responding to international criticism pertaining to Eggman Empire's initial response, Head Minister of External Affairs Blyzar Dreth had this to say: "The unemployment Eggman Empire is 2.3%. The minimum wage here is $8.50. Any employee must be paid time-and-a-half if they work more then an 8 hour shift. Employers cannot work their people for more then 14 hours strait. Fifteen minute breaks must be provided every two hours worked. Employees are entitled to a half-hour break if work four or more hours. Employees are allowed to form unions. From where I stand, the workers of Eggman Empire are well treated and compensated for their hard work and time spent.

Rhetoric like Mr. Radenpansk's is merely an attempt to incite revolution because people like him have a personal grudge against the government. The Eggman Empire believes in freedom of speech. But if it calls for the destruction of the government or government property, then it stops being free speech and becomes threats against the state. And we do not take kindly to threats. It should also be known that Mr. Radenpansk has a criminal record involving drug charges and damages to government property. If foreign governments wish to support this man, it's their choice. Personally, I believe only idiots would sympathize for the likes of Mr. Radenpansk. Also, if we find out that Mr. Radenpansk and his associates were supplied by another country, words will be had."

Edited by Eggman Empire
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[i][color="#FF0000"][size="5"][b]Communist Party in Eggman Calls for Government Overthrow![/b][/size][/color][/i]

[i]*a headline from The San Juan City Free Press; Nation/World section*[/i]

Eliot Radenpansk, Communist Party Leader in Eggman Empire, as well as several other Communist Party leaders, were arrested a couple days ago after Radenpansk and said members of the Party expressed violent overthrow and shut down of the current Government. Eggman Laws prohibits [b]violent[/b] anti-government speech.
The speeches by Radenpansk and other officials included encouraging violence against Emperor Isaac Kintobar, as well as destroying the Imperial Economy.
Earlier today, Eggman officials found what appeared to be a small armory inside the home of Mr. Radenpansk, including ammunition and plans to build chemical weapons.
However, further disturbing news comes from the Official responses of National Governments around the world condemning the Eggman Empire's arrest of Communist Party leaders.
Head of Foreign Affairs Juanito has issued a no fly list to all travelers encouraging Funky Republican Citizens from traveling to these nations.
"It's not because these nations are bad or evil; we are encouraging our citizens not to travel to these locations because of government support of violence, which is a danger to anyone" Juanito said in an incredibly brief press conference.
El Presidente, in the meanwhile has not given any clear condemnation or support for anyone, either the Eggman or other nations weighing in.
"My funky friends; our little island republic is in no position, militarily or morally, to do anything about it, one way or the other. Eggman is cracking down on violent rhetoric; which I funkily believe is something I can get behind. Let others condemn it or support it, it's up to them"

In further news, Carlos Arigonlez, Communist Party Leader and college student here in San Juan, has declared himself a vegan in order to "free the workers of Eggman and Puerto Rico, and to stick it to the corporate oppression of women". Leading analysts are still baffled as to what this possibly means

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