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A Declaration of Existence


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International Armed Forces is now officially in existence on planet bob. I will keep this short to save your eyes.[/center]

[center][url="http://s4.zetaboards.com/IAF/index/"]IAF Offsite Forums[/url]
[url="http://s4.zetaboards.com/IAF/topic/8199181/1/#new"]IAF Charter[/url]
[b]Team Color:[/b] Multicolored
[b]IRC:[/b] #IAF on coldfront
[b]Protected by:[/b] UINE (Treaty will follow shortly)[/center]

[b]Commander:[/b] Tornado
[b]Vice-Commander:[/b] Sirty15[/center]

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Tornado and I have a long history of working together and due to the strong freindship between us I am proud to announce today that we will be protecting his alliance until they are strong enough to do that on their own. May IAF reach the heights I think it will.


[b][center][size=150]The New Hatchling Treaty[/size][/center][/b]

The Union of Integrated National Entities (UINE) is proud to announce that it has taken the International Armed Forces (IAF) under its guidance and protection, in order to give IAF all the tools and resources necessary to ensure their development into a mature and respected alliance.

[b]I. Sovereignty:[/b]
UINE and IAF recognize that they are both sovereign alliances and will treat each other as such.

[b]II. Peace and Respect:[/b]
Both UINE and IAF agree to be respectful towards each other on all mediums and to support each other like friends do. Additionally, both alliances agree to refrain from acts of war, spying, etc... which could damage the other signatory.

[b]III. Protection and Defense:[/b]
An attack on the International Armed Forces will be considered an attack on the Union of Integrated National Entities. As such, UINE will treat this attack as one on its own members and will attempt to resolve the issue in a manner adequate to the situation. While not required, the IAF may come to the defense of UINE at their choosing if the need for defense is ever requested.

[b]IV. Multi-Level Assistance:[/b]
UINE agrees to help the IAF in its development; while the responsibility for success falls on IAF’s shoulders, UINE will mobilize all of the resources at its disposition in order to help IAF achieve success. This includes but is not limited to: technical support, guidance, financial aid, military support, tech agreements, etc.

[b]V. Cancellation and Possible Upgrade:[/b]
Should either side feel that this treaty is no longer required, they agree to give the other a 48 hour cancellation notice, during which the treaty remains active. Should the IAF feel they have outgrown the need for protection and assistance; the parties will discuss a possible upgrade of this treaty as they see fit.

[b]Signed for the Union of Integrated National Entities:[/b]

Emperor - Keve69
Triumvir - MajorLu, HRH King Raymond

[b]Signed for the International Armed Forces:[/b]

Commander: Tornado, Hero of the Sheep Herd.[/quote]

o/ IAF

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Great to see this! It's good to see another start-up AA. Feel free to stop by our forums at [url=http://www.cndoa.com/forum/index.php?]www.cndoa.com[/url] and request an Embassy! Nothing but good times to be had...plus we have lots of beer!!

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