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An Announcement from G-6 & Roman Empire


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[quote name='Machanidas' timestamp='1293793247' post='2559179']
Dogbite; G-6 --- of course, my apologies --- it's late. Still didn't catch a second offer.

At any rate, no gov can make that call w/out Clash on hand.

It was probably because Dogbite told me he was going to try again then went to sleep...

I don't know, though...


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I had a good night tonight and it had nothing to do with CN, so forgive me for wandering in late. The only people who think that CN comes before real life are the ones who don't HAVE a real life. To me, that was spirit intended of the ceasefire in general; even though we thought it was a bunch SE-ish crap we didn't want to sign, we respected the intent it had when Ferrie suggested it.

Anyways, I took the time to attack from my phone from where I was, so I hope that's appreciated by my opponents! I did the best I could against the guys I was fighting. I spied where I could, quadded everyone and won most. Though I could only hit Dogbite with underdog attacks - and that was BEFORE he nuked me. I dunno who anarchied him but it wasn't me lol

[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1293784946' post='2559138']The Warriors have received 2 White Peace Offers, Both were promptly rejected.[/quote]
Anyways, nothing was rejected and no one else had the authority to reject anything anyways - you KNOW who to come to for these things. Only one offer was relayed to me and the answer dog was given was not a rejection, it was "I'll pass the message along to Clash." I'll talk it over with WAPA before anything else. We will not leave them on the field.

...and for giggles, I got this from one of our newer members. We added about 50-60 new members (including the ghosts lol) this round, and so many of them are new to CN period. Not long ago, this guy had never been in a war before. Hell, we were just barely getting across economics principles with so many of them. Anyways:

[quote]To: Clash From: XXXX Date: 12/30/2010 11:40:33 AM

Subject: RE: To WAR!!!

Message: i have been attacked by 3 nations, one of which is the highest in the game

do you want me to attack back?

i have been driven into anarchy [/quote]

Ain't that cute! I told him yepp, go ahead and hit 'em back as best you can, coordinate against them with your alliance mates blah blah blah, stuff like that. The same guy is willing to fight his nation into the ground all round long, if that's the way we wanna go. So, he's trying, and sometimes that's all you ask for. Someday he's gonna be a good one.

So anyways, messaging WAPA and whatnot.
Good fellows those.

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Yeah like I said to dogbite many times with him threatening tW not being an alliance anymore and how we have nuke capable nations and whatever else he decided to tell me that just wasn't the right thing during a peace offer.. Those were and still are my opinions and Clash has final say.

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[quote name='KOwens06' timestamp='1293816022' post='2559311']
Yeah like I said to dogbite many times with him threatening tW not being an alliance anymore and how we have nuke capable nations and whatever else he decided to tell me that just wasn't the right thing during a peace offer.. Those were and still are my opinions and Clash has final say.

You seem to be under the impression G-6 are the ones who need peace. We just don't want this war to drag out longer than it needs to, it is clear we have stomped Warriors, there is no need to wipe the floor with you. You guys still have time to rebuild, it's just time to let this one go.


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[quote name='Vukland' timestamp='1293822282' post='2559368']
Clash I recall you all blindsiding Catharsis!

Although this isn't the point of the thread, We had solid info you guys were coming after us with a bloc against TPC and us don't remember who else. So we did blindside you pretty well. Don't remember the stats don't really care. But you had a target list with our names on it. We wouldn't let that slide. So thats the end of that.

Also, Confusion I never said what you stated. Don't know where you pulled that from. I'm stating what dogbite told me, how it was conveyed etc etc. You don't think we know your blitz crippled us? Just stop jumping up and down saying "We can wipe the floor with you" I get it. Don't really care. But I get it. Clash is working on it. And funny you say let things go, I've told you to let go of this grudge a long time ago. This war gonna make you drop it finally? You finally got us. You happy now?

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1293793022' post='2559178']
What I find funny is the G-1 guy hitting me used a nuke, when I was already below 300 infra and have zero money and in no way shape or form to hit back. But he still wastes a nuke on me LAWL. Come on, you really should have kept it for someone that may be able to hurt you. It was a nice update blitz. Now I get to re-roll and continue to hit RE for the rest of the round. :awesome:

actually since that was me, you were at 386 infra at the time (i nuked you to below 300 infra), had over 100 tech and mostly i nuked you to lower your soldier count so that you could be hit at least once since myself and the other nation hitting you had under 30% odds. but yes, obviously you had no way to hit back and were completely harmless.... plus, in all honesty i lowered my bills by a good amount.

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[quote name='KOwens06' timestamp='1293823069' post='2559376']
Don't remember the stats don't really care.

You only care about stats when you're getting stomped, I get it :smug:

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[quote name='Squid33' timestamp='1293825037' post='2559400']
You only care about stats when you're getting stomped, I get it :smug:

Great job at ignoring everything but the one part of my post you didn't like. I've never posted stats, so no not really. Never complained about the odds. Just said RE wasn't needed from who I've talked too. But yay! I turned into a complainer again....

I'll ask you guys again... Please Please Please get a new argument and or new material. Stop spouting the same stuff over and over and over!

Edited by KOwens06
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[quote name='KOwens06' timestamp='1293825426' post='2559408']
Stop spouting the same stuff over and over and over!

It matters so it must be said, it would be stupid of us to ignore the obvious facts.

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[quote name='Mikeyrox' timestamp='1293745367' post='2558583']

I think [i]you[/i] are the one with the grudge here. I know that I was one of the people who initially suggested that our first war ought to be with warriors or wapa, but not because I had some grudge or hatred for you guys. I considered you and WAPA good fighters, and I like testing our strength out against you guys.

WAPA people used to talk trash about our military and call us toga girls on the OWF, so we figured we would try and prove them wrong on the battlefield. Neither myself or, to my knowledge, ADude developed a grudge over that, we just wanted to militarily surmount a pair of alliances that previously we had been unable to defeat.


Well you certainly kicked ass. I liked the Toga girls spat and you will remain toga girls :)

As lookoot says lets keep killing each other :ph34r:

Forgot to say

A happy new year one and all in this little skirmish.

More Beer :ehm:

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[quote name='bunnet' timestamp='1293827315' post='2559430']
Well you certainly kicked ass. I liked the Toga girls spat and you will remain toga girls :)

As lookoot says lets keep killing each other :ph34r:

Forgot to say

A happy new year one and all in this little skirmish.

More Beer :ehm:

i am partial to whiskey but will most assuredly be sending some beer to all WAPA nations alongside either my missiles or my alliance/allies missiles. I would not mind receiving some whiskey in return. :D

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[quote name='Squid33' timestamp='1293827095' post='2559423']
It matters so it must be said, it would be stupid of us to ignore the obvious facts.

Really thats all you can come up with? I can call you opportunist cowards thats an obvious fact but do I do it? It's actually easy to ignore obvious facts. Because I'm not calling you anything right now but I could [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img]

So please just stop. I don't need to be replying to pointless posts that offer nothing to this conversation.

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[quote name='Squid33' timestamp='1293827095' post='2559423']
It matters so it must be said, it would be stupid of us to ignore the obvious facts.

Hm, considering how to G-6, addressing the 'obvious facts' is almost certianly met with accusations of 'whining', it would be down right hypocritical of you to actually begin to do that, as much as you desperately need to start doing so.

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[quote name='TriggerFinger' timestamp='1293832892' post='2559524']
"You only care about stats when you're getting stomped, I get it" <--Squid33

Stats are posted in all the wars we fight. Stop Crying.

You're funny.

I posted that in a response to Kowen stating he didn't care about stats, so do you guys care about stats or not?

And to Kowen, you have already called us opportunistic cowards... so stop making me reply to pointless posts that offer nothing to this conversation. :smug:

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[quote name='Squid33' timestamp='1293840380' post='2559668']
You're funny.

I posted that in a response to Kowen stating he didn't care about stats, so do you guys care about stats or not?

And to Kowen, you have already called us opportunistic cowards... so stop making me reply to pointless posts that offer nothing to this conversation. :smug:

You know people have different opinions right?

Man where did G-6 get all these horrible posters? Not once did I say that, but continue to post dribble. Its fun to read.

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Ooh.. drama. I've been avoiding TE because it's just so boring and emotionless. This is the longest thread in a while, which is only a good thing. All the more reason TE should have more treaties.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1293830303' post='2559473']
i am partial to whiskey but will most assuredly be sending some beer to all WAPA nations alongside either my missiles or my alliance/allies missiles. I would not mind receiving some whiskey in return. :D
One small point. There is no e in whisky :excl: Common mistake made by minions who don't drink the real stuff :smug:

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[quote name='bunnet' timestamp='1293870626' post='2559965']
One small point. There is no e in whisky :excl: Common mistake made by minions who don't drink the real stuff :smug:

well then, please send me some of the real stuff. :D

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[quote name='Squid33' timestamp='1293825037' post='2559400']
You only care about stats when you're getting stomped, I get it :smug:

as someone who helped plan that war for Catharsis's side i can say that warriors and Catharsis were pretty evenly matched

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[quote name='bunnet' timestamp='1293870626' post='2559965']
One small point. There is no e in whisky :excl: Common mistake made by minions who don't drink the real stuff :smug:

It depends which english dialect. And it doesn't matter, cause I'm jap. Sake all the way!

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[quote name='Vukland' timestamp='1293822282' post='2559368']Clash I recall you all blindsiding Catharsis![/quote]
Tsk tsk! Now is not the time for revisionist history, wait til you become a politician :P.

We hit you at the same time you and others were ganging up to stomp TPC as part of Confusion's bloc during the first Grudge War of that round (though it does seem all his wars are grudge wars hehe.) Same update, same day. We were still smaller than you at the time (don't make me go find the thread and the stats!), and while you guys had TPC nations to fight, we got AoD and DF nations hitting us defending you.

Most importantly, you guys were fully decked out for war and we weren't hiding behind any ceasefire treaties. To say it was a blindside when you were decked out for war - totally incorrect. We were sure we were getting hit that night and figured we'd hit someone else in sort of proactive self-defense. That was our first round and we had like 20 nations back then. We were so cute!

Fake edit added just before posting: I clicked on the notify thing to take me to your post and KO already answered this, but I'd still written it and oh well lol

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