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[quote name='Frederico Rodriguez' timestamp='1293320272' post='2553804']
So all of you thought the "Declaration of We're-not-worthy" meant war? It's just under the title, not exactly hard to read.

Lighten up and chill, it's the holidays ;)
Problem is, what you did has been done over 9000 times. It lost it's hilarity a long, long time ago. Cue the rolling of eyes and the head-desking.

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[quote name='Griff' timestamp='1293320874' post='2553808']
Problem is, what you did has been done over 9000 times. It lost it's hilarity a long, long time ago. Cue the rolling of eyes and the head-desking.

Eh I think it's time to get over it. We see the same people complain about 9000 useless things, now we're even then.

Don't miss the content in this thread in poetry form. Less boring criticism of titles, and more enjoying GATO/ODN brilliance and love.

[quote name='Rebounder' timestamp='1293321264' post='2553810']
This is why over the past few weeks I have been more than happy to pilfer millions upon millions of dollars from both of your alliances.

ZI'd, Anarchied and providing our small nations with target practice. I thought that was you giving us a nice present, shame for your sake that you misjudged providing an easy war in a war game is somehow damaging.

Thanks for the present anyway, lots of love <3, from GATO.

Edited by Frederico Rodriguez
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[quote name='d3filed' timestamp='1293308294' post='2553729']
Nobody cares.

Nobody cares about you not caring.

[quote name='Griff' timestamp='1293320874' post='2553808']
Problem is, what you did has been done over 9000 times. It lost it's hilarity a long, long time ago. Cue the rolling of eyes and the head-desking.

Why not choose one of those threads to go complain in then? If I recall correctly Tyga does something similar to this almost every war. His announcements are always followed by "clever" or "You're so funny". Why are you choosing this announcement to whine and complain about? I have an idea, just stfu if you don't think it's clever. Being the fifth person in a thread to repeat something has been over-used just makes you a hypocrite.

Also hi Griff :)

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1293320844' post='2553807']
Are you sure? You appear to have some confusion differentiating between GATO and MK.
Despite the poorly done thread by GATO, they worthy of a lot more respect than MK and I don't see that changing regardless of how many topics like this they might make. MK has lost credibility long ago and I'm disappointed TOP would drag themselves down to your level by signing a treaty with you, but its been clear for a long time that MK is mostly an alliance full of garbage posters.

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[quote name='Frederico Rodriguez' timestamp='1293321381' post='2553811']
ZI'd, Anarchied and providing our small nations with target practice. I thought that was you giving us a nice present, shame for your sake that you misjudged providing an easy war in a war game is somehow damaging.

Thanks for the present anyway, lots of love <3, from GATO.

Trust me, that's to no credit to GATO. Since I was spending my war earnings, I needed ~2 million daily to regain my losses and continue rapid growth. However, though I could have easily made 2 million one night with my deployed troops, I decided 3 or 4 million was even better, and attacked a guy with only 72% odds. The Almighty Number Generator apparently answered the prayers of GATO, leaving me without even the troops I needed to attack the easier targets, let alone the larger one I was going after.

You must've prayed very hard, GATO, and for that you were spared. Congrats on accomplishing by dumb luck what MHA, ODN, GPA, and Valhalla utterly failed to do, though.

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[quote name='Frederico Rodriguez' timestamp='1293321877' post='2553817']
So you're using a GATO thread to trash some another alliance, maybe trash them in other thread please :)
Sorry about that, he used this thread to express his opinions on me, so I responded with my opinions on him and his alliance, but I'll avoid any further posts in here.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Frederico Rodriguez' timestamp='1293322215' post='2553822']
I don't believe a single battle destroyed your nation, statistically a 10k nation has no chance against an alliance of GATOs size. However i admire anyone who sticks to their guns.

As the line says, 'Luck goes to those who have earned it'.

A 4k nation*

Also I needed that money to stay out of bill lock, which explains how losing that battle could bring me down. :gag:

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I used up all my creativity on the poem, I had nothing left to come up with a creative title. I apologize for any and all psychological damage this has caused the readers of my thread; while it was my intention to abuse an already overused cliche, I could not anticipate that your delicate sensibilities would be so offended. To further efface myself and to make good on my apology, I will be forwarding along a list of very discreet psychiatrists who specialize in anger management and Post-Cliche Stress Syndrome. I abase myself humbly before you.

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[quote name='Vercingetorix4' timestamp='1293324186' post='2553831']
I used up all my creativity on the poem, I had nothing left to come up with a creative title. I apologize for any and all psychological damage this has caused the readers of my thread; while it was my intention to abuse an already overused cliche, I could not anticipate that your delicate sensibilities would be so offended. To further efface myself and to make good on my apology, I will be forwarding along a list of very discreet psychiatrists who specialize in anger management and Post-Cliche Stress Syndrome. I abase myself humbly before you.
I realize I said I would avoid further posts in here, but I forgive you. Enjoy your thread. :P

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[quote name='itseZe' timestamp='1293265368' post='2553457']
OWF, you're lucky we didn't lose, as you would have to read some horrible poem by Max. Instead you are blessed with this masterpiece :awesome:
Not sure if this would be better or worse than a poem by Joracy...

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I cannot believe some of you spent Christmas Day moaning about the title of an announcement and the content of a thread containing an otherwise decent poem and bit of general fun. Actually, perhaps I can, but it sure is a stiff reminder of who never to bother talking to.

Edited by Laslo Kenez
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[quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1293334273' post='2553956']
Some top-class poetry in here! The vogans could take a note from GATO, that's for sure.

:) Congrats to ODN for winning recruitment contests... even while fighting a war? xD
We're just that skilled at multi-tasking.


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[quote name='Dementual' timestamp='1293335061' post='2553966']
This is completely !@#$%^&*, GATO.

Why don't you ever write me nice poems? :(

Ring in the new year:
May it be as demented
As the last couple

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