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Joint TSCE - KoH Announcement


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The Shadow Link Union[/b][/center]

While the rest of the inhabitants of Planet Bob are blowing each other up, we're solidifying our friendships. I'm sad that this treaty has been pushed back this far, but I'm very happy to see it finally being put up. So, without any further ado I present the Shadow Link Union.

In the interests of friendship between their esteemed alliances, TSCE and KoH agree to the following terms:

Section I
Both alliances and their respected members shall remain sovereign to each other.

Section II
Neither alliance shall engage in or endorse military action against the other signatory. If a nation is found in violation of this they will be ordered to offer peace and appropriate reparations as agreed upon by both alliances.

Section III
Neither alliance will conduct espionage on the other.

Section IV
Both alliances and their respective members shall remain civil to each other at all times, especially but not limited to the public forums, and irc channels.

Section V
If either alliance receives information concerning a threat to the other, the receiving alliance will notify the other signatory as soon as possible and provide the relevant information with the consent of the source, keeping the source hidden if chosen.

Section VI
Both alliances may request help from each other in the time of military or political conflict, be it direct or indirect financial aid, intelligence information, or political pressure. Alliances are encouraged to fulfill these requests, but are not required to do so.

Section VII
Either signatory may terminate this pact at any time; however, the withdrawing alliance must notify the other signatory through diplomatic channels 48 hours prior to this, except when the countersigned has violated Sections II, III or IV

KoH signees:

Caleb - King
Abomb2323 - Duke of Economics
Britishdude - Duke of Foreign Affairs
Solomon Frost - Duke of Internal Affairs
FA_Hayek - Duke of Defense

TSCE signees:

E.Grievous - The Emperor
Shadow Lurker - The Consul Vizier
Sir Digbycc - The Consul Commander
Outsiders - Praetor of Interal Affairs
Thomas - Praetor of Finances [/quote]

tl;dr TSCE-KoH signed a PIAT, you may now return to your normal more exciting announcements

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Worth the wait KoH. :)

TSCE appreciates and is honored by the formalization of our friendship in the hopes that we may both strive forward together to bigger and better things. Thank you to all of KoH for voting this forward and I wish you well.

o/ BD
o/ caleb
o/ KoH

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