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Federation of Armed Nations Announcement

Princess Doomee

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1291781899' post='2533545']
Let's look at the last three major wars they fought:

-UJW: took horrible damage from MK and other smaller alliances despite having a massive advantage
-NoCB: allowed themselves to get rolled without putting in any kind of semblance of a fight, believing this to be a good strategy. Meanwhile MK decimates NPO's upper tier
-BiPolar: got utterly crushed by Poison Clan, many times smaller than them
I don't recall NpO fighting PC in the bipolar war, but I remember them switching sides to help MK after you guys used your treaty to try forcing them into it (They fought GOD, then you convinced them to declare on TOP as well, not really a situation where they would be motivated to fight). In the UJW that was an overwhelming victory for their side which put them in a powerful position for a long time, the UJP surrendered or disbanded within a week. In the noCB War I was busy helping MK decimate NPO's upper tier (I was a member of MK during that war), but wasn't NpO on MK's side in that one? I think Greenland Republic was the common link that had you guys fighting on the same side.

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I agree with Mollari on this one. All participants should be pleased, rather than turn this into a vicious conflict, let it be something of fun. All participants had fun from the way it sounds and I'm sure it was good war experience for all involved. I'm glade to see these alliances were able to have this competition without it evolving into something more.

Edited by Muddog
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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1291780597' post='2533518']
UPN > you.
[color="#0000FF"]So, when can we count on the mighty UPN machine showing up in the event of an actual war? From what I've seen it's not even capable of handling a single rogue on its own.

That said, I am not surprised to see FAN and NpO near the top.[/color]

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1291782283' post='2533552']
I don't recall NpO fighting PC in the bipolar war, [/quote]
hahaha, the Soviets didn't recall fighting the Finns I guess also
[quote]In the UJW that was an overwhelming victory for their side which put them in a powerful position for a long time, the UJP surrendered or disbanded within a week.[/quote]
Thanks to extremely successful political manoeuvrings they had a large enough NS advantage to win. It's an objective fact that the UJP was better on a purely tactical level.
[quote]In the noCB War I was busy helping MK decimate NPO's upper tier (I was a member of MK during that war), but wasn't NpO on MK's side in that one? I think Greenland Republic was the common link that had you guys fighting on the same side.
Why can't I criticize the woeful performance of an alliance that was "on my side"?

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1291781537' post='2533537']
Come on, Athens, don't be sore not-winners.
Come on, Schatt, stop being a hater

Everyone involved had fun while the rest of you got to sit on your hands and whine about the lack of war. so tell me, who REALLY lost?

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1291782766' post='2533570']
Why can't I criticize the woeful performance of an alliance that was "on my side"?
I agree their performance in the BiPolar War was pretty bad, but when they're fighting both sides I don't see why they would be motivated to fight their best. All the damage done to TOP in that war was also damaging NSO and all the others who gathered to fight on NpO's side in that war, also TOP was already fighting around 20 alliances.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1291782944' post='2533575']
I agree their performance in the BiPolar War was pretty bad, but when they're fighting both sides I don't see why they would be motivated to fight their best. All the damage done to TOP in that war was also damaging NSO and all the others who gathered to fight on NpO's side in that war, also TOP was already fighting around 20 alliances.
Um the PC example was the stage of the war that they started, where they had every reason to give their all. I am of the belief that they improved later on in the war.

Also, the "20 alliances" figure is incredibly wrong, as it includes alliances who declared on IRON but not TOP. The full list is on the CN wiki and it is very wrong. There's also the fact that I can count on one hand the alliances that actually put any effort in.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1291783488' post='2533592']
Can we get a full #1-#10 ranking. I mean the statistics are flawed anyway but can we still see them?
R&R and FOK anchor the list having agreed to join but then not fielding a team. From looking around on the 10 10 10 part of Farks boards this is all i can find
[quote]1. FAN: 109,618.6
2. NpO: 92,230.3095
3. UPN: 68,907.485
4. WTF: 68,017.363
5. Sparta: 49,095
6. GATO: 30,026.59883
7. ?
8. ?
9 & 10: FOK & R&R[/quote]

Athens' [url=https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=tOdAa90aEn7NzhqdxA84eJg&hl=en#gid=0]stats[/url] werent added. As i understand it the fellow in charge of the math had some RL issues that needed tending to so i assume the above list is incomplete

(the spreadsheet is posted on the boards, just wanted to get inb4 Schatt)

Edited by wickedj
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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1291783576' post='2533595']
The problem is several did not even report results, and that a few alliances dropped out.
If they dropped out that means they lose, as they didn't have what it took to finish the competition. I don't see that as a problem, although I don't see why Athens doesn't post their score and UPN theirs so we can compare. If alliances have results they can report and be proud of them they probably will.

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[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1291783866' post='2533603']
This thread is near as fun as the games. The only one with an issue wasn't even involved!
We had fun as did all the participants, it beat the hell out of infra hugging and complaining about the world.
Amen. maybe next time some of these whiners will put their infra up and have a little fun

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1291783979' post='2533605']
Is there a prize for beating UPN with only 80% of your nations reporting in?
Only 80% of your nations reporting in isn't something to be proud of, it shows they don't follow orders properly and were the dead weight you put on your team meaning they probably didn't do much damage. Congrats on the 3rd highest score assuming that's accurate regardless though.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1291784257' post='2533615']
Only 80% of your nations reporting in isn't something to be proud of, it shows they don't follow orders properly and were the dead weight you put on your team meaning they probably didn't do much damage. Congrats on the 3rd highest score assuming that's accurate regardless though.
You sound jealous. But considering who it is i am not surprised

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1291784675' post='2533624']
You sound jealous. But considering who it is i am not surprised
Jealous of what? Seems Athens took losses in this competition and that your score ended up not mattering when the results were tallied regardless. Overall I probably did more damage during my war with GOONS than you did throughout the entire competition. Congratulating you doesn't mean I'm jealous at all.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1291784896' post='2533629']
Jealous of what? Seems Athens took losses in this competition and that your score ended up not mattering when the results were tallied regardless. Overall I probably did more damage during my war with GOONS than you did throughout the entire competition. Congratulating you doesn't mean I'm jealous at all.
This just in, when you are attacked..you lose some infra. Some lost more than others.

I have all my stats in an excel sheet..go look through my blogs, its probably the last one i posted

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1291785436' post='2533640']
This just in, when you are attacked..you lose some infra. Some lost more than others.

I have all my stats in an excel sheet..go look through my blogs, its probably the last one i posted
I'm not saying its a bad thing you took losses, I'm proud of my causality count, as its part of war regardless of who's doing more damage. I'm just not sure why you think I would be jealous of guys when I had other opponents to fight while you guys did that.

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