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Declaration of Existence of The United Nations

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Hello Fellow Cybernations players I fitadude14(My Real Nation Ruler) President of The United Nations comes before you to Declare Our Existence. The things included in this Declaration is the Charter and flag.


Section I-Membership
Section II-Goverment
Section III-Crime and Punishment
Section IV-Raiding
Section V-Amendments
Section VI-Voting

Section I-Membership
Anyone can join The United Nations but they must fill out an application with their appropiate information and must meet all of the following critera.
1. Anyone who agrees to follow the president may join.
2. Anyone who agrees to the rules.
3. Who has good record with other alliances meaning that your not wanted and no debts.
4. Is not in any other alliance after they have been accepted.
5. Is not currently at war.
6. The final decision on whether or not an applicant is granted admission is decided by the President.
7. Must have there team color set to red.
8. Multiple accounts is forbidden.
9. If there is any nations will multiple accounts please inform I the President or the Admission officer.

Section II-Goverment
Our Government is a Democratic Republic.
President- Serves for life or until resignation. The President has complete control over the alliance he accepts members, approves war, vetos, and exiles members.
Vice President- Serves for life or until resignation. The Vice President helps the President with the alliances members, wars, and takes over when the President is absent.
Minister of Foreign Affairs- Serves for 5 months. Controls treaties with other alliances.
Minister of Internal Affairs- Serves for 5 months. Controls recruitment.
Minister of Finance- Serves for 5 months. Controls all War and financial aid requests.
Minister of Defence- Serves for 5 months. Orders defensive attacks.
Admission officer- Serves for life or until resignation. Controls members admissions.
Poll officer- Serves for 5 months. Controls votes for elective polls.

Section III-Crime and Punishment
These are a list of punishments that will be enforced if you do a certain crims.
1. Betrayl- Expulsion and possible declaration of war upon offender.
2. Disobedience- Warning and possible suspension.
3. Profanity- warning and possible suspension.
4. Attacking without Permission- Suspension and possible expulsion.
5. Multiple Accounts- Suspension and or possible permanent expulsion.

Section IV-Raiding
This what you can do during raiding. You may not raid unless given permission by the President.
1. You are only allowed to raid nations not in alliance.
2. You cannot raid a nation within another alliance unless giving permission by president.
3. You Cannot raid a nation within our alliance
4. Once done raiding you may not raid again for another 48 hours.

Section V-Admendments
1. You the right to retaliate to attacks by another nation under permission of me.
2. Nation admission is to be free and any individual may join.
3. You have the right to raid any nation without an alliance.
4. You have the right to trade and send aid to any nation.
5. You have the right to fight in alliance wars.
6. You have the right to object and or protest any decision I the President or any other executive makes.
7. You have right to take punishment because of offense of Section III.
8. All nations admitted in the alliance have the right to vote in polls.

Section VI-Voting
1. When I the President or any other government officials put up a voting poll you may vote.
2. Each vote will be counted and if a certain number of votes is higher than the other decision that choice will be chosen.
3. Each poll will be fairly counted and voted on.
4. If you think there is an error in any of the polls please inform I the president or the poll officer.
5. If there is any nation with multiple accounts that are multiple voting please inform the poll officer.
6. Everyone has the right to vote.

If you want to join up just Message me.

Edited by Harry Dresden
Fixed flag for you.
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Powerful flag.

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Your IMG tags aren't working for me. Might I suggest using http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2f/Flag_of_the_United_Nations.svg/800px-Flag_of_the_United_Nations.svg.png ?

Since you are a Red team alliance, have you talked to Red Dawn at all?

Edited by Geoffron X
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[quote name='Lord to the Gizzle' timestamp='1291785373' post='2533639']
You have http:// twice in the beginning of the image url. Remove one and it'll work. Best of luck, double check on the Polaris protection.
Well, that and he tried to copy the image search URL The link GX gave would work, or if he wanted to go with the original URL, stripping it down to http://wikihistoria.wikispaces.com/file/view/Flag_of_the_United_Nations.png/65396878/Flag_of_the_United_Nations.png also works.

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[quote]Hello Fellow Cybernations players[b] I fitadude14(My Real Nation Ruler)[/b] President of The United Nations comes before you to Declare Our Existence. The things included in this Declaration is the Charter and flag.[/quote]

Anyone else catch that? Someone should probably give him a heads up.. I'm way to lazy to send a message.

Good luck nonetheless!

Edit: Anyone else catch that? I can't use quote tags correctly. Maybe I shouldn't be giving advice.

Edited by Weezy
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Do you have forums or an irc channel? You may want to consider these things, along with a protectorate and using the 'preview' function in your thread before posting something like this. I wish you well, but I have a feeling you would be better suited to join an established alliance and learn the ropes before pursuing an endeavor such as this.

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[quote name='Mergerberger II' timestamp='1291786528' post='2533658']
It probably goes without saying, but this alliance is not protected by the New Polar Order.
So you would leave this poor helpless newbie open to the ravages of tech raiding? What kind of heartless monsters are you?

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1291798140' post='2533799']
So you would leave this poor helpless newbie open to the ravages of tech raiding? What kind of heartless monsters are you?

Impressive troll of both Polar and this alliance, Voytek. You always had talent.

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good luck with everything. i also would suggest perhaps setting up your IRC channel and forums as soon as possible. there are also plenty of alliances that would be willing to help with mentoring and protection. you want to be able to protect your members as well as be able to offer them sound advice. also don't take the criticism to heart because we are all excited to see new alliances but we just like making sure they have some good direction..and that often comes with a little heavy handed advice :P

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[quote name='lanceman1972' timestamp='1291875616' post='2534689']
You should recruit GeorgeWBush for your alliance. He'd be a great MoFA

I think I speak for the rest of the Viridian Entente when I say this is a great idea :awesome:

[quote name='Mergerberger II' timestamp='1291932068' post='2535131']
Impressive troll of both Polar and this alliance, Voytek. You always had talent.

Hey way to take a comment way too serious...

[quote name='President Hardin' timestamp='1291933837' post='2535160']
good luck with everything. i also would suggest perhaps setting up your IRC channel and forums as soon as possible. there are also plenty of alliances that would be willing to help with mentoring and protection. you want to be able to protect your members as well as be able to offer them sound advice. also don't take the criticism to heart because we are all excited to see new alliances but we just like making sure they have some good direction..and that often comes with a little heavy handed advice :P

Speak for yourself please.

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