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You guys suck at this game


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LOL... a Believe slap might sting, a Clash slap would hurt, and if Cam took a swing,,,, I'd duck and we'd be fighting til end of round. Actually not totally true, I'd try to duck Clash's slap too.

And you know what, you are right, I don't post much. But unless you are currently playing in a meaningful way right now, I'm afraid you just don't know what you are talking about anymore. It's a different game, some parts worse, some parts better.

It's a new game, It's way harder and the guys on top are either massively good builders or fighters positioning for an endgame fight.

The builders confuse me and leave me in awe of their calculations, and the fighters.... I'm always curious how it would play out.

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Who is Cam?

Also, yeah congrats. Growing is a lot better. I'm glad you can reach new heights at this game due to your cowering. Man, I hope that doesn't take too much strain on you. Maybe you need to take a breather after that. You could grow that high in past rounds, alliances wouldn't let you though. I know you guys don't know what a 2 week war is anymore so, I'll try not to be too hard on you. Also, the last LE boys I ran into with didn't put up too much of a fight :smug:

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??? you don't read... right?

LE ain't growth oriented, me either.

But I respect the growth guys and how they weather the storms in game. I admire their ability to calculate and move. It ain't for me, but it is a legit way to play.

Who's cam, biggest tough ass in the game IMHO. Go toe to toe with Cam and you got something to brag about.
If you played, you'd know who Cam is. (personally I think I can kick his ass, but so far that isn't how it worked out)

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1291306251' post='2528047']
Why don't you just cry? I agree with Clash. Put up or shut up. Simple as that. I give props to Nascar and Adude for at least trying to pull their $h!t together and get their AA's going in the right direction, but this whining is despicable! I think a show of doing is in order. Stand by.

Your mind is simple. Your emotions are a single color. Your thoughts are a single line.

If you begin to be more complex things should be like this:


To be fair you guys remind me of my neighbor's kids. They are always outside playing and then when one of them gets hurt they start yelling very aggressively over it. The true question is why are you crying over us discussing this? If you have no input other than "quit whining." "quit making te like se." leave. I believe this thread is directed at those who are interested in trying something different. And really your further complaining of complaining is only more of a nuisance than the original complaining. If you are happy with the way things are and [i]truly[/i] believe no one will be interested in changing things up why do you come here? People interested in change are spreading it to others who may be interested as well. Point.

Get over it. All you say is, "enough whining. do something." What in the hell do you think this thread is for? As I said above. You guys complain when nothing is done. And you guys complain when something is done. If I wanted to make you guys happy I would have bought you roses and sang you a song. :)

If nobody is interested in doing something different, there is nothing more to it. But a fair number of people have shown interest. If people use the forums for getting others interested there is no problem with that. Just... go to your war threads if you don't care.

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[quote name='Janitor' timestamp='1291347421' post='2528669']
??? you don't read... right?

LE ain't growth oriented, me either.

But I respect the growth guys and how they weather the storms in game. I admire their ability to calculate and move. It ain't for me, but it is a legit way to play.

Who's cam, biggest tough ass in the game IMHO. Go toe to toe with Cam and you got something to brag about.
If you played, you'd know who Cam is. (personally I think I can kick his ass, but so far that isn't how it worked out)

Actually, I do. I actually never stated that LE is growth oriented. I said the nations in this game are growth oriented. Which you agreed with. I simply stated that I've handed some LE nations their own arse.

Yes, I actually know people who have done this and it's not as hard as they make it out to be. It's actually fairly easy to avoid wars.

Oh man, maybe if you used someone's full name it would be much easier. Elbo will always be the biggest hardass in the game no matter what.

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1291344583' post='2528618']
Who is Cam?

Also, yeah congrats. Growing is a lot better. I'm glad you can reach new heights at this game due to your cowering. Man, I hope that doesn't take too much strain on you. Maybe you need to take a breather after that. You could grow that high in past rounds, alliances wouldn't let you though. I know you guys don't know what a 2 week war is anymore so, I'll try not to be too hard on you. Also, the last LE boys I ran into with didn't put up too much of a fight :smug:

RE had an almost four week long war last round so yes we still know what a two week long war is.

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[quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1291347930' post='2528682']
I believe this thread is directed at those who are interested in trying something different. And really your further complaining of complaining is only more of a nuisance than the original complaining.

When I read the OP, it reads like someone complaining about it no longer being "the good old" days, and more specifically the "good old days" when Murder, Inc. was around. I in no way see read it as what you describe above. At best, the point was not explained very well.

[quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1291347930' post='2528682']What in the hell do you think this thread is for?

Um, for Believland to complain that "you guys suck at this game" (see the name of the thread) and that people did it way better in the past - MI being an example. That's the thread I'm responding to.

[quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1291347930' post='2528682']If nobody is interested in doing something different, there is nothing more to it.

Where has anyone said they are not open to doing something different? I don't have a problem with how things are now, but I am open to something different.

Wow - maybe we really, really have a total lack of communication going on...if this is what other people on the other side of this discussion are saying and not just your interpretation.

Edited by White Chocolate
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Considering that the person who made this thread is a complete Drama Queen in SE and has shown that he is also in TE, I would like to say this thread has no relevance to anything.

Now to those who are currently complaining about how our community is, well I would like to say that you are completely retarded. I strongly believe that this is a great Community, no matter the amount of !@#$ heads in it. We are who we are and our diversity makes up what this Community is. Whether you think that TE is merely for mindless war, or rather it be for pixel growth, or for the causalities race, perhaps making it into the top 10 for name recognition or flag running, it doesn't matter!! It's like you are all trying to find the meaning of life, c'mon man!? really? You play TE because you have a motivation for it, thus being what I just stated or something else, you like it, you play it, your apart of it. We all like, hate, and/or don't about people in here, but whatever our beliefs our, we are the pinnacle to this community's design and well being. If you don't like how something is going, don't complain about it, try to fix it. You all have your own beliefs, why not do something about them and build off it. As for Clash's comment on Darwinism "The strong survived, stayed and prospered." is completely true. The weak died off because they didn't want to do anything with their own beliefs and except want them to happen magically.

My only advice to you is the only way to make TE any better is to bring more people in it and add to the diversity and overall experience. Nothing will get done by complaining, however, something will get done if you want and strive for it.

Now get back to the things about TE that makes you happy and enjoy it :)

Edited by SoADarthCyfe6
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Although its hard to keep track of the point (i hate forums and the internet communications, its so hard to keep things straight). The point is, we think your doing it wrong, you think we are doing it wrong. We complain at each other yada yada yada. You grant your soul to me yada yada yada. We all are in big disagreement over things to be done. We are all full of spite and many of us need to take a 5 month break from the internet blah blah blah. We will never agree blah blah blah. People make threads saying another style of play sucks (people did it to flag runners as well. many of the same people who did it are now chastising others for doing it). Believland is obviously rocking his goal at creating drama. The general quality of internet conversation goes down related to the last real life contact of people (i dont know who but someone in these forums is really dragging stuff down or something). Ummm... you grant your soul to me. I've had many people call me a bad player, so if someone calls you a bad player get over it. Its an opinion. ummm.... if you knew believland was trying for drama why did you so easily fall into his trap. and better yet anybody elses trap for that matter. ummm you grant your soul to me. Posting a bunch of counter arguments won't really get anywhere on the internet. i know, i'm a professional at arguing dumb things for entertainment. ummm... victory for ZIM.

All who agree sign below.


edit: uhh i dont know why i quoted whoever i did. oops. that means i love you on forums. accidentally quoting people, because you know it was on purpose ;)

Edited by Frostfirefox
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[quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1291347930' post='2528682']
Your mind is simple. Your emotions are a single color. Your thoughts are a single line.


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[quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1291362662' post='2528886']Believland is obviously rocking his goal at creating drama. [/quote]
Well, he is with you I guess.

His comment about Elbo was hilarious. There are two incidents that stand out in my mind when we talk about that fellow. There's the time he and Believland bandwagoned on an LE blitz against my alliance, hitting me with update quads. I ended up killing the two of them incredibly deep into reroll-land, while also fighting 3 LE (including the Red Baron :P ) and a Farker I threw in just for giggles. I know darn well who carried MI in their "glory" days lol. When fighting LE it's always nice to have a couple of war farms.

From the "what have you done lately" file: The other incident, was Elbo pushing Confusion out of power at the last incarnation of MI, declaring himself the sole and only government of MI. ...then got them all utterly crushed when Pork Shrimp blitzed them. Pork Shrimp's 29 nations anarchied 54 of the 71 members of MI. That remains the biggest butt-reaping I ever saw and the worst war management. Elbo totally picked that fight too. Did you bother with a nation during that time, Beleivland?

In the end it's what you've done that matters: Some people talk it, others walk it.

Yeah. Nice forums thread.

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[quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1291355991' post='2528782']
Yea RE 3 week war with warriors, now we are both in the top 3 so the top AA's know how to long war..

No Stelios we obviously did it wrong. If two people say so we obviously did... We should of continued in this round...

Haha the funny thing is we never peaced out when just let the round kill us all.

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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1291355387' post='2528769']
Considering that the person who made this thread is a complete Drama Queen in SE and has shown that he is also in TE, I would like to say this thread has no relevance to anything.

I'm glad I'm a drama queen in SE. Mind showing me how?

[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1291391075' post='2529107']
Well, he is with you I guess.

His comment about Elbo was hilarious. There are two incidents that stand out in my mind when we talk about that fellow. There's the time he and Believland bandwagoned on an LE blitz against my alliance, hitting me with update quads. I ended up killing the two of them incredibly deep into reroll-land, while also fighting 3 LE (including the Red Baron :P ) and a Farker I threw in just for giggles. I know darn well who carried MI in their "glory" days lol. When fighting LE it's always nice to have a couple of war farms.

From the "what have you done lately" file: The other incident, was Elbo pushing Confusion out of power at the last incarnation of MI, declaring himself the sole and only government of MI. ...then got them all utterly crushed when Pork Shrimp blitzed them. Pork Shrimp's 29 nations anarchied 54 of the 71 members of MI. That remains the biggest butt-reaping I ever saw and the worst war management. Elbo totally picked that fight too. Did you bother with a nation during that time, Beleivland?

In the end it's what you've done that matters: Some people talk it, others walk it.

Yeah. Nice forums thread.
TBH, I'm not trying to create any drama on the forums.

It's not bandwaggoning when you do it first, secondly yeah I shortly quit after that because you really didn't put up a fight for a day. While LE did commit [b]a lot[/b] to MI, they really didn't carry MI into glory. It had to do with the leaders playing by their rules. I know you don't know what that is.

You actually have that completely wrong. It was CG and I who crushed Marcus :smug: and declared Elbo sole leader. A spot he declined, by the way. Actually, I disbanded, well, at least tried to disband MI right before the war started. I know I like to recreate MI but that's only for MI members. People who try to ride on a name is as bad as those who let them.

I know ad hominem is really a last line of defense but, it helps when you know what you're talking about while doing it.

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1291410854' post='2529303']It's not bandwaggoning when you do it first, secondly yeah I shortly quit after that because you really didn't put up a fight for a day. While LE did commit [b]a lot[/b] to MI, they really didn't carry MI into glory. It had to do with the leaders playing by their rules. I know you don't know what that is.

You actually have that completely wrong. It was CG and I who crushed Marcus :smug: and declared Elbo sole leader. A spot he declined, by the way. Actually, I disbanded, well, at least tried to disband MI right before the war started. I know I like to recreate MI but that's only for MI members. People who try to ride on a name is as bad as those who let them.[/quote]
It wasn't first, it was at the same time, and if LE (and Fark if I remember rightly) weren't attacking us at that time, you probably wouldnt have tried. I also seem to remember killing you off pretty quickly. I'm not completely certain I didn't anarchy you off your own blitz. I just remember it being a crushing of epic proportions on the both of you.

Ahhh so you had quite a hand in MI's final downfall. Not too surprising. Elbo did NOT decline, he was very proud of stating that he was the sole member of MI's government, and if I get extra care from somewhere, it's easy enough to go look up. Right here in these forums after all, if 30 or whatever pages back. In my brief time as MI viceroy, at least I didnt get the entire alliance killed off :P

I guess all this living in the past is why you do so little here in the present. Again: If you want stuff done differently, go do it. Enough expecting someone else to do it for you. Get together with your ol' pals and form an alliance for next round. Confusion used to make a different one every round. If you can't - then shush up and quit the sniveling, and go back to your TE old folks home. Seriously. Put up or shush up.

I'm just not impressed with all this "Oh old MI was the bestest" crap.
Judging by what I've seen here recently?

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[quote name='Bionic redhead' timestamp='1291136779' post='2526573']
Although the fact that English Empire is a rubbish leader probably didn't help his alliance either.
;) Shhhh

[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1291457079' post='2529893']
It wasn't first, it was at the same time, and if LE (and Fark if I remember rightly) weren't attacking us at that time, you probably wouldnt have tried. I also seem to remember killing you off pretty quickly. I'm not completely certain I didn't anarchy you off your own blitz. I just remember it being a crushing of epic proportions on the both of you.

Ahhh so you had quite a hand in MI's final downfall. Not too surprising. Elbo did NOT decline, he was very proud of stating that he was the sole member of MI's government, and if I get extra care from somewhere, it's easy enough to go look up. Right here in these forums after all, if 30 or whatever pages back. In my brief time as MI viceroy, at least I didnt get the entire alliance killed off :P

I guess all this living in the past is why you do so little here in the present. Again: If you want stuff done differently, go do it. Enough expecting someone else to do it for you. Get together with your ol' pals and form an alliance for next round. Confusion used to make a different one every round. If you can't - then shush up and quit the sniveling, and go back to your TE old folks home. Seriously. Put up or shush up.

I'm just not impressed with all this "Oh old MI was the bestest" crap.
Judging by what I've seen here recently?
Actually, I'm not going to respond to the rest of this because it's about MI, and this goes for others too. It's easy to talk about something unrelated to get away from the actual topic and serious topic at hand.

If anyone have felt inspired to go be a shaker, as an alliance, you should drop me a message.

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[quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1291262991' post='2527742']

[b]War tactics[/b] - If we are ZI'd it's over because our casualty count is important.
[b]War profit[/b] - Casualty count increase.
[b]War peace[/b] - It's been a fun war good job to all. Look at my casualty count now!

[b]War length[/b] - As long as it takes to do the job or be defeated trying.
[b]War strategy[/b] - The enemy might have secret allies so we better be ready for a heavy counterattack and make sure our friends are ready as well just in case.
[b]War reason[/b] - These guys are doing this and it does not fly with us. So we are going to go to war until they change or are destroyed/disbanded.
[b]War peace[/b] - We aren't going to give them peace until they do what we want. Either they surrender or we do. Victory or death!


I will say this: I agree with much of what's above. It seems wars have gotten to an AA declares on another, they fight for a few days. Before people start getting bill-locked, the war ends, and everyone goes about their business.

I would like the wars that are about either winning or getting utterly destroyed trying. I cut out the New/Old war system, as this is still prevalent today (see: LE vs. OP/OB war), but I agree, it does not happen often. The chaining part is much the same.. it's still happening (see the Warriors, TFK, WAPA vs. TPC and friends, the Abyss countering, CTA/THP countering them, RE countering them), but you're right- it's not the norm. Finally, many of the DoW's aren't about something another AA is doing (hell, if I was in charge of PS, we'd just attack Confusion over and over.. selling infra to continue to destroy him) and more about just having a war for the heck of it. Heh.

TL;DR- These things still happen, but they're not that frequent. I would like more of it, but it would have to be a paradigm shift in TE, which is unlikely to happen.

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[quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1291670269' post='2532270']
I will say this: I agree with much of what's above. It seems wars have gotten to an AA declares on another, they fight for a few days. Before people start getting bill-locked, the war ends, and everyone goes about their business.

I would like the wars that are about either winning or getting utterly destroyed trying. I cut out the New/Old war system, as this is still prevalent today (see: LE vs. OP/OB war), but I agree, it does not happen often. The chaining part is much the same.. it's still happening (see the Warriors, TFK, WAPA vs. TPC and friends, the Abyss countering, CTA/THP countering them, RE countering them), but you're right- it's not the norm. Finally, many of the DoW's aren't about something another AA is doing (hell, if I was in charge of PS, we'd just attack Confusion over and over.. selling infra to continue to destroy him) and more about just having a war for the heck of it. Heh.

TL;DR- These things still happen, but they're not that frequent. I would like more of it, but it would have to be a paradigm shift in TE, which is unlikely to happen.
Great post, bcortel, LE, OP, and OB have done our part towards making this paradigm shift a reality.

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