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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290217731' post='2517861']

He means at the time they were NPO members..

You really need to stop talking kwell. You're starting to look foolish, if you don't already.

Ah, maybe he should of claried then.

Ah, don't hate, you know you love me : )

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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1290217192' post='2517854']Also, I think' we're more surprised at how posts of MK diplomats and government were altered in the embassy but continue as you were...[/quote]
The edits of "scum" to "friends" and the edits of one post made in arguing who is the most favorite evil alliance out there, both in their original form and edited can be easily taken as back and forth joking.

While you are well within your rights to then because of this, ban the entire NPO diplo envoy from your halls, as are we to not let you nor seerow anywhere near MK's embassy due to the troubled history between us which is not solved and could cause flame wars withing the embassy halls.

As was somewhere expressed in this pile of posts, you seek to resolve the underlying issues Pacifica has with you and seerow, I am sure you can try as unlike MK we did not close any roads here. You still have a guest mask at our halls, there still is 8 MK active diplo masks in your embassy and irc medium is open to you. Hopefully, a resolution can be had once and for all. Or not. Whichever it is.

Now, is everything said after 50 pages? I think it is. Probably time to give it a rest.

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1290217887' post='2517865']
So you really have no idea how often or what percentage of diplomats enjoy our forums. You're just asserting what you believe, and yet have no proof of, to be fact?

Good to know.

And how exactly do you propose I get this proof?

[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1290217987' post='2517868']
Ah, maybe he should of claried then.

Ah, don't hate, you know you love me : )

No, he didn't need to clarify seeing as he was talking to tamerlane, who actually knew what he was talking about.

My countenance towards Umbrella is one of indifference more than anything. You however, are quickly changing that.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1290218154' post='2517871']
The edits of "scum" to "friends" and the edits of one post made in arguing who is the most favorite evil alliance out there, both in their original form and edited can be easily taken as back and forth joking.

Oh wow, I think Im dizzy.

While you are well within your rights to then because of this, ban the entire NPO diplo envoy from your halls, as are we to not let you nor seerow anywhere near MK's embassy due to the troubled history between us which is not solved and could cause flame wars withing the embassy halls.

As was somewhere expressed in this pile of posts, you seek to resolve the underlying issues Pacifica has with you and seerow, I am sure you can try as unlike MK we did not close any roads here. You still have a guest mask at out halls, there still is 8 MK active diplo masks in your embassy and irc medium is open to you. Hopefully, a resolution can be had once and for all. Or not. Whichever it is.

I thought resolution was well achieved when I had no problems being masked on your forums during the opening of our lovely terms payments after Unjust.

Edited by tamerlane
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I am not a government member. My posts reflect my own opinions. It would be childish for you to take my post and reflect it back to umbrella given i am only a member. That is off topic and if you have an issue with anything not related to the op use a pm. Can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Thats politcs.

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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1290218821' post='2517875']
I thought resolution was well achieved when I had no problems being masked on your forums during the opening of our lovely terms payments after Unjust.[/quote]
You are well within reason to believe that. The issue was mentioned internally in the NPO and hopefully a more coherent policy of not masking "outcasts" as diplo envoys pending the change of their status--shall be implemented in the future.

Though, you could have taken a hint while looking at your tags :P

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1290218417' post='2517872']
And how exactly do you propose I get this proof?

No, he didn't need to clarify seeing as he was talking to tamerlane, who actually knew what he was talking about.

My countenance towards Umbrella is one of indifference more than anything. You however, are quickly changing that.

I'm not here to help you get proof, but if you wish to make accusations please do so without the use of slander.

And Umbrella and MK are quite similar for what it's worth. Obv not completely but for a significant part of our cultures. So I could see how you would now hate them. after all, 300% of the posters in this thread have spoken negatively of Umb. at some point.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1290219056' post='2517880']
You are well within reason to believe that. The issue was mentioned internally in the NPO and hopefully a more coherent policy of not masking "outcasts" as diplo envoys pending the change of their status--shall be implemented in the future.

Though, you could have taken a hint while looking at your tags :P

I was too busy admiring my war medals that were stripped from me :(

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1290217226' post='2517856']
They obvisiously did ask and didn't like their response MK demasked all of NPO's diplomats. Nothing more, nothing less.

If it was one or two diplomats being demasked, then it doesn't deserve an announcement, I agree. However, that not being the case sense they demasked all of NPO's diplomats, its more of an issue because its cutting all diplomatic ties to them. If that arguement isn't enough, it simply better educates the public on where alliances stand. An informed public makes planet bob more interesting.

so? theyre cutting ties with and you cut ties with them. !@#$ gets strained but its their problem in the end not yours not the worlds

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[quote name='Roi Loup' timestamp='1290221520' post='2517905']
so? theyre cutting ties with and you cut ties with them. !@#$ gets strained but its their problem in the end not yours not the worlds
Correct in one aspect, wrong in another. Its both their problems, but given the treaty web, its the worlds (well, not the worlds, just the losing side) if it esculates.

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ya but in all seriousness if something ever escalates over people getting kicked off their (historical) enemies' forums then everybody should just shoot themselves in the face cause seriously who gives a !@#$. as long as i've been around i dont remember anything of importance actually being discussing in an embassy, it's always just the same retarded Q&As with jerks talking about caek and pie and now apparently just meowing at eachother so really nothing of value was lost.

edit: and yes, i understand the "gesture" behind it, but we're talking about MK and NPO here, it's not like they have a fruitful relationship that just hit the rocks.

Edited by hizzy
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[quote name='SoulVici' timestamp='1290216759' post='2517849']
Except for the fact that seerow was, you know, on the NPO PZI list for over a year.

You sent over someone we hated enough to prevent from playing the game for over a year and you're some how surprised we demasked him?

As for why he was masked in the first place? Hell if I know. Humans certainly aren't perfect.

Both of which were dishonorably discharged.

The fact that you believe I was dishonorably discharged only proves you have no idea what you are talking about. When I left the NPO I was a member in good standing, and left of my own choice as a response to a major member being expelled which I disagreed with. This was the basis for the NPO's hate of me, and the reason why when I left MK's AA, I was subjected to ZI for over a year. For the simple act of leaving the alliance.

I figured after being let off ZI, the hard feelings were gone. I certainly did not harbor ill will towards NPO, even despite being at ZI for a year. In truth I needed a break at that point in time, which is why I left MK giving them the opportunity to ZI me in the first place.

The fact stands I am in fact likely one of the most pro-NPO members in MK, and as such am a very logical choice for a diplomat to NPO. The fact that we would be granted masks to act as diplomats, then be removed without reason was indeed an insult to myself and tamerlane, and by extention all of MK.

Edited by Seerow
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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1290224096' post='2517933']
ya but in all seriousness if something ever escalates over people getting kicked off their (historical) enemies' forums then everybody should just shoot themselves in the face cause seriously who gives a !@#$. as long as i've been around i dont remember anything of importance actually being discussing in an embassy, it's always just the same retarded Q&As with jerks talking about caek and pie and now apparently just meowing at eachother so really nothing of value was lost.

edit: and yes, i understand the "gesture" behind it, but we're talking about MK and NPO here, it's not like they have a fruitful relationship that just hit the rocks.

No love lost, no love found : )

also, hey HIZZY

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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1290224096' post='2517933']
ya but in all seriousness if something ever escalates over people getting kicked off their (historical) enemies' forums then everybody should just shoot themselves in the face cause seriously who gives a !@#$. [/quote]

In more rough terms than I would put it but generally yes.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1290200527' post='2517613']
All of the pulling random comparisons? That was my Dennis Miller bit on CN OWF :ehm:

Basically, Ardus makes some of the most transparently !@#$%^&* posts and responses, which is why he's not a good fit if you're trying to improve your PR. That shouldn't be too hard to figure out, if not obvious.
Your obsession with public relations is disconcerting. There's far more to official statements than catering to the masses.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1290224728' post='2517939']
The fact that you believe I was dishonorably discharged only proves you have no idea what you are talking about. When I left the NPO I was a member in good standing, and left of my own choice as a response to a major member being expelled which I disagreed with. This was the basis for the NPO's hate of me, and the reason why when I left MK's AA, I was subjected to ZI for over a year. For the simple act of leaving the alliance.

I figured after being let off ZI, the hard feelings were gone. I certainly did not harbor ill will towards NPO, even despite being at ZI for a year. In truth I needed a break at that point in time, which is why I left MK giving them the opportunity to ZI me in the first place.

The fact stands I am in fact likely one of the most pro-NPO members in MK, and as such am a very logical choice for a diplomat to NPO. The fact that we would be granted masks to act as diplomats, then be[b] removed without reason[/b] was indeed an insult to myself and tamerlane, and by extention all of MK.

ha ha ha ha ha. You sound like me revising my history with LoSS :rolleyes:

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[quote name='SoulVici' timestamp='1290216759' post='2517849']
Except for the fact that seerow was, you know, on the NPO PZI list for over a year.

You sent over someone we hated enough to prevent from playing the game for over a year and you're some how surprised we demasked him?

I had almost forgotten how sucktastic your alliance was (is?). Thanks for reminding us all.

/You really feel like prompting a debate on the merits of Perma ZI?

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1290229876' post='2518012']
I had almost forgotten how sucktastic your alliance was (is?). Thanks for reminding us all.

/You really feel like prompting a debate on the merits of Perma ZI?
We are sucktastic?

That's not a very nice thing to say :(

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