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Londons Burning, Londons Burning

Zoot Zoot

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London, home to seven and a half million people before the explosion. Busying about their lives, going from A to B, the daily routine. Children whos parents would not allow to be sent away played in the play areas of Hyde Park, their parents watching from their locations of comfort. The grass, a bench, small deckchairs or simply stood on the path watching their offspring play. It was eerie how empty the park seemed. No breeze blew, no clouds in the sky, no birds in the air, and come to think of it, there was no bird song either.

The roads in and out of London were the complete opposite, with the wave of humanity leaving the city for the countryside the public services closed all lanes into the city, opening up a twelve lane motorway, offering people a fighting chance to get the hell out of dodge before the war started, little did they know that earlier that morning the Coaltion offensive started at the border and out at sea, driving north or west would take them past the frontlines, driving east would take them to just another nuclear target.

The poor of the city, those who couldnt afford to leave the city, or were too sick, too old to evacuate, made their way to underground stations across the city and began setting up small homes in the tunnels of the London underground, a former haven during the blitz in world war two. Others simple went to work, went about their daily lives. Small things like going to the post office to cash the benfits cheque, doing the family shop, walking the dog or sitting behind a desk in some office in the city center. It was 10:30am in the morning Novemeber the 3rd 2010.

[i]Strategic Command early warning radar station - Lancashire[/i]

"Sir we have four launches from a land based silo in Wales"
"Unclear, from their speed, they are definatly ballistic missiles"
"Ok Son how long till impact and where are they going to hit?"
"Two minutes for the first three launches Sir, they are heading toward the border. Bogey number four has a trajectory which will take it to London Sir, Four Minutes"

Sirens wailed out across London, sirens only heard on television and film, during archive tapes of world war two. London City began to scream and cry as mothers with their children raced for the nearest underground station, buildings began to empty into the streets as people panicked trying to find somewhere to hide. Out in the suburbs of London, people in the high rise flats in Staines and Twickenham, Wandsworth and Ealing raced to their roofs and balconys looking towards the financial district of Great London in wonder as the noise of the sirens drifts over their ears, soon followed by the panicking cries of seven million people. The people in the flats now began to worry themselves, one person on the street began screaming to the people on the roofs to find cover, its an air raid siren. But people looked to the sky and saw nothing, no birds, no planes, nothing, just a blue haze.


Only those watching the sky would see it. A streak of light, if you wern't quick, not that it would matter in a moment more, you would have missed it against the sky. The world over Canary Wharf lit up brighter than a thousand suns, brighter than the light of day to a man who lived his life blind. Millions across the city fell to the ground in pain as their eyes were burnt out from the flash, those further away from the light shielded their eyes but still they felt the heat. The unbearible heat. Survivors would later say it was what they would imagine hot cooking fat being poured over your body feels like. This all happened within a second or two before the fireball reached out with its raging embrace and set the city ablaze.

Everything inside five miles of the light burned. Buildings, cars, the road itself burned. People didnt exist any more in ground Zero, those in the open were instantly turned to ash, everyone else taking shelter inside buildings suffocated to death or were slowly roasted alive, trapped as they breath in the flames of their death. Skin blistering and hanging off their ragged bodies. Those below ground fared worse. The intense heat and speed that the fireball took hold sucked the air out of the Underground tubes, burning eternally, killing then tens of thousands lining the platforms and tunnels below the city. The intense heat cracks the stones of St Pauls Cathederal. All taking place in the following few seconds, all at the same time.

The shockwave pulversised everything in its path, bringing with it a mighty wind that tears the skin from your bones, your children out of your hands as you try to comfort them in their dying moments. Buildings were turn apart, thrown downwards from the pulse, no reinforced building withstood its power. The raging firestorm melted the steel and the concrete whilst the wave just blew them away like a house of cards. Those people who escaped the fire were killed through blunt force trauma as the wave smashed through their bodies, crushing their organs and bones. The thousands on their rooftops many miles away would be thrown many stories to their death on the pavement from the wave. With the wave came the noise. A great sound louder than a battle raging in your very ear drum. Louder than thunder, and yet it was like a thunder as it rolled with the shockwave, getting louder and louder as it got closer as as it washed over your body after you lie helpless and dying on the floor, you can feel your ear drums pop before you black out.


A wind whips through the ruined streets of London blasting ash and debris at high speeds, deadly to anyone unlucky enough to be alive and in the open. The thousands of cars on the moterways out of London are now silent, save for the cracking of burning fat from the bodies sat motionless in the same 11-2 postions holding the steering wheels as they were when they lived. Slowly over the next couple of minute the cries of survivors ring out across the post apocalyptic landscape, muffled by vast columns of smoke rising from the firestorms being whipped into a deadly frenzy around the ruins of London, threatening to spread across the entire Greater London region.

Hundreds of people suffering burns, skin hanging off their arms exposing their raw humanity in grotesque and sickening ways, begin making their way towards the river. But its nothing but a trickle. The bomb flashboiled the River, and the shockwave cracked subway tunnels at several levels beneath the river and several locations, aswell as two road tunnels that passed beanth the river. The Thames was drained for the most part, the little water still runnin was already clogged with the dead bodies of those who flung themselves in as they burned. But it rained.
Thick black rain fell on the survivors and in their desperation they opened wide and consumed the poison, ignoring the past tales of black rain from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they drank.


Side shoot RP from the London nuclear attack. Felt like I needed to flesh this out a little.
Feel free to post your thoughts and comments, so long as they are related to this specificly, and not remembering when you got chokeslammed out of some really bad roleplay by a Nationalist Puppy.
<3 you all, yes, even you.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[i]Private to an aide[/i]
[/i]"Wales firing nuclear missiles at London? What is the world coming to!? This would not have happened back when these territories were United! This world will be brought to its knees by petty nationalism. The Empire needs to be revived, not only for my good, but for the good of the people of the British Isles.[/i]" ~ (Catherine Jones, Former Queen of the Kingdom of Wales and Empress of the Welsh Empire.)

[i]Public Notice[/i]
[i]Catherine Jones strongly condemns the use of nuclear weapons as a form of Warfare. She is distraught thinking about the death and tragedy in London and sends her sincerest condolences to the dead and their families. She can offer only words at this time though. [/i]
[i]- James Sarcozy [/i]
[i] - Aide to Lady Catherine Jones, [/i]

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Tiministan was shocked at the news such a civilian area had been targeted. Should England require assistance in rebuilding and cleaning up after their current war, Tiministan will be more than willing to help. Those killed and their families will be in our thoughts.

Edited by King Timmy
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[b]From the Office of the Chief Operating Officer of ChemalTech[/b]

Here in the Minmatar Republic, Chemal Tech is recognized as the national leader in both medical supplies and major pharmaceuticals. We have been observing the absolutely appalling disregard for English life with the fires and nuclear devastation in London, and would like to offer some manner of assistance. We are pledging to match the donations of all ChemalTech employees and sub contractors by 100% and will provide all of our cataloged goods and services at aggressive prices to further discount the cost of rebuilding your great city.


[i]P. Ishukone[/i]
[b]COO of ChemalTech Industries[/b]

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1288881955' post='2501886']
The use of nuclear weapons in general is reprehensible, but targeting civilians like this is particularly shocking and appalling. The UFE will help rebuild London.
Where would the use of nuclear weaponry be seen as a positive thing, if you had to pick an occasion?

[center][i]Personal Response of Ambrosio I[/i][/center]

I am personally appalled at the use of nuclear weaponry, in general, on a civilian center. I had higher hopes for Europe, but it seems that they are once more obliterated...

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An Ohio Class battlistic missile submarine in the North Atlantic, poised to delivery smallpox and VX missiles against Irish cities should the command be given was ordered to North America to sit off Labradors coastline, just outside of its territorial waters. Running on silent, with no noise but operational noises to be heard, the boat was almost impossible to detect.

American idiocy and foolishness started this war, and now the same idiocy and foolishness was manifesting itself with Labrador.

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"Dammit, the Ministry had a lot of money in London." said Isabelle as she skimmed through the news article about the city's destruction. She thought of an excuse to say once the Executive Council found out that millions of their dollars were destroyed in a second, and the fact that the Ministry had an off-shore account, but gave up with a sigh after everything she thought up was too flimsy, and continued to browse the Internet. "Oh well, nothing lasts forever."

A similar statement would be heard in Château Jubilife a few minutes later, though it was for different reasons.


"Disparu laments this incredible loss of life and the destruction of many priceless monuments and buildings in London. If the government of England wishes to, we can send in cleanup teams to assist London during this time of extreme need. We can also send in a police force, which will obey English authorities at all times, to ensure that law and order are maintained even after the attack, if the English government allows us to do so."

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1288862023' post='2501737']
I can only think of you posting without reason OOC junk in my threads.
Carry on KM, Carry on.
OOC: Karl Martin will never be a KM, and I resent him being represented with those letters.

Official Release:
We all lament the loss of one of the world's great metropolises and cultural centers. We hope that casualties are lower than what is feared, and that England is not as hurt as it would appear. We pray for your recovery, and we hope that vengeance will be had on those who would kill millions of innocents. We only wish that the English are better men than those who launched the attack. Remember that civilians are innocents in this conflict, and their loss should be avoided as much as possible by all sides in this horrible war.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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[b]Official Statement from the Whitehall Ministry of Defence Bunker deep beneath London[/b]

England can confirm at this time that our Government is fully functioning and at a safe location away from the City.
We can also confirm a bodycount of seven million, two hundred and eighty thousand civilians were killed in the London attack, with up to fifty thousand more dying due to severe radiation sickness.

The nuclear detonations in the Severn Estuary have caused a confirmed loss of military life of twelve thousand and a civilian loss of life of forty two thousand.

All offers of aid from the international community are accepted with open arms and England shall be in your debt. However, we cannot in good conscience allow humanitarian workers into England in a time of war. Our enemy has already prooven it will use nuclear weapons on civilian centers and we cannot be held responsible for any loss of life whilst aiding the English people.

If Ireland thinks using nuclear weapons on our people will weaken our resolve, they are mistaken.
Our soldiers now fight with the hearts of true English lions, they fight with the boiling blood of revenge.

Using nuclear weapons against England was the worst mistake the Irish could have done.

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The Minmatar Republic strongly supports the right of England to retaliate with any means available to it, with respect towards civilian life. We hope that you will seek to travel the higher road and restrict your targets to military zones only, and spare the citizens of Ireland who are doubtless as appalled by this attack as the rest of the international community is.

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The Commonwealth will contract out government workers from our radiation cleanup teams. The Commonwealth has a strong radiation cleanup and hazardous waste disposal industry with extensive resources. If the government of England is willing to accept our aid workers, they will be sent on a moments notice of your reply.

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While the Kingdom of Cochin is neutral and uninvolved in the conflict which resulted in this nuclear attack, such a reckless and wanton attack on a population center is absolutely reprehensible. The Kingdom of Cochin pledges any assistance it can provide in the cleanup and rebuilding of the devastated areas.

Violence begets more violence. We hope the people of Europe start acting a bit more sensible and not make their lands a nuclear wasteland once again. A modicum of restraint and sense would go a long way in averting even more heinous losses of life.

While the sensibility of Ireland in quarantining the American soldiers is questionable we find even more appalling the act of other European nations waging war on their neighbor, a war which has just turned nuclear? Is it sensible or even moral to kill millions of your kith and kin just to free half a million soldiers who are Prisoners of War? Europe which has for a long time been free from war has once again proved to the world, that as ever it seeks the slightest pretense to wage wars. The Kingdom of Cochin calls upon the more responsible European nations, namely Germanic Union and Athenian Federation to act with more restraint than that shown here by Ireland. Please do pause for a moment and consider whether you are in fact carrying out the agenda of the very same American expansionists whom you had driven away by your show of unity and strength. Please do consider who truly benefits by such conflict in Europe.

What wisdom is there in waging war to free the very same soldiers for whom their own parent nation does not care a whit?

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[quote]What wisdom is there in waging war to free the very same soldiers for whom their own parent nation does not care a whit? [/quote]

When man stops caring for his fellow man, regardless of colour, creed and history, we are in deep trouble as a species.
Its one of the more hypcritical things England has said given the present circumstances, but we believe those soldiers should be released home.
The coaltion is presently discussing other ways to end the war through negotiation by outlining new terms, hopefully that Ireland can adhere too.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1288934813' post='2502710']
While the Kingdom of Cochin is neutral and uninvolved in the conflict which resulted in this nuclear attack, such a reckless and wanton attack on a population center is absolutely reprehensible. The Kingdom of Cochin pledges any assistance it can provide in the cleanup and rebuilding of the devastated areas.

Violence begets more violence. We hope the people of Europe start acting a bit more sensible and not make their lands a nuclear wasteland once again. A modicum of restraint and sense would go a long way in averting even more heinous losses of life.

While the sensibility of Ireland in quarantining the American soldiers is questionable we find even more appalling the act of other European nations waging war on their neighbor, a war which has just turned nuclear? Is it sensible or even moral to kill millions of your kith and kin just to free half a million soldiers who are Prisoners of War? Europe which has for a long time been free from war has once again proved to the world, that as ever it seeks the slightest pretense to wage wars. The Kingdom of Cochin calls upon the more responsible European nations, namely Germanic Union and Athenian Federation to act with more restraint than that shown here by Ireland. Please do pause for a moment and consider whether you are in fact carrying out the agenda of the very same American expansionists whom you had driven away by your show of unity and strength. Please do consider who truly benefits by such conflict in Europe.

What wisdom is there in waging war to free the very same soldiers for whom their own parent nation does not care a whit?

"The Irish state has had the option for dialogue the entire time and several were proposed by uninvolved parties. Their denial every time has caused the war to develop to its current state. Even now after the nuclear attack that killed millions of civilians there still is the option for dialogue. Furthermore the preservation of life is our top priority as can be seen from the purely conventional counterstrike against targets that have military importance but avoiding civilian centers. More Irish have died at the hand of their own Nuclear weapons than at the hands of Coalition forces."

[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1288936300' post='2502734']
Koryo has to agree with Cochin. For all we can see, freeing prisoners is just an excuse to expand. We believe that Germany should let the bloodthirsty English, Scots, and Greek to their folly.

You obviously need your eyes checked then.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1288934813' post='2502710']
While the Kingdom of Cochin is neutral and uninvolved in the conflict which resulted in this nuclear attack, such a reckless and wanton attack on a population center is absolutely reprehensible. The Kingdom of Cochin pledges any assistance it can provide in the cleanup and rebuilding of the devastated areas.

Violence begets more violence. We hope the people of Europe start acting a bit more sensible and not make their lands a nuclear wasteland once again. A modicum of restraint and sense would go a long way in averting even more heinous losses of life.

While the sensibility of Ireland in quarantining the American soldiers is questionable we find even more appalling the act of other European nations waging war on their neighbor, a war which has just turned nuclear? Is it sensible or even moral to kill millions of your kith and kin just to free half a million soldiers who are Prisoners of War? Europe which has for a long time been free from war has once again proved to the world, that as ever it seeks the slightest pretense to wage wars. The Kingdom of Cochin calls upon the more responsible European nations, namely Germanic Union and Athenian Federation to act with more restraint than that shown here by Ireland. Please do pause for a moment and consider whether you are in fact carrying out the agenda of the very same American expansionists whom you had driven away by your show of unity and strength. Please do consider who truly benefits by such conflict in Europe.

What wisdom is there in waging war to free the very same soldiers for whom their own parent nation does not care a whit?

Those Europeans have not used nuclear weapons, only Ireland did. This conflict would not likely number in the millions had people only used modern precision munitions, bloody yes, but nowhere near the death toll. If this war goes on for months and stays conventional, it is likely that the coalition won't inflict the same amount of casualties as the Irish did in this single senseless act. To attempt and see a middle ground for blame here is quite shocking. One side has targeted mostly military targets and some dual use infrastructure, one side just detonated a nuke over one of the largest cities in Europe when there were plenty of alternative military targets instead.

Secondly, the era of American Expansionism in Europe is pretty much over, everyone can guarantee that. Its quite clear the coalition would not allow J. Andres to return, nor do I think J. Andres wants to. Do not buy into the propaganda of those who have now proven themselves genocidal.

[quote]Koryo has to agree with Cochin. For all we can see, freeing prisoners is just an excuse to expand. We believe that Germany should let the bloodthirsty English, Scots, and Greek to their folly.[/quote]

We in the strongest possible terms assure our Korean allies that the English, Scots, and Greeks are not blood thirsty and forcefully condemn statements encouraging our friends to break their unity.

[quote]Private to the Koreans: We find your statement in this matter of the upmost distaste. Regardless of how one feels about allies allies, one should not be in the habit of wishing harm upon them or encouraging them to fracture as this is to the harm of an ally's own national security.[/quote]

Edited by Triyun
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Some of the more outspoken religious leaders are quoting the biblical text, "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind." The Offical response from the Palace is as follows.

"Such loss of life is always regrettable, and while we do not condone it, we cannot really condemn the Irish for using any means possible in defending themselves from a numerically superior foe that gave them a mere [i]day[/i] to negotiate."

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1289084205' post='2504349']

Some of the more outspoken religious leaders are quoting the biblical text, "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind." The Offical response from the Palace is as follows.

"Such loss of life is always regrettable, and while we do not condone it, we cannot really condemn the Irish for using any means possible in defending themselves from a numerically superior foe that gave them a mere [i]day[/i] to negotiate."


So you support the use of nuclear weapons on civilians? You are sick.

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