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Operation Time Card

Michael McBride

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[quote name='Galvez' timestamp='1286166325' post='2473913']
[i]"Such is the nature of war to those with victory in mind."[/i]

Michiel Backhuysen,
Dutch Stadhouder - The United Provinces

The Dutch populous find great satisfaction in reading the hourly quotes of their leader.
A keen observation, and one that proves true too often in this world. However, when was it decided that victory must come with the exclusion of honor and dignity?

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It’s almost unfathomable that a country could attack and sink aid ships. If these allegations against J Andres are true then our worst fears would have been confirmed. Our own aid ships will continue on their course, if they are impeded or harmed while in the course of accomplishing their mission we will consider it a severe insult to the Slavorussian Empire.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1286166494' post='2473918']
A keen observation, and one that proves true too often in this world. However, when was it decided that victory must come with the exclusion of honor and dignity?

[i]"Unfortunatly, treachery has become an asset to the forces of war. Whenever one employed its use, all others must follow suit. A strategy outdated is a strategy defeated."[/i]

Michiel Backhuysen,
Dutch Stadhouder - The United Provinces

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[quote name='Galvez' timestamp='1286166697' post='2473928']
[i]"Unfortunatly, treachery has become an asset to the forces of war. Whenever one employed its use, all others must follow suit. A strategy outdated is a strategy defeated."[/i]

Michiel Backhuysen,
Dutch Stadhouder - The United Provinces
Quite. You are indeed wise, and I look forward to reading more of your political philosophies in the future.

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"Y'know, while I'm close to the other side of the world from the US, I'm finding it harder and harder not to do anything about this. Whats provoking me is suck a lack of response from the rest of the world. A severe insult? Withdrawal of diplomats? Opinions of nations has degraded? What is this bullsh!t? Aid ships have been blown up. Civilians have [i]died[/i]. Is it so hard to make a decision with all this adding up to it?"

-Abraham Lincoln

Private communique to the US. "It may take us a while, but if you need anything I'll try to get it to you. The quickest thing may be and ICBM, though I'll only attack military targets. I want to avoid declaring war though, we're simply too far away and its really none of our business. It just sickens me that nothing is being done about this."

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When Pravus declared war on the United States, J Andres was silent. When Pravus invaded the United States, murdered the innocent and decimated the capital, J Andres was silent. Many wondered how this could be possible. Wasn't J Andres an honourable nation? Don't they defend their allies? Isn't their word worth something? No one could explain their behaviour, but it was clear to the government of Canuckistan that these questions were all answered in the affirmative. J Andres is an honourable nation. They would defend their allies and their word was valuable. J Andres has signed many defensive agreements. Several powerful nations all over the world, certain nations that have attempted to keep the rest of the world out of this conflict in defense of the United States, trust J Andres to defend them when they are in need. Surely these nations are not fools. Surely J Andres has a well-deserved reputation as a reliable ally.

So we thought.

The reason for J Andres' silence is now clear. As I speak, the army of J Andres is invading the United States of America along side the Pravus Empire. They kept quiet all this time because they had been planning to stab the United States in the back. And after attacking the United States, they still remain silent. Why is this? The answer is obvious. So far the only public announcement from J Andres was when Canuckistan announced that their defensive treaty was activated. They denied that their treaty was activated, but it very clearly was. They complained that we were trying to draw them into the conflict, but under treaty law they were already involved. After all the crimes committed against their ally, the United States, the only thing J Andres could say was that they weren't defending them. Not that they wouldn't defend them or why, but that they weren't, currently.


Because the leader of J Andres is a coward.

There is a reason why people believe that the worst punishments in Hell are reserved for traitors. Because of all the horrible acts mankind is capable of, betrayal is universally recognized as the most egregious. J Andres knows this and the leader of J Andres knows he is a traitor. He knows that in the eyes of all human history he is the lowest of the low, the pure scum of the Earth. All men have tinges of conscience, however. And while J Andres can commit the worst crime in human society, its leaders still knew throughout this war that they were planning to do wrong and now know that they've done it. There were no announcements of their intentions in this war because J Andres is ashamed and too cowardly to publicly admit what they've done.

Perhaps other allies of theirs will learn the folly of trusting J Andres. We sincerely hope that Pravus Ingruo, and any other nation looking to capitalize off this betrayal, finds J Andres as trustworthy an ally as the United States has.

In the next life, the leader of J Andres will get what he deserves. In this life, he will too. Perhaps not in the form of watching his plans and schemes collapse before him, but most assuredly in his conscience having to live with his betrayal for the rest of his life. How he sided with the dirtbags of this world. How he bullied and picked on the weak. And how he stabbed a friend in the back.

Be ashamed J Andres. Stay silent and cower for the evil you have done. We don't need you to explain your actions. We already know. The mark of a traitor will follow you always.

- Babul Ganoush, Triumvir

OOC: I will be away all day tomorrow, so don't move too fast now. ;)

Edited by Sal Paradise
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"The New North American regimes are not those that France wishes to associate itself with. As such for the York MDoAP that we used to have, we are activating its cancellation clause. Whilst for J Andres, given this horrid turn of events of traitorous nature. Especially when France suffered the same betrayal during the Franco-German War. Consider all pacts with J Andres terminated. While Zelle was an imperialist, what is happening in North America would make even her sick to her stomach. To the United States I wish you luck in dispatching these monsters and indeed, even if they are victorious and even if they survive, the worst of punishments await them afterward. To J Andres, I truly wish you are a country of endurance, for the world now knows the scum you truly are."
-Claire Delacour

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"I am ashamed to say that I used to admire J Andres. I am now disgusted with them. The Lord, [i]He[/i] shall make them suffer for their crimes. The nation of J Andres has the blood of civilian and soldier alike on its hands."

- Roger Smith (Former Prime Minister of Blue Heaven)

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OOC: Zoot, it's not an issue. It relates to this thread and I would rather keep everything in one place rather than scattered. Easier to keep track of this way.

Also, I apologize for typos. Wrote this one my iTouch at work and can't edit them out. Part at the end is "hell" not "he'll". Stupid auto correct.


"And the French call us cowards. Hypocrites. When Therese invaded German soil for no other reason than to restore traditional French borders, York did not protest. Instead we went to war to defend our ally, whether we agreed with the choice or not. The Declaration of War passed by a single vote in the Upper Chamber, that of now-Regent Arthur Sinclair Jr. who cast the yes vote at my urging. Even though I did not agree with Therse's decision, we defended her because that is what allies do."

"Cowards. You run before a call for assisstance had even gone out. You cancel without even speaking to us and in doing so spit on the remains of our brave young men and women who died on the Green Fields of France. I can offer no solace to the family members of those who lost loved one fighting for you, because now they know we fought for cowards, we fought for those who used us as allies of conveniece, to serve your own ends. The just and honest thing to do would have been to at least wait until the war was over, to polietly decline any request for assistance had we requested it, which we wouldn't have."

"And before the commentators and cynics come out of the woodwork to protesty protest, to ask where the condemnation of J Andres is, know this: the Empire never has and never will condone turning your back on one's friends in a time of need. The bond between J Andres and the Empire runs deeper than any treaty, deeper than blood. They have entered this war because they wanted to, not because we asked them to. J Andres is not our ally, and therefore we are in no position to condemn them for their actions. However, the same cannot be said for France."

"I hope the Germans rape and pillage your land, Claire, and I wll watch will unbridled glee as your turn and run squeeling like the typical cowardly French pigs you are. Your lands shall burn, Claire, and you shall burn in he'll soon after. You have my promise on that."

Edited by Pravus Ingruo
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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1286215459' post='2474323']
"I hope the Germans rape and pillage your land, Claire, and I wll watch will unbridled glee as your turn and run squeeling like the typical cowardly French pigs you are. Your lands shall burn, Claire, and you shall burn in he'll soon after. You have my promise on that."

"Then let justice be done. You have my word on that as well."

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The Queendom of Blue Water set it's DEFCON Level at 3. Soldiers are being organized and missile-defense systems are being set up at the moment. The Queen is currently at her palace but if anything negative towards Blue Water is to happen, she will be moved to a secure facility to govern her Queendom until further notice. The Queen's Navy has gone on high alert and is now patrolling the Hudson, along with all rivers and lakes in Blue Water, with extreme caution. The air force has planes patrolling the Capital and Queen's Town 24 hours a day with at least 10 birds in the air around each city at a time.


The Queen has not announced whether Blue Water is taking a side or if they are merely heightening defenses encase of "friction" in the area of Blue Water. [/color]

Edited by maddy
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[quote name='maddy' timestamp='1286228887' post='2474631']

The Queendom of Blue Water set it's DEFCON Level at 3. Soldiers are being organized and missile-defense systems are being set up at the moment. The Queen is currently at her palace but if anything negative towards Blue Water is to happen, she will be moved to a secure facility to govern her Queendom until further notice. The Queen's Navy has gone on high alert and is now patrolling the Hudson, along with all rivers and lakes in Blue Water, with extreme caution. The air force has planes patrolling the Capital and Queen's Town 24 hours a day with at least 10 birds in the air around each city at a time.


The Queen has not announced whether Blue Water is taking a side or if they are merely heightening defenses encase of "friction" in the area of Blue Water. [/color]
BPE will close all roads to Blue Water.And military forces of BPE will be patroling the border line between Blue Water and Black Phoenix Empire.

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(OOC:@Continued ..stupid PS3.)
The patrol shall ether end or continue, when Blue Water makes their decision .

78,000 BPE imperial soldiers are moved, to the Blue Water and BPE Border.

Classified to Blue Heaven
If Blue Water makes a bad decision, prepare for war but until then stand by.

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[quote name='lutai' timestamp='1286341347' post='2476928']
BPE will close all roads to Blue Water.And military forces of BPE will be patroling the border line between Blue Water and Black Phoenix Empire.

Canuckistan finds this move unnecessary and concerning. We advise against any aggressive action taken against our neighbours in Blue Water. Consider this statement our commitment to Blue Water's defense. The world may be distracted by war in America and Europe, but let no self-styled Canadian empires fool themselves into believing they can take advantage of that distraction.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='lutai' timestamp='1286341738' post='2476933']
(OOC:@Continued ..stupid PS3.)
The patrol shall ether end or continue, when Blue Water makes their decision .

78,000 BPE imperial soldiers are moved, to the Blue Water and BPE Border.

Classified to Blue Heaven
If Blue Water makes a bad decision, prepare for war but until then stand by.

***Classified to BPE***

We graciously ask you to stand down your troops from the Blue Water-BPE border. We have thoroughly discussed operations with the government of Blue Water and although they have not officially announced it, they are on our side. They are allowing us to use their nation as a logistical hub. Once again, we kindly ask you to stand down as we have promised to protect Blue Water and having your troops near their border could end up with them not allowing us to use their nation as a logistical hub, which, might we add, is the [i]only[/i] way for Blue Heaven military forces to reach the US or the BPE in case you are attacked. Once again, we graciously ask you to stand down your troops who are at the Blue Water-BPE border.


General Robert Hughes (Blue Heaven's General of the Army)

PS Please get your 50,000 soldiers ready as we are soon going to begin to send troops into the USA via Blue Water and the Prairie Republic, we would like it so that both our forces entered the US at the same time.

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General of the Army, Robert Hughes, was dressed in his military uniform, green, pixelated patches with the Blue Heaven flag on the right shoulder, four stars on either shoulder and black combat boots along with a green hat with a small brim. He walked into this office which was a large room with red carpeting, a large, oak desk in the middle of the room, and bookshelves of military plans or tactics on either side and a closet in the lower left-hand corner, filled with folding chairs. Behind the desk were the windows, covered by red drapes, which were currently flowing as a gentle breeze blew into the room. Hughes walked over to the closet and pulled out two chairs, sat down behind the desk, and waited.

About ten minutes later, General of Logistics, Sasha Cohen and Head of Military Intelligence, General John Hannon walked into the room, each with a thick folder under their arms and dressed the same way as Hughes and sat down.

"We are here to discuss the logistics and intelligence for Operation Just Cause," said Hughes. He looked over at Sasha. "Give me the lowdown."

"Well General Hughes," Sasha began "we currently have the needed forces mobilized and ready to go into the United States. To show you how the logistics would work, I will show you a map." Sasha took out a map showing from Blue Heaven to Disparu and every nation in between. "We are going to send our forces to the city of Veneer in Twilight Province, from there they will cross over into Blue Water territory, to the city of Troy, which is located in north-eastern Blue Water. After that they'll go south to the town of Vinell and then from there onward to the Prairie Republic, specifically the town of Boardnox, which is in north-western PR. After that they will go from there to the town of Cruz and then cross the PR-US border into the United States. All in all it should take a total of about one week from start to finish."

"Is there a faster way?"

"Unfortunately not, also, given the fact that we cannot pass through highly populated areas, this is the straightest route we can take. If soldiers or tanks are damaged, we can send them back to Blue Water where the Blue Water medics and engineers can take care of the soldiers and repair the tanks or APCs. With any luck we'll be able to build an airbase in the US and use it to ferry soldiers and tanks to and from the battlefield. I have made a note to find out if the Blue Water government will let us use their airports and whatnot."

"OK, that sounds good, but what if that supply route gets cut off?"

"We have back up sites in nearby towns and cities in both nations, just in case anything happens."

"How many exactly?"

"Three backup sites for each city I named."

"Good." Hughes now turned to John and asked "So, what information do you have to give me?"

"Well, sir, currently the situation for the US is not going well at all. The York Empire has sent in the 1[sup]st[/sup], 2[sup]nd[/sup] and 4[sup]th[/sup] Army Groups for a grand total ranging anywhere from 1.2 to 3 million soldiers! And after immediately launching their ground operations, they launched four non-nuclear ICBMs at Washington DC, aiming for four major targets, two of which were the White House and the Pentagon. The leadership of the US has been all but exterminated. The US now has a general in charge and has had to resort to using guerrilla warfare tactics to defeat the York aggressors.

Also J Andres has decided to not fulfill its Mutual Defense Pact with the US and is helping the York Empire by having a blockade so that no material can get to the Americans. Canuckistan is willing to send in an army group of 150,000 and the Black Phoenix Empire is willing to send in a corps of 50,000. The most that we can currently spare without risking our own security is 100,000. In addition, the York Empire has excellent air support thus that will need to be dealt with. We are going to begin talks soon with Blue Water to see if they will allow us to use their civilian airports as to give our own and allied troops air support."

"What if we can't get Blue Water to allow us to use their bases?" asked Hughes.

"Then we can try to deploy from the Prairie Republic, but I would prefer Blue Water as they seem to have a serious interest in helping us in this war effort." John stopped and shifted in his chair, thinking, he then asked "General Hughes, do we have any plans for the defense of Blue Water if they get attacked?"

Hughes opened his drawer and took out a laptop. After turning it on and finding the North American conflict, then Current Conflict and then contingency plans folders, he clicked on the Blue Water folder and then clicked on Operation Tango Delta-Overview Word document. He then looked up from the laptop and said "Yes we do. Operation Tango Delta states that in case Blue Water is attacked during this time, we are to send in four to six divisions to help defend them. What is the current size of the Blue Water military?"

"Estimates are around 9,000 soldiers, sir."

"They'll definitely need our help if they get invaded," said Hughes. "Now, what are our plans if we are invaded?"

"Well, sir, the Ranger brigade, two HAVOC platoons, the 10[sup]th[/sup] Infantry and the 8[sup]th[/sup] Light Infantry are going to conduct guerrilla operations in case we are invaded and Missile Command will fire missiles tipped with mustard gas and nerve gas on enemy forces, in addition to conventional cruise missiles. Operation Helba Key is currently on standby."

"Good. Now all we have to do is wait for two more people," said Hughes, hoping that the commander of Border Patrol as well as the High Captain of the National Police would show up soon.

About fifteen minutes later, Chief of the Border Patrol Janine Greenings and the High Captain of the National Police, Donald Triumph walked into the office, pulled two seats out of the closet and sat down.

Hughes looked over at the High Captain. "So, what are the police's plans if the nation is invaded?"

"Our plans are to keep the civilian population safe. Operation Eagle's Wings clearly states that we are to work with government sponsored insurgent forces to fight back the invaders as well as actively recruit members for the insurgency. We have underground ammo depots all over the nation in most of the police stations. The police force is currently 5 million police officers in Blue Heaven, 500,000 of which are in SWAT teams. The SWAT teams can be used as a reserve unit to bring in heavier firepower if we battle any invaders."

"That sounds pretty good. Do you have any ways to communicate with the military if we are invaded?"

"Yes, both the police and the military have decided on using low frequency radios that cannot be picked up with the use of even the most technologically advanced eavesdropping equipment."

"Good." Hughes then turned Janine.

"Our plans are for the border patrol to hold off the invaders. We are to alert the police of any invaders that are coming and then to hold them off. We have killboxes set up as well as cell phone activate IEDs and a lot of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weaponry, though I do think that the nationwide air defense system, which we bought from Cochin, should suffice. We have also begun laying down mines as well to impede any major tank or infantry advance, mainly in Twilight, Starwind, Fianna and Melfina Provinces."

Hughes didn't say anything, but he looked around the room at every face, his face conveying the seriousness of the moment. If there were an invasion of the nation, these people would be the ones that would coordinate the defense as well as protect the civilian population. In these people lied the fate of the entire nation. They were the only ones who would and could push any invading force out of the nation. Hughes prayed a silent prayer that that day would never come.

"Ok everyone," Hughes announced. "Let's do this."

[b]Near the Blue Heaven-Blue Water border[/b]

Elements of the 1[sup]st[/sup] Combat Brigade, 1[sup]st[/sup] Infantry Division began crossing into Blue Water by air while the rest of the division entered via land

Edited by kitex
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The BPE withdraw's its forces from the Blue Water-BPE border,after certain negotiations BPE reopens all its roads to Blue Water.We are sorry for trouble.

Classified to Blue Water
We are proceeding as planned 50,000 troops, will be ready to march.

Edited by lutai
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[quote name='Galvez' timestamp='1286166325' post='2473913']
[i]"Such is the nature of war to those with victory in mind."[/i]

Michiel Backhuysen,
Dutch Stadhouder - The United Provinces

The Dutch populous find great satisfaction in reading the hourly quotes of their leader.
"Aye. And then your word is worthless from then on."

[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1286215459' post='2474323']
"And the French call us cowards. Hypocrites. When Therese invaded German soil for no other reason than to restore traditional French borders, York did not protest. Instead we went to war to defend our ally, whether we agreed with the choice or not. The Declaration of War passed by a single vote in the Upper Chamber, that of now-Regent Arthur Sinclair Jr. who cast the yes vote at my urging. Even though I did not agree with Therse's decision, we defended her because that is what allies do."

"Cowards. You run before a call for assisstance had even gone out. You cancel without even speaking to us and in doing so spit on the remains of our brave young men and women who died on the Green Fields of France. I can offer no solace to the family members of those who lost loved one fighting for you, because now they know we fought for cowards, we fought for those who used us as allies of conveniece, to serve your own ends. The just and honest thing to do would have been to at least wait until the war was over, to polietly decline any request for assistance had we requested it, which we wouldn't have."

"And before the commentators and cynics come out of the woodwork to protesty protest, to ask where the condemnation of J Andres is, know this: the Empire never has and never will condone turning your back on one's friends in a time of need. The bond between J Andres and the Empire runs deeper than any treaty, deeper than blood. They have entered this war because they wanted to, not because we asked them to. J Andres is not our ally, and therefore we are in no position to condemn them for their actions. However, the same cannot be said for France."

"I hope the Germans rape and pillage your land, Claire, and I wll watch will unbridled glee as your turn and run squeeling like the typical cowardly French pigs you are. Your lands shall burn, Claire, and you shall burn in he'll soon after. You have my promise on that."
Pravus Ingruo needs to decide on one stance and stick with it. IN one sentence they decry that France is 'cowardly' for 'breaking its word,' when in fact they were not yet obligated to join the war. In another they point out that they defended France in their aggressive war against Germany.

And then they praise J Andres for joining the war on their side--[i]and[/i] the fact that J Andres had to break a trezaty to do it.

Australia will not take sides in this matter--we see supporters of both sides committing acts we find at the [i]very least[/i], distasteful.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1286585313' post='2479246']
"Aye. And then your word is worthless from then on."

[i]"But what is the usefullness of a force's word, in comparison to its effectivenss? In my studies I have concluded the essence of nationhood, at least for most states, is for all intents & purposes a stake in global competition. Nations do not gain without taking, nor do they give without loss. A nation victorious can shed its reliance on diplomacy & good weight of its word, where a nation at peace (peace simply being the state of preparation for war) must rely on such assets as a trusty word. I believe that the victorious army needs no words; that is, if victory is assured.

Alas, the state of victory is a finite one; temporary & only to be enjoyed for a time. Whence victory appears to retreat, strategic nations do again enter peace- again preperation for victory alatter. Though when victory decays completely, perhaps then a new word might need to be employed."[/i]

Michiel Backhuysen,
Dutch Stadhouder - The United Provinces

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In Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va. American defense intelligence had been preparing for any attacks from the Ocean or from the south. Using MQ-1 Predators, Global Hawks and other airborne surveillance systems all the way up to orbiting satellites, tracking the border was a simple test of endurance of the staff located at the underground facility.

From the cover of the heightened defenses found along the border, the new XM2010, also known as the M24E1, had been given to rangers confined along the border defenses. Locked on to that new rail, the XM2010 sports a Leupold Mark 4 6.5-20x50mm extended range/tactical riflescope with advanced scalable ranging and targeting reticle. The system is also fielded with the AN/PVS-29 clip-on sniper night sight. And the system’s included quick-attach suppressor reduces audible and visible signature with an available thermal sleeve that reduces the mirage effect on heated suppressors.

Divisions of soldiers had been plugging gaps with sniper – surveillance systems – military communication centers. Without a declaration of war, the borders weren’t prepared for an immediate response. Snipers had alerted military communications that the soldiers had not answered calls to halt, and were asked to open fire once they entered the border. With the sniper rifles, as well as remote IEDs established on bridges, as well as other hidden roadside sites to halt the invasion, the convoys were halted, and the snipers began pelting the trapped forces until they retreated. Air cover for the rangers was provided by border defenses who had mined the remaining roads and had begun to man stationary AA located in the same areas as the sniper.

Seismic sensors displaced along the border and beaches had allowed for specific intel to alert high command of any and all movements in and out of the United States borders. Gen. David Petraeus will be in charge of the Southern high command as soldiers begin to move into their places. As border patrol attempted the halting of tanks coming into the territory, bridges along the Mississippi were detonated with troops on them. Border patrol began to launch Javelin and TOW missiles as well as man turrets while calling in for Artillery strikes on the other side of the border as they attempted to retreate into fall back towns. A line was held at the town of Dumas and Dewill, AR. Troops were scattered throughout the wildlife refugee stationed in the middle of them. They were ordered to attack any vehicles coming in from the border and to establish a relay station between the two towns. As military would attempt to come into the area, the line of streets between Gould and Dumas were mined.

I65 and Route 31 had their bridges blown, allowing no one past Elkton, Tennessee. There, military defense were prepared to head off East or West depending on satellite Imagery of any and all movement of the invading forces there. Fayetteville was considered a city of interest and armed to the teeth with Route 431 bombed and the bridge blown. A force of 400 men had watched over the roads to the west towards Elkton.

Within the Cherokee National Forest, the border patrols had launched a C4 explosion of trees, Dynamite within hills to cause natural road blocks. The bridges over the South Holston Lake, Watauga Lake, as well as the bridges over I26. Towards the middle, napalm bombs had been placed along side IEDs to prevent further troop movement. Helicopter movements also kept fire up as rangers and border patrol continued to retreat out of the woods and towards Knoxville with acoustical sensors able to detect the supersonic shock wave of a bullet in flight and then triangulate and pinpoint the gunmen also known as Helicopter Alert and Threat Termination (HALTT) system. Spread out AA kept the aircraft busy as they attempted to continue the fight in the sky under several different movements with Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) units.

Lt. James P. Murray had recently made his way into combat when his company received the orders that “the pie was in the sky”. It was a dismal call for him, as he had just recently received word that his wife was pregnant. The news drove him to tears, but his crew needed him for this one. His child on the way needed to grow up in a free America.

He took flight with a Apache helicopter crew to take wind over the Cherokee National Forest to disband any enemy troops that have made their way into his path. He had been manning the gun for quite some time, and his “Ole’ Betsy” hadn’t seen any action since they had met. He gave her a quick shining with his hat before his hand let it lose to grab ahold of the seat in front of him when his copter was struck with its first bullet. He sprung into action with a glide of his feet to the bar to make a visible encounter with the shooters. There, at the side of the copter, he began to lay down fire. He upset the families of those he had lit up, watching their bodies fall to the ground as his .50 cal sprung fire from his Ole’ Betsy. He didn’t do it with a smile, much like his counterpart Rick, on the otherside manning the twin. He twisted from afar, and saw convoys removing the patrols who had just destroyed the bridge to their rear. Rick had released a warcry that would bring a man to his knees, as if death was something he aimed for each day. For Rick, this was murder without penalty. It was encouraged.

For James, it was a choir that needed to be completed without question. He did it not for himself, but for his family. He aimed his turrets once more downwards and made way with more killing.

Memphis, TN recieved a several urban battle where two dozen Rapid Deploy Demolishers would help in the Urban battle. Just North, the fall back line on the other side of the bridges had been armed with explosives. Some of the S-300 systems, and not just missiles; the system includes the launcher and tracking and targeting radars. Were used to keep out CAS from the region. The use of Patriot air defense missile also kept the skies clear deep within the states. Lightweight Howitzer 777 was to be facilitated by Memphis after other cities and towns have had their conflicts resolved and a secure perimeter around the city had been established so that they werent firing on their own
Conventional missiles and Excalibur artillery shot were to be used if High Command received word of any other routes being used to invade. The border patrols held the SA– 7 type handheld IRSAM, incase of any possible vehicle encounters.

OOC: GR, if you could wait on KC to provide his input, he’ll most likely be your opponent in the South.

Already established satellite imagery watched as J Andres troops poured into the country side, and began to fire on State troops. General Caudill held no comment, but had made the order to fire back. Though reluctant, the soldiers began to use what they could as they attempted to use the back roads for a blitz into the middle of Pennsylvania. With their fast movement, Andres troops missed the Wyld Pygs moving into North Pennsylvania from New Jersey. They had swept a path into the East and had begun engaging any continued movement into the Northern towns of Penn. Going up through Scranton to Route 220, they had made their way South West to corner any soldiers who had made it into the slim corridor created by the destruction of the bridge by detonation just North of the town of Williamsport. Armed with M6 Bradley Linebackers, they also did some damage to any CAS that decided to intervene on their fun.

Because of the small corridors of Pennsylvania, it was rather hard to maneuver in a constant manner as the J Andres troops had apparently hoped. With the combination of bridges and valleys covering the entirety of Pennsylvania, the destruction of one, meant for the need to backtrack several miles to try another. This method was constantly used, considering the blitz didn’t have established scouts to remove any detonations or anyone to even tell if the infrastructure was going to be used. By creating dead ends, the mixture of artillery, aircraft, and missiles made chopmeat of vehicles who needed to backtrack the exact same way they would come in. This made the targets easy, and able to track their movements a lot easier. With the use of the Excalibur shells for pinpoint accuracy, they fired on the Panther and Abrams tanks.

From the missile sites that had generally been displaced throughout “sites of interest” as well as the abandoned ones found within New Jersey that havent been operational until the last World War, several engineers teams had brought MIM-14 Nike-Hercules, IFC radars, Acquisition radar (LOPAR), three spherical antennae, tracking radars, as well as two tracking radars the two vans for housing computer and tracking equipment and the operating consoles for the operators had made the base McGuire AFB BOMARC Missile Site one of the many new sites of interest for American defenses. These were used mostly for Anti-missile and Anti-aircraft, with a heavy concentration of these throughout Northern New Jersey and Western Pennsylvania. The one McGuire AFB BOMARC Missile Site had been under the close supervision of Matt Reaper and his Tank crew. Areas of interest had also received individual MIM-104 Patriot missile batteries which played a clinical use of disallowing for complete distruction of cities that had been occupied by the military considering that most troops had been spread out, taking up tactical positions rather than holding a solo HQ.

Considering the proximity and the routes that had been destroyed near Erie, the only viable approach ot Oil City was through the Allegheny National Forest. There, covert snipers armed with the latest XM2010 had been denying troop movement. However, the use of enemy tanks and conveys called for the clinical use of Javelin and TOW personnel anti-armor. As they fired their remaining shots, they retreated out of the Forest, buying just enough time for IEDs and mines to be placed along to the road to Oil City.

Engaged aircraft were given the locations of State AA. Considerably outnumbered in the sky, they would be taking on a retreating tactic that would force any engaging enemy aircraft to fight against both AA and aircraft at the same time. If they retreated, aircraft would fine new ground targets, and continue into the fight until engaged in flight once more by considerably more enemy aircraft units. Considerable amount of emptied cities were used as military HQs in Northern Pennsylvania, and under the cover of several buildings attempted to dodge most of the blows of missiles and aircraft.

CATs, small FBI Cyber Action Teams made up of computer analysts, forensic investigators and malicious-code experts ready to defeat cyberattacks had been running around the clock as the defenses had recently had an attack. With cybersecurity under check, they attempted to keep satellite uplinks hosted under random servers to keep from one going under. These teams focused on the established USA practical uses of cyber security founded with the GAO Cyber Security document: http://www.scribd.com/doc/38237843/GAO-Cyber-Security
To help with other American forces in the South, missiles engaged battalions crossing over the bridge of i95 south of Emporia, i85 south of South Hill, and bombardment of Clarksonville’s pass.

OOC: KC needs to handle this new operation.

Remaining forces in Erie had displaced South into Edinboro, as they reached reinforcements. Reinforcements packed with more anti-aircraft ammunition dispersed the Mongooses above, and that decided to retaliate. They held some members of the company back to await further reinforcements to block off any movements to the West, but most made a move to Union City for a counter assault. With the destruction of Wattsburg by military bombardment of both sides, the roads there were blocked, only allowing for a crossroads of sorts to form on Union City. There, the two sides clashed for a scramble to remove one another from the city. Bravo Company had already spread out throughout the city, and were more than capable of taking any tanks moving in from Route 97 with the remainder of TOW and Javelins that the border patrol there were able to offer. In town, leaders of Alpha and Bravo met up at Market Street, dead center of town, conducting a plan to hold off the sheer force of numbers that the enemy had presented within town. From there, they decided to retreat south to Hogan street, and awaited for any other members of Bravo team who were scattered throughout the town to make their way to the Street. Finally, they crossed the bridge, which had been armed with explosives by the reinforcements provided from the West, and had taken shelter on both sides of the street. The exhausted Bravo company retreaved ammo from the Police station two houses down. There, they would make their final stand.

In Custer City, men took shelter in the Beacon Light Behavioral Health Systems in attempt to used their layered ceilings to prevent any actual casualties from the bombers. Remaining members also took shelter along the towns Warren Road, prepared to meet the enemy from the North. Down in Lewis Run, reinforcements were halted considering there was a lack of man power. Delta Company kept it plain and simple: any incoming forces would receive anti-armor shots from both vehicles and soldiers before artillery came in. This was to keep concealed artillery concealed, using only if it informed by intel that incoming troop movement was to be overwelming.

With intel coming in left and right, Wellsboro received word from air command on their latest run that they had seen a large amount of enemy approaching the city. With this in mind, they had taken “prepared all means to remove the future threat” to heart (received in the last transmission). With Cyclotrimethlenetrinitramine (RDX), the military had taken most of the city blocks out with 5 detonations. With that, they retreated under one last fighter squadron support run.

The Great Bend had provided one building for which a small unit could attack a large one as Foxtrot Company took the ground and took cover in Mitchell Real Estate. There, they waited out the prolonged Artillery Barriage as 50% of the company dispersed into the South. Upon order that the artillery had died, the troops prepared to take on the incoming troops. At the real estate, they took the three leveled building and made it into a bunker, using the enclosed back vault as a last stand “alamo” Where they could take cover from the artillery, but before then, the untargeted building had .50 cal turrets and TOWs awaiting the incoming troops. Upon removing their concealed position, they were locked on, and made their way into the back, either attempted to escape VIA the back parking lot or by making their way into the basement for more cover.

The New Jersey shore defenses had been ruined. The base littered with death and destruction. Scattered throughout the buildings, however, the remaining soldiers had taken to the roof tops. With their anti-air, they took out the AC-130s, only to be casualties themselves. The remaining forces retreated to a fall back position, A half mile in shore where anti-air was much more concentrated. On the shore, remained surveillance drones which will be able to pin point any movement, so that troops can go back to the front under the cover of artillery.

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In a security base near Washington, Private First Class Eric Klevenger was assigned radar duty that day. He never enjoyed radar duty. It was extremely tedious, and rarely anything happened. He started to stray away from his duty. He thought about the next time he would be on leave: about four months away. Eric went off in his mind to visit the red, brick three-story house in Oklahoma that he lived in when he was young. Ah, the memories he had there. The house sat next to a lake, and the lake had been filled with salmon for sport. He remembered the day he caught his first fish: March 23rd, 1982. He had been waiting for hours with his dad, who enjoyed fishing. After awhile, his dad had gone inside to get some lemonade. While his dad was inside, he felt a tug, and when Eric finished reeling in what he caught, a nice 3-pound red salmon hung on the end of his fishing rod. Ecstatic, he ran inside with the fish, not even stopping to tell his family. Arriving at his room, he grabbed a nail and a hammer and nailed the fish to his wall. He felt so proud; he had finally done it on his own. He then went back down to keep fishing for another one. A couple days later, the entire house reeked of dead fish. It took hours for his mother to find the source, but eventually she stumbled on the corpse nailed on her son’s wall. Eric tried to explain: it was his first fish. He wanted to keep it as a souvenir trophy to remind him of the first time he made such an accomplishment. His mind then drifted to his little league football championship. That day, it was raining hard, and the field was torn up. It was impossible to run more than six yards in that mess, and the football was almost as difficult to catch. As a linebacker, he managed to force six fumbles that game due to the tremendous feat for the offensive players to even hold on to the wet football. On the last play in the 4th quarter, the score was tied 13-13. Eric had forced a fumble near the opposing team’s own endzone, and a cornerback picked up the ball and ran it down the field. Unfortunately, he slipped at the 2-yard line and time ran out. It was ok though, because his team was later able to kick a field goal in overtime. That reminded him: the UT vs. OU game was the next day. Being an OU graduate, he hated UT with a passion. He remembered going to one Red River Shootout in his senior year with his friend Erin. It was also a very close game, and the Longhorns won by one point thanks to a last minute field goal. Disappointed at that result, Klevenger looked forward to an OU victory. The Sooners had to win; they’d lost the past 13 meetings with the Longhorns. All that thinking made him sleepy, so he rested his head in the palm of his hand and started to doze off.

In his dream, he dreamed of his best friend in college, Erin. It was just a conversation on memories. Erin constantly brought up her “hate” for him, recalling the numerous things and quotes they exchanged with each other. One time, Eric had baked a pie for Erin for her birthday, but when she ate it, she was shocked to discover a swarm of spiders crawling inside. For revenge, she took him to an OU-Missouri game and publicly embarrassed him by getting him midfield and then pulling his pants down in front of 60,000 people. Thus started such a huge rivalry between the two, filled with fun pranks and funny, harsh comments on each other. Whenever Eric dressed up for a dance, Erin would either comment on anything hideous on him or pretend to be in shock at the fact that Eric could clean himself up. Eric would always respond by jokingly smacking Erin and referring to her as a prominicuous @#$%. The conversation also included how one time, Erin had bought Eric an outhouse calendar “to reflect his personality.” Before he could respond, he woke up. An hour had passed, and surprisingly, no one had realized that he had dozed off. He looked at the radar and noticed that four blips were streaking toward the point labeled “Washington.” Nothing to worry about. He started to doze off again, and a few minutes later, he woke back up to the sight of the radar. The four dots were now closer to the Washington point. Whatever. But he came to his senses and realized that these moving blips were missiles aimed for the capital. In chaos, he called his superior over. Once the Lieutenant realized what was happening, he phoned the commanding officer, who in turn ordered all government officials to be evacuated to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center. He then ordered nearby aircraft to shoot the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles down. In the Presidential Emergency Operations Center and in that base, officials nervously watched the radar. One blip disappeared. Then a second. Then a third. For some reason, the fourth blip wasn’t going down. Everyone watched intensely as the blip got closer and closer to the ground. Then suddenly, it disappeared like the others. The people in the base didn’t watch it go away because they were destroyed. Those in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center heard a roaring boom up above. The missile had hit its target. The generals in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center did a count to see who was missing. Everyone they could’ve gotten it was in, except for the Secretary of State. Unfortunately, no one was allowed back out to look for him. If he wasn’t in that room, the only thing anyone could do was wait for news. In the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, they kept in contact with high ranking officials outside the area, as well as news reports. It was only a few minutes before he and his aides saw Harland’s speech on television:

"Citizens of the Empire, and people of Planet Bob, I come before you tonight under the gravest of circumstances. For too long, incompetence has been allowed to rule North America. As we have seen recently, many old empires have fallen, paving the way for a new and brighter future on our great continent. Today is another of those days. With the power vested in me, ten minutes ago the Empire of Pravus Ingruo declared war on the United States of America. Troops are moving across the border as we speak."

"There may be calls that this is an imperialistic move, meant only to gain more land. Anyone who has even the slightest recollection of history will know that this is not the case. Any nation led by myself has never been one after more land. We have been content to stay a small nation, however the cries of our brethren to our south have reached our ears, and we shall free them from a corrupt, ineffective, and weak government."

"To the United States, I call for your unconditional surrender. Surrender now, before any blood is spilled and you will not only keep your government, but your land and your ability to exist. Resist, and be cast aside for the fourth time in history. The United States fell once, then I myself helped bring down a second incarnation before Thomas Dobbs helped bring about the downfall of a third. Spare yourselves the humiliation at being known as the men who stood at the helm as the fourth went down in flames."

"To the rest of the world, I call upon you to honor this new North America. The bastions of liberty and strength no longer reside in the nations wishing for a bygone era. They are in the nations embracing the new era, nations such as Pravus Ingruo and J Andres. Together, we shall build a peaceful and prosperous North America for all peoples. The age of the United States is gone, evidenced in their ineffective and squabbling government. Great times call for great people to rise up and do great things. This is our great time. We are the great people. And we will do great things. For this nation has a Manifest Destiny, one that stretches from York to Florida... that one day, all peoples there will be united under the banner of liberty, strength, and freedom that is the Empire of Pravus Ingruo."

"Think hard about your decision, United States, but decide quickly. There is no middle ground. There is surrender, or oblivion."

Johnson could only scoff at the Emperor’s illogical claims. “Corrupt, ineffective, and weak government? Many would disagree on that. Not imperialistic of a move? You idiot, you’re rambling about Manifest Destiny. Banner of liberty, strength, and freedom? We started that, fool. And of course you and your people would help bring down versions of the United States; you were just power hungry. How would we be able to keep our freedom under your reign? And you call us to surrender, but you wiped out 600,000 while doing so. We might’ve considered it before, but how can we now?”

Later, he would be receiving notifications of offers of support from numerous countries, but he only had one in mind that he truly wanted: J Andres. J Andres, and its predecessor, New England, had been one of the first friends of some of the states that made up the United States: the Commonwealth, Rebel Virginia, the FRA, Tahoe. But when the United States was attacked, J Andres hid, declared neutrality, and abandoned the MDoAP it had with the United States. What traitorous cowards they were.

Turning to aides, he asked, “Who are our allies, and who are our possible enemies?” Blue Heaven, Disparu, Himynamistan, and Puerto Rico would like come and help if we asked. Other nations such as Idaho, and the Order of St. Aquitane, had also offered moral support at the least. Unfortunately, the list of possible enemies was larger. Of course, there was Pravus Ingruo. The Imperial States of America had recently had a regime change that conveniently coincided with Pravus Ingruo’s declaration of war. The GLP was no friend either. And then, since we received no word from J Andres, for all we know, they could be assisting Pravus Ingruo. Through video chat, he discussed with other government members on the possibility of accepting aid. Some wanted to reject it outright. Johnson had a different idea: allow them in and keep them deep inside borders on standby. Following this, he went off to write his speech. After long hours, he appeared on all television channels in the United States and gave a message to the American people:

“Fellow citizens, I speak to you today, right now, safe in a secure, undisclosed location, and completely unharmed. This is the same for the majority of the Executive Branch. Unfortunately, I regret to inform you all that this is not the same for many of our brothers and sisters.

We are here in the middle of the hour of grief. So many have suffered such a great loss, and today, we come to God to pray for the missing and the dead, and for all of those who they loved and love them.

The United States was at peace with the Empire of Pravus Ingruo and, at the solicitation of the Emperor, was still in conversation with its Government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in North America. But yesterday, our beloved country was deliberately attacked by four intercontinental ballistic missiles from the Empire of Pravus Ingruo. Three of them were shot down by fighter planes, but one went through and struck our nation’s capital. In the attack, 300,000 people perished in an act of massive disregard for human life.

War has been waged against us by stealth and deceit and murder. This nation is peaceful, but fierce when stirred to anger. This conflict was begun on the timing and terms of others. The Emperor demanded that I surrender our beloved states to his Empire. How could I do that after he wiped out an entire city? We will not surrender. We will never surrender. We will fight on until we die.

Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will someday emerge victorious.

I believe I interpret the will of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.

My people, we shall fight to the end. We shall meet the enemy wherever he hides. We shall defend our home, our family, and our liberty, no matter what cost. Like the might bald eagle that represents our country, we shall swoop down and take them by surprise. And most importantly, even if we eventually fall, we shall never give in. And at the end, we shall all see each other once again.

At this time, I am enacting martial law and calling all military troops to report. Through unity and courage, we shall defend our land. May God be with us all, and may God bless these United States of America.”

Shortly after, National Guard Sgt. Dylan MacElroy received a phone call. He resided in a home in southern Pennsylvania with his wife, Brittany, and two children. As he listened, he took a glance at his family. His wife was making spaghetti in the kitchen. His children were playing on the swing set he built in the backyard. When he hung up, he went over to his wife, hugged her from behind, and looked forward to dinner. A couple hours after eating, with his children getting ready for bed, he broke the news to his wife: “I’m being called back. They’re deploying me to one of the borders.” His wife hugged back and whispered to him to be careful. They got up, and he went to tell his kids that he had to go back to work again. The next morning, he was packed up and ready to go.

In Texas, the 3rd Army of the United States would be deploying along the borders of the Amerikanisches Reich and of J Andrean Louisiana. Troops would be in the Nacogdoches area when General Sweeney would hear word of “An invasion from the east side of I-20.” Glancing at maps, he noted that I-20 would lead to the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, and a loss there would devastate the country. As a result, the majority of the 3rd Army loaded into their tanks and humvees and rushed to the invading enemy. The rest would continue deploying along the borders and set up sensors and traps for the invaders.

The border guards would still be fighting off the invading Imperial Army when the 3rd Army arrived. With textbook swiftness, infantrymen armed themselves with M47 Dragons and M240B’s to take on the Imperialists. M110 cannons would assist them. Some hopped onto Apache helicopters, which would shoot down at the enemy. With no ISA air superiority in Texas, the copters would only be lightly escorted. For the shooters up high, it would not be murder: it would be defense for the glory of Democracy. They shot wildly into the masses, enjoying the sight of every man slumping down from their shots. For them, this was revenge for trying to take what was sacred to America. One man, Shane O’Neil, recalled the Celtic tune he’d always listen to before squeezing out retribution:

(OOC: English Translation. Cookies to whoever can point out what song is translated from these lyrics.)

I waited, I waited a long time
In the shadow of the towers dark brown
In the shadow of the towers dark brown

In the dark shadow of rain towers
You always see me wait
You always see me wait

One day it will
Above the seas, over the fields

One day it will,
Above campaigns, above the seas
Green will wind
And carry with him my wounded heart

Get angry on the roads
It will, to spray
In the dark shadow of the towers black
Thanks to its breath, I would be won
Far in the course in another country

I would be won, thanks to its breath
Far in the current, according to his desire

According to his desire, far from this world
Between the sea and the stars

The 2nd Army would be deploying along the border with the ISA. It was quite fortunate for them to do so, as the ISA was spilling out into the country. On the Arkansas front, the two armies met near the Arkansas River. In Tennessee, it would be near Fayetteville and Chattanooga. In all three locations, the infantrymen would employ the same procedures as those in Longview. Copters would not be boarded and flown due to the ISA’s air superiority missions in the area. Fayetteville was top priority of these three. Citizens of Nashville had taken refuge at Vanderbilt University, and if it was taken, hundreds of thousands of lives would be in jeopardy. In Memphis, the troops would take on the same weaponry currently being used: Lightweight Howitzer 777, SA-7 IRSAM, and the Patriot ground-air missile defense. The other side of the United States was under attack.

Classified location:

“Mr. President, as you can see from this satellite imagery, the states of Texas, Arkansas, and Tennessee are being attacked by the Imperial States of America.”

“Dear God…well, I really don’t blame them for doing so. With the more powerful Empire of Pravus Ingruo ranting on about Manifest Destiny, they really have no choice but to act in a similar manner to avoid getting conquered. Well the Empire will never have the chance to even consider it!” He slammed his fist on the table with every one of the last three words. “For now, our goal in the south isn’t to defeat the ISA. It’s to hold the ISA troops back until we prove to them that the Empire of Pravus Ingruo can not emerge victorious. Then we shall see what will occur.”

“Yes, sir.”

Edited by KingChris
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