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Everything posted by Galvez

  1. Adriana rolled the last ball of dough when the phone rang. Rinsing her hands, she playfully wiped them over her mother's apron. Her mother playfully threatened to wipe dough on her in revenge [i]"¡Calmate traviesa! Vas a ver! Calm, go get the phone please mija."[/i] Adriana shook more water off her hands as she picked up the phone, [i]"I'm going mama...¿Bueno?"[/i] Her father was on the other line, [i]"Hola, mijita! How are you & mama? Good?"[/i] Adriana's eyes immediately lit up, [i]"Papa! I missed you so much, we hadn't heard from you all week. When will you be home?"[/i] Gálvez sighed, [i]"Mija, I know, I know. I'm sorry. I've been working on some very important business mija. Remember, how else.."[/i] Adriana cut him off, [i]"Yes, yes. How else can we live so nicely, and be protected, and have everything we need. I know, papa, but why can't I just have you?"[/i] Her words cut deep into the ruthless drug lord, [i]"I'll be home very soon. Let me talk to your mother?"[/i] Adriana wiped a tear from her cheek, [i]"Sure..Mama! Its daddy. Come, let me finish the tortillas."[/i] Cenovio made a rare visit to the beautiful family home on the shining coast of protectorate-Sonora he had purchased for his wife Maria & daughter Adriana. They where civilians; innocents on the stage of drug trade, but the old rules of trafficking had been scratched out. Women & children? A new option in the target beam of rival traffickers & Cenovio would use all his power above else, to protect his family. Cenovio's visit served two purposes. He needed to quell the worries of his family, his wife had been growing impatient & his most precious possession, his daughter, she had been growing distant. The second purpose involved laying low for a while. As of yet, no one really knew Gálvez even had a family- well they suspected, but his enemies had yet to find out where & even if they had, Cenovio made sure their position was secured. The family had grown accustomed to friendly [i]vaqueros [/i]who often greeted them on inconspicuous patrols up & down their street, or in the form of Cartel landscapers who regularly visited the family home armed with flower pots, rakes, & various caliber handguns. Cenovio also had two sons, not of the same spouse & none of whom had ever met the rest of the family, but they where grown & operating separate parts of the Llanos Cartel. One such operation was just beginning, in the city of Hermosillo..
  2. [center][IMG]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/Zapaw/mex1.jpg[/IMG][/center] A gust of dirt skid across the body of the flashy full-size pickup truck as it halted at the entrance of the massive ranch. A holster by the steering wheel was one of many modifications that included 4.0 " bullet resistant glass on the vehicle. Several armed men, impressively dressed in classic Mexican [i]vaquero[/i] fashion guarded the cast-iron gates, barely acknowledging the arrival of the large truck. It was custom for them to open the gates only when given specific order to do so by the [i]jefe[/i], or boss. If guests where expected, they should be certain to arrive on time or simply be turned around. If guests where not expected, they should arrange to meet at a later time or simply, disappear. Quickly. The order was received & the gates where opened for the truck to continue on. Sergio Calaberas maneuvered his truck cautiously through the beautiful landscape, eventually coming to to luxurious face of the extravagant property compound. Again, guards where present, but from these men he was more cordially received by a facade of [i]vaquero[/i] hospitality. [i]"Bienvenidos, compadre. Come in, we will see to it that your truck is cleaned & parked safely."[/i] Sergio never lifted a finger from the wheel, [i]"Muchas gracias, but if you do not mind I'd like to park it myself."[/i] There was no way in hell that he was about to let these men in his truck. He was guided as to where to park & upon exiting the vehicle was patted down & stripped of any firearms he was carrying before being escorted into the compound. It was formally the land of a rich [i]hacendado[/i], owner of the property with cattle, horses, as well as a major marijuana plantation. It was this plantation that caught the eye of the Llanos Cartel who immediately enticed the former owner to grow for them, meaning a cut from his profits. He held on tight to his money too tight for the organizations liking. He was taken out of the equation, but not before his deeds where transferred to the possession of the Llanos Cartel. The complex in use by the Cartel's head. Into the decorated columns of the massive [i]hacienda[/i] went Sergio & several men of the Llanos Cartel. Entering, yet even more armed [i]vaqueros[/i]; it was beginning to look as though a small army of these types was stationed at the location. Before long he arrived at a large balcony on the third & top floor of the complex. There stood the embodiment of criminal power that now loomed in the region, an old friend, Cenovio [i]"Voz de Mando"[/i] Gálvez, or [i]"the voice in command[/i]" known simply as [i]"El Voz"[/i] or Gálvez. He wasted no time in greeting Sergio, offering him his choice of strictly Mexican alcoholic beverages, [i]"Welcome to my home. Sit, drink. Its been too long, my friend. Far to long."[/i] Sergio grasped his hand firmly, taking a drink of his icy [i]cervesa[/i] as he took his seat. [i]"I am really very glad to drink with you again, Carnal. Especially after all these years."[/i] Sergio took another drink & looking around at the armed men nearby he continued, [i]"So what is it? I know you don't need anymore friends. What business do you have to offer?"[/i] Gálvez took his seat alongside Sergio, [i]"Sergio, this time you've gotten it wrong. I do need friends; ones like you. I know you would like very much to drop off the map, but that just isn't you, my friend. I do not boast when I tell you- you are lucky I found you first."[/i] Gálvez finished his beer & grabbed another from an icy bucket on the small table before them, [i]"You're still in command of Los Matones, this I know for a fact & had you not been, you would not be sitting here drinking with this old friend right now I will tell you that much. There is your first hint. Now, perhaps you understand a bit more as to why I called you here?"[/i] Sergio stroked his mustache, "Is that right? And what makes you so sure of my position?" Gálvez grinned as he chuckled lightly, [i]"Three black SUVs where reported just beyond those hills over there. Lean this way a bit, over there you see? I happen to know we are being watched. I a watching them too. They arrived about 3 hours before you did. I've discovered them to be men from Los Matones, & they are trespassing. I will kill them if they are not your men, if they are I will let them be of course."[/i] He took another drink. Sergio thought hard for a moment then replied, [i]"I know...We know that you are the jefe of the Llanos Cartel, that much is obvious, I could have figured that conclusion by walking up to your ranch gates."[/i] Gálvez chuckled, [i]"You would have been shot if you walked up to my ranch gates." [/i]Sergio chuckled as well, [i]"It is a paramilitary wing you are after then? Sicarios, ex special forces hit men to take your Cartel to the top & that's why you want my help, que no?"[/i] Gálvez raised an eyebrow as he grinned, [i]"So they're yours?"[/i] Sergio finished his beer, [i]"I'll have them leave as soon as our meeting is done."[/i]
  3. By now Leonel weilded nearly complete control of the populus below him. Order had come swiftly & and organized war effort had slowed- even begun to repell the Cacti onslaught. Sure he had the Capital remodeled to the liking of a desert palace resembling something of a large mosque, an army of engineers working fruitlessly on creating a personal flying saucer & a lifesize statue of Jennifer Lopez in solid milk chocolate was great; but there was something missing... [i]"Maya, come here please."[/i] ordered Leo from his plush LaZyBoy comforter throne. Maya placed down the notebook & hopping off the bed she replied, [i]"Yea, baby?"[/i] Servants & decorators paused & directed strange looks towards the couple. An awkward silence followed. Leonel's cheeks began to rosie & he suddenly ordered everyone except Maya to exit the room. [i]"Leave."[/i] [i]"I wanted to talk to you about whats been going on around here. I feel..I feel as though I could...as though I SHOULD be doing something more with my..uh..abilities?"[/i] Continued Leonel as the small crowd scuffled away. Maya sighed, [i]"If this is about the chocolate statue; Look, I'm okay with it.."[/i] [i]"No, its more than that.", [/i]began Leo [i]"I spent enough time & energy indulging in all of this great stuff. Things I could only dream of having as a child- We live in a palace for crying out loud!"[/i] Maya's eyes wandered away; traveling with her thoughts as she considered his words. Gradually, she began nodding her head as grew more in agreement with his words, [i]"Baby, I feel you. You can do alot of good for all of these people, or even better, help them do good for themselves."[/i] Leo knew in his heart that this was truley Maya speaking- outside of the pull his magical charisma could induce. When they felt strongly about something, they always seemed to speak the other's words. Often, it was a simple matter of who opened their mouth first & for this of many reasons they fell in love. They had often a time been given curious expressions; Leonel being hispanic, Maya being black- this mattered to neither... Over the next few days Leonel & Maya would set out on a spiritual journey. Studying faith, religion, & theories of existance & human purpose as well as those recently constructed in attempt to explain the recent anomalies including Leo's charismatic abilities over his people. A perfect religion, they believed would outline a path to peaceful & fulfilling existance for all people- materialism being the counter to spirituality as evil is to good. This time of flux in the world, they decided together that a better human kind could emerge, but above all there must be a God of a sort or another to be praised & thanked, perhaps even worshipped.
  4. Leo, had by now mastered (in as far an extent as he understood) his ability to manipulate the thoughts & actions of those to whom he spoke. He had heard many reports of almost magical abilities & happenings all across the globe. This was confirmed for him with the onset of the Cacti War. Several days ago he was an average citizen, struggling to survive. The most popularity he received was attained when he survived a sudden lightning strike that shot him clear down Baseline road. Since then his suggestion of a monarchy had swept the nation as a revolutionary & popular idea, flowering with his planned coronation in the comming days. Soldiers who at one time harassed him, now pledged their support to his reign. He concluded that his charisma, or at least the raw influence of his words, whatever they may be, has been boosted to supernatural proportions & it may have something to do with the global anomalies.
  5. The demobilized soldiers of the old regime remain active, roaming the countrysides engaged in a perpetual turf war against the Cacti whom have begun ambusing travelers & combatants alike, posing as harmless desert vegetation. With the collapse of the republican system, many ask what will replace it. An enlightenment movement has begun to sweep across the nation's thinkers, sparking such revolutionary concepts as monarchism & defiance against the tyranny & failure that has been democracy. A king, they say, is the only hope for the nation. Deep feelings of nationalistic pride now stand in defiance to caos. A large meeting was called at the Arizona state capital building & broadcast to all with access to cable T.V. stations in the state. Opening the program was a host of horrific imagery of murders & dramatized depictions of massacres of innocent civilians including children by savage Catci at home, at school, & at work. This sent a messege that there is no safe haven from the dangers at hand, aside from that faught for & defended constantly. They captured the deepest nightmares of the public whom where still in disbelief that live plants had come to terrorize them & cause the near collapse of the society around them. Appearing before the crowd & the cameras was, Leonel Galvez, a local man of Spanish blood. He appealed to the large hispanic population as well as fellow European Americans who inhabited the state. In Navy blue & gold military attire; imagery that had grown popular with support for the military soaring, he began to speak. [i] "The survival of our people, whom live day to night in threat of great harm or agonizing death as we have experienced, is in question. Our armed forces are nearly shattered; hardly capable of defending themselves, let alone managing the security of what lands we have thus far been able to retrieve. Our economy is collapsing, giving way to black markets while our children starve. Our first enemy is ignorance to the second that is eating us from within while we struggle aimlessly to wage war. Our greatest weapons are not machine, but our very pride. And it is our pride, if not the will to survive that we must employ against an enemy whom we have grown to trust & live amongst. We face an enemy who move with no clear purpose, but with great zeal to end our lives & the way we live them!" [/i] The gathering crowd releases a chattery applause- a comforting sound in a time scared by combat, sirens,& screams. [i]"We stand against a ruthless enemy, who alone are responsible for the civil decedance that now riddles our society!"[/i] A man yells from amongst the crowd, [i]"The Cacti!!"[/i] Begining another uproar of applause. [i]"Death stalks the land. Stripping us of our stability, shattering our way of life, blowing to pieces our peace of mind. WE ARE AT WAR! & it is soon to turn in our favor! A new leadership, a Monarchy of North America."[/i] Soldiers supported the idea of open war with the cacti & the military was aching to find stability. After all, it was believed that if an army has no stable home to fight for, an army will not fight. These troops flooded the hall from all entrences, presenting a flag of the new monarchy. [IMG]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll137/Zapaw/flag3.gif[/IMG] All Arizonan forces not operating under the reunited army of the kingdom are considered enemies of the state & to be handled with the same action as would be employed against the multiplying Cacti. Small signs of headway in the war effort are just begining to show..
  6. [quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1286919880' post='2482859'] "If this is the standard of thought in your nation, we pity you. For if you betray an ally once, why should any nation, from then on, trust you? Why should any nation ally themselves to you, knowing that at any critical moment you could stab them in the back?" OOC: Lol, Pravus. I saw your Star Wars reference [/quote] [i]"No, not at all. Simply my thoughts. You have my word."[/i] Michiel Backhuysen, Dutch Stadhouder - The United Provinces
  7. Civil turmoil following the wave of anomolies that are reportedly sweeping the globe has reached an all time high in Arizona. The government is collapsing & the state is near anarchy. The military has asserted control over a loose chain of regions while most have been left to fend for themselves against the elements & Cactus raids that have already left many injured & 3 dead. In Phoenix... Wheels screeched across the pavement as David hit the corner down Mill Avenue going 85mph, nearly loosing control of his Monte Carlo. The four young men scanned the strange faces of looters, gangsters, & panicked civilians, looking for their target. The car was shifted off the street, nearing the mountains just past the ASU campus. Dirt & gravel was blasted upward as the car was forced into the rocky hill side. The guys were furiously looking for someone..or something. And suddenly a voice rang out [i]"There he goes!-There he goes!"[/i] David forced the car to the right towards the running figure until the headlights illuminated the cactus. The boys pulled out their weapons, including an automatic rifle & began shooting. The cringing pain of prickly darts rang out from their hands & faces as the cactus shot back. Soon, though it was all over. Jose lept from the car to see the dying cactus. The massive figure lay nearly 10 feet tall; twitching hopelessly as if trying to shoot another round of pricks that it no longer had. Jose kicked the cactus & aimed his handgun towards what he guessed was its head, [i]"This is for Gabriel."[/i] 3 more rounds entered the cactus & the men left speedily. The death of a neighborhood boy who had gone on a hike had been avenged for the time being. The war, though, was only begining. The onset of a new threat, a common enemy had begun to create new unity again to the communities of the cactus infested state. A chain of communites formed a more organized front to confront this threat & ensure survival. Seeing the most promise in this particular group, the military chose to back them, supplying them with weapons & gradually begining combat training operations for all civilians as defense now had become the number one priority. This union of people would come to be known as "Americafas" & they declared war on the savage raiders who stalked the desert lands. [img]http://visionintime.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/praying_cactus.jpg[/img]
  8. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1286838567' post='2481873'] State of Arizona authorized. Welcome to the game. One correction: Your magic is at 0 as is everyone below the equator currently. Magic must be researched to be advanced at this time. Galvez: One observation. I notice that in CNRP the State of Arizona is already claimed as part of a country, if that person chooses to claim Arizona you may be bumped. If not, Arizona will remain yours. If you are bumped you may choose to rp any of the regions next to Arizona which are white on the CNRP map in North America.. which includes parts of California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.. and those may be your newly founded state of Arizona if that happens. The Person with a pre-existing claim is United Provinces, but there is no listing of who plays it in the nation listing map for CNRP. [/quote] I am the United Provinces, im sorry for not clairifying. Actually, Im a bit confused still. Do I start out here in CNRPT as the United Provinces still?
  9. Claims: State of Arizona Persona NS: Leonel Galvez 50% National NS: 50% Magic Research: 70% Technology Research: 30%
  10. What about community polls for deciding party seats? Has this been discussed already? Sorry I had to skim a bit, I'm on limited time. I think this is a great idea btw
  11. The United Provinces welcomes the new nations of England.
  12. [quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1286585313' post='2479246'] "Aye. And then your word is worthless from then on." [/quote] [i]"But what is the usefullness of a force's word, in comparison to its effectivenss? In my studies I have concluded the essence of nationhood, at least for most states, is for all intents & purposes a stake in global competition. Nations do not gain without taking, nor do they give without loss. A nation victorious can shed its reliance on diplomacy & good weight of its word, where a nation at peace (peace simply being the state of preparation for war) must rely on such assets as a trusty word. I believe that the victorious army needs no words; that is, if victory is assured. Alas, the state of victory is a finite one; temporary & only to be enjoyed for a time. Whence victory appears to retreat, strategic nations do again enter peace- again preperation for victory alatter. Though when victory decays completely, perhaps then a new word might need to be employed."[/i] Michiel Backhuysen, Dutch Stadhouder - The United Provinces
  13. [quote name='Shatner' timestamp='1286268223' post='2475750'] Do not veil your stateents as misunderstandings. You spoe of all the good European colonists did, which I can agree with, but if not European dominance of the world, what is the 'Crown of the World?' [/quote] [i]"It was a metaphor. Drop it."[/i] Rudolphus Spinoza, Renown Dutch philosopher
  14. [quote name='Shatner' timestamp='1286250409' post='2475428'] Not to condone American Imperialism in Europe, but why would you bring up European colonialism as a counterpoint to American colonialism? Your statement is extremely hypocritical and ill conceived. [/quote] [i]I don't know why I feel as though I should apologize for your misunderstanding of my statements...I do not preach colonialism of any kind; when I stated the Crown of the World, perhaps I should have better stated something to the tune of, "The Crown atop the World". The greatest land, of course in my respective opinion, being Europe above all others in my mind & heart. I hope my reply will leave a bit less confused. Despite the fact that I never mentioned colonialism I can see how you might have imagined that I had.[/i] Rudolphus Spinoza, Renown Dutch philosopher
  15. [i]We are men & women of Europe; Dutch settlers in America who have braught the beauty, spirit, & culture of Europe into the Americas finding our place through honest work & friendly relations with all. What we refuse is to turn our backs on our homeland, we will not sell our souls. Let not for forces of foreign imperialism usurp our essence; Europe can again be the Crown of the World. [/i] Rudolphus Spinoza, Renown Dutch philosopher Clamour for reform has begun to rattle throughout the United Provinces...
  16. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1286166494' post='2473918'] A keen observation, and one that proves true too often in this world. However, when was it decided that victory must come with the exclusion of honor and dignity? [/quote] [i]"Unfortunatly, treachery has become an asset to the forces of war. Whenever one employed its use, all others must follow suit. A strategy outdated is a strategy defeated."[/i] Michiel Backhuysen, Dutch Stadhouder - The United Provinces
  17. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1286165963' post='2473903'] OOC: JED, you are awesome! Not many RPers would have lost their ships like you let happen. You have gained a lot of respect from me today, and that is why it pains me to do this. IC: The following message read by Khagan Mikhail was sent out: I have received word today, that the nation of J Andres has committed the most grievous act, that of attacking an ally. As we now know, the United States of America, was suddenly and deliberately attacked by air and ground forces of the nation of J Andres. The United States was at peace with that nation, and at the time of attack, was assured by the J Andres government, that they had a pledge of neutrality in this conflict. Indeed, at the time of the attack, no declaration of war, nor the dissolution of their treaty had occurred. The events of today speak for itself. No matter how long it takes to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory! With confidence in their armed forces, and the unbounding determination of their people, the United States will gain the inevitable triumph, so help them God! At this time, I have received conformation from the members of the Duma, in a 9 to 1 vote, that the Khaganate of Marscurian Siberia is suspending all relations, cutting all diplomatic channels, and embargoing all goods coming from the Maritime Republic of J Andres. Remember gentlemen, the deepest circle of Hell is reserved for those who perform acts of treachery. [/quote] [i]"Such is the nature of war to those with victory in mind."[/i] Michiel Backhuysen, Dutch Stadhouder - The United Provinces The Dutch populous find great satisfaction in reading the hourly quotes of their leader.
  18. [i]"It is sickening, the tactics of the Finns."[/i] Michiel Backhuysen, Dutch Stadhouder - The United Provinces Dutch sentiment of Finland in light of the revelations of the Finnish bating attempt has plummeted & supposrt for the war effort has been gradually scaling up.
  19. Country’s Full Name: United Provinces Government type: Confederal Republic Position Toward Slavorussia: Neutral Important Figures/Titles: Stadhouder, Michiel Backhuysen Name of Ambassador: Daan van Delen Request additional consulates (which cities): N/A Would you like Slavorussia to establish an embassy in your capital (Y/N): Y - there are pre-designated embassidorial grounds
  20. The United Provinces has announced its support of its good friends in the Imperial States of America & J Andres, shifting our prosperous industry & agricultural surplusses to the valiant war effort as well as to the projected influx of refugee movement throughout North America. Temporary entrance & citizenship stations are being set up at major entry ways into the nation along the UP/US border. The military is providing the bulk of the effort in the processes of creating order & efficiancy out of the planned refugee exodus, patrolling the country side seeking any & all who need aid. Military action in the current conflict aside from refugee aid is none, the United Provinces have stated their neutrality in the conflict thus far. [img]http://www.timesonline.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00399/potd-horses_399429a.jpg[/img]
  21. OOC: My bad, shifting this to my new news thread. plz delete
  22. The United Provinces has announced its support of its good friends in the Imperial States of America & J Andres, shifting our prosperous industry & agricultural surplusses to the valiant war effort as well as to the projected influx of refugee movement throughout North America. Temporary entrance & citizenship stations are being set up at major entry ways into the nation along the UP/US border. The military is providing the bulk of the effort in the processes of creating order & efficiancy out of the planned refugee exodus, patrolling the country side seeking any & all who need aid. Military action in the current conflict aside from refugee aid is none, the United Provinces have stated their neutrality in the conflict thus far. [img]http://www.timesonline.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00399/potd-horses_399429a.jpg[/img]
  23. [size="4"][b]NEWS[/b][/size] [img]http://www.sofiaecho.com/shimg/zx500y290_678527.jpg[/img] 22 September [left] The nation has experienced success at implementing a free market, fueling what has been deemed an Industrial Revolution for the region with new focus & rise of such industries as mining with the establishment of the powerful mining giant, General Mines. The drive to industrialize has entered in a new age of efficiancy and economic power surging also out of the agricultural sector that has refused to be left behind; cotton, cattle, & citrus lead the agro-economy of the new republic. While the various sectors of the economy skyrocket, new levels of production, innovation, profit, & all round success for the nation are reached. Mechanization has not yet reached a level of prominence in most industries & the nation is enjoying a time of mass employment. Large public works projects are in the planning stages now by the federal government; to be implemented in a time of low employment to face the projected onset of mechanization on a large-scale. Meanwhile, the market has been left largely to its own business in most sectors, while the government has shifted its attention largely to tourism as a major asset to the economy, leading to the protection & nationalization of various wild life areas. [img]http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/conservation-agriculture-1.jpg[/img] Water, as the lifeblood of the desert nation & its large corporate operations to small family farms has been seen to be in short supply. The many rivers of the region have long since dried, rainy monsoons wavering & water sources are limited with no direct access to any significant water bodies or channels in regards to growing necessity with the swift rate of growth in the regions' population. To combat the lack of enough natural water resources, a new endevour has been undertaken by the nation; a new industry entirely introduced: controlled environment agriculture. The construction of thousands of new, massive greenhouses to allow for precise environmental control & growing using a complete nutrient solution in the place of soil, called hydroponics. This is one of the few sectors where mechanization is a prime focus & a luxury that most sectors do not yet partake in, in such a degree. Traditional field crops would not benefit with this innovation, while being directed more practically in use for high-cash-value crops. Many farmers and ranchers have begun pursuing greenhouse hydroponics as a supplement to what is currently grown. This is encouraged because of its high food security and safety levels & has provided a way to grow fresh fruits and vegetables for family use or for sale at the farmers markets & the rise of community supported agriculture, an aggressive advance against the nations dependance on imports for much of its food. [img]http://blog.fabric.ch/fabric/images/970_1254171674_0.jpg[/img] [/left] In an effort to combat water scarcity, the nation has placed a new focus on its conservation. Subsurface drip irrigation is now manditory as part of a statewide water code. Already standard implementation for greenhouse growers, drip irrigation is to replace wasteful watering methods of all aspects of its use nationwide; fieldcrops are amongst those under most pressure to assume this system. A system of water recycling has also been undertaken now by the nation. Controlled environment agriculture greenhouse growers already recycle their nutrient solution, & the entire agricultural sector is now responsible to follow suit. Thousands of water condensers are now seen in use in the fields & greenhouses across the nation, pulling water directly from the air for use back in the field or greenhouse as a method of water recycling. Also put into use has been aquaponics, the technique for recirculating water between fish and plants to create a sustainable ecosystem as fish are fed and in turn provide nutrient rich water from which the plants thrive and thus plants intake the nutrients they return clean water to the fish. The nation has invested largely into one specific fish already adapted to hot climates; Tilapia. The fish is now being used to grow specific crops such as basil & letteuce according to optimal plant to fish ratios provided by private & federal researchers who have opened direct dialogue & cooperation in endevour to excel in innovative & intelectual contribution to the nation. Water harvesting is a third innitiative to be undertaken nationwide, year long as all other recent innovations to be most practical. Rainwater is to be channeled from all buildings and collected to provide fresh water for crops as well as animal use & consumption. Channeled rainwater will be used in evaporative cooling systems to supplement water from wells or city water supplies & a system of efficiantly channeling it is planned as part of a new building code to be implemented nationwide. [img]http://www.socialearth.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/aquaponics.jpg[/img] The use of the immense amount of natural sunlight experienced by the region has become another prime focus of the new nation to be put to productive use, by the general code: [b]Practical & Efficiant[/b]. As the most abundant of all of the nations resources, sun light, its farming has taken great strides in advancement. The federal government now backs deep research efforts into creating more efficiant & economical Solar technology. Solar panels over equipment storage buildings and shops as well as crop processing facilities for farmers, to provide animal shade for ranchers, & every home & building arcross the nation is encouraged to all citizens & planned to eventually be written into building code. The era has been renamed the Innovative Revolution. [img]http://solarpowertucson.com/files/QuickSiteImages/solar_installation.jpg[/img] The military of the United Provinces is also benefitting from the "Innovation Revolution" & peacetime as the Federal government invests heavily into the relatively small but enthusiastic force. Currently involved in border security operations with the influx of foreign travelers from southern protectorate regions. The construction of a southern border wall is likely not to happen, a simplified path to citizenship has been created. While plans for a technologically patrolled border are in the making, the nation is not currently able to maintain such a system at the projected costs & so the military has been called in to take hold of border security efforts. Travelers lacking proper identification &/or a Dutch citizenship or work visa will be provided information regarding the legal process of citizenship or visa & transported across the border at one of the several return points, of protectorate cities. In use by the military in various portions of their operations is solar technology to power many humvees & the popular, lightweight UTV's down to their computer & radio systems. In use lightly (mostly for the purpose of practice & testing) are new aircraft, aiding ground forces to spot & locate travelers. [img]http://azcapitoltimes.com/files/2010/05/bordersecurity.jpg[/img]
  24. Any & all refugees with legitimate Dutch lineage are offered citizenship within the United Provinces, meanwhile resources are being set aside for all refugees regardless of heritage as they make their way to other welcoming nations. Maxime Verhagen, Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs
  25. [font="Courier New"] The United Provinces hereby announces its support for the Imperial States of America, their efforts & formally recognizes the new state of this great nation. Maxime Verhagen, Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs[/font]
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