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My Special Day


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A year ago the nation of Morela, led by Sandler, was born. It has been great walking the four corners of Planet Bob, and though I have many places still to visit and much still to learn, I give thanks to Admin Almighty for my life in Digiterra so far.

Now, I bow my knee in honour of some of those who have enriched my journey to this point:

[u]New Frontier[/u] - Also known as Cheyenne. (OOC)You recruited me to join CN and I thank you dearly for it(OOC). Your availability for help or knowing who can help has been invaluable. It has been an honour learning under you as a member of Gondor. Thank you for believing in my potential.
[u]Asriel Belacqua[/u] - leader of Browncoats, my first alliance. Deep down, one of the most decent people I know. Thanks for walking me through my first 5 months, patiently answering all my newbie questions, and guiding me in growing my nation.
[u]Nintenderek[/u] - MoFA for Browncoats, and my first mentor in the world of diplomacy. You laid an important foundation and I thank you for it.
[u]Atoms[/u]- just an all around great guy who would give the shirt off his back for a friend.
[u]Legion-x[/u] - You quickly became my 'go-to' guy whenever I wanted to get input on a world affair, diplomatic matter or anything else for that matter. You were critical in helping me understand Robertopolitics.
[u]Keve69[/u] - you took an interest in me, always make time to chat and give me feedback on the affairs of Planet Bob, and never fail to be a friend.
[u]JaymJaym[/u] - 2nd in command of Gondor, VERY knowledgeable and never out of patience for all the questions I ask.
[u]DarkEra97[/u] - MoFA for Gondor and a great asset for me as I grow my diplomatic skill set.
[u]Silver Empress[/u] - NO ONE has made Planet Bob more fun or given me more laughs. You are friend, ally, goof-off buddy, and one hell of a gal.

Browncoats, LoSS, Nemesis, Cult of Justitia, Gondor, UINE, Lost World, Ronin, Quantum, The Station - 'Huzzah!'

Thank you to the 57th Overlanders(disbanded since) for giving me my first war experience. Thanks to The Brain for giving me some targets in my 2nd war.

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(black = OOC, blue: IC)

Hi nintenderek... I see you.

[color=blue][i]A very old and wrinkly man who has very few hairs left on his head, walks with a cane and a limp, and can hardly see through the wrinkles and pinched eyes slowly walks up to Sandler. He is wearing a familiar old brown duster, and still has that flask of rum that he drinks out of on occasion.[/i]

Sandler, my good friend, it has been a long time indeed. You have pulled me out of my shell and my solitude to come back into the world, if only for a minute. I have not seen the world in so very, very long. The last thing I truly remember is the fall of NPO, and our great inter-'Coat war with the 57th Overlanders. It seems much has changed, and I don't care to come back to civilization right yet.

[i]Asriel takes a drink, a breath, and a little rest before continuing...[/i]

That said, I am glad to see that you have come so far since I last saw you so many months ago. I admit, I was not the most active, nor caring leader, but I am glad to see that you have made something of my insane rants. You have come far in one year, and I look forward to seeing what you do in the next year, and by the time you are as old as I, maybe you'll have done something greater than even Ivan, Moo, Grub, or the like. Who knows.

As for me, since you sent a letter earlier about it.. I might join you and yours someday, and then our roles would be reversed, but for now, I think that this little world I have built myself in the middle of nowhere is much more comfortable.

[i]Asriel coughs roughly for a few seconds[/i]

Friend, and I am glad to call you that, I wish you well on this grand occasion. It's not every day a nation turns 1 year old, and you've done a gorram fine job of showing many of us how it's done properly. However, there is one thing you are missing...

[i]Asriel calls in one of his servants, whispers in his ear and watches him run off quickly. After a minute or so his servant returns with a caravan following behind him. The caravan opens up and reveals barrel upon barrel of rum, whiskey, beer, wine, coffee, tea, and all sorts of other assorted alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Asriel then hugs the young leader and slowly pads away.[/i][/color]

Congrats mate. You've earned it.

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