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GOON spy orders


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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1285215107' post='2461815']To all rogues.

Stop saying you are not rogues. If you attack an alliance by yourself or with a very small group for the sake of inflicting harm with your CB being something like "hurr I don't like them" you are a rogue.

Just embrace it. I quite like the name rogue.[/quote]Unless I missed it, GOONS haven't provided any conclusive evidence that JimKongIl aided Methrage.
They attacked first by spying on him.
If this makes him a rogue, then, well, we have a new definition of a rogue.
Of course, this may change if they provide the evidence, though I am not sure that this can retroactively justify an aggressive act without evidence.

Anyway, this whole argument is hollow given GOONS' record. After all, they don't treat victims of their tech raids very differently.

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[quote name='Golan 1st' timestamp='1285221677' post='2461921']
[b]Unless I missed it[/b], GOONS haven't provided any conclusive evidence that JimKongIl aided Methrage.
They attacked first by spying on him.
If this makes him a rogue, then, well, we have a new definition of a rogue.
Of course, this may change if they provide the evidence, though I am not sure that this can retroactively justify an aggressive act without evidence.

Anyway, this whole argument is hollow given GOONS' record. After all, they don't treat victims of their tech raids very differently.
You missed it.

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[quote name='Golan 1st' timestamp='1285221677' post='2461921']
Unless I missed it, GOONS haven't provided any conclusive evidence that JimKongIl aided Methrage.
They attacked first by spying on him.
If this makes him a rogue, then, well, we have a new definition of a rogue.
Of course, this may change if they provide the evidence, though I am not sure that this can retroactively justify an aggressive act without evidence.

Anyway, this whole argument is hollow given GOONS' record. After all, they don't treat victims of their tech raids very differently.
You missed it. They posted the results of a successful spy attack which is why jim is now at war.

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[quote name='gantanX' timestamp='1285221615' post='2461919']
we'll see then..
i really hope i am wrong :)
[b]Protip[/b]: Jim is the 10th nuclear rogue we're fighting [i]as of right now, at the same time[/i]. We have no intent of white peacing with anyone and we still have zero nations in peace mode.

GOONS lives for this kind of stuff.

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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285221545' post='2461917']
Clearly you underestimate the stubbornness of GOONS.

Unless you mean Jim, in which case maybe.

tbh, i underestimate the stubbornness of both sides..
but, i sincerely hope i am wrong though, it always nice to see top tier CN nations nuking each other and spent billions of their Warchests over 3 Million aid, and even more ridiculous, it's methrage.. :v:

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1285206888' post='2461651']
Why are GOONS complaining they are being hit? Yall do this everyday to other nations, then you spy someone suspecting (I use that term loosely, since there was no way you could know he was aiding methrage) he was aiding a rogue. Then you label him a rogue, essentially backing him into a corner and forcing him to attack before you hit him.

Jim is a sensible guy, you could have talked to him in private rather than trying to slander him instantly. All I ever see on the here these days is GOONS at war with various parties, has it ever possibly occurred to you that it's not them, but you causing this?
You, sir, are illiterate and slow to process. You fail to recognize that short of a confession or spy report GOONS had gathered every bit of evidence against Jim. He matched all criteria to have provided secret aid to Methrage, there was no other nation that checked all the blocks. GOONS knew he had aided him.

Where is Umar complaining he is being hit?

I believe being unaligned aiding rogue nations and declaring war on alliances with those actions Jim labeled himself a rogue.

Jim backed himself into a corner. He aided a rogue, a previously announced act of war.

Talk to Jim in private? Slander? He postd a public mention of the events, he declared without talking about paying for his transgression in other ways. I think you have a crush on Jim because you are going to great lengths of bending fact and reality to take up his defense.

Asgaard, more like Asclown amirite?

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285222038' post='2461925']
[b]Protip[/b]: Jim is the 10th nuclear rogue we're fighting [i]as of right now, at the same time[/i]. We have no intent of white peacing with anyone and we still have zero nations in peace mode.

GOONS lives for this kind of stuff.

You are fighting 10 nations, why would you need to have anyone in peace mode? Or is that just another way to try and make yourselves look like tough guys?

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1285222635' post='2461932']
Clearly you don't know the lengths GOONS will go to look tough on the OWF.
It's funny. Half the time people complain that GOONS pick on weaker people and we're cowards and trying to be tough guys and bullies. The other half the time they say we're idiots for fighting stronger people, and we're cowards (and will peace out or flee) or are just putting on a front to be tough guys and bullies.

We're idiots whether we fight weaker people or stronger people. Seriously, it's impossible to win. Unless we just acted like other alliances and never fought anyone at all.

I guess you're cool to let people aid your enemies and not do anything about it because you're afraid of whatever might happen. I'll keep that in mind.

[quote name='wintermoon' timestamp='1285223119' post='2461939']
You are fighting 10 nations, why would you need to have anyone in peace mode? Or is that just another way to try and make yourselves look like tough guys?
Because someone said we'd quickly wuss out and accept white peace, and people always claim we'll run and hide or don't want to fight. 100% of our members want to fight.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285224014' post='2461946']
It's funny. Half the time people complain that GOONS pick on weaker people and we're cowards and trying to be tough guys and bullies. The other half the time they say we're idiots for fighting stronger people, and we're cowards (and will peace out or flee) or are just putting on a front to be tough guys and bullies.

We're idiots whether we fight weaker people or stronger people. Seriously, it's impossible to win. Unless we just acted like other alliances and never fought anyone at all.

I guess you're cool to let people aid your enemies and not do anything about it because you're afraid of whatever might happen. I'll keep that in mind.

Perhaps if you stopped attacking innocent nations for no apparent reason then people will have a change in heart but I guess that's too much to ask from an alliance that brandishes its cowardice as its most valuable trait.

Edited by kulomascovia
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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1285224173' post='2461949']
Perhaps if you stopped attacking innocent nations for no apparent reason then people will have a change in heart but I guess that's too much to ask from an alliance that brandishes its cowardice as its most valuable trait.
Jim isn't innocent. He did aid methrage.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1285224173' post='2461949']
Perhaps if you stopped attacking innocent nations for no apparent reason then people will have a change in heart but I guess that's too much to ask from an alliance that brandishes its cowardice as its most valuable trait.

Again with the cowardice.


Either come up with something new, or understand that it's time to stop posting.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1285224173' post='2461949']
Perhaps if you stopped attacking innocent nations for no apparent reason then people will have a change in heart but I guess that's too much to ask from an alliance that brandishes its cowardice as its most valuable trait.

Holy crap, are you really that dense? This has nothing to do with GOONS' raiding philosophy but everything to do with Methrage going berserk. If you wan't to call that kid innocent, well that speaks volumes about the party line you are following. If people are calling GOONS cowards for the fact that they accept the invitation of their allies to help killing some rogues, then you can call almost any alliance cowards.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1285224552' post='2461959']
Holy crap, are you really that dense? This has nothing to do with GOONS' raiding philosophy but everything to do with Methrage going berserk. If you wan't to call that kid innocent, well that speaks volumes about the party line you are following. If people are calling GOONS cowards for the fact that they accept the invitation of their allies to help killing some rogues, then you can call almost any alliance cowards.

He's talking all about tech raiding. So we're cowards who posture all over the forums.

Again, the word coward referring to us is quite overused. At least use a thesaurus next time.

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[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1285224546' post='2461957']
Again with the cowardice.


Either come up with something new, or understand that it's time to stop posting.

Well, the thing is, I don't quite see any legitimate defenses against it. You encourage your membership to attack smaller nations because they can get away with it and because you have well connected allies which means that no one can do anything about it. Cowardice is the nature of your alliance.

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[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1285224687' post='2461962']
He's talking all about tech raiding. So we're cowards who posture all over the forums.

Again, the word coward referring to us is quite overused. At least use a thesaurus next time.

I prefer "craven", it sounds kinda neat and old-timey. "Pusillanimous" works too, if you're feeling silly.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1285224850' post='2461965']
Well, the thing is, I don't quite see any legitimate defenses against it. You encourage your membership to attack smaller nations because they can get away with it and because you have well connected allies which means that no one can do anything about it. Cowardice is the nature of your alliance.

And I've also raided my fair share of nations. Why? Because it's fun. Moreso when they fight back.

You only call it cowardice since you're a moralist on the issue, as your AA's charter also clearly states.

Also, this is quite off topic, and it would be much appreciated if we could stay on the topic of this thread.

VVVV Looks like we finally got a hail, like any other alliance would in this exact situation. Except :(( GONS :(( of course. VVVV

Edited by Haquertal
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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1285224173' post='2461949']
Perhaps if you stopped attacking innocent nations for no apparent reason then people will have a change in heart but I guess that's too much to ask from an alliance that brandishes its cowardice as its most valuable trait.
I will never understand why people say tech raiding is "no apparent reason". The reason is to raid for tech. You may not agree with the reason, but there is a reason, and it is really quite apparent.

Secondly, where do we [i]brandish[/i] our "cowardice" as a valuable trait? I don't care if you think that smart and efficient raiding is cowardly, because while I disagree, you're entitled to that opinion. But... where do we brag about it? Yeah, sure, our raiding gets talked about a lot, but that's because it ruffles a lot of peoples' feathers. For the record, we have far more valuable traits than raiding a lot.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1285224850' post='2461965']
Well, the thing is, I don't quite see any legitimate defenses against it. You encourage your membership to attack smaller nations because they can get away with it and because you have well connected allies which means that no one can do anything about it. Cowardice is the nature of your alliance.

Funny that you call GOONS cowards for attacking smaller nations and making a big fuss about it. And then do nothing to stop them. I think you are the coward here. At least Methrage is man enough to fight back can't say the same of you and all those other whiners.

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[quote name='James Wilson' timestamp='1285222011' post='2461924']
You missed it. They posted the results of a successful spy attack which is why jim is now at war.
[/quote]Then I have take my words back, including about the retroactive justification for spying on him. The latter was not very well thought of by me.
I will not get here into a pointless argument about the meaning of the word "rogue" and agree that the commonly accepted definition here applies to him. I will just point out that it is technical in nature (i.e. an individual nation attacking an alliance) and does not say anything about the moral nature of these actions.

Thing is that GOONS have pride themselves of ignoring, violating and mocking any sense of morality (sorry, the sovereign right to abuse others is not morality). It's difficult for many of us to feel sorry when this occur to them and these "rogues" are seen as heroes by many members of this community (the last part does not necessarily refer to Methrage).

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