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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1283368034' post='2438394']No, it's actual more fun this way. Have fun eating your hand.[/quote]
Actually, it seems to me that you're the one eating your own hand... or at least your finger. Can't imagine that tastes too good. :gag:

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1283368034' post='2438394']
No, it's actual more fun this way. Have fun eating your hand.

Is this from the people who call for us to do something about it (it in this case being you) at every turn or am I confusing you guys? You are all so interchangeable, it's hard to keep you apart.

Edited by michaeru
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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1283366860' post='2438373']
I've send you a nice birthday present. More to follow. Cheers
Why couldn't you just declare all out war and get it out of your system? (I know that other alliances would join you/you'd get an influx of nations):P

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[quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1283368747' post='2438403']Why couldn't you just declare all out war and get it out of your system? (I know that other alliances would join you/you'd get an influx of nations):P[/quote]
Because that would actually involve them doing something proactive as an alliance, which I think we all know, iFOK does not do well. <_<

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1283369006' post='2438407']
Because that would actually involve them doing something proactive as an alliance, which I think we all know, iFOK does not do well. <_<
Don't be too harsh on the guy. We all have our shortcomings, but why don't we just either focus on the good in others, or let out our meaningless anger in a one on one duel?

[quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1283369166' post='2438409']
You know what I mean right? Now stop making a big deal out of it, people make mistakes.

I'm not, however you are.

Edited by Jens of the desert
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[quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1283369247' post='2438410']Don't be too harsh on the guy. We all have our shortcomings, but why don't we just either focus on the good in others, or let out our meaningless anger in a one on one duel?[/quote]
Got a scanning tunneling microscope handy? I might need it. <_<

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[quote name='michaeru' timestamp='1283368222' post='2438399']
Is this from the people who call for us to do something about it (it in this case being you) at every turn or am I confusing you guys? You are all so interchangeable, it's hard to keep you apart.

But I am doing something!

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Oh hey, no one's rolled us yet; I am disappoint.

[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1283324842' post='2438023']
Then, we found friends and protectors at [b]The International[/b], picking up the load from our previous protectors, who had other priorities by this time. For this, we give thanks.
the International*
Come now Arrnea, you should know better than to capitilize an article in the middle of a sentence.

[quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1283368484' post='2438400']
N and s are not very close together on the keyboard.
English isn't his first language, I believe.

...These two comments suddenly seem jarring when juxtaposed. :psyduck:

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[quote name='Katsumi' timestamp='1283388818' post='2438690']
One year of managing to irritate a number of people just by existing. Life is good, as always.

[quote name='Wentworth the Brave' timestamp='1283389116' post='2438696']
You guys creep me out.


What did you expect? We are SOS :v

Edited by Ginryusama
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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1283324870' post='2438024']
Welcome, one and all, to the first-ever issue of [b]The Haruhiist Bulletin[/b].
Realizing that you probably won't read this anyway, we will nevertheless endeavor to provide you with the latest news concerning the SOS Brigade, reviews of great anime or manga and character spotlights on popular anime and manga characters.

We hope you enjoy reading!


The SOS Brigade continues to grow this month, standing at [b]44[/b] nations (plus one more on the SOS Brigade's applicant alliance affiliation, [i]SOS Brigade Hopeful[/i]), [b]1,369,549[/b] total nation strength, [b]344[/b] nuclear weapons and [b]5.24[/b] score on the eve of its first anniversary. On the first of August, the SOS Brigade had [b]1,229,471[/b] total nation strength and has thus grown by a total of [b]140,078[/b] nation strength in the past thirty days.

In Foreign Affairs news, the SOS Brigade has recently [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Bern%E2%80%93Elrich_Affair]signed a treaty with The Imperial Order[/url], entitled the "Bern–Elrich Affair".
In addition to this, the SOS Brigade holds MDoAPs with [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Spreading_Even_More_Socialism_All_Over_the_World_with_Haruhi_Suzumiya%27s_Brigade]The International[/url] and [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Yuki_Still_Plays_Way_Too_Much_Tetris_or_How_I_Learned_to_Stop_Worrying_and_Love_Korobeiniki]Tetris[/url], as well as an MDP with the [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Cactuar-kun_Enliven_the_World_Even_More!!!_Brigade]Random Insanity Alliance[/url] and an ODP with the [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Spreading_Independence_All_Over_The_World]Colonial Independence Association[/url].



[b]Millennium Actress[/b]
(千年女優, [i]Sennen Joyuu[/i])
Written and Directed by Satoshi Kon
Produced by Madhouse Studios and GENCO


The story of [i]Millennium Actress[/i] centers around Chiyoko Fujiwara, an actress born during the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 as she makes her way through a film career as the leading lady of Studio Gin'ei. Interviewing her regarding her illustrious career are Genya Tachibana and Kyoji Ida, a two-man crew sent to document her story in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the studio.

The story covers a large swathe of Japanese film history, starting in the late 1930's and following through all the way to around 1970, showing the progression of both the industry and Chiyoko herself through these years as she continues to seek that which she has been chasing after since before she became an actress... a lost love.

Considering that this film came out in 2001, most people would find the animation to be dated and the style antiquated. However, taking this into account, the animation is absolutely flawless. Obviously, the production values of the team responsible for animating this were extremely high (the fact that it was produced on a film's budget might have had something to do with it too) and as a result there is not a shot out of place. The scenery was particularly appealing, although not overly dominating, as it was in features like [i]5 Centimeters Per Second[/i], which are all about the scenery.

[center][b]Sound and Voice Acting[/b]
The background music in [i]Millennium Actress[/i] was of a very high standard throughout, with one exception: the ending credits theme, which was a bit out-of-place for the film's mood. Instead, a more somber, subdued instrumental piece might have closed out the film more effectively.

In terms of the voice acting, all of the supporting cast does a highly competent job, but the true stars here are the two voice actors performing the role of Chiyoko, namely Mami Koyama and Fumiko Orikasa. The two voice actors combine perfectly to deliver the range of ages we see in Chiyoko, from her childhood in the 1930's to her old age in the present day (around the year 2000).

For a film with so many characters, there truly is only one actor (or as the title says, Actress) that drives the movie and that is Chiyoko. Through the course of the film we see her blossom from a naïve young girl in love to a gentle old lady who we cannot help but feel for as she struggles through dark times, both personally and in Japanese modern history. The supporting cast come across well, even the somewhat over-enthusiastic Genya, a man starstruck in the presence of his idol.

In the end, [i]Millennium Actress[/i] is an enjoyable, if somewhat confusing ride through the life of a simple girl ascended to the limelight in the Japanese film industry. The interchanges between reality and fiction can be jarring to those not familiar with Satoshi Kon's works, but in the end work towards weaving the narrative that the film would simply fall apart without. Definitely worth a watch if you're up for the ride, but not if you're likely to throw the film away for confusing you along the way.



[b]Konata Izumi[/b]
(泉 こなた, [i]Izumi Konata[/i])
Character created by Kagami Yoshimizu

[b]Konata Izumi[/b], 18 years old, is the main character of [i]Lucky Star[/i] and one of the most devoted fans of our Goddess, the almighty Haruhi Suzumiya. A resident of Saitama Prefecture in Japan, Konata lives with her father, Soujirou Izumi and her younger cousin, Yutaka Kobayakawa. Not present is her mother, Kanata Izumi, who tragically passed away when Konata was only an infant.

A fan of anime, manga and dōjinshi visual novels, Konata spends her days attending high school, working at a cosplay café, being doted upon by her somewhat clingy father and reading 2ch. Quite often, Konata will watch an episode of anime on her television and immediately head to 2ch, to find the fanbase already flaming away.

At high school, her strongest subject is PE, despite her dislike for sports and her weakest subjects are maths and science, where she often relies on her more diligent friend Kagami Hiiragi for help with homework. Her friends at high school include Kagami, her sister Tsukasa and Miyuki Takara, whom she sometimes refers to as Miwiki, owing to her vast general knowledge.

Konata is also a heavy player of MMORPGs, where she goes by the alias 'konakona'. Her teacher at high school Nanako Kuroi, also plays many of the same online games as her student, leading to a large number of cases where Konata's habit of gaming instead of studying is found out by her teacher. However, when asked how she kept her mind on studying, Kuroi herself admits that she was like Konata and often played games instead of studying.

Konata is a frequent customer of anime/manga/gaming retailers in the area (such as Gamers), such that she is known as "Legendary Girl A" to the staff of these shops. Also a frequent visitor to Comiket, she is known as the girl who buys the works of a circle just before they become popular. For this reason, circles at Comiket who recognise her hope that she reads their work and approves of it, as this is believed to result in mainstream success for the circle.

Overall, Konata is a well-natured, intelligent and somewhat geeky teenager with a deep attachment to the anime and manga culture and a special spot for our Goddess, Haruhi Suzumiya.


This is a valid CB right?

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[quote name='Katsumi' timestamp='1283388818' post='2438690']
One year of managing to irritate a number of people just by existing. Life is good, as always.

This has always been my dream. What's your secret?

Oh, and happy birthday.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1283413765' post='2439012']
This has always been my dream. What's your secret?

Well its pretty simple all you have to do is legitimately enjoy foreign cartoons made for pubescent girls and [b]for some reason[/b] people won't like you!

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