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A Couple of Tech Raiding Rules


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[quote]it's annoying to have someone jump the target when you are rogue hunting, but unless you are prepared to call that a good CB, you aren't going to make people act appropriately. [/quote]
Indeed. Considering that we've just had a war based on the principle of not aiding rogues in their war effort, I'd say it was a perfectly good CB, personally. By reducing the amount of damage that a rogue takes, and in extreme cases by allowing them to jump to peace mode and reload, you're doing a lot more damage than you do by sending $6m in aid.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283268109' post='2437079']
Most nuclear rogues are not leaving Planet Bob. Peace mode is how they get into their next alliance; they find one of the alliances like Kronos that takes in rogues and dare the attacked alliance to launch wars on them once they come out of dove.

Of the ones who are, they generally want to delete their nation on their own timetable, as in once they're out of warchest (which is usually quickly; the ones who are leaving are very rarely well-prepared). Sometimes this is because they want to reroll immediately.

[i][size="5"]Kronos and NSO...Largest Intakers of Rouges since 2009!!![/size][/i]

[quote name='Salmacis' timestamp='1283269657' post='2437095']
Oh, interesting! But if I want my name off the P-ZI list, I'd rather pay some reps or do any humiliating chore they might come up with. I want to play it fair.
But if they won't let me...
The Puppet guy seemed to be cool too. And there's Dankbud. Ok, food for thought, thanks for the tip Haf.

[url=http://forums.cn-kronos.com/index.php?act=idx]Here you go, bro[/url].

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I voted yes, but only in regards to it being an act of courtesy rather than an enforcable rule. Yes, abiding by these two things is a [i]nice[/i] thing to do, and I might keep it in mind in the future, but tech raiders are not historically known for being [i]nice[/i], so I doubt it's a sentiment that will carry very far.

Beyond that, if it does happen, then it's a matter between the rogued alliance and the raiding alliance to settle, if it requires settling.

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1283238058' post='2436823']
I noticed the Kronos and NEW guys ruining the staggers, and it is incredibly frustrating seeing other alliances giving rogues the opportunity to slip in to peace mode.

Yeah because he actually slipped into peace mode right? :smug:

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[quote name='justavictim82' timestamp='1283217654' post='2436398']
So hitting him with only ground attacks instead of CM,AF,Navy,Nukes (for retaliations sake and to bolster that number) is the way to get there? Admit you made wanted a free dinner. Also Ill be watching for the next time someone rogues FOK! I could always use more tech. That ok right?
I doubt anyone would rogue FOK, and if they did their slot will be full fast and staggered properly.
Also I remember this raid. We had several FOK'ers who wanted to raid him. It's hard to get upper tier raid/rogue targets nowadays but I told Desconistan and Hollandio to wait till next next update for staggering purposes. Also Oinkoink's groundattacks do way more damage than any Argent or Legion nation can do with ground planes and cm's all-together so I don't see were all the complaining is about, we didn't messed up a stagger and our ground-attacks give you good odds to attack.

Edited by Timmehhh
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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1283285477' post='2437325']
Seeing as we are not at war with each other I can not possibly give you peace.
Yeah. Hem, aaaanyway, I assumed that I was on P-ZI! Thanks for the info.
I don't want peace right away, but it's good to hear! I tried to ask someone in your ranks but he ignored my (legitimate don't you think?) request to know more about my status.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283268109' post='2437079']
Most nuclear rogues are not leaving Planet Bob. Peace mode is how they get into their next alliance; they find one of the alliances [b]like Kronos[/b] that takes in rogues and dare the attacked alliance to launch wars on them once they come out of dove.

Your allies in NSO do this very thing, I hope you preach to them just as much with your disappointment in said practice as you're doing to Kronos and others here.

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1283286941' post='2437352']
Your allies in NSO do this very thing, I hope you preach to them just as much with your disappointment in said practice as you're doing to Kronos and others here.
There's quite a big difference from "We know he's a rogue and if you want to hit him our allies will back us up" (what Kronos did) and "We're investigating to see if he's actually a rogue and could you please not attack him until we're done our investigation" (what NSO did).

Also, the rogue you guys sent against us actually posted a rogue thread. It was pretty much a simple case.

Edited by Haflinger
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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283287296' post='2437371']
There's quite a big difference from "We know he's a rogue and if you want to hit him our allies will back us up" (what Kronos did) and "We're investigating to see if he's actually a rogue and could you please not attack him until we're done our investigation" (what NSO did).

Seems to me you're just bias'd to your allies and not realizing that Kronos doesn't support rogues, their individual members may tech raid rogues (legal) and they may accept rogues [i]after[/i] they've done their roguery, but they don't openly allow members to rogue. Cause that would be an act of war, not rogue actions.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283287296' post='2437371']
There's quite a big difference from "We know he's a rogue and if you want to hit him our allies will back us up" (what Kronos did)


Please state where we ever stated that? Oh yeah we have never said that, yet again ignorance at its best. Keep trying though you might actually get something right one day.

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[quote name='Salmacis' timestamp='1283269657' post='2437095']
Oh, interesting! But if I want my name off the P-ZI list, I'd rather pay some reps or do any humiliating chore they might come up with. I want to play it fair.
But if they won't let me...
The Puppet guy seemed to be cool too. And there's Dankbud. Ok, food for thought, thanks for the tip Haf.

You attacked them, you are nuking them. You have a WRC and 7900 tech, so your nukes do a lot of damage. Therefore you can't possibly pay enough reps to come anywhere close to repairing the damage.

And you are crying because they are fighting back. "OMG, they are fighting back, that means I'm on a PZI list! They shouldn't fight, they should let me pay some reps! OMG, no fair!".

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283287296' post='2437371']
There's quite a big difference from "We know he's a rogue and if you want to hit him our allies will back us up" (what Kronos did) and "We're investigating to see if he's actually a rogue and could you please not attack him until we're done our investigation" (what NSO did).

I'm beginning to see that you're really quite an ignorant fellow who doesn't know what he's talking about.

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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1283214343' post='2436309']
I don't remember this at all.
[20:56] <Otter> Also, are you the one you put the hit out on me?
[20:56] <WickedJ[CSN]> we went over this
[20:56] <WickedJ[CSN]> no
[20:56] <Otter> You sure?
[20:57] <WickedJ[CSN]> i think id know if i did it
[20:57] <Otter> You sure about that?

This being the second time you asked, the first time i told you if i wanted you hit i wouldve done it myself and you questioned whether i was in your range

anyway, to your OP. if you cant fill slots and someone beats you to it then thats your fault

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[quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1283289425' post='2437406']
You attacked them, you are nuking them. You have a WRC and 7900 tech, so your nukes do a lot of damage. Therefore you can't possibly pay enough reps to come anywhere close to repairing the damage.

I figured, but even if I could never compensate the damage done, I thought maybe a symbolic gesture would appease them.

[quote]And you are crying because they are fighting back. "OMG, they are fighting back, that means I'm on a PZI list! They shouldn't fight, they should let me pay some reps! OMG, no fair!".[/quote]
Are you exagerating because you thought you were funny or do you actually believe one word of what you just typed? If it's the latter I'm worried about you man :/
Just to be clear I'm not panicking or crying. My main goal right now is to go to peace mode to resplenish my nuclear stockpile, select good targets (preferably NPO/Legion nations with low warchests or infra huggers) and start over. They can fight back all they want, but if I can avoid being staggered to achieve that then I'll be happy, if not I'll live with it.

@wickedj: Admit it already! :v:

Edited by Salmacis
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[quote name='Salmacis' timestamp='1283284729' post='2437312']
Ok then. I want peace now please! Thanks a bunch!
Normally I'd suggest you get on irc and contact government officials if those are your true intentions, but somehow I doubt it....

[quote]Just to be clear I'm not panicking or crying. [b]My main goal right now is to go to peace mode to resplenish my nuclear stockpile, select good targets (preferably NPO/Legion nations with low warchests or infra huggers) and start over[/b]. They can fight back all they want, but if I can avoid being staggered to achieve that then I'll be happy, if not I'll live with it.[/quote]


Also for the op, I know this has been pointless debate in the past, but raiders should limit raids to ground attacks only. The use of air attacks, cm's, navy and nukes is just flat out bullying imo.

Edited by William Bonney
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[quote name='white majik' timestamp='1283288862' post='2437399']
Please state where we ever stated that? Oh yeah we have never said that, yet again ignorance at its best. Keep trying though you might actually get something right one day.
In back channels over the Enderland incident.

Stop lying.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283293680' post='2437491']
In back channels over the Enderland incident.

Stop lying.

Edit: Nevermind, we're talking about different Ender incidents. I still think you're very wrong, but I don't know as well if you're referring to the situation that happened before you joined.

Edited by Masterof9puppets
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[quote name='white majik' timestamp='1283281940' post='2437272']
Yeah because he actually slipped into peace mode right? :smug:
Yeah because I totally said that he did right? :smug:

Posting nonsense that does nothing to respond to what was said doesn't make you look cool or witty, it just confirms your lack of the old grey matter. Anyway, by tech raiding and ruining a stagger you are giving the rogue to opportunity to hit peace mode. How you are trying to claim the opposite is beyond me. Yes we have managed to keep him out after you and yours ruined the last two staggers, that we have done so is due to the readiness of our members, not because he didn't have the opportunity to hit peace.

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[quote name='Salmacis' timestamp='1283286423' post='2437341']
Yeah. Hem, aaaanyway, I assumed that I was on P-ZI! Thanks for the info.
I don't want peace right away, but it's good to hear! I tried to ask someone in your ranks but he ignored my (legitimate don't you think?) request to know more about my status.

You are not PZI.

Frustrating situation, but what can ya do. Next time around, whoever wants his third slot can you at least not ruin the stagger? Thanks.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1283293513' post='2437488']

Heh I was fooling with silentkiller in my first post. At least I'm honest with my intentions, you'll give me that! :v:
I'm aware that I should go on IRC, but... Thanks.

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[quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1283294031' post='2437496']
Edit: Nevermind, we're talking about different Ender incidents. I still think you're very wrong, but I don't know as well if you're referring to the situation that happened before you joined.
.... before I joined where? Invicta?

Kronos didn't exist before I joined Invicta; you know, back in 2007 <_<

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