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My observations after 5 rounds


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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1281904179' post='2416923']
Just imho.
There are three general trains of thought on TE it seems:

1. Those who fight as little as possible: It's a nation-building contest.
The only in-game prize is for having the biggest nation.
2. Those who like to fight: It's for war.
No financial aid, stand on your own. No peace mode, no hiding forever. Glory rides with casualties.
3. It's for both, and everyone else too. Duh.

So, you know, do what you want.
Don't cry when others do the same tho.
That is about the jist of it.

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1281894430' post='2416790']
I have a better idea. Join the Warriors!
You and I have fought before. I know how you kill.
You've always been a Warrior in your heart, my brother of the battlefield.
[/quote]Hey, thanks Clash. Join Warriors? I will try to consider it, but not in the near future. I have enough fun playing TE for 1,5 years. :wub: you guys! :D

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Pork Shrimp has different goals every round.

Last round we had a civil war, and they anarchied every nation in Catharsis within 24hours of them blitzing us.
The round before that we rolled MI and had a great fun war with LE.
The round before that we tried for the flag and won it.

Do we flag run every round?


Do we flag run some rounds?


Is flag running something that is "killing TE"?


Sonic Boom, I like your post, you recognise how hard it is to do, The fox, you're absolutely delusional. TE is full of great builders and great strategists, if you think it is easy to beat them all and win a flag and its a simple matter of firing a couple of nukes then I can't even begin to tell you how naive you are.

If you saw how much time and planning I had put into this round it would make your head spin. Do you know how much easier it would have been for me to just plan a couple of alliance wars this round and be done with it? My god, that would be like finger painting compared to calculus.

In fact, I am 100% certain I put far too much time into this round, and it is another reason PS does not chase the flag every round. I leave no stone unturned in my planning, the amount of time I put into our round 9 win, I needed some rounds off from flag running to recharge the batteries before even considering another go at it.

And no-one can do it alone, you need a good plan, you need luck, you need friends, and you need a strong, smart and dedicated team, and I am very, very lucky to have that and then some behind me. If we don't win, so be it, but I can't say enough about my guys and the effort they put into this round. My guys are incredibly skilled, disciplined and dedicated... These guys walk across water, and they are far from the one trick ponies you think they are, they excel at all aspects of TE, whether that is rolling an alliance that is 3 times our size (round 10), sending every nation in an alliance that blitzes us into anarchy within 24hours (round 11), or chasing the flag (round 12).

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im not sure who said it, but its going back a round or 2, but you have your players that want to blow stuff up, and then you have your flag chasers, and late round when you have some higher ranked players looking for war, and people so close to getting the flag, its a recipe for a whole load of crying and entertainment. i think if either group left, it would not be anywhere near as fun.

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This debate happens every round...in the same way...oftentimes by the same people. It never goes anywhere. But, "My Observations After [u][b]12 [/b][/u] Rounds" are as follows:
1. Everyone has different ideas on how TE should be played. Some, like myself, dabbled in politics, coalition building, intrigue, etc. Some dabbled in breaking what I created (you know who you are :P). Some play for flags. Some play for war. Some play because they're fat and lazy sitting in mommies basement with no real friends (you know who you are too :P).
2. The nation count, in terms of total nations in TE, is indeed going down, and has every single round. It went down when we had coalitions. It went down when we had flag chasers. It went down when we got rid of the coalitions. And it'll most likely keep going down, regardless of what we do. Some of us old folks have tried to do what we can to revive the game, but generally, there is a lot of apathy in TE.
3. No one can force anyone to play a certain way. No one can force anyone to do anything for that matter. Whether at the point of a gun or not, you have free will to make your own choices. So make them, and don't apologize.

[u][b]-Tiberius12[/b][/u], Founder and Emperor Emeritus of the Roman Empire, Ruler of the Empire of Rome, Self-Proclaimed Most-Hated Man in Tournament Edition History but All-Around Nice Guy, That Guy Who Did Stuff (See Sig for Details).

Edited by Varianz
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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1282001745' post='2418379']
[u][b]-Tiberius12[/b][/u], Founder and Emperor Emeritus of the Roman Empire, Ruler of the Empire of Rome, [b]Self-Proclaimed Most-Hated Man in Tournament Edition History[/b] but All-Around Nice Guy, That Guy Who Did Stuff (See Sig for Details).

I take offense to that. As seen [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=68701]here[/url] I put a real effort into proving I was worse than you.

As noted by my most excellent signature ;)

[quote]TheWolf, Current Leader of Mostly Harmful Alliance, definitely not its founder, and destroyer of WOLF. I think I can reach most hated if I try. [/quote]

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1282006530' post='2418447']
I take offense to that. As seen [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=68701]here[/url] I put a real effort into proving I was worse than you.

As noted by my most excellent signature ;)
I remember that :P. It's been such a long time...

And as for this thread, TE is still fun, you're just whining because you won't win a beloved flag. I'm pretty sure you're Corporate Merger so yeah, makes sense eh? And yes, if anyone here deserves to win a flag, it's NB. You can tell how much work was put into it, they took out all their possible opponents and did everything well... And since it's LW I didn't expect anything less.


Edited by Confusion
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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1282006530' post='2418447']
I take offense to that. As seen [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=68701]here[/url] I put a real effort into proving I was worse than you.

As noted by my most excellent signature ;)
Make a poll :P.

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1282001745' post='2418379']
This debate happens every round...in the same way...oftentimes by the same people. It never goes anywhere. But, "My Observations After [u][b]12 [/b][/u] Rounds" are as follows:
1. Everyone has different ideas on how TE should be played. Some, like myself, dabbled in politics, coalition building, intrigue, etc. Some dabbled in breaking what I created (you know who you are :P). Some play for flags. Some play for war. Some play because they're fat and lazy sitting in mommies basement with no real friends (you know who you are too :P).
2. The nation count, in terms of total nations in TE, is indeed going down, and has every single round. It went down when we had coalitions. It went down when we had flag chasers. It went down when we got rid of the coalitions. And it'll most likely keep going down, regardless of what we do. Some of us old folks have tried to do what we can to revive the game, but generally, there is a lot of apathy in TE.
3. No one can force anyone to play a certain way. No one can force anyone to do anything for that matter. Whether at the point of a gun or not, you have free will to make your own choices. So make them, and don't apologize.

[u][b]-Tiberius12[/b][/u], Founder and Emperor Emeritus of the Roman Empire, Ruler of the Empire of Rome, Self-Proclaimed Most-Hated Man in Tournament Edition History but All-Around Nice Guy, That Guy Who Did Stuff (See Sig for Details).

Well said Tibs and you got my vote in the pole ;)

This might be off topic, but since we're talkin about killin TE AND after waking up to 27 new msg's, I'll point to the oft offered reason TE is "dying". Simply; server update. You know who quits the game? Those like me and the rest of us living in crappy time zones for fighting. Update is 1 AM here. I gotta REALLY hate ya to set my alarm to wake up and quad ya. Not to mention I'll eat RE NooKs all day before I'll wake my wife and deal with that fallout. There have been many "suggestions" in the appropriate thread that seem to have fallen on deaf Admin ears. I'm not whining tho. I'll continue to create nations and wake up to those messages and nip at the heals of my UK and West Coast friends who so enjoy my pixels, infra and tech. Just my .02

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[quote name='Robony' timestamp='1282038924' post='2419374']
This might be off topic, but since we're talkin about killin TE AND after waking up to 27 new msg's, I'll point to the oft offered reason TE is "dying". Simply; server update.

Just my .02

Quad 10-4 Robony, I agree 100% there. If anyone is to blame, update is. If update was changed to be a new time and test accordingly, I bet we'd triple the userbase.

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1282001745' post='2418379']
This debate happens every round...in the same way...oftentimes by the same people. It never goes anywhere. But, "My Observations After [u][b]12 [/b][/u] Rounds" are as follows:
1. Everyone has different ideas on how TE should be played. Some, like myself, dabbled in politics, coalition building, intrigue, etc. Some dabbled in breaking what I created (you know who you are :P). Some play for flags. Some play for war. Some play because they're fat and lazy sitting in mommies basement with no real friends (you know who you are too :P).
2. The nation count, in terms of total nations in TE, is indeed going down, and has every single round. It went down when we had coalitions. It went down when we had flag chasers. It went down when we got rid of the coalitions. And it'll most likely keep going down, regardless of what we do. Some of us old folks have tried to do what we can to revive the game, but generally, there is a lot of apathy in TE.
3. No one can force anyone to play a certain way. No one can force anyone to do anything for that matter. Whether at the point of a gun or not, you have free will to make your own choices. So make them, and don't apologize.

[u][b]-Tiberius12[/b][/u], Founder and Emperor Emeritus of the Roman Empire, Ruler of the Empire of Rome, Self-Proclaimed Most-Hated Man in Tournament Edition History but All-Around Nice Guy, That Guy Who Did Stuff (See Sig for Details).
I have the same round count as you and I concur, but I would take it further and suggest that the established players are killing it off. (I count myself as an established player btw)

What chance does a newb have in the game?
An established player knows how to fight and defend even if they are raided. They also may have alliance back up they can call on if they bite off too much "Shudders"
As a newb I might choose to attack , say LE. That's just an example, and it could be any Alliance but the old hats know I would not get away with it.
An LE member could attack me though and get away with it as long as they stuck to LE raid rules.
It's established players that are killing the game off to my mind.
The established players might want to set some ground rules if they want more players in the game.

The update issue is also ongoing.
It can very much be used to advantage in war planning.
How many of us sit up over update on a Friday and Saturday? Any day for that matter?

Edited by Son of Taeper
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I can personaly speak for PS...AS allies and friends of TPF/TPC for many rounds both as a part of the team and a very close ally. They are some of the best
peeps in the game and just like TPF/TPC love the smell WAR, just like us they are some of the best fighting nations in the game.

I for one congradulate them on their acheviments this round.

TFD was also a friend of TPF and nation for nation was one of the very few that could grow nations like us.

Really though this is a game to have fun with...Some will grow to try and win the flag, some will war and other wil try to balance both.
Its only 60 days long and the real winners of the round are the ones who had fun playing.

RD is a good alliance, in fact RD has been to war on both sides of the fence with TPF/TPC. At first foe's and ended up as friends and allies.
You guys have a lot of honor and good peeps, relax.....

GL to everyone

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[quote name='Jack Shepard' timestamp='1281753810' post='2415270']
Who was hiding? We sat here and waited for someone to bring the fight to us, and no-one did, what the hell were we meant to do? sit on 200 nukes till the end of the round? we can't take them through to the next round you know.

5 rounds of observations eh? Well Pork Shrimp has been around for 11 rounds and heres a newsflash, we don't care what anyone thinks and we don't care what others claim TE 'should be about'.

We set our goals each round, and we set out to achieve them. We have made many friends along the way, and we are one of the most loyal and honourable alliances out there if you do the right thing by us, (feel free take note of who we didn't attack and why we didn't attack them).

We may be called the Nordic Ballers this round, but this is Pork Shrimp, when we set out to do something like this, we go all out in an ordered, disciplined, and rutheless manner, this isn't the first round we have done this, and it won't be the last.

I second this.

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[quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1282055640' post='2419588']
I like update where it is. But that's cause I live in server time :awesome:
Too much info but thanks for it. :lol1:

Truth is, I never had too much of a problem with update guys when I was war planing.
Anyone that has ever battled me will know I am pretty much 24/7 .
The question is do I want to spend the next 10 rounds knowing exactly what time some of the less active guys come online??
The last 10 rounds I've built up quite a nice database, but it is getting a bit boring now.

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