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Four long years and I'm still here


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So I've been playing this game for just over four years since finding it on slashdot while working the graveyard shift at my first job after college. I joined the best alliance in the game, in my opinion, and have seen some of the greatest people/players/nations pass through here and the VE. The Green Civil War was the hardest time for myself as the VE community was a very close knit group. Thankfully, VE came back and I've never left her side since. Although brief stints in GPA and Golden Sabres taught me much of the world outside of VE, my heart bleeds green, which is ironic since I am an OU Sooner fan and grad.

I've been lucky thus far not to lose my original nation due to deletion, etc, although I almost came close once due to family emergency.

I'm proud to say the least that I've made some good contacts and in some cases, friends in the game. I still remember hawk_11 hanging out in the #ve channel and him help me get set up on IRC. Course one can never forget the drunken random ramblings of people in there.

The main reason I've stuck around in this game though, is because the mindless fun and how the politics of the game happen outside of the screen. When I was teaching (sadly I was one of 3000 teachers cut in my state due to budget cuts), CN was used to show how history in a game or a community can shape the events in that game or community. And yes, this game has many teachable moments for anyone.

And no, I'm not leaving but a few shout outs to a few people:

VE: Best alliance and home a Sooner could ever have.
GOD: Xiph and Z, you guys keep me laughing when I work late nights, and Z, remember Texas will fall.
hawk_11: Talk more in the channel man!
OMFG: You guys keep it real and remember, Barca before ManUtd.
NPO: Great alliance and I've always respected you even when you disappoint me, sadly a few times, you don't always deserve the respect you take for granted. Lose the chip on your shoulder and the us vs. world mentality
GGA: Well while you guys are gone, I never had any issue with your alliance except that you guys could not understand that you could not act like a big alliance and have a ton of government spots when you had less than 100 members. You had so many chances to rise up and yet you always disappointed everyone with your chosen leadership.
kenfolk: You stay classy and get some experience, you have what it takes to lead one day, hopefully soon.
Green team: Let's make the world glow green!
GOONS: Old Goons, meh. New GOONS, you guys are good, just sell me more tech, dangits!
JB: While I had no personal issues with you, you always took everything personally. Take a step back.
arcades057: dude, when did you stop being cool? Ever since karma, you'd have this huge chip on your shoulder.

Brigade: hang out in the channel guys, I don't see you anymore!

If I left anyone out, sorry but long nights take their toll on ol' Sooner here.


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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1281747267' post='2415132']
4 years is amazing. Did any of your students go on to play the game continuously?

I doubt it seriously. I used CN as a cultural reference is how wars and culture overlap. The wars here make great examples in comparisons to actual wars.

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[quote name='Sooner' timestamp='1281845766' post='2416316']
Like you have room to talk, son.
I don't hit that dreaded mark 'till November and with there are still all the days from the myriad breaks I've taken. I've got room enough, Boomer.

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[quote name='Smooth' timestamp='1281892427' post='2416760']
I ignored my 4 years because, frankly, I'm deeply upset with myself for continuing to hang out with all of you. :P
Hahaha... so much truth in this statement.

Happy 4th Sooner. Thanks for being one of the rare well adjusted members of CN that has made parts of my memories of my time here pleasant even though it's mixed with so much crap.

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