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Maintain the quarantine

Zoot Zoot

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[b]Broadcast in all mediums around the world and messages sent to all Governments[/b]

My name is Alice Wesker, I am currently broadcasting from a secure location within the Falklands.
This is a message declaring the Falkland Islands are under complete quarantine. All treaties are currently placed in stasis until our crisis has abeited.

Infection has taken hold and is running riot in the streets and our military is currently operating containment and extermination doctrines to prevent the spread of infection outside of the Islands.

The total exclusion zone is now in effect, any aircraft or vessel within two hundred nautical miles of the Falklands, will be warned three times to change course. Failure to do so will result in the authorisation of deadly force.

All shipping and flights are halted and all ships inside the TEZ which have just departed the Islands are to return to Port Stanley International Port to prevent the spread of infection.

All measures are being taken to ensure the survival of foreign nationals, and the airforce is running 24/7 sorties to evacuate civilians to the Fortificatons at Goose Green on the safer, east island. Ground forces are evacuating civilians to allots safe zones, which are heavily fortified locations for the airforce to extract the civilians to Goose Green.

If any Malvinian national has landed within your Nation in the last 24 hours, place them in Quarantine, it has been noted some people carry a natural immunity to the virus, but act as carriers and can infect others through fluid transfer.

I reiterate, the Falkland Islands are under complete lockdown and deadly force will be used to maintain the Quarantine.

South Georgia and our Antarctic territories remain unaffected.
We do not need aid or military support, we have the resources to control and extermination this outbreak and we will do so.

Messages will be sent intermittantly reporting our status as the crisis continues ladies and gentlemen of the worlds Governments.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1281319286' post='2405927']
"South America is full of !@#$@#$ zombies and infestations and all sorts of oppressive governments and all that !@#$%^&*. All of South America is on a prohibited travel list."
Africa was also traditionally a disease breeding ground, go quarantine yourself. We don't want another mutant form of HIV marching around the globe.

Oh, and nice job on throwing insults at HAE and Curristan. I'm sure they enjoyed that.

OOC: If you don't have a country in Africa, ignore my IC post.

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1281319700' post='2405960']
Africa was also traditionally a disease breeding ground, go quarantine yourself. We don't want another mutant form of HIV marching around the globe.

Oh, and nice job on throwing insults at HAE and Curristan. I'm sure they enjoyed that.

OOC: If you don't have a country in Africa, ignore my IC post.
"[b]Was[/b] being the key word. Your racist and incredibly insensitive remarks show just how despicable your government is; we refuse to say the name of your country in protest and will be refusing all flights to and from your country and disallowing any ships to pass through our part of the Strait of Gibraltar effective immediately. Any of your citizens in our country will be detained for espionage and interrogated."

OOC: If there was ever a reason to think even less of you, BABYD, this is it.

Edited by Sargun
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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1281322271' post='2406139']
"[b]Was[/b] being the key word. Your racist and incredibly insensitive remarks show just how despicable your government is; we refuse to say the name of your country in protest and will be refusing all flights to and from your country and disallowing any ships to pass through our part of the Strait of Gibraltar effective immediately. Any of your citizens in our country will be detained for espionage and interrogated."

OOC: If there was ever a reason to think even less of you, BABYD, this is it.
Overreacting governments, so joyful. Apparently you can't take the light words and decide to blow it out of proportion. Keep it up, it's really helping with your foreign relations.

And you better return any of our citizens that were standing on your soil back to us or we will return the favor to your citizens. NOW.

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Stop the !@#$@#$ !@#$ talking the pair of you, your cluttering my thread.
If you have issues go to the OOC thread please.
IC this is an emergency channel for my nation.
Not a school playground where you can start fights.
now gtfo out the pair of you.

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"Louisiana will note this quarantine and make sure not to have contact with the Falklands (OOC: I thought you referred to it as Las Malvinas?). Louisiana would like to encourage the Great Lakes Provinces' government to more carefully review what statements they put out to the world. Louisiana would also like to caution their friends in Sarnungian Republic from taking such drastic actions as arresting and interrogating civilians for such a high crime as espionage. Surely an internal investigation would suffice before interrogation?"

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[b]Memo to Command[/b]

Infection successfully contained in Port Howard.
Military Engineers have begun the digging of a large trench and rampart system to surround the city which will serve as the base for a concrete palisade with the specific design of keeping people inside.

Presently, temporary defences have been erected and are manned by ground forces in a "ring of steel".

GARD units deployed to all roads in and out of Port Howard and forward mechanised infantry units are sweeping city, street by street.
Civil protection units are currently activly engaging infected at barricades deployed in the cities urban chokepoints.

Apache longbow helicopters and Comanche light attack helicopters have been deployed to support ground operations.

Commander John Connor

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Las Malvinas has been informed that all ships flying their flag approaching Arctica will be stopped and turned around by the Navy. If they refuse, the craft will be boarded and commandeered for the duration of the emergency, or possibly sunk if infection is evident or cooperation not given. Airliners originating in Malvinas will be allowed to refuel at military airfields of appropriate size and return home, otherwise they will be refueled by air tanker, or possibly shot down if infection is evident or cooperation not given. The government of Malvinas is requested to keep in touch to facilitate compensation for loss of life or property as a result of this policy.

A notice has been sent out requesting that all Malvinian tourists and business travelers are to report to designated quarantine areas outside of major cities. All Arctican citizens and residents returning home will be placed under quarantine if they have traveled to Malvinas in the last 6 months.

The Ministry of Health requests detailed information on the disease and how to test potential carriers.

Meanwhile, the Third Fleet of the Arctican Navy (consisting of aircraft carrier [i]Mon Millennia[/i], one destroyer and two frigates) made its way to about 300 miles south of Madagascar, and waited. The fleet's area of responsibility was the Strait of Mozambique and the Indian Ocean south of Madagascar. It was the first line of defense against any threats coming from the south, and if the Malvinian news reports were to be believed, anyone infected was a major threat.

The Coast Guard would halt Malvinian shipping on the mainland and the territories, and elements of the Home Fleet sailed to the mouth of Oceana Bay to turn back any Malvinians approaching the capital and nation's busiest port. Incoming ships would be able to see surface ships spread every few miles, and no doubt there were subs lurking below the surface as well. The people couldn't stop watching the news for any hint that this would become a worldwide epidemic.

Just as news about the quarantine reached it, a container ship carrying the next shipment of AMW goods headed for Malvinas was already about twenty miles into the exclusion zone...

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The Kingdom of Cochin acknowledges the warning broadcast sent out by Las Malvinas. Any maritime vessel expected to have sailed via South Atlantic Ocean would henceforth have their manifests checked within Cochin Territorial Waters. Any vessel found to be sailing from Las Malvinas would henceforth be required to maintain quarantine 150NM outside of the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Cochin reserves the right to interdict and destroy any vessel that is proven to be hosting vectors for this disease.

All Cochin flagged ships are henceforth prohibited from sailing to Las Malvinas. The Kingdom of Cochin is really disappointed at this incident as the plans to improve maritime trade with Las Malvinas would henceforth be canceled. The munitions contract issued to GDI would also be subject to revision if any infected cargo vessel chartered by GDI approaches the Kingdom during this time.

The restrictions on maritime vessels is also applicable to Air traffic. No aircraft, civilian or military, hailing origin from Las Malvinas would be permitted within Cochin Air Space.

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[b]Classified message to Earths Governments[/b]

Symptoms of infection include:
Aggression, see rage
Vommiting bodily fluids/blood
Muscular Spasms
Cannablism (Infected generally try an attack people by biting and scratching at them, sometimes, they will beat a victim to death)
Discoloured skin (Generally a SLIGHTER shade lighter than normal skine ton)
Blood shot eyes
Heavy bags under the eyes

Recommeded approach to infected.

Kill without prejudice, there is no known cure and we have been trying to make one for 16 years now. Any attempt at capturin the infected will usually result in a wider outbreak and deaths of others.
Infected persons are easily noticed as they are, not to be funny, but are usually attacking and trying to kill members of the public.
Shoot on sight and burn the bodies.

[b]Inside Malvinian Command [/b]
The cargo container was picked up by the TH radar operators, who dispatched two Eurofighters to the ship and four Blackhawk helicopters aswell as a refuelling helicopter.

On arriving at the ship, the helicopters began speaking through special microphones which blasted the sound out from huge speakers built onto the side.

"Arctican ship Arctical ship, you have entered a Quarantined zone, turn away immediatly and change your course to South Georgia to deliver your shipment at the military base.

Failure to leave the Quarantine zone, will result in the authorisation of deadly force to remove you"

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1281360128' post='2407371']
[b]Classified message to Earths Governments[/b]

Symptoms of infection include:
Aggression, see rage
Vommiting bodily fluids/blood
Muscular Spasms
Cannablism (Infected generally try an attack people by biting and scratching at them, sometimes, they will beat a victim to death)
Discoloured skin (Generally a SLIGHTER shade lighter than normal skine ton)
Blood shot eyes
Heavy bags under the eyes

Recommeded approach to infected.

Kill without prejudice, there is no known cure and we have been trying to make one for 16 years now. Any attempt at capturin the infected will usually result in a wider outbreak and deaths of others.
Infected persons are easily noticed as they are, not to be funny, but are usually attacking and trying to kill members of the public.
Shoot on sight and burn the bodies.[/quote]

"How is the disease transmitted? Also, have you discovered a way for potential carriers to be tested to see if they are positive for the infection?"

[quote][b]Inside Malvinian Command [/b]
The cargo container was picked up by the TH radar operators, who dispatched two Eurofighters to the ship and four Blackhawk helicopters aswell as a refuelling helicopter.

On arriving at the ship, the helicopters began speaking through special microphones which blasted the sound out from huge speakers built onto the side.

"Arctican ship Arctical ship, you have entered a Quarantined zone, turn away immediatly and change your course to South Georgia to deliver your shipment at the military base.

Failure to leave the Quarantine zone, will result in the authorisation of deadly force to remove you"

The ship received a message from AMW informing the captain of the epidemic situation and quarantine. Not long after it was confirmed that they were already inside the exclusion zone, the crew saw helicopters approaching on the horizon.

After acknowledging the warnings, the ship made a wide left turn and headed south toward South Georgia. When AMW had confirmation of delivery, the crew was informed that they would be placed into quarantine as soon as they got home, which was disheartening for them.

An AMW official contacted the Las Malvinas government and told them that would be the last shipment on the order until the current emergency ended, because they could not afford to have another ship and crew quarantined after every delivery.

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[quote]"How is the disease transmitted? Also, have you discovered a way for potential carriers to be tested to see if they are positive for the infection?"[/quote]

Carriers can be detected through symptoms and a simple blood test.

Bloodshot eyes and heavily bagged eyes are the sole symptoms of carriers.
Blood tests will show irregularities in the red blood cells and a very low white blood cell count.

The disease is airborne and fluid transmitted.
It can picked up in the same way as the flu, infection can survive on the surface of a material for up to 72 hours in the right conditions.
It can also be breathed in if for example a carrier sneezes and a nearby person takes a breath of air, however that is rare.
The main tranmission method is the introduction of infected fluids into a victims system. This can be achieved though the following.

Scratching (which breaks the skin).
Infected blood being injested through the blood spray when killing an infected.
Infected vomit splashback getting into bodily orifices.

We must insist no means attempts at detaining infected be made, they are to be shot on sight and anyone within 500 meters of the outbreak should be placed into quarantine to be tested. If an outbreak is in an urban environment there is a high chance the city will be lost due to the fast infection rate.

Once contracted the infection can take between two and ten minutes depending on how much infected DNA is in their system and how it was contracted.
In highly populated city with a dense person per mile ratio, an outbreak can get out of control within four hours.
The Malvinian Army is operating a Code Red Containment doctrine presently, which is in effect, an extermination. With 90% of the civlians evacuated from Port Howard to either Goose Green or West Island fortifications, civilian casualties are expected to be minimal, but the cost of not enacting a code red containment would result in widespread devestation across the Falklands West Island.

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All Malvinian citizens are being sent to a secluded zone to prevent infection. If any Malvinian refugee attempts to enter Russova or leave the secluded zone they will be shot on sight.

"We want to know if you are taking infected test subjects to research the disease for a cure or immunity. Also, is lethal force the only way to deal with infected individuals?"

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1281366809' post='2407570']

All Malvinian citizens are being sent to a secluded zone to prevent infection. If any Malvinian refugee attempts to enter Russova or leave the secluded zone they will be shot on sight.

"We want to know if you are taking infected test subjects to research the disease for a cure or immunity. Also, is lethal force the only way to deal with infected individuals?"

There are no Refugees because there is a Quarantine in effect.
The warning is for Malvinians who have arrived in your country for whatever reason in the 24 hours immediatly before the Quarantine was declared.
People do travel around the world.

There is no cure, efforts to detain infected will lead to more outbreaks.
Lethal force is the only way to deal with infected citizens.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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The Empire duly notes travel restricted from the Sarnungian Republic; however little there was. We will, of course, reciprocate the action in full. All Sarnungian traffic is forbidden from the foreign quarters in the Dominican Diocese, as well as Imperial Center and Foundation.

Concerning the problems on the Falklands, Imperial continental defenses in the vicinity have been brought online and will fire upon any vessel leaving the godforsaken lands. The Empire also is redeploying several dozen coast-guard vessels and motherships in order to effect a blockade of sorts around the islands, at a fifty kilometer distance. These ships will relay information to the Empire's government, which can be asked for through the proper channels.

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[quote name='Shadowsage' timestamp='1281385585' post='2408247']
The Empire duly notes travel restricted from the Sarnungian Republic; however little there was. We will, of course, reciprocate the action in full. All Sarnungian traffic is forbidden from the foreign quarters in the Dominican Diocese, as well as Imperial Center and Foundation.

The Holy American Empire was already on a no-travel zone, so any citizens currently in your country are there illegally; returning them so they can be imprisoned or tried for espionage would be appreciated.

//ooc: lol bipolar foreign policy

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1281386046' post='2408268']
The Holy American Empire was already on a no-travel zone, so any citizens currently in your country are there illegally; returning them so they can be imprisoned or tried for espionage would be appreciated.

//ooc: lol bipolar foreign policy
Mind if you can return our citizens after you decided to interrogate even if they were there just for business or vacation? You already ignored our request once, and we hate to repeat it again.

OOC: That policy is [i]definitely[/i] going to ward off countries from attacking you for being [i]so[/i] nice to them. No really, it's helping your foreign relations with other countries. Keep it up! :awesome:

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[quote name='Shadowsage' timestamp='1281385585' post='2408247']
The Empire duly notes travel restricted from the Sarnungian Republic; however little there was. We will, of course, reciprocate the action in full. All Sarnungian traffic is forbidden from the foreign quarters in the Dominican Diocese, as well as Imperial Center and Foundation.

Concerning the problems on the Falklands, Imperial continental defenses in the vicinity have been brought online and will fire upon any vessel leaving the godforsaken lands. The Empire also is redeploying several dozen coast-guard vessels and motherships in order to effect a blockade of sorts around the islands, at a fifty kilometer distance. These ships will relay information to the Empire's government, which can be asked for through the proper channels.

We must insist Imperial warships remove themselves from the Total Exclusion Zone.
You are welcome to set up blockade at two hundred nautical miles, but our airforce in presently maintaining our quarantine.

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Falklands Petroleum has been shut down in the Commonwealth and their assets have been frozen. Anyone in employ of FP has been separated from our domestic population and until such a time that the situation is contained, they will remain so.

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