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Maintain the quarantine

Zoot Zoot

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Viktor entered Atrevier's Regency office holding what appeared to be a news paper clipping. "Michael it looks like there has been another zombie outbreak in South America."

The Prince shook his head slightly laughing at the thought, "That place just needs to be wiped clean of all life. Human, plant, animal; just utterly glassed. Then it can start a new. I find the HAE titillating, but seriously- what a hell hole that continent has become."

Edited by iamthey
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[b]Classified message to Earths Governments[/b]

Efforts to contain the outbreak worked, engineers constructing earthwork defences around the city in natural chokepoints, deploying "quick deployment" walls and using GARD units, platoons of soldiers and sharpshooters in the cities exits have managed to withold infection to within Port Howard itself.
Safe zones within the cities have been over run by what is estimated up to ten thousand infected.

I am authorising Code Black.
Which is the carpet firebombing of Port Howard followed by the carpet deployment of the VX nerve agent.

All civilians have been evacuated to safe locations, if any civilians are left in the city, they are infected. Thermal imaging from satellites and helicopter gunships reveals that uninfected signs are life are not present.

The outbreak has reached a critical moment in its evolution, and if it is not exterminated it threatens to destroy all intelligent life on the West Island.

Alice Wesker

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[b]Classified message to Earths Governments[/b]


Code Black operations successful.
Napalm and nerve gas usage have destroyed an estimated 99% of the infected threat.

Ground forces are currently sweeping the city.
Sweeping operations began ten hours ago, so far only a handful of infected found an terminated.

Tests confirmed the infection can be carried by marine life. Certain marine lifeforms can act as a carrier of the virus. Fisherman fishing in the restricted areas around the former City 17, now known as Port Stanley, caught fish infected with the virus and then sold the infected meat in the markets in Port Howard.

It is not yet known how the infection reached marine life, however, a theory is that rats feasting on infected flesh in the city, made it to the water front. Rats are famed swimmers and have nests close to water, and sometimes must cross water to get to their nests. A rat infected with the virus may have died in the water, only to be consumed by fish.

As a precaution to stop this happening again watertight walls are being built around the old harbour and increased coastguard patrols are in effect.
The Government is also using massive of gas and pumping it into the old sewers of Port Stanley to exterminate the rats.

There is an estimated 5% chance infected marine life have made it far enough to pose a threat to any nearby Nations.
Threat level has been reduced from Code Black, back down to Code Red.

Water sources and agricultural tests have come back negative for infection.

Alice Wesker.

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