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GOD Declaration of War

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[quote name='brentbee' timestamp='1281408998' post='2408926']
Did not realize that RnR, RoK, GoD, and VE thought us to be that large of a threat. Golly, you all really know how to grow a guy's ego. Oh wait, did I miss anyone? :P

It's not that they view you as a threat, it's that they want to be sure to cover all the targets. That's a far cry from bandwagoning.

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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1281409032' post='2408928']
oh how they talk tough when the odds are in their favor.

Viking is always like that, it's who he is.

Edited by Aurion
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[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1281409269' post='2408932']
It's not that they view you as a threat, it's that they want to be sure to cover all the targets. That's a far cry from bandwagoning.

LOL, thanks for giving me my second best laugh of the day. I owe you for that one. By all means keep them coming!! :lol1:

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[quote name='brentbee' timestamp='1281409412' post='2408941']
LOL, thanks for giving me my second best laugh of the day. I owe you for that one. By all means keep them coming!! :lol1:

Bandwagoning is entering a war you have no business being involved in. I presume - someone from Ragnarok can correct me if I am wrong - that Ragnarok requested the help of GOD in attacking NSO. It's a lopsided war, certainly, but I don't understand where you get the idea that there is bandwagoning involved.

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[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1281409539' post='2408946']
Bandwagoning is entering a war you have no business being involved in. I presume - someone from Ragnarok can correct me if I am wrong - that Ragnarok requested the help of GOD in attacking NSO. It's a lopsided war, certainly, but I don't understand where you get the idea that there is bandwagoning involved.

Ahhh, that would explain the others also, amirite? wth, I'm down with it. If they would like to bring in more, that would be just fine with me. What I would really enjoy is 10:1 odds, that sits better with me. I'm sure you guys can come up with a few more fellas that are itching to have a crack at us. If not, we must be doing it all wrong.

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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1281409032' post='2408928']
oh how they talk tough when the odds are in their favor.
We talked the same outnumbered 8 to 1 during the UJW when we were getting dogpiled. Ask Boris just a few posts above yours, and hell, your own alliance mates, for that matter, since you were in the dogpile.

[quote]UJW = ManOwaRriorS, ONOS, PLUS, MDC, Neuva Vida, Wolfpack and FEAR declared war on GOD[/quote]

All but 2 of those alliances had way more members then us, with us being around 70 ppl, IF even that much. So please, don't try that "bwaa" outnumbered crap with us. I would've been just fine, as would many of us would of been, with NSO paying a few mill to compensate the protectorate, or just cutting the guy totally loose to be smacked around by RoK and it's protectorate, but no, that lot had to go more or less dare Hoo to "Do something". They'd of cried cowards if RoK didn't attack, villians if they did. Hoo "did something". How dare he.

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[quote name='brentbee' timestamp='1281410852' post='2408973']
Ahh, yeah, that was right after proof of his transgressions were given to us...........um no, it wasn't.
You're funny. You spew this exact same garbage across every thread like if you repeat it enough it'll magically come true.

P.S. Don't forget to click your heels three times.

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[quote name='Choader' timestamp='1281414432' post='2409053']
You're funny. You spew this exact same garbage across every thread like if you repeat it enough it'll magically come true.

P.S. Don't forget to click your heels three times.

I did it four times, did I do it wrong? Garbage??? LOL, you would know about that, PC and all.....just sayin'.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1281415657' post='2409093']
Oh, thank God that Rok won't have to fight the big bad NSO all alone.

Oh, thank God that OWF posters aren't being intentionally obtuse about military tactics.

The alliances in on NSO had people online to cover NSO's ranks that were running to peace. Just because RoK has more people doesn't mean they were all online at the time.

Edited by Bergerland
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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1281409032' post='2408928']
oh how they talk tough when the odds are in their favor.

Yes, the ubiquitous "Curbstomp Hero". How I have missed them so!

Edited by Tygaland
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[quote name='brentbee' timestamp='1281409412' post='2408941']
LOL, thanks for giving me my second best laugh of the day. I owe you for that one. By all means keep them coming!! :lol1:

Seriously, you are talking out your back passage and are better served shutting up. Nothing irritates the neutrals more than a braindead moron trying to tell everyone how clever he is. Except maybe a braindead moron trying to tell someone who knows how things work how stupid they are with smartarsed dismissals of information that is entirely correct.

Quit before the hole you are digging hits bedrock.

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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1281409032' post='2408928']
oh how they talk tough when the odds are in their favor.

I talked like this when \m/ was beating down my alliance in GWIII. Try again. Why don't you go ask some old time R&R'ers how I handled negotiations with Philo back then.

Edited by Viking
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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1281400213' post='2408709']
of course the counter-argument is that even if RoK doesn't have 134 members online, neither does NSO. in reality it's an even race between the aggressor and the defender, with the advantage going to the alliance with more members (even with a lower turnout percentage-wise, they can still get more nations to attack).

it's a curb stomp, plain and simple. stop trying to look honourable, the only people you're fooling are the idiots who would eat it up for their own benefit.
This has nothing to do with honor, this is about being an effective military force. The purpose of a war is to do damage to the enemy. We won't apologize to anyone for trying to do that as well as possible - nor will we expect apologies from anyone else for doing the same to us.

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[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1281409269' post='2408932']
It's not that they view you as a threat, it's that they want to be sure to cover all the targets. That's a far cry from bandwagoning.

Would this mean that RoK will have all of the second wave of declarations on NSO?

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[quote name='brentbee' timestamp='1281409791' post='2408952']
Ahhh, that would explain the others also, amirite? wth, I'm down with it. If they would like to bring in more, that would be just fine with me. What I would really enjoy is 10:1 odds, that sits better with me. I'm sure you guys can come up with a few more fellas that are itching to have a crack at us. If not, we must be doing it all wrong.
Well GOONS could join in if you really really want. But we're having a lot more fun just watching everybody flail around and call eachother names. Plus a fifth of your guys are hiding in peace mode. We wouldn't want to skew the numbers anyway; wars are supposed to be fair or something.

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[quote name='Viking' timestamp='1281436285' post='2409468']
I talked like this when \m/ was beating down my alliance in GWIII. Try again. Why don't you go ask some old time R&R'ers how I handled negotiations with Philo back then.

hahaha, it was rather funny.

also good luck GOD.

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