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Ragnarok Declaration of War

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I like how Rok's protectorate seems to be better at war than rok. Rok attacks in the middle of the afternoon, their protectorate attacks closer to update. Way to show those skills.

[quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1281328812' post='2406443']

and we're the cowards?

How is what he wrote cowardly? He has very little to lose, and he makes a pretty good point, this war is ridiculous you all are essentially burning up resources over nothing. Have fun.

Edited by iamthey
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[quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1281331513' post='2406615']
I like how Rok's protectorate seems to be better at war than rok. Rok attacks in the middle of the afternoon, their protectorate attacks closer to update. Way to show those skills.


Like if attacking closer to update is showing more skills :)

We never attacked close to update, but our results "show those skills"

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[quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1281331513' post='2406615']
I like how Rok's protectorate seems to be better at war than rok. Rok attacks in the middle of the afternoon, their protectorate attacks closer to update. Way to show those skills.

How is what he wrote cowardly? He has very little to lose, and he makes a pretty good point, this war is ridiculous you all are essentially burning up resources over nothing. Have fun.

I bet you they thought of that...

And that's all war bud. Really, this cb is pretty legit as to what others have been.

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[quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1281331513' post='2406615']
I like how Rok's protectorate seems to be better at war than rok. Rok attacks in the middle of the afternoon, their protectorate attacks closer to update. Way to show those skills.
You know, this point has kinda been covered many times now (at least implicitly). Rok and Co attacked when NSO nations started hitting peace mode, to prevent more from hitting peace mode.

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[quote name='Acca Dacca' timestamp='1281333207' post='2406739']

Yes, that is exactly what we did. WE ARE SO CLEVER.

Nah, I'm just sayin' that if you're going to post a screenie, expect that those of us who know a thing or two about them might take them with a grain of salt. Just out of principle. After all, isn't this a war of principle? Well, you have your principals and I have mine.

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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1281333522' post='2406754']
Nah, I'm just sayin' that if you're going to post a screenie, expect that those of us who know a thing or two about them might take them with a grain of salt. Just out of principle. After all, isn't this a war of principle? Well, you have your principals and I have mine.

We took a random member and made a screenshot of them sending it to all the aggressors so that we could call him a hypocrite? In what way do you know a thing or two about this?

No. This is a war over a rogue.

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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1281332506' post='2406694']


Well, for one, you're clicking the "sent messages" button, and two, you forgot the toolbar on there. Third, if you did make a real fake screenshot, then we could test it using the paint fill in option.

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1281333673' post='2406765']
Well, for one, you're clicking the "sent messages" button, and two, you forgot the toolbar on there. Third, if you did make a real fake screenshot, then we could test it using the paint fill in option.

Gotta spoil all the fun huh. Hey, uh, can I get with you some time on that "paint fill" option test thing? I've never heard of that. It sounds cool. I think you might be referring to the pixelation around the letters of an original vs. the fake?

Anyway, back to the issue at hand here, sure, you could call it cowardice. But there's other things you can call it as well. I don't want to rain on ya'lls propaganda or anything, but truly, someone has to step in and present another side. Otherwise the lot of us will go cross-eyed. Please continue....

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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1281334035' post='2406786']
Gotta spoil all the fun huh. Hey, uh, can I get with you some time on that "paint fill" option test thing? I've never heard of that. It sounds cool. [b]I think you might be referring to the pixelation around the letters of an original vs. the fake?[/b]

Anyway, back to the issue at hand here, sure, you could call it cowardice. But there's other things you can call it as well. I don't want to rain on ya'lls propaganda or anything, but truly, someone has to step in and present another side. Otherwise the lot of us will go cross-eyed. Please continue....

Indeed, more often than not, faked screenshots have a pixelation distortion compared to a real screenshot unless you're really crafty ;)

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1281333673' post='2406765']
Well, for one, you're clicking the "sent messages" button, and two, you forgot the toolbar on there. Third, if you did make a real fake screenshot, then we could test it using the paint fill in option.
Someone who takes time, and does it right in Photoshop can make it look legit. I've seen it done before, and it caused a war to occur here. Same goes for irc logs.

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[quote name='Caleb279' timestamp='1281334273' post='2406799']
Someone who takes time, and does it right in Photoshop can make it look legit. I've seen it done before, and it caused a war to occur here. Same goes for irc logs.

Yeah yeah, I know how to do it. But MAN that would be painstaking. Also,

[quote]hahaha save your dumb arguments of course I send that message. I have no shame in trying to get out of a useless war that has nothing to do with me.[/quote]

If for no other reason, you deserve to be rolled for that statement alone. By both parties.

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[quote name='Deezznutts' timestamp='1281334010' post='2406784']
hahaha save your dumb arguments of course I send that message. I have no shame in trying to get out of a useless war that has nothing to do with me.


Edited by Aurion
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[quote name='Deezznutts' timestamp='1281334010' post='2406784']
hahaha save your dumb arguments of course I send that message. I have no shame in trying to get out of a useless war that has nothing to do with me.

Gotta give it to him, at least he's honest.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1281334650' post='2406827']
Gotta give it to him, at least he's honest.

Speaking of honesty, I wonder if he swore to defend his alliance from foreign aggression. Because the way I see it, there's probably tons of people that feel the same way he does, but has decided to stick it out because they care more about each other and their organization than they do their nations. Which, imo, is absolutely beautiful if you want to get down to the substance that's required to make an alliance great.

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