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Embargo on The Republic of Vietnam


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[quote name='Executive Minister' date='07 July 2010 - 09:56 PM' timestamp='1278554156' post='2362992']
[i]"And we are sure the USC is quite familiar with such a progression of events."[/i]

Yes, they are. And that is why it makes sense for them to make such an announcement.

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Trade is an international issue. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to go back to school. Of course its an aggressive act. To declare your hostility without provocation and with no reason given shows the nation's intent to be hostile. The United States of China will protect the freedom of the seas if it is illegally stripped from its allies. We simply will not recognize the maritime borders of such a hostile nation.

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[quote name='Triyun' date='07 July 2010 - 09:57 PM' timestamp='1278557802' post='2363041']
Trade is an international issue. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to go back to school. Of course its an aggressive act. To declare your hostility without provocation and with no reason given shows the nation's intent to be hostile. The United States of China will protect the freedom of the seas if it is illegally stripped from its allies. We simply will not recognize the maritime borders of such a hostile nation.

We gave reason on why we started the embargo.

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[quote name='HHAYD' date='07 July 2010 - 08:41 PM' timestamp='1278553244' post='2362978']
Too proud to apologize for threatening war on a country who is making a [b]DOMESTIC[/b] decision? Next step, DoWing on countries that switched to an unfavorable government.
We're pretty sure that's been done before.

[quote name='Mergerberger II' date='07 July 2010 - 08:53 PM' timestamp='1278554000' post='2362989']
The United States of China was merely stating the obvious. It is reasonable to assume that aggression is the next step after sanctions similar to these. They were attempting to ensure that no further steps were taken, and for that we thank them.
Reasonable to assume? Girltopia is of little threat to Vietnam, or USC. How they could take the next step of "aggression", is beyond us. Next time you use veiled, empty threats, try to at least use some common sense, and not that faux-logic that you pretend to use.

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[quote name='Biohazard' date='07 July 2010 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1278558860' post='2363060']
Reasonable to assume? Girltopia is of little threat to Vietnam, or USC. How they could take the next step of "aggression", is beyond us. Next time you use veiled, empty threats, try to at least use some common sense, and not that faux-logic that you pretend to use.

You don't seem to understand that a bullet is a bullet regardless of which gun it is fired from and who is firing that gun.

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"Very sad that the international powers left mainland China. The place has been a pit ever since. We need some good Europeans in there to straighten those silly blighters out before they eradicate themselves. It really is for their own good, these native governments haven't been up to snuff for decades."

-Random Talk Show Personality.

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[quote name='Triyun' date='07 July 2010 - 10:57 PM' timestamp='1278557802' post='2363041']
Trade is an international issue. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to go back to school. Of course its an aggressive act. To declare your hostility without provocation and with no reason given shows the nation's intent to be hostile. The United States of China will protect the freedom of the seas if it is illegally stripped from its allies. We simply will not recognize the maritime borders of such a hostile nation.

The Sicilian League is happy to see that the USC stands for the freedom of the seas. We hope that the USC will also stand for the sovreignty of national waters and will not forcibly end the Girltopian embargo and somehow forcibly open the nation to Vietnamese trade in opposition to what appears to be widespread domestic support for such a national trade policy.

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The United States of China has no intention to send marines to setup pho restaurants in Girltopia's capital. However, we will not tolerate attacks upon vessels and aircraft in waters which we do not recognize the sovereignty over of Girltopia.

OOC: there is no international law of the seas in CN RP.

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[quote name='Triyun' date='07 July 2010 - 10:56 PM' timestamp='1278561372' post='2363115']
The United States of China has no intention to send marines to setup pho restaurants in Girltopia's capital. However, we will not tolerate attacks upon vessels and aircraft in waters which we do not recognize the sovereignty over of Girltopia.

OOC: there is no international law of the seas in CN RP.

OOC: Then I guess I should make oil platforms in 1ft water off your beaches and set up sniper towers ontop of them. There is also nothing in CN RP that says you own your airspace.

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OOC: Yeah, nothing, you know, except for all the guns he has that say otherwise and explain the situation in detail to anyone testing them. He means that there are no international accords governing waters and the like, but that nations create and enforce their own policies regarding territorial waters and airspace.

Edited by Vedran
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OOC: Your perfectly welcome to try, but territorial waters in CN RP are directly proportional to the recognition by other countries and one's own capabilities to defend them. For example the Holy American Empire and Greater Pacifica both have huge territorial waters, but they fully are aware their claims are based on their own strength and ability to muster international support. In the United States of China's case it is a major regional power and a global diplomatic power. If you were to violate what we consider our territorial waters it would likely result in your nation ceasing to exist. :P

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[quote name='Triyun' date='07 July 2010 - 11:56 PM' timestamp='1278561372' post='2363115']
The United States of China has no intention to send marines to setup pho restaurants in Girltopia's capital. However, we will not tolerate attacks upon vessels and aircraft in waters which we do not recognize the sovereignty over of Girltopia.

OOC: there is no international law of the seas in CN RP.

OOC: Many RPers have defined the extent of their national maritime claims and 'national waters' are frequently cited in military movement threads and naval campaigns. During the Iberian War there was alot of IC mudslinging because Lavo placed ships in ITDA's national waters. Im aware there are no international laws in CNRP, however most people accept that every nation has a right to claim 'national waters.'

IC: While the Sicilian League is reassured to hear that the USC has no designs on forcibly opening Girltopian markets to Vietnamese trade, we will take note oh how readily the USC takes license to interfere in other nations' domestic affairs

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While we do perceive the embargo on Vietnam as detrimental to regional amity any attempt to violate Girltopia's sovereignty to break this embargo either by Vietnam or by Vietnam supported by United States of China would be seen as a grave offense by Kingdom of Cochin and could be cause for reorientation of current Cochin foreign policy towards both these nations.

Just like USC and Vietnam wants to ensure your own security, make sure that you do not violate other nations' sovereignty. Also we request United States of China to cease their ridiculous policy of de-recognizing nations at the smallest whim. It confirms time and again the highly destabilizing and aggressive nature of United States of China.

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[quote name='Sargun' date='07 July 2010 - 08:17 PM' timestamp='1278559017' post='2363065']
You don't seem to understand that a bullet is a bullet regardless of which gun it is fired from and who is firing that gun.
However, if the target sits in an armored vehicle or bunker, as is a more apt description in this case, it it quite obvious how much damage is really going to be done.

[quote name='JEDCJT' date='08 July 2010 - 01:59 AM' timestamp='1278579545' post='2363299']
"Uh....what 'thread'? What are you talking about?"

OOC: Shush you...a PM would work nicely, you know. :P

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[quote name='maddy' date='08 July 2010 - 04:58 AM' timestamp='1278579480' post='2363298']

In the words of the Prophet Ventura,

Aaaalllllllllllllllllrighty then.

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