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NATO talks.

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"Well Mr. Chavez, if it proves that no nation here wishes to sign an MDP commitment with the intelligence aspects of it, then I don't really see much point of a treaty. You can opt to move to defend any nation in a conflict without having it on paper. If you can't make a commitment you just.. can't make a commitment. I understand that, if it is how you feel on the matter. We'll just have to give it time to build the trust required. The United States however, is committed to peace in the region. We're willing to give our neighbors the benefit of the doubt in seeking this goal."

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='08 June 2010 - 11:21 AM' timestamp='1276014067' post='2328903']
Of course missile shields will fail, sometimes they just cant stop the incoming missiles, but thats only for nations that have them.
What about other nations who dont, and can be turned into plains of glass at will by other nations or rogue groups?, it would certainly do alot in building the trust up between many nations.
OOC: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=42831&view=findpost&p=2328895
I was giving an IC explanation, derp

[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='08 June 2010 - 11:33 AM' timestamp='1276014766' post='2328913']
"Well Mr. Chavez, if it proves that no nation here wishes to sign an MDP commitment with the intelligence aspects of it, then I don't really see much point of a treaty. You can opt to move to defend any nation in a conflict without having it on paper. If you can't make a commitment you just.. can't make a commitment. I understand that, if it is how you feel on the matter. We'll just have to give it time to build the trust required. The United States however, is committed to peace in the region. We're willing to give our neighbors the benefit of the doubt in seeking this goal."
"Kuutsmil is devoted to peace as well, and was the starter for both La Liga Indigena and the Congress of Latin American Peoples, so don't you go off believing you're the only one committed to peace. Kuutsmil is willing to work but we cannot simply ignore the differences and the challenges and expect everything to work out right. You're expecting every one of us here to drop years of history down the drain, ignore everything we've ever done and simply band together for the sake of a peace and a treaty that will inevitably be broken? You're putting too much faith in being too big to fail. If this treaty is reworked significantly, Kuutsmil might sign it. As it is, this is just naivety. Good day." Chavez rose and turned, and unless the American spoke to him he would leave.

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"Mr. Chavez.. if you have a proposal to put forward in writing so that we have a better grasp at what you're wanting to try.. we'd be glad to look at it." He noted as the representative moved to leave and his remarks, "The only reason I put my own proposals forward was to get the discussion moving. I think everyone has a grasp now of what is being attempted here so if any of you have different ideas, you may easily take the floor." Caudill observed.

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"Possible, but you'd have to get the approval of those currently occupying Denmark. Contact the coalition that defeated Tahoe." Caudill noted to the Denmark Representative.

"I see Mr. Chavez.. well.. I may contact you separately later then. If that's all you have to contribute for the moment to this meeting you may leave at your leisure or stay and observe. Your choice." Caudill waited for others to comment.

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Therese sighed and folded her hands looking around the table. "President Caudill I'm afraid my main problem with this entire discussion lays at the root of your proposal. France does not trust many of those seated around this table, mainly because we doubt they agree with our own ambitions as many have already commented on our recent escapades in Iberia. Unless you could possibly remove the Non-Aggression and Mutual Defense portions, France cannot and will not sign. However, straight reduced tariffs I could understand."

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"Hrmm.. so the proposal then might be reduced to the North Atlantic Economic Co-operative. NAEC.. for the time being. We're willing to do that to improve trust. The United States is also working on a navy that has about a 5 year to 10 year completion time table. We'll be getting our first blue water ships around that time if all goes as planned. We'd be willing to escort and protect trade routes if we can get commitments from other members to do the same." Caudill nodded.

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Ms. Cardone, heeding a decision to immediatly recall all Dominican representatives back to the island, quietly gathered her small bag and left the building. Shortly, after the remaining attendees would be notified that the Dominican representative had left.

Edited by Bull Run
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"Trade agreements are best taken on a case by case basis." Etain shook her head. "We see nothing worth discussing further. As has been stated, too many of the nations distrust each other. In light of the lack of developments, Taeunas takes it's leave of these talks." She rose from the table to leave. "Taeunas has always been open to individual talks of this nature, but multi regional groupings like this have always been doomed. Good day to you all." She turned and made her way out.

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"Well, it is a shame there is so much distrust in the region. The United States welcomes unilateral talks with everyone here who seeks to continue discussions with us. Simply let me know you have an interest. This meeting is adjourned." Caudill sighed. "Thank you for coming. At least we tried."

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