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Napoleon Bonaparte Lives

Zoot Zoot

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"The Sudanese Government wishes the Government of New Canada well in their rebuilding. The nuclear attack on New Canada is a tragedy and should be treated as such. Political maneuvering of any sort is despicable. Further, groups of Sudanese Republic Doctors, Nurses, and other Medical Technicians of various sorts are being organized for deployment to New Canada. They will serve at the leisure of the government of New Canada and will return home when their services are no longer needed," states President Thomas Mbembe of the Sudanese Republic.

[b]SRHG Alpha[/b]

Colonel Leon Mtenle MD - Commanding Officer

25 General Practitioners
40 Registered Nurses
55 Medical Technicians
110 Support Personnel
44 Special Security Officers (Armed with Pistols and have shotguns available if needed in special cases)

SRHG Alpha forms up on the tarmac of Port Sudan International Airport waiting permission to depart. They have been assigned five C-130 Aircraft that are loaded with vehicles, tents, food, medical supplies, protective equipment, and clothing. The men and women of SRHG Alpha look tired from the hectic call up, but keen to get over to New Canada to lend a hand with the sick and wounded.

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OOC - fellas I <3 you all... but im the Canadian Empire now... not new canada lol... just call me the empire.... or canada lol
cheers :D

All sudanese aircraft will be granted permission to land on Southampton Island, and will be ferried to the refugee camps and aid stations via chinook helicopter from the airbase on Southhampton Island, to the Mainland.

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Classified Communication to the Northern Republic

Greetings my friend, our ally in the Canadian Empire has been struck by nuclear missiles and I feel that it is our duty to assist them regardless of our current war efforts against Tahoe. Therefore, I am dispatching the following ships to the Canadian Empire to provide food and aid to the crippled nation.

Carrier Strike Group Talluah

[i]L.S.S. Talluah (Aircraft Carrier)
L.S.S. Athena (Anti-Aircraft Destroyer)
L.S.S. Rosegate (Anti-Submarine Destroyer)
L.S.S. Chenault (Submarine)[/i]

will escort container ships that have medical and food stuffs on them. In addition the following hospital ships will be sent to provide relief.

[i]L.S.S. Mercy
L.S.S. Relief[/i]

I know that your men are tired and strained, but I ask a favor of the Republic's Navy, please provide an escort and protection over my ships so that they may reach the Canadian Empire unmolested by enemy forces.

My ships are ready to leave port as soon as you can gather forces.

Your friend,

Michael Croix

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='06 May 2010 - 08:05 AM' timestamp='1273147512' post='2288903']
"While we understand, and respect, the [i]reasoning[/i] behind this attack carried out by rogue military forces...it is a grossly overinflated response to the deaths of a few thousand civilians to in turn carry out the murder of [i]millions[/i]. It is said that an eye for an eye leaves the world blind...how much worse is a thousand eyes for every eye?"

"and this assumes, of course, that the assumption is correct that it was the Canadian forces firing on civilians...we postulate from the footage presented that in fact, [i]no one[/i] deliberately fired on civilians, and that it was, in fact, a terible accident. The evidence presented clearly shows that any chemical weapons used by the Canadians was fired [i]away[/i] from civilian centers, toward an area it was clear they were receiving fire from--from the directions of mountains, to be precise."

OOC: And anyone who bothers to read the RP in question will see that indeed, Zoot never fired such weapons into the city...where his own trooops were, and therefore would be illogical for him to fire them anyway.

"How much worse is a thousand eyes for one eye? We see it as better. If an enemy takes out one of your eyes and you take a thousand of his, not only will your enemy be blind earlier, but they will not wish to fight as long. It is, in our mind, irresponsible not to take one thousand of your enemy's eyes when he takes one of your own."

"Continuing, the reason for attacking the Canadian Empire was because they used chemical weapons in an offensive manner, on those who they were attacking. We consider chemical weapons a legal defense to defend one's country, but not as an offensive weapon."

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Napoleon again took his place, this time inside the ruins of a house. His face haggard and exhausted, cilth clung to his now gaunt face. The stresses of the recent weeks had begun to streak his hair grey, his face rough with three weeks worth of growth.His military fatigues, worn with a military grade MOPP suit hung on him as his body slumped in the chair. Visible clasped to his kevlar jacket was a helmet, and a gaskmask with a green hood. A dirties shovel lay across his lap.

In the background Empress Josephine is seen wearing military fatigues, with medical the red medic cross, her white apron stained with dried blood. She can be seen providing critial assistance to a medical surgeon whos performing battlefield surgery on a severe burns victim inside the tent.

Chinooks can be seen flying in the background flying in five ton trucks and jeeps. Blackhawks with the medical cross are seen flying in the dozen to and from the now growing refugee camp in and around Belthorn village, over 400,000 people now residing in a gaggle of tents, caravans, ruins and useless vehicles.

Convoys of military trucks flown in from Coats and Southampton Islands are seen in the distance driving towards the camp, bringing more survivors from the devestated areas.

The camera pans back to Napoleon as he begins to speak:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, during the attacks, most of the Government were killed. In the past few days ive been reorganising the Government to faster get things working again.
The new marshals are as follows:
Marshal André Masséna
Marshal Jean Lannes
Marshal Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte

Jean Baptiste Bernadotte will be taking of as Marshal of the Airforce, Jean Lannes is remaining Marshal of the Army as he was out of the country at the time of the attacks and André Masséna will be taking over as the Naval Marshal.

The central Government positions have also been refilled by experienced Senators, military figures and diplomats from the lower department levels who were out of the country during the attacks.

Admiral of the Fleet is now Winston Churchill
Marshal of the Air Force is now Neville Chamberlin
Finance and Trade Deputy is now Julia Abercromby
Foreign Affairs Minister is now Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Head of the Senate House is now Louis Desaix

In other reports, Soldiers in New London, Preston and Blackburn have reported no more survivors from the areas and all bodies found have been disposed off to avoid disease spreading. Cleanup operations are currently underway in the cities as dozers and engineers begin clearing up the damaged buildings, as well as teams of radiation cleaning teams from Nations who have offered their services after our plight.

The Continental Armies Engineer Battalion have been building more perminant accomodation around Belthorn comprised of Portakabins and static caravans, aswell as refurbishing several derelict blocks of flats. Power is slowly being re established around the West coast from portable petrol run generators, the Engineer Battallion from The Marching Army is still working none stop to get Cellafield Nuclear Powerplant back up and running. The EMP fried its electronics, causing an emergency reactor shutdown to avoid meltdown.

Well for the moment thats all I have to say, apart from another thankyou to world leaders, organisations, our allies, and our Armies fighting abroad, and our forces fighting the domestic battle to save this Nation."

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Yiroshi, watching the news from his new FRA state, raised his eyebrows and said, "What goes around comes around."


United Isocoles is horrified that a nation has been caused so much damage. We will be able to send medical personnel and large trucks that should help your area. We can also send rations and medical aid.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='06 May 2010 - 09:07 AM' timestamp='1273162011' post='2289068']
"How much worse is a thousand eyes for one eye? We see it as better. If an enemy takes out one of your eyes and you take a thousand of his, not only will your enemy be blind earlier, but they will not wish to fight as long. It is, in our mind, irresponsible not to take one thousand of your enemy's eyes when he takes one of your own."

"Continuing, the reason for attacking the Canadian Empire was because they used chemical weapons in an offensive manner, on those who they were attacking. We consider chemical weapons a legal defense to defend one's country, but not as an offensive weapon."
"So in essence, you are saying it is perfectly justifiable for a nation to use chemical weapons on its own soil, where its own citizens are present, but not for an attacking nation who believes they are being fired upon with such weapons to shoot back at enemy soldiers? And in turn you believe that millions of civilian deaths are justified by the deaths of a few thousand? really...how...enlightening. No wonder Pravus Ingruo fell."

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='07 May 2010 - 01:02 AM' timestamp='1273208506' post='2289920']
"So in essence, you are saying it is perfectly justifiable for a nation to use chemical weapons on its own soil, where its own citizens are present, but not for an attacking nation who believes they are being fired upon with such weapons to shoot back at enemy soldiers? And in turn you believe that millions of civilian deaths are justified by the deaths of a few thousand? really...how...enlightening. No wonder Pravus Ingruo fell."

"Citizens should not be in the way on an incoming attack. We feel the use of chemical weapons on ones own soil in an effort to repell invaders is not only smart, but a necessity. If an invader is fired upon by chemical weapons first, then they have every right to retaliate, but the Canadian Empire has stated repeatedly that they were mistaken when they believed they were fired upon with chemical weapons and fired their first. As for civilian deaths, why should any nation kill one of their enemies when one of theirs are killed? What is the point. Kill many more of the enemy's civilians... not only will their morale be destroyed, but so will their well to draw manpower from."

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Damien, if you are ever found and captured, you WILL face charges of genocide in a Canadian Court.
Your logic is flawed, your reasoning is absurd.

A nuclear attack on Canadian military facilities would have been sufficient enough to achieve your goals. But your no better than a wild dog. It takes a true coward to fight a populous who cannot fight back. A using your nuclear missiles in an example of your cowardice.

Not only have you wiped out 3/4 of my country, you have wiped out 90% of the electronics, caused hundreds of thousands of severe injurys, irradiated the land where people once lived and wiped out three cities. If anyone had a right to use nuclear weapons it would have been Tahoe, not you.

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"Mr. Dobbs would be ashamed to have been associated with animals as contemptible as you. Your casual disregard for human life while proclaiming that your attacks are only in retaliatiopn for a perceived atrocity against more human life is astounding...destroying the morale of an army does not require you to kill their spouses, their parents, their [i]children[/i]. If their comrades die in the tens, hundreds of thousands...that would be enough to show them the futility of their actions."


The American forces' casual disregard for human life was noted...and it was also noted that it would do no good reasoning with them. Being a terrorist remnant, the only arguments that would likely affect them would be bullets and bombs.

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[i]Dispatch from the Emperors tent to the media sector of Camp One.[/i]

City Status

Preston - Abandoned
Blackburn - Abandoned
New London - All reconstruction and cleanup efforts now focussed on New London.

Due to the extensive damage to Preston and Blackburn, the cities have been abandoned.
Imperial Orders dictate all efforts of the Revolutionary Guard, Marching Army and Army of the Orient, are to focus all efforts of cleaning and reconstruction on New London.

The outskirts of the city have had large buildings, such as warehouses in the industrial district, which suffered only superficial damage, not structural due to their distance from the detonation, have been repaired and radiation cleanup teams from outside aid have made the area safe to move to.

Several warehouses, two schools, three roofed stadiums andone concrete apartment block have been made safe, and 24,000 refugees have begun moving back into New Londons Outskirts.

Imperial Engineers and Logistics battlalions have been working throughout the night organising convoys for the next week to move the refugee camp at Belthorn to the outskirts of New London. St Michaels Palace, also only suffered superficial damage, and minor fire damage and the north, east and south wings of the palace have been declared structurally sound, and shall also house another 300 refugees.
Suberbs, the city center, Port and harbour are still too contaminated and are currently being worked over by engineers and foreign aid workers.

Signed Emperor Bonaparte I

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[quote name='Yawoo' date='06 May 2010 - 08:40 AM' timestamp='1273160414' post='2289052']
Classified Communication to the Northern Republic

Greetings my friend, our ally in the Canadian Empire has been struck by nuclear missiles and I feel that it is our duty to assist them regardless of our current war efforts against Tahoe. Therefore, I am dispatching the following ships to the Canadian Empire to provide food and aid to the crippled nation.

Carrier Strike Group Talluah

[i]L.S.S. Talluah (Aircraft Carrier)
L.S.S. Athena (Anti-Aircraft Destroyer)
L.S.S. Rosegate (Anti-Submarine Destroyer)
L.S.S. Chenault (Submarine)[/i]

will escort container ships that have medical and food stuffs on them. In addition the following hospital ships will be sent to provide relief.

[i]L.S.S. Mercy
L.S.S. Relief[/i]

I know that your men are tired and strained, but I ask a favor of the Republic's Navy, please provide an escort and protection over my ships so that they may reach the Canadian Empire unmolested by enemy forces.

My ships are ready to leave port as soon as you can gather forces.

Your friend,

Michael Croix

Classified Response[/b]

Fleet 1 has been reassigned to escort duties for your supplies. In addition, we are sending two container ships of aid along as well.

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[quote name='Californian' date='08 May 2010 - 09:13 PM' timestamp='1273371215' post='2291973']
Classified Response[/b]

Fleet 1 has been reassigned to escort duties for your supplies. In addition, we are sending two container ships of aid along as well.

Classified Response

Louisianan ships have departed to the Canadian Empire. The ships will stop briefly in Florida to hook up with your ships before continuing to the Canadians.

Thank you for you help,

Michael Croix

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Given the inherent dangers of traveling through a warzone, and through the Arctic Circle, the ships with the volunteers and the aid supplies were taking longer than they otherwise might have to reach the Empire. It might take a little longer, but a mistake could prove costly, not only for themselves, but the Canadians.

The first ships were only just now landing on the Canadian shores, having broadcast ahead their arrival a day in advance.

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All ships incoming to the Empire were allowed to make port at Fort Saint Michael naval facility and from there supplies and personnel were airlifted and driven by convoy across the Tundra towards the New London camp, which now housed 140,000 people in soft cover, and 200,000 in hard cover.

[b]Official Report for the Media[/b]

[b]Nuclear toll [/b]

3,200,000 dead
300,000 homeless
200,000 wounded (2/3 from the homeless catagory)
1,300,000 unaffected

Cleanup Progress 14%
Supply Stockpile 54%
Sheltered Accomodation 20%
Crime Rate 82% (Martial Law currently in operation and is combating rioting and theft)
Economic collapse 90%
Industrial collapse 32%
Radiation Levels in hot zones Dangerous

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Among the supplies the volunteers had brought, were emergency housing units. While not spacious or luxurious in any sense of the word...they would allow refugees to take shelter from the elements while the bigger task of rebuilding went on.

As soon as the volunteers arrived in the camp, they efficiently set up shop, having prepared and practiced for situations such as this in their spare time. Within hours of their arrival, they had a fully-working clinic set up, prepared to treat burns, radiation sickness, severe injuries, and other critical ailments that might not have necessarily been directly related to the attacks, but were common in refugee situations of any type.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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To: The Canadian Empire

The Republic of Madurastan wishes to send the following to help with the relief effort:

- Three Hundred Thousand crates of non perishable food
- Three Hundred Thousand barrels of drinking water
- Two Hundred Thousand crates of medical supplies
- One Hundred Thousand crates of clothing

These supplies will be sent on behalf of the Madurastan people. They will be sent as soon as you allow us to.


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[b]Reply to Madurastan[/b]

You offer of so much aid is heartwarming, it is nice to know that even in a world such as this Nations are still willing to aid those devestated from tragedy.
Saint Michaels Naval Base is currently open for shipments of aid, and the airport at New London has been repaired to the point it is servicable.
Whilst radiation levels are much lower due to cleaning teams, its advisable to bring radiation suits for your workers.

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With the go ahead given, the supplies began the first leg of the journey to Madurastan Military Base Diu.

There a buzz of activity as the civilian area was turned into a massive storage area for the supplies as they would be passed through towards the disaster zone. The Madurastan Air Force has commandeered several hundred cargo aircraft of varying sizes which would fly into the effected areas.

The crews would be ex service personnel who had been recalled to help with this effort which had been named Operation Mercy.

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[b]Media Report[/b]

Cleanup Progress [b]25%[/b]
Supply Stockpile [b]84%[/b] (influx of foreign aid)
Sheltered Accomodation [b]60%[/b](influx of foreign aid)
Crime Rate [b]32%[/b] (Martial Law operating successful anti crime operations in the camps)
Economic collapse [b]88%[/b] (dropped two percent after all industrial zones were found undamaged, way out in the centeral Empire Regions away from the blast)
Industrial collapse [b]27%[/b](dropped two percent after all industrial zones were found undamaged, way out in the centeral Empire Regions away from the blast)
Radiation Levels in hot zones:[b]Dangerous [/b]

[b]Footnote from the Emperor[/b]
Greetings reporters of the world, leaders from afar, and my brothers and sisters in the Empire.
All the aid that is flooding into the Empire, is all going to where people need it, all your teams being sent over are being used where they are needed.
New London is now nearing safe levels of radiation, in all suberban areas, local economic industrial estates, the Airport and areas of the city center.
Whilst not safe to move back into yet, its safe enough for the engineers and logisitcs soldiers of the Army, and civilian contracters from the West Coast, to begin pulling down remaining buildings in the city, disposing of the rubble from ground zero, and rebuilding the city center from the ground up.
The City center, worst affected by the blast, is to be demolished, and rebuilt from the ground up. All other damages areas, depending on the damage will receive either full repairs to property, or property shall be demolished and rebuilt.

On a brief side not, Blue Heaven, our long standing ally, has closed the border, for fear our populous shall make a mad dash to the border.
In response to their dastardly act of self preservation, I have ordered the Army of the Hudson Bay, and the Army of Marshals to re militarize the border, and erect a DMZ along the CE-BH Border.

On another side note, the New London Camp now houses over half a million people, with 250,000 more people living in safe, designated areas of the cities outskirts. The remaining 80,000 people or so, not in the military have swamped to the New London camp from villages and settlements from around the Nation to aid in cleaning and reconstruction.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte I

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[quote] To: The Canadian Empire

We are willing to send some aid to the Canadian Empire. Here is what we are offering,

One Million Barrels of Potable Water
One Hundred Thousand crates of medical supplies
Fifty Thousand HAZMAT suits(Optional)
Thirty Billion Yuan in Aid

And anything else you ask for. We might not be in good relations but we know the horrors of being hit by nuclear weapons and what it takes to clean up. Our very own capital city was nuked. Therefore any other supplies can be asked for and we shall bring it. [/quote]

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[b]Classified reply to the PRC[/b]
Water and medical supplies are in constant need at the moment with the mountain of injured civilians, and many who are succumbing to radiation sickness and infection.
The thirty Billion Yuan would be spent on re directling fresh water from the central tundra resivoirs and treatment plants, down to New Londons ruins and the refugee camp.
It would also be spent on reconstruction in the capital once the damage, environmental and physical, is cleaned away.

Thankyou for your offer, we will not be forgetting.

Emperor Bonaparte I

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[b]Classified reply to the PRC.[/b]

We cannot take 50 billion from your Nation, that would be greedy and selfish of us.
What of your own Nation?

No, no, your initial offer is perfectly reasonable, and is more than enough.

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