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Sanctions as a Weapon


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[quote name='Methrage' date='20 April 2010 - 02:37 PM' timestamp='1271799461' post='2268198']
My war with GOONS is purely defensive in nature, you are the aggressors.

It's not defensive at all. You recognized hostilities with no ongoing war and tried to get money out of them after you decided to aid someone they were at war with. It has nothing to do with someone wanting to avoid nukes on a raid or anything like that.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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[quote name='Methrage' date='20 April 2010 - 04:29 PM' timestamp='1271795339' post='2268030']
I also request a sanction on nippy for roguing me and incorrectly describing me as a nuclear rogue when I didn't have nukes to get me sanctioned, if he gets sanctioned off black as well I'll forgive Umbrella for sanctioning me on black and my opinion of you guys restored.

ok ill get right on that asap you can trust me

Edited by Biazt
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[quote name='Methrage' date='20 April 2010 - 01:58 PM' timestamp='1271797118' post='2268099']
Edit: This is my thread and I'll say as I want in it, but I won't be responding to those who have already proven to be a waste of time.
[center]This Is My Party
And I'll Cry If I Want To
Cry If I Want To[/center]

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[quote name='Hidraca' date='20 April 2010 - 04:40 PM' timestamp='1271799635' post='2268202']
Haikus are an art
Master perfection not needed
Just succinct message[/center]

A rhinoceros
fits neatly in a haiku,
but a hippopot...

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[quote name='Baldr' date='20 April 2010 - 04:57 PM' timestamp='1271804204' post='2268352']
A rhinoceros
fits neatly in a haiku,
but a hippopot...

..amus takes planning.
Hippopotamus. See? More
than enough room there.

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[quote name='Golan 1st' date='20 April 2010 - 01:30 PM' timestamp='1271795441' post='2268032']
the term as it is typically used within the standard diplomatic terminology is technical. It does not say anything about the cause of the "rogue" by this definition being just or not. You (and others) intentionally use the term which usually reflects bad moral to create the impression the "rogue" (by this definition) is evil.
I think I get the gist of what you're trying to say here - but I have to disagree.

First, this is Methrage's thread decrying the use of a sanction, as he does not categorize himself as a rogue. As you've stated you accept our version of events, so you must disagree with this thread on principal. We made no statements regarding Methrage's status as a rogue until he attempted to defame both us and Umbrella - we simply had him sanctioned for his actions.

Second, yes the standard definition of "rogue" is a technical one without any real moral attachment, however the actions which qualify one as such a "rogue" also happen to be actions which we take high offense to. We therefore see a rogue as being [b]wrong[/b], but not necessarily [b]evil[/b].

[quote name='Methrage' date='20 April 2010 - 01:52 PM' timestamp='1271796741' post='2268083']
I feel sorry for anyone who attempts diplomacy with GOONS seeing how they conduct themselves and the messages recieved, good thing I haven't bothered with it.
Good job admitting that in a situation that could have easily been solved via level-headed diplomacy, you've chosen to do nothing of the sort, and instead spew your grievances on a public forum.

Edited by ktarthan
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I suppose here is as good as anywhere to say this. With Jamez gone GOONS is colder. That would be tolerable, as I agree with the GOONS take on war, but I can not stand the treatment of one of our finest members. However sudden his changing of sides it does not make the dismissal of his good works any less repugnant. In this regard I can not suffer GOONS leadership any further. I fall in line behind Jamez, and with him the Citadel.

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[quote name='ktarthan' date='20 April 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1271820402' post='2268704']
Are you serious? This is starting to get out of hand.
Wow, people are actually trying to do something about your decision, Kudos to them for doing something about it.

Edited by abdur
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[color="#008000"][font="Times New Roman"]All this talk about how events played out, and not one of you takes note of the one who watched it all from the beginning? Already others have begun to see the error of their ways. I can only hope that I can repair the damage I caused before this is all over.[/font][/color]

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so, you've been flicking your poisoned tongues into our members' ears have you, traitor?

What's sad is that I once truly thought we were friends. Still, if you must walk the road of lies, remember that we warned you what it would cost.

Years from now, when you're no better off than when you started, when it finally hits you that it's all been nothing but a wasted lie, think of me. Think of me, Jamez, and when you do, realize that I was the only beacon of logic and truth in this sad menagerie. You seem predestined for failure, however, so I doubt there is anything one can do for you. Just remember, when the joy is gone, when you're clawing at the boundaries of your little world, you always had a choice.

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[quote name='Lamuella' date='20 April 2010 - 04:20 PM' timestamp='1271794831' post='2268011']
I'm still grumpy we didn't use my suggestion:

"GOONS: Our Order's Name, Stupid."
"Gee, Our Order's Name is Stupid" :P

It's interesting how GOONS have been bleeding members. You guys sure are quick to attack them for disagreeing with you.

Also, Methrage....just....stop....posting.

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[color="#008000"][font="Times New Roman"]It's been a time honored "policy" to deal with dissent harshly within GOONS. It happened early in the new order, and it's happening now. I don't think the new crop is as indoctrinated and mindless as the leadership thinks. Alonois's decision will likely give others courage to do what is right.[/font][/color]

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[quote name='JamezBfod' date='21 April 2010 - 12:21 AM' timestamp='1271823665' post='2268781']
[color="#008000"][font="Times New Roman"]It's been a time honored "policy" to deal with dissent harshly within GOONS. It happened early in the new order, and it's happening now. I don't think the new crop is as indoctrinated and mindless as the leadership thinks. Alonois's decision will likely give others courage to do what is right.[/font][/color]

Been drinking Rebel Virginia's Kool-Aid, have you? You're turning into him, Jamez.

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[quote name='Lamuella' date='20 April 2010 - 11:07 PM' timestamp='1271822824' post='2268760']
so, you've been flicking your poisoned tongues into our members' ears have you, traitor?

Lamuella, I told you. This has a lot more to do with you, the things you say, and the way you act than anything Jamez has said. You're about as close to a mad tyrant as anyone's going to get.

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I'm as close to a mad tyrant as you can get without wielding any kind of power.

Come on, then. Tell me what I've done to you that's been so dreadful, apart from selling you tech at 3 million for 50 (by the way, you'd BETTER honor that) and mentoring you on IRC? Does it make me a monster that I work my fingers to the bone to make this alliance welcoming to newcomers?

No, I know what this is really about. You took what you needed from us, and the moment the scorn of the public eye turned towards you, the heat was too much.

I find myself wondering if you were ever really with us at all.

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To be fair it's not just you, but work your fingers to the bone? You mentored me? What about Jamez? I think I learned more from Jamez that I did from you. What did YOU teach me? You may not have direct power but I know whose ears you have. And the scorn of the public eye? I was there in the trenches in the last war, I was part of the team that took down Rukunu! But this isn't about who you were when I joined, this is about what you and the other higher members have become. Arrogant, power hungry, and insular.

As for your tech, I have a tech deal with another goon who will be getting it. But you? I don't think so. I know what that tech's going for. I'm not in the business of helping my enemies, especially ones as disrespectful and arrogant as you.

Edited by Alonois
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This is a hard post to write.

I was around when the new CNGOONS started, so I suppose you could call me a founding member, though I was not active gov't. I still have the message that salithus sent me in March 2009, though.

On another world, in another time, I joined the local GOON detachment, having discovered it through the mother forum. There came a time, however, where the leadership started veering in strange, occasionally ill-advised directions. That is when I made the hard decision and changed my alliance with others who I felt closest to. Terminus Est was my home before the death of the moon, and my last stop before arriving on Planet Bob.

This is one of those times. James, whom I trust greatly, was abused and his input ignored, as others like nippy and lamuella sought to cut him off from his voice. GOONS have started to look like their vilified predecessors, with whom I am sure I would have been uncomfortable had I been around then.

I am willing to give it a shot in Citadel. I sincerely hope it remains upon the honourable path. I apologize, but it's time I left.

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when did this become about me? Mitsuo, I know we have history that you don't want to bring up on here, and I don't blame you for not wanting to stand by my side, but do you have to take it out on the alliance?

If you're that upset with us, there are other alliances out there. Why him? Why now?

Other people, I might have expected this from, but you... I just can't believe this. Do you really hate me this much?

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[quote name='Lamuella' date='20 April 2010 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1271826861' post='2268849']
when did this become about me? Mitsuo, I know we have history that you don't want to bring up on here, and I don't blame you for not wanting to stand by my side, but do you have to take it out on the alliance?

If you're that upset with us, there are other alliances out there. Why him? Why now?

Other people, I might have expected this from, but you... I just can't believe this. Do you really hate me this much?

It's not so much about you, as it is about me. Yes, there were factors between you and I, but it's really that I've matured over the last year, and I just don't feel like GOONS is the right fit anymore.

I've been in one alliance my whole time here, so if I went to any other alliance, I wouldn't know anyone. I really respect Jamez, and this world is far better with at least one friend to brave it with. Don't think of it as joining Citadel, but simply parting ways with GOONS with a friend. I would say "no hard feelings", but I that may be difficult. Just please don't blame Jamez.

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Happy Birthday GOONS indeed.

Methrage, thank you for giving us this gift - that we are now able to weed out many that clearly do not hold up to the GOONS standard. There is always a silver lining, my friend. GOONS will be stronger for this.

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[quote name='JamezBfod' date='20 April 2010 - 09:21 PM' timestamp='1271823665' post='2268781']
[color="#008000"][font="Times New Roman"]It's been a time honored "policy" to deal with dissent harshly within GOONS. It happened early in the new order, and it's happening now. I don't think the new crop is as indoctrinated and mindless as the leadership thinks. Alonois's decision will likely give others courage to do what is right.[/font][/color]
It would appear the one nation celebrated 4/20 pretty hard because after working with goons in 2 different mmo's one thing you come to realize they're pretty much all blood thirsty neck beards looking to make a name. Sure you're out of range of most of us but we will build up and you'll be the lucky guy who gets to be our rukunu. Hell we'll probably get a badge for you. So please sit comfortably in peace mode spouting off nonsense with methrage and rebelvirginia because you'll soon be enjoying the sweet sounds of anarchy

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