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A M*A*S*Hed Question and Answer

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As some may or may not know, our official M*A*S*H headquarters (stationed conviently on the outskirts of Singapore) was, by all accounts, destroyed. Nuked. Leveled. Razed. Nada. No soap, radio?

With that said, we've changed homes. Directions are posted on the road to coldfront in a town called #mash. Now, before we get into the nitty gritty of what this topic is about - in an attempt to reach out to the "cool kids" out there, this:


* 12 whole chicken wings (If you are considering eating your weight in wings, adjust accordingly.)
* 3 ounces unsalted butter
* 1 small clove garlic, minced
* 1/4 cup hot sauce
* 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt


Place a 6-quart saucepan with a steamer basket and 1-inch of water in the bottom, over high heat, cover and bring to a boil.

Remove the tips of the wings and discard or save for making stock. Using kitchen shears, or a knife, separate the wings at the joint. Place the wings into the steamer basket, cover, reduce the heat to medium and steam for 10 minutes. Remove the wings from the basket and carefully pat dry. Lay the wings out on a cooling rack set in a half sheet pan lined with paper towels and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.

Replace the paper towels with parchment paper. Roast on the middle rack of the oven for 20 minutes. Turn the wings over and cook another 20 minutes or until meat is cooked through and the skin is golden brown.

While the chicken is roasting, melt the butter in a small bowl along with the garlic. Pour this along with hot sauce and salt into a bowl large enough to hold all of the chicken and stir to combine.

Remove the wings from the oven and transfer to the bowl and toss with the sauce. Serve warm.

Coming up Next on M*A*S*Hed recipes: Tandoori chicken!


With that said, and most likely a few dozen old deep fryers activated, the real reason behind this announcement is our curiosity in [i]your[/i] curiosity. Within our alliance, that is. (If you have a recipe request, please submit it to our resident chef, Supreme142.)

Any question you've been itching to get off of your chest in regards to M*A*S*H? Spit it out here.

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[quote name='Supreme 142' date='10 April 2010 - 12:23 AM' timestamp='1270877001' post='2255218']
Other than the name difference, we are defined by our members and the collective history they share. And we have puppies and phasers, puppies with phasers and the Schawrtz

I hope you don't use the phasers on the puppies :ph34r:

Thoughts on MCXA?

What style of Gov do you have?

What breed of puppies?

If you were described by a song, what would it be?

If you were described by a movie what would it be?

What would be your alliance animal.

Who is your original protector?

What is your favorite MASH episode?

What is your thought on gRAMlins right now?

Of all the smilies which one describes MASH the best?

What is MASH's proudest moment?

What has been MASH's hardest moment?

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What does M*A*S*H (or you individually) think of GOONS being at war with members of The Citadel who were previously in an alliance they declared on. Who do you think is wrong, The Citadel for accepting these members while being tech raided or GOONS for continuing to attack them while members of The Citadel?

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[quote name='Methrage' date='10 April 2010 - 12:46 AM' timestamp='1270878389' post='2255233']
What does M*A*S*H (or you individually) think of GOONS being at war with members of The Citadel who were previously in an alliance they declared on. Who do you think is wrong, The Citadel for accepting these members while being tech raided or GOONS for continuing to attack them while members of The Citadel?

I think there's two wrongs committed on both sides, to be honest. If pushed, I'd have to say the former is slightly worse, though. Take solace in the fact that there have been far, far wrose screwups that have come and gone on Planet Bob though.

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Hello I am the MASH FA Officer.

I hope you don't use the phasers on the puppies :ph34r: We dont to my knowledge.

Thoughts on MCXA? If I recall we dont talk much :( I have not heard any thing bad so I will remain neutral.

What style of Gov do you have? Right now a military style Generals being leaders, Executive Officers being second in command, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff(Department Heads) making all the decisions and approving stuff. Then deputies, company commanders, ambassadors and a veterans council for retired officers.

What breed of puppies? All kinds, Bedford Forrest could elaborate.

If you were described by a song, what would it be?

If you were described by a movie what would it be? M*A*S*H the movie.

What would be your alliance animal. Puppies

Who is your original protector? That I do not know was not in MASH at that time, was it Legion....

What is your favorite MASH episode? I do not know, I watch it seldom.... :P

What is your thought on gRAMlins right now? I have no thoughts on them so I will not give any thoughts, Supreme will.

Of all the smilies which one describes MASH the best? Lets see half our gov uses :P excessively so :P

What is MASH's proudest moment? When they made me FA Officer. I would say when we had 140+ members and 4mil of NS and now inactivity is killing us all.

What has been MASH's hardest moment? When some retard named Iburnmycd who is still ghosting us deleted our forums.

I believe you were formed by ex-ONOS members, correct? How many of those are left now?

How would you describe your position within the Purple sphere?

A few I can only think of 5...
I would think we try to remain neutral in purple or at least that's what I tell them too <_< >_>

Why is Supreme142 so ugly?
I dont even know... He was an accident

As one of the only alliances named after a TV show, what do you feel must be done to both prevent this rare breed from extinction, and increase its numbers?

I don't see that happening any time soon, inactivity describes MASH right now and we are talking about a theme change which may or may not follow a name change.

Has your level of involvement in the Purple unity treaties affected your relations with other Purple alliances? Do you intend on staying on the purple sphere?

I would say that it has not made us more friends on purple when we canceled PEACE and at this time I have no idea what other purple alliances think of us.

When we were discussing theme changes we made it clear no color changes.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' date='11 April 2010 - 12:20 AM' timestamp='1270963210' post='2256177']
How could you not answer 'Suicide is Painless'?

Unfortunately for you, our theme song switches from B4-4's timely classic [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhv6gipA3dc"]Get Down[/url] or the remixed version of "Don't Copy That Floppy" promptly titled [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4udYSxuyszo"]Don't Floppy That Copy.[/url]

Edited by Syriana
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[quote name='CountBaron' date='10 April 2010 - 07:50 PM' timestamp='1270925398' post='2255686']
I believe you were formed by ex-ONOS members, correct? How many of those are left now?

How would you describe your position within the Purple sphere?

A few I can only think of 5...
I would think we try to remain neutral in purple or at least that's what I tell them too <_< >_>

Has your level of involvement in the Purple unity treaties affected your relations with other Purple alliances? Do you intend on staying on the purple sphere?

I would say that it has not made us more friends on purple when we canceled PEACE and at this time I have no idea what other purple alliances think of us.

When we were discussing theme changes we made it clear no color changes.

Remaining neutral in Purple, I'm sorry could you clarify?

The age of your alliance and the amount of long term members you have. Inactivity is a given but knowing MASH like I do I have full faith in MASH recovering from this rough patch. It will go away in due time.

[quote name='Hymenbreach' date='11 April 2010 - 08:59 AM' timestamp='1270972749' post='2256254']
You recently moved away from established allies in PEACE. Are you moving towards other, more recent, purple alliances?

Stick men right?

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