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Republic of Lacedaemon to host SALT talks

Sargun II

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The Erusean delagates were seated on the far side of the room, both had arrived forty-eight hours ago via a commercial flight directly from the Erusean Confederation. A short stay at the Erusean embassy overnight gave both men time to prepare for the this morning, both now found themselves staring at a room full of fellow diplomats from various nations around the globe. One held a very interesting issue hidden away in a locked briefcase chained to his arm, one that would bring a dire situation to the already tense atmosphere of the conference.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' date='05 March 2010 - 06:48 AM' timestamp='1267793614' post='2214786']
Hearing about these talks through the grapevine the Etaxin military junta asked if they could send a representative to these SALT talks.
OOC: too late, sorry :(

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='05 March 2010 - 09:17 AM' timestamp='1267802554' post='2214881']
Queen Elizabeth II will attend the summit.
"She will be welcomed."

[quote name='Fizzydog' date='05 March 2010 - 02:51 PM' timestamp='1267822573' post='2215116']
Nuskar laughs at the hipocriscy of Lacedaemon. Nuskar was banned from the meeting when they brought 2 jets to escort him to the area, while another nation does the same, and arrives unbanned?
Nuskar's comments were ignored.

[quote name='Arieg' date='05 March 2010 - 02:53 PM' timestamp='1267822677' post='2215117']
The Erusean delagates were seated on the far side of the room, both had arrived forty-eight hours ago via a commercial flight directly from the Erusean Confederation. A short stay at the Erusean embassy overnight gave both men time to prepare for the this morning, both now found themselves staring at a room full of fellow diplomats from various nations around the globe. One held a very interesting issue hidden away in a locked briefcase chained to his arm, one that would bring a dire situation to the already tense atmosphere of the conference.
Unfortunately, the man with the locked briefcase would not be allowed to enter the room until the briefcase was either opened and cleared of dangerous substances or materials or if he placed the briefcase in a bomb-proof cellar until the meeting was over.

[quote name='Centurius' date='05 March 2010 - 02:59 PM' timestamp='1267823057' post='2215126']
Due to not being invited the meeting was a low priority item on the news and production of Nuclear Devices went on as planned.
OOC: You didn't exist when I made the OP; now that you do, you would have been invited.

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The Archon thought to himself, "And the Eruseans wonder why they have enemies, when they arrive at diplomatic conventions with briefcases chained to their arms..."

He shook his head and smiled in disbelief, leaning back in his chair slightly while taking another drink of water.

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President Jay Nikov arrived dressed in a black suit with black shoes, along with Minister of Defense Una Vikoy, who wore a yellow blouse, red jacket and skirt, and yellow shoes.

Edited by kitex
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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='05 March 2010 - 12:51 PM' timestamp='1267822573' post='2215116']
Nuskar laughs at the hipocriscy of Lacedaemon. Nuskar was banned from the meeting when they brought 2 jets to escort him to the area, while another nation does the same, and arrives unbanned?
Nuskar would be well advised to hold its tongue in these matters. The Holy word states "The wise in heart accept commands, but a chattering fool comes to ruin." Proverbs 10:8.

You would do well to heed the advice in these words.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='05 March 2010 - 11:08 PM' timestamp='1267830774' post='2215276']
Nuskar would be well advised to hold its tongue in these matters. The Holy word states "The wise in heart accept commands, but a chattering fool comes to ruin." Proverbs 10:8.

You would do well to heed the advice in these words.

President Gregor, a Drakorian Pagan, discreetly recorded this and saved it for a few giggles for the governors when he got home. [i]Christianity,[/i] he thought to himself, [i]Such a !@#$%^&* story.[/i]

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' date='05 March 2010 - 04:57 PM' timestamp='1267830125' post='2215260']
OOC: Could you make a response IC then please as it was asked IC also no need to apologise OOC.
OOC: IC I would have just not responded as technically the talks are already "started" and you existed when I left you out but I felt like ignoring you totally would have been rude :( .

[quote name='Centurius' date='05 March 2010 - 05:46 PM' timestamp='1267833084' post='2215328']
OOC: Ignore my first post please :)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs has been send without escort.
OOC: :wub:
IC: He has been received.

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I'll begin...

"Alba is of the opinion that this treaty should result in the total cessation of production of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical weapons by every nation in attendance. That is to say, non-proliferation This has several advantages: first, it ensures that no nation in the world will continue to develop these weapons, making all of our nations just a little safer, and gives the people this feeling as well. Second, it is a great step towards peace across the world. If we are all able to work together to limit these weapons across the board, then we will have proven that we are able to work together to achieve something for the common good, something beneficial to all of us, despite our differences in ideology and our pasts. Third, it will allow everyone in attendance to decrease their military budget due to the death of a need to produce these costly weapons.

Alba is also of the opinion that this treaty should also mandate all nations in attendance to begin dismantling their nuclear, biological, and chemical weapon arsenals. These weapons, as many of us know, are a threat to the future of humanity and so long as they exist, people everywhere will live in fear of their potential use. If we all can agree to begin dismantling our weapons, we can begin to make the world a safer, better place.

We would also like to see all nations in attendance sign an agreement to never use nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons unless they are attacked by these weapons first. This will, if signed by all nations of the world, disallow their use entirely barring illegal action by a rogue nation, on which the rest of us may then institute sanctions and force to cave, or use more forceful means of convincing if necessary. If no one uses them aggressively, then no one will use them defensively, and no one will use them at all.

Alba has already ceased its nuclear production for the last 20 years. We have maintained our arsenal as a deterrent against the other nations of the world and those that would consider themselves to be our enemies, however we have not seen a need to produce more than 400 weapons. In fact there is little need to have more than 50, but the point is that Alba has not produced a nuclear weapon for 20 years, and a biological/chemical weapon for 28 years. We also have plans already drawn up for the dismantling of our arsenal over a period of ten years.

Should the world agree to these terms, which are by no means or stretch of the imagination ridiculous or limiting, we will have achieved a great step towards world peace and a lack of the idiocy and crime of atomic warfare."

Edited by Mergerberger II
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Nuclear weapon production in the UK has ceased for the last decade, and Bio/Chemical production has also ceased within the last month after international pressure.
We wont dismantle our currently stockpile, and will not sign the treaty proposed by alba.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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After a few moments of deliberation, the two delegates from Khislav interjected:

"Khislav will not sign the treaty as Alba proposes it. Cessation of production of NBC weapons is acceptable, but Khislav will not dismantle it's current stockpile. We cannot risk the chance that any nation not present in this room - or present and deceitful - would not hesitate to use such weapons as first or pre-emptive strike against Khislavite interests. The only defense against NBC weapons is the deterrent of overwhelming firepower that the opposition would face," Mr. Mets finished, taking a drink from the glass of water nearby.

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[quote name='Canaris' date='06 March 2010 - 07:40 PM' timestamp='1267901084' post='2216116']
After a few moments of deliberation, the two delegates from Khislav interjected:

"Khislav will not sign the treaty as Alba proposes it. Cessation of production of NBC weapons is acceptable, but Khislav will not dismantle it's current stockpile. We cannot risk the chance that any nation not present in this room - or present and deceitful - would not hesitate to use such weapons as first or pre-emptive strike against Khislavite interests. The only defense against NBC weapons is the deterrent of overwhelming firepower that the opposition would face," Mr. Mets finished, taking a drink from the glass of water nearby.

"There are different means of warfare, a nation using Nuclear Weapons would most likely cause such an international retalliation that conventional weapons will be able to take down the attacker"

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Vasili stood up and began to read off a speech he had prepared before his arrival.

"Yuktobania condones the ownership of nuclear weapons in order to maintain a balance of power. By continuing to possess our rather large nuclear arsenal, we feel safe. It allows us to remind our [i]wonderful[/i] rivals that they would only suffer by attempting an invasion. However, we do understand the complexity of the situation and the conference at large. As such, I, as People's Premier of the Yuktobanian people, do hereby state the following to you all: Yuktobania is willing to participate in these talks with the possible intention of lessening our arsenal. Should Erusea do the same, such is even more possible. It all depends on the actions we see at this conference and how willing the remainder of you are to do the same."

He sat down and adjusted his beret. That was enough.

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[quote name='Centurius' date='06 March 2010 - 01:42 PM' timestamp='1267901228' post='2216118']
"There are different means of warfare, a nation using Nuclear Weapons would most likely cause such an international retalliation that conventional weapons will be able to take down the attacker"

"You assume much," Mr. Klamov replied.

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[quote name='Canaris' date='06 March 2010 - 07:47 PM' timestamp='1267901502' post='2216122']
"You assume much," Mr. Klamov replied.

"We come to a logical conclusion as the nations in attendance here when they all agree are a good force against Weapons of Mass Destruction"

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Considering the briefcase had already been x-rayed coming through the airport and due to the sensitive nature of the documents inside both delegates refused to show said items to the underlings at the conference, as a result the Eruseans were refused admittance. As a result both men returned to the Erusean Embassy, the contents of the briefcase were destroyed and within sixteen hours both men were back inside the Erusean Confederation.

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