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taking cn too far


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[quote name='keltoi' date='26 February 2010 - 11:04 AM' timestamp='1267211294' post='2205175']
wow, getting hate for making fun of myself in an OOC forum? isn't that a little silly?

Uhh. So far what I've gleamed from this is that you forgot to buy charcoal because you play CN to much.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' date='26 February 2010 - 12:44 PM' timestamp='1267210069' post='2205155']
What exactly did you expect to gain from posting this? Other then making yourself look like a fool that is.
Really? Is CN too srs bsns to get a laugh out of something humorous?

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[quote name='PrinceArutha' date='26 February 2010 - 08:38 PM' timestamp='1267234906' post='2205651']
I remember one time making the comment in regards to the fires in southern california that "God is ZIing SoCal".... All my RL friends just kinda looked at me like "wtf is ZIing?" I just ignored the question and ate a twix bar.

OMG they really do give you a moment!!!

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[quote name='PrinceArutha' date='26 February 2010 - 08:38 PM' timestamp='1267234906' post='2205651']
I remember one time making the comment in regards to the fires in southern california that "God is ZIing SoCal".... All my RL friends just kinda looked at me like "wtf is ZIing?" I just ignored the question and ate a twix bar.

Humm, but you know, [i]Gawd wants us to ZI California[/i].... would make a mighty fine campaign platform.

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LOL Iggy

o/ RandomWoman

I have had too many incidents like this. For instance, the other day, my wife and I were turning in for the night and all of a sudden I yell "Oh !@#$!" and run out of the room.

I come back a few minutes later and the wife asks me what the problem was.

Me: "Oh. Nothing. I just forgot to buy my nuke. I only get one a day. Good night."

The Wife: "um... You bought a nuclear bomb?"

It took me ten minutes to explain.

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[quote name='watchman' date='27 February 2010 - 04:22 PM' timestamp='1267287974' post='2206586']
LOL Iggy

o/ RandomWoman

I have had too many incidents like this. For instance, the other day, my wife and I were turning in for the night and all of a sudden I yell "Oh !@#$!" and run out of the room.

I come back a few minutes later and the wife asks me what the problem was.

Me: "Oh. Nothing. I just forgot to buy my nuke. I only get one a day. Good night."

The Wife: "um... You bought a nuclear bomb?"

It took me ten minutes to explain.

The gf has had to put up with pretty much exact same.

That, and the 3am alarm to be online for our opening offensive
/mutter mutter update mutter timezones mutter

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[quote name='Believland' date='27 February 2010 - 12:57 PM' timestamp='1267304460' post='2206899']
That's just an excuse to marinate the steak longer. But, was the pizza good?

the crust was crunchy, i prefer it kinda chewy :(

*thought twice about content, my apologies to younger players who may have been offended :)

Edited by keltoi
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[quote name='watchman' date='28 February 2010 - 02:22 AM' timestamp='1267287974' post='2206586']
LOL Iggy

o/ RandomWoman

I have had too many incidents like this. For instance, the other day, my wife and I were turning in for the night and all of a sudden I yell "Oh !@#$!" and run out of the room.

I come back a few minutes later and the wife asks me what the problem was.

Me: "Oh. Nothing. I just forgot to buy my nuke. I only get one a day. Good night."

The Wife: "um... You bought a nuclear bomb?"

It took me ten minutes to explain.

I have been known to run drop everything in the middle of BBQs and other alcohol-fuelled social events to log into CN before update to accept foreign aid offers to not waste slots.

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