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Two Alliances Collided


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Um. Hi.
Rapture and The Aqua Regime merged.... yeah. Here's our new stuff. PC is protecting the AA's "The Aqua Regime" and "Rapture" for the next month. Our forums are [url="http://www.raptureregime.ipbfree.com"]www.raptureregime.ipbfree.com[/url] so come check us out. Also, party in #RR on ColdFront, free beer :awesome:

And without further adeu...


Rapture Regime rises from the merging of two minds and communities, Rapture and The Aqua Regime. Fate brought the alliances together and time will show the power politically, economically, and militarily of a new Aqua alliance. With this being said Rapture Regime does declare the following document our interim Charter.

To become a member of Rapture Regime, all applicants must sign up on RR's forums, and follow the established Application process set by the Triumvirate of Internal Affairs.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs under the Minister of Internal Affairs shall approve an application based on his good judgment.

Article One: The Triumvirate
Rapture Regime will be led by a group of three qualified individuals, otherwise known as the Triumvirate. The Triumvirate shall be broken into a Triumvir of Internal Affairs, Economics, and Foreign Affairs. All three Triumvirs shall work en masse on topics of defense.
Each Minister will work toward the greater good of Rapture Regime in each department they control. Ministers have seniority over the general membership. They are invaluable to the inner workings of RR.

====Removal of the Triumvirate====
Should the membership deem any of the Triumvirs to be unfit for duty, it may remove him or her with a 3/4 majority vote. It may choose to impeach the Triumvirate en masse or individually. In the case of an individual impeachment against the Triumvirate the Minister of the said department shall take the office of Triumvir until a new Triumvir can be elected. Should a Triumvir be impeached the alliance shall vote on a new Triumvir during a 48 hour window.

There shall be four ministers, appointed by the Triumvirate. These ministers shall consist of a Minister of National Affairs, a Minister of Foreign Affairs, a Minister of Internal Affairs, and a Minister of Defense. Should the Triumvirate find a Minister to be unfit for duty, they may appoint a replacement for the Minister at any time.

=====Minister of National Affairs=====
The Minister of National Affairs shall direct the sales of technology and trades as well as all financial matters inside of the alliance, including new nation aid and loans.

=====Minister of Internal Affairs=====
The Minister of Internal Affairs shall direct recruitment, monitor new member applications, membership lists, and nation growth. The Minister of Internal Affairs shall also be responsible for the masking of new members on the forum.

=====Minister of Defense=====
The Minister of Defense shall be in command of the military forces of the alliance, and shall respond to any attacks on the alliance. The Minister of Defense shall also be responsible for enforcing any punishment deemed fit by the Triumvirate upon members that violate the war stance or commit acts of aggression without permission.

=====Minister of Foreign Affairs=====
The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall direct all outside diplomatic activity, which includes negotiation and establishing embassies. The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall only act on the orders of the Triumvir of Foreign Affairs concerning treaty affairs and war.

===War Stance===
No nation of Rapture Regime may commit any act of aggression without the express consent of the Triumvirate or the Minister of Defense, for any reason. An act of aggression shall be defined as any military action, threat, or spy attack. Violation of this war stance shall result in punishment determined by the severity of the offense. The Triumvirate shall decide the punishment which includes fines, reparations, military action, and even expulsion.

===Alliance War===
Alliance war may only be declared by the Triumvirate. All nuclear capable nations in an alliance war are ordered to perform nuclear first strikes.

Charter Amendments may be written by the Ministers with approval from the Triumvirate. The Triumvirate has the right to veto the amendments or overturn the amendments.[/quote]

Gecko, Triumvir
Mteauge93, Triumvir
Presidentmichael, Triumvir[/center]

Oh, and dont forget to hail :smug:

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[quote name='Skibum56' date='01 February 2010 - 08:10 PM' timestamp='1265080209' post='2151862']
RR sounds sexy. Gecko is also very cool. Now guys don't go couping more peoplez.
Of course... of course... :smug:

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[quote name='Mundokiir' date='01 February 2010 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1265080789' post='2151895']
I was going to post something intelligent, but yoyoabc has a hamster as an avatar.

gotta love the hamsters! and much love to everyone who has given us a praise!

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[quote name='DogeWilliam' date='01 February 2010 - 09:28 PM' timestamp='1265081285' post='2151909']
I'm eagerly awaiting the bloody RR vs R&R wars of 2010. :awesome:
Haha yes, I do believe this is an issue that will eventually need to be resolved.

In the meantime, good luck.

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