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You're getting way cocky. Take it from someone who has fought with them before. GOD is nothing to sneeze at, even if you dislike their way of playing.

Well, whenever they get around to actually attacking, I'll be sure to compare notes with you.

But, as I said, I look forward to their disbandment, whenever that may be.

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If you think that having war time coalition planning before a war shows the intent to destroy alliances then I suggest you re-learn how CN works, because I know for certain that both sides have already got restricted IRC channels where planning happens. Nowhere did GOD say they wanted NpO to suffer. Really, alliance leaders plan wars just prior to, and during the war. They don't independently declare on alliances as they see fit, they go "Ah, that alliance is gonna be on the enemies side, SO I suggest alliance X and alliance Y counter against that alliance blah blah blah" This is strategy 101. GOD just decided to skip the formalities and do what everyone knows will happen anyways.

"your argument"

I made no argument, I just highlighted the logic fallacy in yours.

Its thesame as people who justify \m/ tech raiding an alliance by saying \m/ is a sovereign alliance and can do what it wants, and at thesame time decry NpO for attacking without having a treaty. (essentialy saying \m/ can attack who they want, and NpO can't)

"so how can someone judge Polar wrong for what they did and then go and do the same thing?"

Did I (or GOD) give you the impression that NpO did something wrong ? Its called supporting your allies. When you wage war against the wrong people, expect repercussions. You can't ignore your allies if you don't agree with the CB. Refusing to honour your treaties is the lowest thing you can do in CN, and it shows that your alliance is one nobody should be treatied to. If you don't like who your allies declared war on and you have an MDAP with them ? Tough luck. You should have chosen better allies.

Have you ever wondered why those who jump in the war last get easy surrender terms, and those that are at the core of the conflict get the longest war and the harshest terms ? Its because people accept that some alliances are just following treaties, and others start conflicts.

Since these are (imo) neutral observations about CN itself, I will state my opinion. There is nothing wrong with declaring on whoever you want to declare on, as long as you are willing to face the repercussions. Raiding a small alliance like \m/ did was stupid, but their right. NpO calling them out was well within their rights to attack them. GOD in turn was well within their right to attack NSO for messing with people on their side of the treaty web.

Thank you, just wanted some assurance that there are folks meeting in private to discuss how they are going to be jumping in on "that side" considering that we are now on "this side". Thank you.

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A shame that so many people wish to turn this into a global war, and have probably succeeded.

How is it a shame? If you hate war so much, why not join GPA.


U mad?

There is no treaty mandating intervention in this war for almost any alliance which has done so, particularly on the raiding side.

And this is relevant how? As I've said elsewhere - when your allies are at war, you automatically need to join. Simple.

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Take 'em down, GOD. It goes without saying that should anyone be foolish enough to attack you, they shall be met sternly with the Corporate Golf Carts of War.

I am sure these bold words just ensured no one will attack the poor and defenceless GOD, oh brave and almighty Corporation :P

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And this is relevant how? As I've said elsewhere - when your allies are at war, you automatically need to join. Simple.

Might want to watch those words, that is not exactly going to be something that is automatically done in this War.

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Might want to watch those words, that is not exactly going to be something that is automatically done in this War.

Obviously there are many treaties and many fronts, but I think you understand the gist of what I am saying. If a treaty partner of yours as been attacked, and you are not presently committed somewhere - you need to get involved.

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Obviously there are many treaties and many fronts, but I think you understand the gist of what I am saying. If a treaty partner of yours as been attacked, and you are not presently committed somewhere - you need to get involved.

You would think so wouldn't you?

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As can be derived from what you quoted, yes...yes I would.

Well, then, I look forward to seeing your entry into our little war, although I'm surprised you don't also invoke the "it's our side" reasoning and simply jump on the Sith too, while it's popular.

Edited by Chron
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You may be surprised yet again in the near future, who knows?

I would say it is a certainty, but then again - nothing new.

He thinks!

Now I've seen everything. :awesome:

Well, then, I look forward to seeing your entry into our little war, although I'm surprised you don't also invoke the "it's our side" reasoning and simply jump on the Sith too, while it's popular.

As with Karma, we will go wherever we can make the biggest difference. I'm sure GOD and R&R can destroy you adequately enough :nuke:

Edited by Starcraftmazter
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:lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

Krunk, you crack me up boy.

Krunk is correct. That's the first time I've said that, by the way. You're too much of a coward to just declare on us, an alliance you've publicly stated that you despised. Just for once stop flapping your gums and let your tanks do the talking. What are you waiting for?

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What other use is NOIR to you then? If not to have most of black as your meatshields?

That's okey, I don't expect an opportunistic alliance like NSO or anyone in it to understand NOIR.

Krunk is correct. That's the first time I've said that, by the way. You're too much of a coward to just declare on us, an alliance you've publicly stated that you despised. Just for once stop flapping your gums and let your tanks do the talking. What are you waiting for?

U mad boy?

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Krunk is correct. That's the first time I've said that, by the way. You're too much of a coward to just declare on us, an alliance you've publicly stated that you despised. Just for once stop flapping your gums and let your tanks do the talking. What are you waiting for?

Perhaps for more alliances to attack us, so he can declare in relative safety?

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You shouldn't let a piece of paper crush your dreams Starcraftmazter. Give in. Unleash the fury.

Come on now... if it wasn't for paper, he'd have no other way of taking a stand. Heaven forbid he actually do something besides post a public plea to Planet Bob for someone to open a jar for him.

Hell, as much as GOD is mostly fueled by personal grudges rather than anything else, they still at least act on it. If you hate someone enough to want them destroyed, then destroy them. Don't grovel for help like a child.

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