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Salvaged From The Flames

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Tonight, The Ninja's come before you to present a revolutionary new document in the cyber-verse. We believe the brotherhood of the alliance is what matters most. As such, we have created a "Guideline of Governance" of The Ninjas. This is no charter. It is not law. It is merely a guide of what The Ninja's should do. This document is bound to us, rather than us to it. It embodies our flexibility as an alliance, and as such reflects our alliance values. I present to you; The Guideline of Governance.


The Ninjas come from all walks of life. Many histories, many alliances, but all follow the same path. Membership is gained by invitation only but if brotherhood is what you seek, come talk to us. You may be surprised by what you learn and by what we already know about you.

A Ninja Sees All. Fratres in Armis.



Edited by Egwaterboy61
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