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Regarding the next great "CB" debate


Your alliance's sovereignty and its treaties during war: see the OP  

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B. is the obvious choice. When you sign a defensive (or even offensive) treaty with another alliance, you trust that alliance to behave in a manner that you would approve of as an ally. If they do not act in a manner that behooves you, then you should never have signed the treaty.

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B. is the obvious choice. When you sign a defensive (or even offensive) treaty with another alliance, you trust that alliance to behave in a manner that you would approve of as an ally. If they do not act in a manner that behooves you, then you should never have signed the treaty.

Does this mean you disagree with your alliance's doctrine on alliance sovereignty?

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Consistency is important.

The prime CB (The CB posed as the reason for the first DoW on the CN forums) is not as important as your own alliance's reason for entering the war, as an alliance should not accept terms until it's own reasons for entering the war are resolved. If you entered war to support an ally, you should stay until that ally gets peace from those you are fighting. In short, you should know why you are waging war, and not compromise that reason.

People don't enter war just because some stranger did something stupid to some other stranger, they do it because they have a direct interest in it, be it by having strong ties to their allies, by fearing or holding a grudge against part or all of the opposing side, by wanting to profit from loot or reparations, or even by being bored out of their skulls and wanting to boost activity.

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I'll have you know that e-lawyering is a terrible crime here in the great nation of Ogaden, and violators of our sacred land are stripped naked and pelted with rotten tomatoes.

Funny, thats what the people of my nation do on a Friday night

Anyway, there is no treaty we hold we wouldnt honor if called upon. those who wiggle their way out of wars and treaties by citing stuff like "friends on both sides" or start arguing what is aggressive and whats defensive clearly had no intentions of honoring this treaty/these treaties and thus should be sent to the great nation of Ogaden to suffer their punishment

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Funny, thats what the people of my nation do on a Friday night

Anyway, there is no treaty we hold we wouldnt honor if called upon. those who wiggle their way out of wars and treaties by citing stuff like "friends on both sides" or start arguing what is aggressive and whats defensive clearly had no intentions of honoring this treaty/these treaties and thus should be sent to the great nation of Ogaden to suffer their punishment

Are you suggesting that an alliance with conflicting treaties should wiggle their way out of that just so they can go to war? Maybe you are more A) than you think.

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Are you suggesting that an alliance with conflicting treaties should wiggle their way out of that just so they can go to war? Maybe you are more A) than you think.

I think what he's saying is that "friends on both sides" should never be used as if it was some sort of legitimate excuse for not honoring your treaties.

IMO, an alliance that ends up in a "friends on both sides" situation has failed as an alliance and should seriously reconsider how they conduct their foreign affairs. If you can't guarantee that you'll be able to honor your side of a bargain when the time comes, your word is worth nothing. -_-

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i think that would be quite amusing to read and would be pretty effective at getting the message across as well.

I seem to recall it has happened before.

In the 1V-GATO war CSN canceled on GATO but defended them anyways as the attacks were before the treaty expired, which isn't quite the same, but I swear in some war this has happened.

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I seem to recall it has happened before.

In the 1V-GATO war CSN canceled on GATO but defended them anyways as the attacks were before the treaty expired, which isn't quite the same, but I swear in some war this has happened.

we must be getting old as i am not sure which war it happened in either but i have a faint glimmer of a memory of it.

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I'd say the closest answer to what Dark Fist would do is B. At the end of the day we believe in helping our allies above all else. If for some reason they were to do something so horrible that it violated our core beliefs we would deal with it after defending / supporting them in a conflict.

With that in mind, this is the reason that we have very few treaties. We make damn sure before becoming aligned with somebody that there is very very little chance of us ever being on different sides of the ethical fence.

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B. When requested, you roll. Like others have said, don't sign it if you don't mean it. And if requested, there is no such thing as a treaty conflict, if it is defensive.

i have always been amused by the treaty conflict excuse. more often than not, an alliance is hit by multiple alliances thus giving a choice of who to hit to defend your treaty partner.

if only two alliance partner's attack one another, i would assume the aggressor* is at fault thus voiding the treaty in my opinion.

aggressor does not always mean the attacking party, as espionage and other reasons are valid reasons for attacking an alliance.

Edited by Dochartaigh
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I'll have you know that e-lawyering is a terrible crime here in the great nation of Ogaden, and violators of our sacred land are stripped naked and pelted with rotten tomatoes.

Kinky! But, doesn't that explode your population on Thursdays?? :D

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This qualification you make is what I'd like to know more about, since it could mean A.

well you see

if say hypothetically MK was gonna be attacked for an IC action, I wouldn't hesitate too defend them, but if they had deliberately attacked an alliance and its members in an OOC way I would have to have a good long hard think as too what my position on the matter will be.

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Friends > CB.

Know your friends, love and support them, and deal with family problems in private while you still do your duty for/with them, ok?

Is that B? Please tell me, I feel a need to enshrine my option via vote button.

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I'd be happy with the leaders on these forums not straining to come up with disingenuous objections for or against the CB because they don't like the alliance making the DoW or are allied (or just like) the alliance who's subject to the DoW.

The e-lawyering makes these forums virtually un-readable.

The honourable thing to do would be to keep to "ya, they're in the wrong, but they're our allies so we'll defend them," if you absolutely must post anything at all.

*edit: Oh, and actually defend them...

Edited by Louis Balfour
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Our government would be honored to join yours for a private dinner.

One friendly understanding we ask of you is please do not expect us to eat everything you serve and tell you it is delicious. Please also do not ask us to lie to our other friends, should they solicit opinions of your cooking staff's culinary skills.

Speaking for my government, I can promise great discretion and much diplomatic finesse, but not outright dishonesty.

Should we agree on this, perhaps we might continue to share private state dinners. In some cases, we might even share recipes, or chefs, or even help each other find better chefs.

This arrangement to me is how our environment is viewed by those who pick A). Take out the honesty and we have those who choose B).

Open to you thoughts,


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