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One year on planet Bob


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Mr. Dahl, congratulations on making it a year. While some may like you and some may dislike you, the fact remains that people know you. That is something of an accomplishment in and of itself.

Not necessarily a good accomplishment, but anyway good luck on becoming known for the right rather than wrong reasons in your next year.

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No no you've got it all wrong, you see NOW I'm misinformed, while I was correctly informed before.

Vladimir explained it much better, sorry.

I don't know why you're dragging me into this, especially since I never dared make the claim that you were informed before. Indeed, the only reason I know that you were in the Order is because your name came up a few times with comrades complaining that your ill-informed posts were damaging the alliance. You seemed to read one sentence of history and then decide that it was easier to construct the rest in your imagination rather than doing the necessary research, and then refused to accept this fact when people who knew what they were talking about tried to help you. Indeed, I don't particularly care how informed you are NOW; it was only a concern when you were reflecting on my alliance.

Now, I'm sorry, I don't mean to attack you in your anniversary/I hate NPO thread, but lest we get caught up in some sort of crazed-stalker situation here, I'm going to have to give it to you bluntly. When I said in the other thread that it was easier just to ignore you, it wasn't because you're my arch-nemesis, or the scourge of Pacifica, or because your logic and vast historical knowledge is of unconquerable strength, or anything like that. It was because you take things off-topic with random ill-informed posts (usually about yourself) that in normal circumstances would demand correction, and then you try to get the last word in regardless of how factually incorrect you have been shown to be, thus creating a tedious and time-consuming circle of irrelevance. In that particular incident I was contending that your posts were so bad that they necessitated no correction, since anyone reading them would automatically dismiss them on their own merits.

I hope that we can now put this little dual that you are constructing in your mind behind us.

Congratulations on your first year.

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Whatever Mr. Hairy-legs over there says, I like you much better now that you're not an idiot.

(Really, you're actually funny in a non-pitiful way.)

I believe acquiring a coterie of haters is really a sign you've 'made it' on planet Bob.

Edited by James Dahl
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I remember talking to you during the karma war while you were still in NPO. Good times.

I remember that too, it was good times :)

It seems I made it quite a while ago, then.

Coterie of haters and an alliance leader, you're there, man :awesome:

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I remember you.

Your early posts were quite misinformed, but I reckon that isnt your fault. Credit for finally withdrawing your support from the folk that kept you misinformed, and seeking a better path, however imperfectly.

Pretty much what this guy said. I also have been meaning to take you off my ignore list (since your still there from the Vox days), but have been to lazy to actually do it.

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