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Calm Before The Storm?


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Is this the Calm before the Storm?

Just to be clear, this current TPF fiasco, and what may or may not go down in the next few days, IS NOT the Storm, it's the Calm. Think about it; How many days has it been with no DoWs? I'm not trying to insult any of the Alliances involved, but if we really are at this point, this Pixels > Friends, as it's been so 'tactfully' put, when MDoAPs have no hold, no meaning, what do you think is going to happen? Do you believe these Coalitions of Alliances will hold together, these MDoAPs stand in place, with little to no meaning?

Honestly, If things go this way, I can see a major collapse in the future, and one could only rightfully assume that chaos would ensue. Who really has whose back, who can be trusted, why should we help you, they didn't help them? New lines drawn, I could see a World War in the future for Planet Bob

So what I am asking is this; with something like this possibly on the horizon; when is it time for us, all of Planet Bob, to step in and ensure this all doesn't fall apart, and it doesn't come to that?

I know all this Posturing may turn out to be all for nothing, and things just go back to the way they were, but really; what if?

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Lucas, thanks for your concern.

Perhaps instead of worrying about TPF and her allies you should go and read up on the Spartan Guide to buying improvements.

Ruler: LucasSnow

Nation Name: Veldin

Improvements: Barracks: 2, Foreign Ministries: 1, Guerrilla Camps: 5, Harbors: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 1

Have a nice day.


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Lucas, thanks for your concern.

Perhaps instead of worrying about TPF and her allies you should go and read up on the Spartan Guide to buying improvements.

Ruler: LucasSnow

Nation Name: Veldin

Improvements: Barracks: 2, Foreign Ministries: 1, Guerrilla Camps: 5, Harbors: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 1

Have a nice day.


Because as we all know nation management is related to political knowledge.

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I'm still trying to figure out if Athens is instigating yet another curbstomp, or if they're attempting to provoke a global war.

Assuming, for a moment, that Athens is indeed attempting to instigate a major global conflict the only possible target could be The Citadel (unless Londo et al have become exceptionally stupid which even I would find difficult to beleive and are gunning for another major bloc like Frostbite) they would have to find some way to get the Independent Republic of Orange Nations to declare, hit them and start the draw for The Order of Paradox and Argent. If this is the case, bravo, but I don't see it really working out.

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I'm still trying to figure out if Athens is instigating yet another curbstomp, or if they're attempting to provoke a global war.

Wow, I wasnt aware that we had ever engineered a prior curbstomp, which would be required to make this "yet another curbstomp". Lets check my memory....

Athens War History: noCB- Result: Athens obliterated.

Karma: Athens victory.

The end.

I miust have missed those curbstomps that we engineered.

/me runs off to read the Wiki.

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