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The Brain and Freelancer - Reunited.


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Let me clarify this whole PZI thing. Freelancer is not on USN's PZI list (for we don't have one), nor that of any alliance in CDT. PZI is Permanent. Freelancer is not on ZI Permanently. He was put on ZI for being a threat to USN. Anyone who tries to dispute the fact that he's a threat is a fool - Free has stated multiple times that he would like nothing more than to coup Cora and "restore USN to what it was". This spying attempt is just the latest in a long line of offenses. He'll be taken off of ZI as soon as he can prove he's not a threat to USN. Knowing him, it will be a long time before he even tries to - he takes way too much joy in being an asshat. Cora simply used the term PZI because there's not a term for "ZI until he stops spying, threatening to coup our legitimate government, and being incredibly insulting beyond normal standards".

My apologies for being a bit abrasive, but I get extremely irritated when people who know damn well what he deserves try to defend him. You find him entertaining because of what he does to CDT, but you'd feel exactly the way we do if he were doing it to SF. Only difference is CDT would put try to put a stop to it out of respect for you guys.

Okay now I am REALLY confused:

Halflinger posts his displeasure about The Brain seemingly offering membership to a person on a Perma ZI list...

Friends of the parties involve jump in and boo The Brain as well...

UPN Leader states we dont have them on a Perma ZI list, its those guys over at the USN...

You come in (USN Leadership) and state no no its not us...

So can someone point out to me who has him on the perma ZI list so I can go mock them? Unless of course your comment, "He'll be taken off of ZI as soon as he can prove he's not a threat to USN." is Perma ZI's little known cousin, Semi-Perma ZI?

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Okay now I am REALLY confused:

Halflinger posts his displeasure about The Brain seemingly offering membership to a person on a Perma ZI list...

Friends of the parties involve jump in and boo The Brain as well...

UPN Leader states we dont have them on a Perma ZI list, its those guys over at the USN...

You come in (USN Leadership) and state no no its not us...

So can someone point out to me who has him on the perma ZI list so I can go mock them? Unless of course your comment, "He'll be taken off of ZI as soon as he can prove he's not a threat to USN." is Perma ZI's little known cousin, Semi-Perma ZI?

I think people are interpreting USN's statement that they won't remove him unless he makes an effort to "prove he's not a threat to USN" to being put on Perma-ZI. This means that USN can dictate how he has to prove this rather than using a simple objective standard like being completely ZI'd and/or allianceless. And, if the posts are any indications, I don't think Freelancer is going to lift a finger to "prove" anything to people he views negatively. Thus, Perma-ZI without the name.

I do think it would be a good faith sign for USN to remove Freelancer themselves after they finish whatever punishment they deem necessary without requiring the whole "prove you're not a threat to us", but, frankly, it's none of my business :P

Edited by Xerxes II
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Okay now I am REALLY confused:

Halflinger posts his displeasure about The Brain seemingly offering membership to a person on a Perma ZI list...

Friends of the parties involve jump in and boo The Brain as well...

UPN Leader states we dont have them on a Perma ZI list, its those guys over at the USN...

You come in (USN Leadership) and state no no its not us...

So can someone point out to me who has him on the perma ZI list so I can go mock them? Unless of course your comment, "He'll be taken off of ZI as soon as he can prove he's not a threat to USN." is Perma ZI's little known cousin, Semi-Perma ZI?

He is on no one's Permanent ZI list. He is on UPN's ZI list, and on USN's ZI list until he is no longer a threat. He hasn't even attempted to contact us about getting off the list, so he has a ways to go to earn our trust. Cora and Haf used the term Perma ZI because they truly believe Freelancer will never change - he will continue to scheme to get USN to fit his demented vision of what it should be, until he either succeeds or stops playing. I am more optimistic, and have a small shred of hope that he will change his ways and leave us alone. If he leaves us alone, he will be left alone. Call it what you want, but the ZI is not Permanent. It will simply stand until Freelancer changes.

One question that has been completely ignored while you all argue over the semantics of Free's ZI, is why in the world The Brain wants him as a member. The fact that they do seems to speak volume about the character of their alliance, at least to me.

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He is on no one's Permanent ZI list. He is on UPN's ZI list, and on USN's ZI list until he is no longer a threat. He hasn't even attempted to contact us about getting off the list, so he has a ways to go to earn our trust. Cora and Haf used the term Perma ZI because they truly believe Freelancer will never change - he will continue to scheme to get USN to fit his demented vision of what it should be, until he either succeeds or stops playing. I am more optimistic, and have a small shred of hope that he will change his ways and leave us alone. If he leaves us alone, he will be left alone. Call it what you want, but the ZI is not Permanent. It will simply stand until Freelancer changes.

One question that has been completely ignored while you all argue over the semantics of Free's ZI, is why in the world The Brain wants him as a member. The fact that they do seems to speak volume about the character of their alliance, at least to me.

Sometimes friendship is greater than Infra.

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He is on no one's Permanent ZI list. He is on UPN's ZI list, and on USN's ZI list until he is no longer a threat. He hasn't even attempted to contact us about getting off the list, so he has a ways to go to earn our trust. Cora and Haf used the term Perma ZI because they truly believe Freelancer will never change - he will continue to scheme to get USN to fit his demented vision of what it should be, until he either succeeds or stops playing. I am more optimistic, and have a small shred of hope that he will change his ways and leave us alone. If he leaves us alone, he will be left alone. Call it what you want, but the ZI is not Permanent. It will simply stand until Freelancer changes.

One question that has been completely ignored while you all argue over the semantics of Free's ZI, is why in the world The Brain wants him as a member. The fact that they do seems to speak volume about the character of their alliance, at least to me.

What is the point of attacking his nation? None of the threats or actions he's allegedly or actually made/taken against USN have involved his nation in the least. He can continue his actions just as well with or without Infrastructure, thus you do nothing to make yourselves safe from him. Leaving only the admitted reasoning of hoping to drive him from this world entirely by keeping his nation in ruin.

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Wait..when did Kait join GOD? and whats GOD got to do this this subject anyhow

This confuses me as well.

And this entire thread just makes me laugh hysterically. Oh the fun statements people have made... people should be more careful about what they say. Why? You all will be quoted if/when you turn around and become the very thing you preached against here. Take this as fair warning. And yes, this is a threat by me.

Put me on your ZI list. :v:

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This confuses me as well.

And this entire thread just makes me laugh hysterically. Oh the fun statements people have made... people should be more careful about what they say. Why? You all will be quoted if/when you turn around and become the very thing you preached against here. Take this as fair warning. And yes, this is a threat by me.

Put me on your ZI list. :v:

Are you totally serious?

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So can someone point out to me who has him on the perma ZI list so I can go mock them? Unless of course your comment, "He'll be taken off of ZI as soon as he can prove he's not a threat to USN." is Perma ZI's little known cousin, Semi-Perma ZI?

From what I understand kaitlink, he is not in "perma-zi" he has been put on a ZI list and will only be removed from said list if he stops commiting some sort of asshatery towards the alliance members. Something everyone involved with USN domestic affairs should understand, something you personally, should understand kaitlink as I recall you being in the same position not too long ago.

I believe I am in a difficult position here, on one hand I am a former USN leader, a proud one I might add. On the other, the Brain is keeping my little alliance in protection, with Freelancer personally sticking his neck out to defend me. I do believe that in my last formal act as member of the USN AC, I made a threat to the Brain to release Freelancer to us or to shut him up, failure to do so would result in war...I wasn't that clear with the threat, it was a bit more vague than that but it was the ultimatum we gave. Freelancer, in his wisdom, decided to let go of USN and promised to stop harrassing it. Happy to have an issue resolved (for once) we moved on. Now, I don't know what's happened in the last few weeks, but all of a sudden Free is on a USN ZI list and people are appaled that the Brain would accept him into their alliance? Was it not clear weeks ago, that they and their allies were ready to defend him from USN attacks before?

I don't know what Free did to renew USN's anger, and I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it (his silence here must mean something). But for people to expect the Brain to leave one of their own out in the cold, I'm afraid you don't know that alliance very well.

Now with all that said, you two really aren't that different, in fact it's kind of fun having a mutual arch enemy, at least you know who the bad guy is. Instead of all this spying and plotting business we have with alliances around the world, this is one rivalry where things aren't that subtle.

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Wait..when did Kait join GOD? and whats GOD got to do this this subject anyhow
No. You see, by being in an alliance allied to people that do PZI, she has supported it, and is wholly in favor of it, and does it all the time.

I am the new Ebil Force on Maroon :ph34r:

Spam, Bacon, Ruben, Rogue Wars, Kaiser Martens, Perma ZI, Killing Puppies... you name it I did it! Muhahahaha!

Seriously, its Freelancer we are talking about here. You can slap him around, threaten him, and put him on all the lists you want but if your expecting to teach him a lesson then your just foolish.

I am not entirely sure how he is expected to get off your Semi-Perma ZI List when the term is "until he is no longer a threat" Do you even have a clue what your looking for with that one... blood oath, boyscout honor, pinky promise?

Edit: Forgot about Ruben (thanks Wicked)

Ninja Edit: Rogue Wars (thanks Goose)

Edited by KaitlinK
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Seriously, its Freelancer we are talking about here. You can slap him around, threaten him, and put him on all the lists you want but if your expecting to teach him a lesson then your just foolish.

I am not entirely sure how he is expected to get off your Semi-Perma ZI List when the term is "until he is no longer a threat" Do you even have a clue what your looking for with that one... blood oath, boyscout honor, pinky promise?

I thought, and still think that it is pretty clear what needs to be said and done. A wise man once told me, "Sometimes it pays to be obvious, especially when you're known for being subtle"

USN, ever the artists of subletly, have been obvious.

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Friendship is always greater than Infra. The question is, why are they friends with him?

I, for one, enjoy his company. I always know exactly where he stands. For all the threats of duplicity and underhandedness that get thrown at him, he's never been anything but forthright and honest. I like that about him. He also has no fear for himself, and only worries about the state of others that matter to him. What's infra to something like that?

He's certainly more entertaining than you.

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He is on no one's Permanent ZI list. He is on UPN's ZI list, and on USN's ZI list until he is no longer a threat.

So, he's on USPN's ZI list until an arbitrary judgment is made saying that Freelancer 'is no longer a threat'? Yes, I can call it whatever I want and I think I'll just go ahead and call that a PZI. As his infrastructure has no bearing on whether or not he's a 'threat' since he can just as easily be a threat in your definition with no infrastructure as he does with what he's got now. So what you're going to have to do is convince him to change his opinions and stop being who he is or you have to get him to leave the game, hence I use the term PZI because I would seriously doubt that you're going to change a person by reducing statistics in a game. When the ZI sentence is not based off of something objective and instead is based off of the subjective judgments of a group of individuals that have a rocky history with the subject of the sentence then I tend to call that a PZI.

One question that has been completely ignored while you all argue over the semantics of Free's ZI, is why in the world The Brain wants him as a member. The fact that they do seems to speak volume about the character of their alliance, at least to me.

I would imagine they would want him to stick around in the alliance because they're friends. It does speak volumes about their character in that they are stubborn enough to support their friends in the face of adversity. That's about the highest compliment I can give to an alliance by the way, so this fact is an endorsement to them and not a detraction as you seem to imply that it is.

EDIT: Mechanics

Edited by Bones Malone
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