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A Statement about Mario Kart


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By the way, from what I've seen, SimplyAmazing has gone quiet and that means that this RD nation is STILL out of anarchy. Can someone please retarget this guy?


The way it turns out, it seems Raam won last round because he bribed his attackers to go quiet. Otherwise, my 28k would have been tops. Are there any irregularities in this RD v Pork Shrimp war?

Yeah sorry about that, I was one of his attackers roflmao. His SDI blocked my first nuke and hten he bribed me not to try again :lol1: .

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I would just like to point out that, of all the actions KingAdam could take, no matter how dumb they would be, this thread of yours can eclipse them with minimal effort :rolleyes:

We would never sell a flag. So you might want to revise your conspiracy theory :P

Isnt the flag sold every round since Round 5?

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TFD, by the way, if you're still on the thread, Gizzles of RD has 119m total collection, about the same as Swestburg. If you don't target him, you lose. Then again, Swestburg is too lightly covered not to win at this point.

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If you are so worried about how people finish, why don't you post your own nation ID and go after whoever you are worried about?? You hide and ask others to fight for you, I wouldn't do it. That's why I quit TE in the first place!

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Smaller alliances are too plentiful to make the argument anything significant.

As for being at war for 1/3 of the round, by your words you had a 2-3 day war with CTA. And SWAT can hardly be considered constantly at war when they were constantly under your heel. Don't try and stretch out what was a simple curbstomp.

Look, I know you're in that alliance so you won't agree with me. But CTA wasn't exactly gung ho this round in fighting people. You rank up among the top in alliances that did the least fighting and thus the most infra hugging, whether you do care about it or not is not what I was saying, I was relating the amount of wars you got into prior to these last days in hell week to being a hippy.

So explain to us all exactly what your problem is and what is it you want? You want a first time alliance like CTA with no experience of TE to just blindly throw themselves around declaring on anything and everything? For what purpose pray tell? They waited the first few weeks to try to build at least a little but that doesn't suit you oh wise one? Then they declared on an alliance that was higher up the sanction list than they were but that doesn't suit you either eh?

They then made an agreement to peace out that war when it turned out the war had possible ramifications for the stability of the white sphere they are based on and then settled back to trying to find their feet in this unknown environment but that doesn't suit you either does it oh wise one?

Tell you what why don't you set about making a strategy for all of us so we all know what we should be doing because we are truly all in it only for your approval anyway though we weren't aware of that till now.

Edited by TigerBaby
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By the way, anyone planning on hitting Kamek?


He's only being rogued by one guy, and that guy is low on nukes against an SDI-armed nation.


Has also gotten out of nuclear anarchy


Has been rogued already, but his rogue seems reluctant to push him back under the nuclear anarchy glow.

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So explain to us all exactly what your problem is and what is it you want?

Couldn't have said it better. You all seem to think you own the truth and are able to decide how this game should be played, what is right or wrong and who deserves to be attacked.

Let me remind you that it was this kind of twisted sense of right and wrong that put Planet Bob where it is right now, don't make it happen too to Planet Steve.

You like to play by mindlessly and often unintelligently attacking people throughout the two months, that's fine. We don't. We have our own way of playing. Personally I don't mind that you declare war on us for it, that you try your best to take us down because you don't like how we play. I have no problem with it and I commend you for doing it.

I do have a problem with this kind of threads though, where a few cowards take advantage of others to do their dirty work. I do have a problem with the judgement of values that you do in threads like this, it's not your place nor your right to judge if what we are doing is right or not and it's certainly it's not your right to insult us over it. I do have a problem with people deciding how this game should be played and placing a status quo of what is acceptable and what is not - beyond the game rules that is.

For the OP, next time you want to see us attacked, be a man and write a DoW. Same goes for everyone who thinks what we do is immoral, unjust or remotely evil. We play the game our way, do something about it or keep your mouth shut.

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What if they don't want to shut up, boss? Perhaps this is how they enjoy their time on Steve... <_<

Edit: typo, yeah ...

Edited by Wabooz
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Yeah sorry about that, I was one of his attackers roflmao. His SDI blocked my first nuke and hten he bribed me not to try again :lol1: .

Now we both know I didn't bribe you. I told you to wait because the current #1 guy was definitely slot filling and we both didn't want him to win. By the time he got deleted you were out of the top 5% and couldn't buy nukes anymore. Not my fault. You received nothing from me so don't try and make it sound like I gave you something in return. Lets at least say what actually happened.

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Couldn't have said it better. You all seem to think you own the truth and are able to decide how this game should be played, what is right or wrong and who deserves to be attacked.

Let me remind you that it was this kind of twisted sense of right and wrong that put Planet Bob where it is right now, don't make it happen too to Planet Steve.

You like to play by mindlessly and often unintelligently attacking people throughout the two months, that's fine. We don't. We have our own way of playing. Personally I don't mind that you declare war on us for it, that you try your best to take us down because you don't like how we play. I have no problem with it and I commend you for doing it.

I do have a problem with this kind of threads though, where a few cowards take advantage of others to do their dirty work. I do have a problem with the judgement of values that you do in threads like this, it's not your place nor your right to judge if what we are doing is right or not and it's certainly it's not your right to insult us over it. I do have a problem with people deciding how this game should be played and placing a status quo of what is acceptable and what is not - beyond the game rules that is.

For the OP, next time you want to see us attacked, be a man and write a DoW. Same goes for everyone who thinks what we do is immoral, unjust or remotely evil. We play the game our way, do something about it or keep your mouth shut.

Some people like things to stay quiet so nobody pays attention to them. TFD have already won twice by making sure nobody paid attention to them until the last minute. Mario Kart pretty much got away with it again. All that is being done in this thread is making sure certain nations aren't left alone to gaming the system by ghosting other aa's, forming single man alliances, slot filling, playing dead etc. There are plenty of alliances who would like a flag, who have done some actual fighting throughout the round. Also, nobody is forcing anybody to attack you or your friends. They are being attacked because 1. Your goons declared on them 2. Because they see that some alliances have been doing nothing but hiding all round 3. They don't like seeing the same people win every time and 4. Many of you bribe other nations into taking peace/ not attacking.

I thought you guys lived for the challenge of winning a flag every round. You should be happy about this thread then.

A note to nations being bribed. I was bribed into sending peace last round and never received any tech. If your attacker is offering a bribe, chances are they have a very high change of winning (and large warchests). I wouldn't trust anybody offering a bribe.

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Some people like things to stay quiet so nobody pays attention to them. TFD have already won twice by making sure nobody paid attention to them until the last minute. Mario Kart pretty much got away with it again. All that is being done in this thread is making sure certain nations aren't left alone to gaming the system by ghosting other aa's, forming single man alliances, slot filling, playing dead etc. There are plenty of alliances who would like a flag, who have done some actual fighting throughout the round. Also, nobody is forcing anybody to attack you or your friends. They are being attacked because 1. Your goons declared on them 2. Because they see that some alliances have been doing nothing but hiding all round 3. They don't like seeing the same people win every time and 4. Many of you bribe other nations into taking peace/ not attacking.

I thought you guys lived for the challenge of winning a flag every round. You should be happy about this thread then.

A note to nations being bribed. I was bribed into sending peace last round and never received any tech. If your attacker is offering a bribe, chances are they have a very high change of winning (and large warchests). I wouldn't trust anybody offering a bribe.

You clearly are either too obtuse to understand or just not trying hard enough; winning Tournament Edition is not distinguishing the best fighter or the idiot who fights the longest time. Winning Tournament edition distinguishes the nation or group who manages to put himself or one of them on the #1 position by the end of the round - and there are no specific rules for that (except as CN's) nor binding morals. Part of that is not being an idiot and fight all the wars that knock your door. Part of that is knowing how, when and against who to pick your fights.

There are plenty of alliances who would like a flag, who have done some actual fighting throughout the round. -> To imply that because an alliance has fought throughout the round that alliance deserves the flag is borderline ridiculous. The alliance who deserves the flag is that one who better managed its wars, whether they are individual or collective, nation building and foreign affairs in order to achieve a favorable situation by the end of the round. For some misguided reason some people seem to think only the military part matters and they still suck at it because their management of it is none.

The fact certain alliances just sit back and relax while you fight around is the product of your lack of intelligence when it comes to pick the wars. Why would those alliances fight when you are already entertained hammering down their direct competitors? Their objective is to win the game, not fighting the most people (and while I understand that you might claim that your objective is having the most fun and that you achieve it by fighting constantly, but then you shouldn't come around claiming you deserve a flag, you can't have both worlds) - if you do it for them, they have no reason to do it themselves. It's not like they are hiding for no reason, it's because it's not profitable.

I assure you most of the alliances who don't move would engage in one or two wars if that's what they needed to win the round. Heck, it's what they do at the end of the round at an individual level. It's not infra hugging, it's being efficient towards winning the game.

And don't fool yourself, this thread is nothing but "Mario Kart are evil because they play the way they do". And that adds nothing to the challenge of winning the flag other than limitating the game to what people think it's right.

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HAHAHAHAHA DUDE I JUST MESSED MYSELF! We have been in wars since day 3. SWAT and OB hit us right after we got done with the OP war. Who are you? And what are you talking about?

Who was it you were at war with on day 3? I don't think you were.

I believe your first war this session was OP.

Form the thread, the OP and MHA peace announcement came on Nov 19 2009, 12:38 AM:


From their DoW, OB and SWAT declared war on Nov 27 2009, 11:22 PM:


That's 8 days. I'm talking about the truth. At the time you had more nations and more NS than they did combined. They crushed you guys so badly OB went looking for other wars out of boredom, and you guys haven't done anything since.

I don't feel like TPF has to take crap on warring from MHA.

Especially not this session. So I'm not. Get over it.

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HAHAHAHAHA DUDE I JUST MESSED MYSELF! We have been in wars since day 3. SWAT and OB hit us right after we got done with the OP war. Who are you? And what are you talking about?

I'm assuming thats Clashpoint....in which case he would be a prominent TPF member...... ^_^

Mario Kart eh? Well, this round is almost over.....I wouldn't be surprised if OP had an AA they would merge with at the last day....in fact, thats a pretty awesome tactic.

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I guess it's time to make an official apology on behalf of Mario Kart and all of its associated members; we sincerely apologize for getting complete and good trades, for buying improvements in the correct order, and for buying wonders that help us growing. It is with shame that I admit that we have indeed spent money on infrastructure while playing this round. It is an incredible sin, I know, and I will personally make sure that for the remainder of this round we will repent it. For the next round, I promise to spend all money solely on land and cruise missiles, and fight like a man amongst the rest of the 2k nations.

No but seriously, the only thing we, Mario Kart, The Fighting Division, or whatever you choose to call us has proven is that a small, dedicated, and more importantly a group bound by strong friendship; can stand up against larger and much stronger alliances. With resilience and spirit we have taken on the challenges brought upon us and kept on fighting. The last round for instance, I went from around 20k to around 5k in only a matter of days, just to be able to launch a nuke that could possibly save us the flag; and that example is a very poor one in portraying how many dedicated members we have at our proposal. Our greatest assets have never been great numbers or great resources, but strong minds with strong wills. I guess that our glory and grandeur make people envious and causes threads such as this one, but it is all worth it in the end. The only effect this has on us is to forge our internal relationships even further, beyond what you possible can comprehend.

And on a side note: somehow I feel incredibly gangsta seeing how my nation is being linked frequently throughout this thread. Makes we wonder why you people cannot attack me directly and instead have to ask other rulers for assistance. Where is your guts, where is your courage?


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For the OP, next time you want to see us attacked, be a man and write a DoW. Same goes for everyone who thinks what we do is immoral, unjust or remotely evil. We play the game our way, do something about it or keep your mouth shut.

Ok so i find it ironic that respectable alliances have to write DoW's on you to be a man, what does that make these splinter alliances for no DoW?

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I guess it's time to make an official apology on behalf of Mario Kart and all of its associated members; we sincerely apologize for getting complete and good trades, for buying improvements in the correct order, and for buying wonders that help us growing. It is with shame that I admit that we have indeed spent money on infrastructure while playing this round. It is an incredible sin, I know, and I will personally make sure that for the remainder of this round we will repent it. For the next round, I promise to spend all money solely on land and cruise missiles, and fight like a man amongst the rest of the 2k nations.

No but seriously, the only thing we, Mario Kart, The Fighting Division, or whatever you choose to call us has proven is that a small, dedicated, and more importantly a group bound by strong friendship; can stand up against larger and much stronger alliances. With resilience and spirit we have taken on the challenges brought upon us and kept on fighting. The last round for instance, I went from around 20k to around 5k in only a matter of days, just to be able to launch a nuke that could possibly save us the flag; and that example is a very poor one in portraying how many dedicated members we have at our proposal. Our greatest assets have never been great numbers or great resources, but strong minds with strong wills. I guess that our glory and grandeur make people envious and causes threads such as this one, but it is all worth it in the end. The only effect this has on us is to forge our internal relationships even further, beyond what you possible can comprehend.

And on a side note: somehow I feel incredibly gangsta seeing how my nation is being linked frequently throughout this thread. Makes we wonder why you people cannot attack me directly and instead have to ask other rulers for assistance. Where is your guts, where is your courage?


:mellow: I'd do it if I wasn't in anarchy and locked in five wars with mostly anarched LE and OP nations.

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Ok so i find it ironic that respectable alliances have to write DoW's on you to be a man, what does that make these splinter alliances for no DoW?

You clearly misunderstood my point. I challenged all the cowards, in particular the one that made this thread, to - next time they want to see us attacked - write a DoW and go ahead with it instead of making a thread painting us and the way we play as evil.

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You clearly misunderstood my point. I challenged all the cowards, in particular the one that made this thread, to - next time they want to see us attacked - write a DoW and go ahead with it instead of making a thread painting us and the way we play as evil.

No not really, your still asking that the OP and "cowards" to be decent and write a DoW instead of moaning, when "you" and the other splinter cells neglected showing the decency of posting a DoW yourself.

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No not really, your still asking that the OP and "cowards" to be decent and write a DoW instead of moaning, when "you" and the other splinter cells neglected showing the decency of posting a DoW yourself.

This is what I meant:

You clearly misunderstood my point. I challenged all the cowards, in particular the one that made this thread, to - next time they want to see us attacked - write a DoW and go ahead with it instead of making a thread painting us and the way we play as evil.

Somehow I think I am more qualified to interpret my own words... But since you seem to be slow gathering the information, I'll type it step by step slowly.

For the OP, next time you want to see us attacked, be a man and write a DoW. Same goes for everyone who thinks what we do is immoral, unjust or remotely evil. We play the game our way, do something about it or keep your mouth shut.

Red part - Now, where are you seeing me asking anything to anyone? In case you're still not sure the tone I used is not of someone asking something, I suggest you try using it on someone while actually asking something to see the result it produces.

Green part - See above.

Blue Part - I am asking so much here.. damn it's almost begging. Grow up and stop saying I said something I didn't. Try using whatever intelligence you have to fight my points with arguments instead of empty and misleading words.

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Red part - Now, where are you seeing me asking anything to anyone? In case you're still not sure the tone I used is not of someone asking something, I suggest you try using it on someone while actually asking something to see the result it produces.
For the OP, next time you want to see us attacked, be a man and write a DoW.Same goes for everyone who thinks what we do is immoral, unjust or remotely evil.

Your right you wasnt asking you was telling them, so my previous point still stands, also dont insult my intelligence just because you cannot distinguish what you said is asking/telling someone to do what you never did.

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