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Most Hated Player


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Yo Bilrow, I'm really happy for you, and I'm gonna let you finish, but Prodigal Chieftain was the most hated CN player of ALL TIME

That made me laugh.

Well, astronaut jones is the only person in all of my time here I've ever bothered to put on my forum ignore list, if that counts.

Using that criteria then it would be WarriorConcept for me. Not only is he on ignore on these forums and the NPO forums (when he was a member), but also on ignore on IRC.

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What are you jealous of his attention, LJ? Will it make you feel better if i said I hate you? Because I do. A lot.

That's cool bro. I personally couldn't care less about yourself. Tho perhaps I'm less emotionally invested in this game than yourself. Anyways keep up the healthy dislike for myself, if that's what floats your boat.

Hmmm, interesting. So Umbrella is admitting that it has spies in NPOs private channel? How else would LJ know that Bilrow put out the call to support him on the OWF in #npowned? Looks like a solid CB NPO has on you.
Well it's either that or LJ is once again talking out of his $@! and should cram it. Either or.

2+2 usually equals 4. Go figure.

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That's cool bro. I personally couldn't care less about yourself. Tho perhaps I'm less emotionally invested in this game than yourself. Anyways keep up the healthy dislike for myself, if that's what floats your boat.

It's been a while since I saw the "too cool for school" defense.

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I won't argue with those saying Moldavi is probably the most hated by others, since I have barely been around more than a year and a half. :P

My most hated player... I've never hated anyone per se, but I have disliked some in the past. Names like Ionizer, arcofmudkip, and Barrak come to mind.

I'll get over them eventually. :ph34r:

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The speech itself has been deleted, either at the time, or through time, I'm not sure which, however it was put up on the wiki.


Thank you Nintenderek. I'll vote for you the next time your name shows up in a poll. :v:

(also hi Jarkko :])

Edited by Salmacis
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Hmm, which player do I loathe most in the game? Probably myself; I've had more than my fair share of farces in the past.

Other than that, I can't find myself actually loathing anyone. I know there are people I should, but I really just pity them because they are all hopelessly incompetent, or their egos are too inflated for them to ever succeed in this game.

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